HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1984-3-14 (2) . .. RESIDENTIAL.. AFPLI~A7ION/PERftilT 225 North 5th Street Sprir'.gfieZd, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job !.oc.:::i:m: Slid. ?-~'~J \~ 02...rn !1l \ Tc:: LocH ('fCff'( ') ~8"eBOO"3 .'.!:rp II Subdi:ri:JiCrt: o..'J1.u": ~ , I\1.kQ..Q , \.f\~}~ Addr'llS~: c;.~: n n '1tJ"'_' PI-.or.e: 7;)'t, - ?'5 7 i Zip: 07 t( 77 Desc:-;be rl'ork: ~,~ Ac!Ci tiC" R Ramod/ll n""l' ..OD~ if ,.~3 c2-/,-/-(fj Datil of .tppZica:icn Value -. -,c~eo"t ; /<; C, Z S-? (.p 0~' ;() ] \q1b ,. Si<:rr.ed: Date: 40 7.--II/-y<1 Cert41'"Cll PZtcnbing ~.;O":l"::C=01"8 AdtL-es3 Lise.., G.,uAJ....:k. '-"?(..I~~' .1d-u./J fI~AJJ / fJ/./{t! ,I I / ' Phon4: "/ ::J(. -75';( !l.~tr";ccl ,'.tQ::Nrr.;.c::l COrt4tr-.lc!"i.:m l.l:"J1dql" :Jf!gJ,.,~.."t!_ r"'''f-~".ti~,q O SITE I;"l~?::C':'!j,'l: ~o be rrcce a::cav.::a::..:m, ,",ut pM.cr :: se: f"""'s. o after u? of cmDz."?S:'.4.3 P~l.':J3I:1G, ET.-ZC7."?IC.1! ~ ;-!ECH;.'/I.";.U.: ';'0 De maQ.s bejor~ C11y wr.ic ::6 ':olJc:oed. o ~r.';c ~ FOU:!D.1TIC.'I: To be rrac!e after :rencnes c:.rg a.:cc:..,at~d ar.d terms are erec:ad, but prwl' tc pcurir..g canere::.. o !r.l!)J::iC.~lr.!D ?:.t..~;:IC. DRAI:l,,';Z: To cS n::I.:S U"..g :rer.c;...as. S~=.~, ;J.1:E"~1 pr:.Ol' :0 ti.i.- o U"CER:~CC~ P~V~$r.:C ~ :~~~NrC,,!: Io :,e n:aCS Friel' :.0 in:3:,.::,z.::t~on ftoor ir~Zaticn or d4c~ing. ?'JST ..~,'l!) 3F::.U: To be r.".ad~ pr-:.cr eo ins~al';:':t-::Cn of j"7.oor i,..sz.l.a:ior. 02" dsJcki"". o o Fit)'_~;,' "?:.!/;o!3!:.'C. ~"'-2!:'7'.r?!...~~ { :EC.1- ANI~).~: )0 ~~~ ia :0 be cove~~c W':.=~ Z. :i-:es~ "':r.s=,sc:ior.s ;'''':V'i! ~eer. med. =r~ =??r'~e~. F7"~E:?!.~C~: ~ar ~ ?t..c::.".g .;;'"c:f..r.g mc:~M.aill ar.d oi:j"a1's lrc::rir.g inspec- t ior.. .r:'p.A.~I.'lr;: NtJ.:J: ~e l'ec-oJd3t.zd at';O!l" C?prclJ":~ af l"::JUgh pl-L.r.~ir..g. ~!ec:l"'i- cal & r::ec;..ani.=.::J:!. At~ :'Ool-j.q brac...:r.q 4 chimn::!l3. at.:. ,~~st; ~e carrroL.a:cd. ;'10 ""'1'< is :0 be CC71- . CIU:;:!.zd untiL ';J:i,:; inst"ec:iC71. ;..as . b€'~ ~ and at'prot,'ed. o o . It:1W* City, Desigr.a.ted .rob Numb6.." Ia: O I?lSVLATIO.VIVAPO.f:? EARRER IHS?::CT!ON: To be f'!".a.:e a.fter all insul..::"ti.:m cr.a . raqui-red. vapOl" cmTiers are in place hrt celere any La.th, {J!;/p81.Ir.f beard or wz.z covering is appl-i.ed, and before any ir..:t"..! Za ticn ~s e071cea ~ed. O DRy-tlAL[, rNSP~CTrON: Tc bs r.nde after an Cr:..J'.JalZ. i.3 in place, but prior to any tap":'ng. . of O NASONP.!: Steel bem713, grouting ac~ordance !Ji::h 241S. O '.IOODSTO!r2:. Af-;er installation is cc;rrpl.ct.zd. '"' E=virc:'l -;:n: E/Lt'/ol 15/85"" DE.~.'OLI::IO.'! OR .~:aVE:; EUILDIilCS ~ san~ taro.l Se:.Jter ::a;:ped ~t rn:..opcrt"::i Zi:":6 ~ Septi.~ tank p-...r.;,.:d ar'.d fiZZad IJith ;rci-~BZ :::-fi FinaL .- rl1um c.:,..--ve i~e:::s are c::.~letf:d ~.d when :!er.fCE~r. is compLete or st:'t<~- I tta'S ffl(,lved ani prcm.aes cLeaned up. 1 Mobi. Le Hc:r:~s ~ aloc~ing and S~t-~p ~ Plumbi~1 aonnea=~cns s~er and ~~ar --, EZectri,~c.Z Ccrmection - Blocking, SQt-U? ---1 and plumbing ecnr:ections nr...:st ee Qpr$r.:.c before requeB~~r4 e!ec~~cat ir~?~c::io~ =:J ACCBSSOt"# 3ui!.:!~ng ::J Fir4.L - r1ft;;r ;~l"cr.Qs. etc. are ccmp~st~d. skil"tir.g, decy.B. z.ccation~ m:ma or vert-iea Ls in u.s.c. Section o CURE & APPRCACl! AP!~[)II: Afte:o forms :rre erected but prior ta pcu:ring ~n.:;rste. SID'=-.lALK d DRr.,"E'WAY: For aZl con- crete paving within street right- of-wey,' to be ma::ie atter all ezca- lJatir~ complete & jO~ work & 3uD- bass ,'1X:terial in pla=e. o =:J rI"'~ pr'/.mr.'G I ....w _V.',OJ... / .~'~I'l.f' 'rr"'rJ"I'C:'" X FI.:/':'i- ,'._~.;J1.... n... All pro;ect aor.di=ions, Jua~ as :he ~n:s:aLZaticn of s::raet =rees, =~~!c;~n: of :ne relfolired ?oui3ccpir.;, .ztc., :r.u.st !;e satisr'iad Qc]o1"e <;;..8 3l.'Ir.:I::C ?!:lAL ::ot1n ~6 rZ<1olest~d. =:J ?r:tA' r:.z=:.9.!::'r. :::J o ;:O:::AL aVI:.;)r:lC: The FinaL Euildir.g !r:s?ec:ion .~t be reque:1ud -=/';~I" :noz .:'irul, ?!~bin; nectri..=c.l., and Necnar:ic:=.l ir.sp€c:io113 ;taU.:? been made ar.d approved. o o ~llCE: When co:noL.te -- ?rovUia gates or movable' section.s tr.rougr. P.U.E. 'A'::: .'-!J..:1P.t::2E A,vD CI.!ANCU"!'S .'rus: 3E .~C:ESS:3t~, .4./)ji.'S7.'fZ::'!' :0 3S ,'.~1CE :!:;' .':0 ::ST 71 CI-:! I ~....,~~ of 2 , o I JOB NO, 'if 1./ 0,1 I 1::.:<-:,,: I Zot Sq. F~. .. .., 1_.. C-...-..... I- -, -- .....,. ~ of St~"":"e3 I. . ! " ' '- ..a...a _J"'--Gr:.. Tw!:'....~.-=-n-~ I :~E.'I I.'to,'" ~ 10;;".,00. I:.:r.-ero I Ac:c3'S":"".1 I I 13.0,C, 1.5 = ~ .I'.:-:~ ~T.~!; VA!.VE 1:....:r~CJ BttiZdir.g F~t . 5b.t:a Su:t':iu:rge Toed. cr.a......g~3 II;'::.\! IFL-:-:..res ResU:i~tiat (1 bath) Sar.it::ro! Sr..)el' ;;''Ctco PZ:Jmbing Pen-::i t Stat. Surcr~e 1".::tat CN::!''JtlS 111'::"./ I.f?~s. Sa. f~a. I N3JJIt--terv1 Cil"C"..n:u 1"0'1 I I I r .....!:'... -..:! SlUViC8 Els:t'l"ica! Permit st::ts Sur:;..arce Tot.:!:l Ci-c:r-:tlS IIr=.tf I i'.u-..:cc :1'1)'$ i '"' I I "c, I I I I E::hc;.tst Hood Ve7It F::n J"ild,odsta:Je I Perm:t I3su.=nca ."ffZ:r.anic:Z Pe~t Sta.:e SlArd'lt=~.'3t: ""at::l C'hrr1::'t!J.. -- i,'IC.=':;AC.~:.:~.::: -- I !l!C"..u-;t"J De=-o3it I Stor~. I,~n.tl!"".:=r..=:! I Pe.~t TC~t: Z c;..L:.'~1c:..~. Icw..~C'".I: I Si..1e::.'a!:C I :e"'~e I ntlc=1""':.c..~! ~:,€! , !.1foCiZd H::r:e I,Un__..~ I :'T,U; ':"~.'ClJ.'l'!' CUE:" SOLA.CCESS ,:"c::.""'..l=cr.c"'.J .;:,,'.:"..I~: 1;:0'1 I I fEE :'['::" r..c,: :;?~ !r::2rtC't' CoronEr.' P:mr.c.ndlJ Cu t-de-sac x :';alu~ C.::..ARf:E :':.~.='G~ I I I I I I I I I I C!!Al?~S I I I ! I I I I fC)( . OU ! JQ,IJVI. ?-~~:! 2 . L-COC-o:. R EQ,- ?:..=eIC~r.8-;: Eold:~Or::3: I ! =J'!er~"..J SO".J.r~tJs " I .=;'ea: "'/C<;2!' 1J~~,::~r" I I 30nqe 'II I ,~reo'aee II I "oooe =oce 7:;":3 !.ot .:'aces - ~o?:=a.;Zy.s ?l.. I i:'cr...Soi I I I ":~cess, jt:O:><;1I lEes:: ISou.<:i1 IWest I ';~aQe I I I Fees I I I I I I , ,. Building Value & Permit This pe1'11r~t i3 granted on the express condition :ha:: the said, ,",onstruc:ion s;.~~Z, {n '2Zl roBspcats, oonform to the Ordinar.ce :;dopeed by the :~t'i of' SPI";".gf'i.eld, :.nc!ud:.ng :he :on.ing C'rd-:'T'.ar.aB, regult;::.r:g -:nrl ccr.st~.l:::-::Cn cr.d use of ~uiLdings, ard m=y be suspended or reuckec at cr:y t~me ~?or. vic- lc::ion. oj a7!1;' pr~vi3ior.s of said Qrdi.....ances. . Ip!an Check Cat:: Pa.~: IR.c','pt #: IS,'"".d: Fee: Plumbing Permit No person coolZ construct, instaz.!, a!ter or change any r'.QlJ or L-:.sti.r.g plumaing Or' drainagrl system in ~hole or in part, unless such person is tr~ Legal possessor of a valid plumber's LicensB, ezcept tJ-.ct a pe:"s011 may do plumbing work to prope1'1;':I IJhich is OIJned, teased Or' opftrat~d by the a;;pZi- cant. " " 1 I I. - . Electrical Permit Where Stats La:M requires tJ-~t tho electI"~cal work be &me b'y an e1.e~trical Contractor', the electrical portion of this per:me shaLL r.ot be valid untiL the labeL has b~en signed by the elecrncal Contractor. I I I. I I I I I I I I Mechanical Permit ~ . I I 1 I HAVE CARg.~ULLY ~Ltl.!I;'lr:D t,'w compZ~ted application lor ?e:'mi.=, r::nd de h2reoy certify that al'L i:-:f'o~ation hereon is true and cozorocct, and I I f".aotr.er certify :r.at any c.r.d aLZ 1UJ1'k Fer'f"o~ed shall be da:-.s in aceor- I da'1'".ce ;vith tha Ordin:mces of' er.e City of Springfield, and ::h: Lc:.;s oj" ti:a A State of Oragon pzr~in~ng to the work des~~bcd here~n, cr~ tra: YO occ~- P,~~'IC7 :.riZZ be .7"(1.-=e of any 3t:-uct".uoe IJithou.t ?3~s.1ion ~f the 3u.iZding O'f..- j vision, I ft::t"o;her ~erti..f:i er-=z:: o:1Ly eon tractors (Z"',d ~l.:YB€3 I.;r.c c:rg in ~Liance ~::h CRS ?al.0S~ wilL be used on this ~rojzct J I Pl.c:n ~::=m.ner 1JC.<:2 ~tf~ 3' ~;!-/#'}/ ta:2