HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-11 (2) .. RESIIUNTlAL" APPLICA.N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 .lob Location: ~ \\OD ~\'( S~ ~'\..-h ; [', ) . ~ (\ \ \ \~ - ~ J Tex Lot # (}Jne~: \\'\ ~ (\ 'f\(),JL ~^ (N.S Address: S \ \o-~ (' \)( ~ \ ~ ;/1 City:~\t)~ we G\ ~~\it~ :.!obiZe Home r::.. _ II - 8~ Date of Application ~ ~ Contraetors/(\ --, Address l'Y'l.zJY 1 oJ:! ~ A8GeSDOr~ Map 1/ Sl4bdivision: n n n n NP7J Additicn Remodel , General , Plumbing i Hechanieal I Electrical Super'VJsif!.g_ Electr'.ic Ljn Phone: r-, rO (rr (j ~Jj CI/'\L\ Ij ~ RCCo'J-:.pt .1/. I :5n)", zip: Describe flork: Value ." ~..~(f)Q)c~ Date: ' ~ - \ \ --'F!'-J Lise. II BId rs Board Re'L. Expires Pronp' D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insuZati::m tV".d . required vapor barI'ieI'8 are in p laoe but befope any lath, gypsum board 01' ~ll covering is applied, and befoI'B any insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall is in pUlee, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bo1ut beams, grouting or verticals in accordance ~th U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE..: After installation is acmpleted. D D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte!' forms are erected but priOl' to pouring ao~l'ete. SIDEf-lALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within strect right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete & for.m work & sub. base material in plaae. It is the responsibility of the pePmit hoLdeI' to see that all inopections are made at the proper tim€, that each ~es8 is rcadab:e fl'OlT/ ths street, and that the peMt carod is l.xated at the front of the property. .Bui~ing Diui~ion approved plan s~lZ remain on the Bu~lding Sit~ at all times. PROCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RE.:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job numbe.r>, job addrcss, type of in3pec-;iclI requested and when you will be peady fop inspection, Contractors 01' Owners name' and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 ~ :..'ill be made the same dc:y, r:equests mc.de after 7:00 cm'l wiZZ b2 made the next :JOl'king day. J\ ) . You~ City DesifJl'.atad Job Numbe~ Is: Yi ~-'l)'~\ \... () .~qJ,1t 1>Pq TYl!.}"(Ip~tir.Y/!~ O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after exoavation, but prior to Set up of forms. O . UNDERS~AB PLUMBING. E~ECTRIc'1L & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after t~enches a~e excavated and forms are e~ected, but p1'io~ to pouring cencret;;. UNDERGROUND PLUMBINC)' SEWER. W.1.TER, DRAINAGE: To be made p~io~ to fil- Zi'l".g trencheI:. D. UNDERPLOOR PLU/.!BING & MECHANICA~: , To be made prior to imJtallation of floor insulation or decking. o O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor ins~Zation 01' decking. O ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL ,~ MECH- .ANICAL: No work is to be cove~ed .until these inspections have beer. made and app~oved. O FIRF:PLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. cf1RA1~ING: Must be requested afte~ . pp~oval of ~ough plwrbing, alectri- cal & mechanical. AU roOfing . bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~st be . : completed. No wo~k is to be con- , cealed until this inspection has ~ b6~n made and appl'OL'ed. o D !'ENCE: When compl.zte -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P,U.E. DEMOLITION OR /.JOVED BUILDINGS :=J Sani t(rry seuel' aapped at p:.op~rtEi Zir:e ~ Bepti:.! tank p".mrped and filled IJith gra;JeZ :J FinaZ - rYhen above items are completed and IJken demolition is complete 01' stru~- ture "~ued and pr~mi3es cleaned up. . . Mobile Hemes ::J BZooking a>Ui Set-"p ::J Plwnbi"IfJ connections .- scwer and water ~ ElectricaZ Connection - Blocking, set-u? ..--J and plumbing connections rrr...st 1=e approL'ed before requesting electrical inspectio~ ::J ACC8SS0l"d Build:.ng :J Final.. Aftar porocnes, skirting, decks, etc. aJ'e completed. D o PIIIAL PLUMBI/IG o PINAL MECHANICAL o PINAL ELECTRICAL ,0 :All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, c~~lotion of t~e' . :-requ.ired Zandscapt'l".g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL, can be 1'2que[Jt~d. rz. P;NAL BUIf,DING: The Pinal BuiZdill!J Inspeation must be ~equested afte~ tha :<inaz P!wnbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections ~va been made and approved. . , ,fALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS lfUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!~ENT TO BE f.L4DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page or .:! o JOB NO, SOLAR AC~SS Occuoancy GrouP. LOT TYPE Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. s ~f lot Coverag< I'~ of Stories Total Height Topography Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-saa ITEM I Main I CcJoaG6 I Carvor t ,lCCC8801"U I I "SQ.FTG Value x TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. (lJal.UCJ 1.. " I '68 ,[L I ,() ;J:),\()I' Buitding Permit -Sta te Sur'ChCU'g8 ,.- t'" Total Cha~ge. lITEM I Futures I Residsntial 11 bath) I Sanit:z1"Y Sewer :NO., FEE CHARGE WateI' Plwnbing Permi t State Surc1-.arge Total Charaes , ,lITEM 'Res. Sa. fto. NawlExtend Circuits I Temporary Service " , NO.' FEE CHARGE Eleatrical Pe~t State Swoaharqe Total Charges' lITEM I F'ul'nace ~U'S Exhaus t Hood CHARGE NO. FEE Vent Fan I woodstO;JB Pel"17Ti.t Issuance Mechanical Permit State SurChaffl€ Total Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT -- I I S ; i . BC'..H''LtV. DBPf'3'Lt I I 1.1 '~I: l"'-~\o'l.~'t'!'Illo'l, Storago . I Main tenance I Permit I.. (r. <,' .,', ~ ,\',;.If\"" . \~i~ ~ . ."11"''- '.'" -'1"/ '."~'" n 'I'" Y'l~' q Total Char'Qcs curbcut I Sid_lk I Fcn::e I Electrical I Mobile Home I i Label REQ,- L-COG~ " I En2ray Sources Heat Type/Cor:st: Bedrooms: T.ime I Lot Faces - Set )(J~ks P.L. I House Garage I Access. !North Ir.ast ISouth IWest I II Water .'fr>.atm' Ranqe Firenlace Wood:;tove Faes Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shaLL, in all respects, conform to the Ordinal;ce adopted by d!e City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Crdinance. Y'egulatillg the construction and use of buildings, and m:;.y bo suspended or revoked. at C1:Y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of aaid"Ordinallces. ,', !Plan Check Fee: I Date Paid, IReodpt g, I Signed, Plumbing Permit No pereon shall const~lct, instalL, alter or change any neW or e:isting plumbina 01' arainage system in :uhole or in part, w:leos suah person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. I I, Electrical \Perm it Where State La1J requires tr~t the eledtrical work be done by ml Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion-oJ. this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. , Mechanical Permit , Plan t:xamt.llel' LJQ(.,f] I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all lJOrk perfor:ned shall be done in ac::!or- dance with the Ordinances of tho City of Sprinafield, and thz Ur~8 of th~ . State of OregDn pertaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without parmis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:..iZy contractors ar.d e:npl"ye6s who are in oompliance with ORS 701.05t will be used on this project \) ~~.~--~ .-!) ~ I ('\ I. XSignad ~ .,; I..."...... .,"',,"''' nllr.. 5 -/1- '<;7 Dote