HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/28/2004 Work Session . . . " City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JUNE 28, 2004. The City of Springfield council met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, June 28, 2004 at 6:00 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken and Councilors Ballew, Woodrow, Lundberg, Ralston and Fitch. Also present were Assistant City Manager Cynthia Pappas, City Attorney Meg Kieran, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. 1. Springfield Tomorrow Status Report and Annual TEAM Springfield Meeting Preparation. Assistant City Manager Cynthia Pappas presented the staff report on this item. At the November, 2003 City Council Goal Session, council asked staff to schedule quarterly to semi- annual discussions on issues that affect or impact the community's long term vision. The first discussion took place on March 22nd and involved the topic of urban renewal as a timely tool to help Springfield reach its preferred future. The June 28th work session is the second discussion in this series of developing a blueprint to Springfield's desired future. The City of Springfield is a Municipal Corporation. Likely, because of its power to regulate and establish parameters around health, safety and welfare, the city is the most influential corporation in town. As such, the city organization has an opportunity, ifnot an obligation, to collaboratively develop and communicate a blueprint to Springfield's preferred future. How this is done is based upon the Mayor and council's preference. When the first Springfield Tomorrow document was prepared in 1990, a task force of 45 citizens spent 18 months under the guidance of a paid consultant to develop a "values" based document that listed thirteen key community values, some strategies and numerous action suggestions for the four Team Springfield public agencies as well as the Chamber of Commerce (see Attachment 1). Numerous projects and activities from this original document, such as the bond to build two new schools and the purchase of land in the Gateway area by the city, have been completed. These successes will be celebrated as part of the proposed 2004 Springfield Tomorrow Update process. When this original document was updated in 1999, a more focused effort was used that produced similar results (see attachment 2). Amongst others, the results from this update helped the council decide to seek voter support for needed public safety enhancements. This is another reason to celebrate our past successes but more importantly, these successes underscore the importance of taking time to discuss our community's priorities and construct a blueprint to a preferred future. Since it has been five years since we have evaluated our progress as a community and updated our long range vision, Attachment 3 lists a proposed abbreviated process to be utilized in late summer 2004 that would both confirm the importance of the conclusions of the two previous efforts as well as allow the construction of a vibrant vision - one that can be easily explained and City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes June 28, 2004 Page 2 . marketed. As configured, this vision would then be presented to the community in the fall for review and edits with adoption scheduled by year's end by the four Team Springfield Partners. Based upon the council's direction on June 28th, this item may be scheduled for discussion at the August 18th Team Springfield Meeting. Attachment 4 lists the proposed Team Springfield Budget. This budget was derived based upon input from the Team Springfield elected officials meeting of January 24, 2004. The council may also wish to discuss and provide some guidance on desired outcomes (products) from these various budget topics, especially the use of the Mayor's Business Advancement Team (MBAT) as a resource to help shape the update of an Economic Development Plan (see attachment 5). Ms. Pappas said staffis proposing an update that would have less emphasis on the values portion of the document and more focus on the vision of where we want to see the community in the future. The four themes identified in the original Springfield Tomorrow included: 1) seeking a balance between development and protection of the environment; 2) involving the schools as the fundamental institution for developing skilled employees, strong families and compassionate social services; 3) improving the physical appearance of the community and the public's image of the community; and 4) a realization that the future of our community depends on developing community leaders and encouraging them to participate in decision making. Staff is proposing an abbreviated process as outlined in Attachment 3 included in the agenda packet to be initiated in late summer and adoption by all four TEAM Springfield agencies by the end of the year. . Councilor Ralston said the four basic goals are still good. Based on how he sees the community, he would put the goals in the following order: 1) seeking a balance between development and protection of the environment; 3) improving the physical appearance of the community and the public's image of the community; 2) involving the schools as the fundamental institution for developing skilled employees, strong families and compassionate social services; and 4) a realization that the future of our community depends on developing community leaders and encouraging them to participate in decision making. The highest priority should be in the physical appearance of the community and the image we are trying to project. Councilor Fitch said she liked the idea of a Blue Ribbon Panel charge as shown on Attachment 3 included in the agenda packet with the two eight-hour meetings looking and celebrating what we have accomplished. She said the collaborative vision between the TEAM Springfield agencies is good, even though each agency has their individual goals. If we could get committee members to commit to the two days, we could get a good vision and a good view. It's a wonderful way to accomplish something with a minimum cost and a maximum of output. She would like to empower the TEAM Springfield CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) group that meets in July to plan on starting the process in August. The challenge will be in choosing the members to make up this panel and then finding a time when they can meet. Councilor Lundberg referred to Attachment 3. She said she thinks it is helpful to hear from people that are topical experts. She discussed the work done in the past on this document. The time and effort that goes into this update should not be too extensive. She said it would be as important to see what was accomplished out of the other processes and whether they occurred accidentally or because of what was done. Finding what was done that brought about the accomplishments gives hope on what to do next. It is important to see the usefulness of the processes. . Councilor Ralston didn't think the two eight hour sessions were necessary. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes June 28, 2004 Page 3 . Discussion was held regarding the amount of time needed for this panel to meet to create this vision. Two eight-hour meetings may be too rriuch or not enough, but could be a starting point. Councilor Woodrow said all suggestions are good, but asked if they weren't just preaching to the choir. He would like to see people get involved that aren't usually involved. It would be good to hear from citizens that are not part of the internal goings on as they could offer a different perspective. Mayor Leiken said the challenge is that it is a choice and many people who are currently not involved would not choose to join this panel. We can advertise this, but chances are we will get the same faces that always come forward; people that have a vested interest in the community and want to see what's best for the community. Councilor Fitch said maybe they could look at businesses that are not currently involved and ask if they would like to recommend a representative. She also suggested asking people from the Leadership Program through the Springfield Chamber of Commerce. Councilor Woodrow said they have had a number of people who have applied for other Boards, Commissions and Committees who were not chosen because others were more qualified. Perhaps, we could contact some of those people. . Councilor Ballew said she is not sure what we want and bringing in people for these eight-hour meetings may not be valuable. Each organization has its own tax base and responsibilities. There is an interconnection on an upper level. She felt this process needed staff work and some sorting out before a great deal of effort is invested in this process. She asked why there was a rush and if it was related to elections. Councilor Fitch said there is still the question regarding a levy for a Public Safety building which council has not yet discussed. Before you can build one, there must be planning, the architectural work and land to locate the building. Discussion was held regarding putting together several issues on a bond issue and if that diminished its effectiveness. If a bond is put on the ballot, it needs to be focused. The need can be sold, but it should be simple. It is important to look at what other jurisdictions are going out for on the ballot. Councilor Fitch said these are some of the questions that need to be answered and why a cross section of people is needed on this Blue Ribbon Panel. Councilor Ballew said planning is good. She asked if there was something wrong with the current plan or are there too many expectations. Councilor Woodrow said focusing on the four issues is a good idea. Knowing those four goals gives a direction and sets the discussion on how to accomplish those goals. Mayor Leiken said items on the ballot need to be focused. . Ms. Pappas said Councilor Lundberg is correct that we cannot bring a large list to the voters for a ballot. It needs to be focused. Looking at the four goals, the panel could discuss if there is one of those goals that we need to focus on over the next five years. The intent is to link the TEAM Springfield agencies' goals together. . .. . " City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes June 28, 2004 Page 4 Councilor Ballew asked how much this update would cost. Ms. Pappas said they were considering a facilitator that would be of no cost as well as free meeting space. The cost would be very low including mainly copy charges and lunch for the panel members. Councilor Fitch suggested council direct staff to go forward with this and bring it to the July TEAM Springfield Meeting. The number of members needed depends on the number staff feels they need. It should be a good cross-section of people with a few topical experts. Ms. Pappas referred to the TEAM Springfield budget included on Attachment 4 in the agenda packet. The top priority was the Economic Development Action Plan. She asked if council envisioned the city taking the lead on this and using the Mayor's Business Advancement Team (MBAT). Mayor Leiken said it makes sense to have the city initiate this part of it. All four agencies play an important part in economic development and would be involved. It makes the most sense to have the city as the leader. Ms. Pappas asked if the MBA T would be the group that staff would give information to regarding this item. Mayor Leiken said yes it would. Ms. Pappas asked for any other direction regarding the TEAM Springfield draft budget. It is scheduled to be approved at the July TEAM Springfield meeting. Councilor Woodrow suggested staying closer to the low end of the budget. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:27 pm. c Minutes Recorder - Amy Sowa Attest: a~ J1rw-o--. Amy soJ City Recorder