HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/22/2004 Regular . MINUTES JOINT MEETING OF THE LANE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS EUGENE CITY COUNCIL SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION June 22, 2004 7 p.m. Library Meeting Room, Springfield City Hall Commissioner Bobby Green presided, with commissioners Bill Dwyer, Anna Morrison, and Don Hampton present. Eugene Mayor James D. Torrey presided, with councilors Bonny Bettman, David Kelly, Scott Meisner, Nancy Nathanson, George Poling, and Betty Taylor present. Springfield Mayor Sid Leiken presided, with councilors Anne Ballew, Tammy Fitch, Christine Lundberg, and John Woodrow present. . Staff Present: City Manager Dennis Taylor, Jim Carlson, Lynda Rose, City of Eugene; City Manager Mike Kelly, Greg Mott, Cynthia Pappas, Meg Kiernan, Bill Grile, City of Springfield; Susan Smith; Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission. Mayor Leiken called the meeting of the Springfield City Council to order. Mayor Torrey called the meeting of the Eugene City Council to order. Commissioner Green called the meeting of the Lane Board of County Commissioners to order. 1. Recognition of Afro Cultural Technical Scientific Olympics Medal Winners from Lane County Schools . Commissioner Green said that recognition of Afro Cultural Technical Scientific Olympics (ACTSO) rnedal winners was part of a continuing effort by all three jurisdictions to demonstrate unified partnership and support for the young people who participated in the ACTSO program. He introdu~ed Marilyn Mays, president of the local . chapter ofthe National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), MINUTES-Joint Elected Officials - Regular Session Lane County, Eugene, and Springfield June 22, 2004 Page 1 . who would be accompanying the medal winners to the national competition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania along with other chaperones. Commissioner Green explained that ACTSO was a year-round acadernic program that allowed participants to further their talents in the arts and sciences and medals were awarded locally in several different categories; local winners went on to compete at the national level with other medalists from across the country. He expressed his appreciation to the local elected officials for their recognition of ACTSO participants and their achievements. .Commissioner Green, Mayor Torrey, and Mayor Leiken presented proclamations to medal winners residing within their respective jurisdictions. Commissioner Green asked Yasha Stubbs, medalist in vocal music, to conclude the ceremony by performing a capella the song she sang in the competition, entitled "What About the Children." . 2. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING: An Ordinance to Amend the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan), Chapter III, Section G. Public Facilities and Services, Chapter V Glossary; and an Ordinance to Amend the Public Facilities and Services Plan, a Functional Plan of the Metro Plan. Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing for the Springfield City Council. Mayor Torrey opened the public hearing for the Eugene City Council. Commissioner Green opened the public hearing for the Lane Board of County Commissioners and read the ordinance titles for the second time. Assistant City Manager Cynthia Pappas read the ordinance titles for the second time on behalf of the City of Springfield. . MINUTES-Joint Elected Officials - Regular Session Lane County, Eugene, and Springfield June 22, 2004 Page 2 . Springfield Planning Manager Greg Mott provided an overview of the amendments to the Metro Plan and the Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP). He said the PFSP amendment proposed additions to several tables, two new maps, and a new amendment process for additions or deletions. He included for the record a staff report that included all of the proposed text amendments to both plans, fmdings generated by previous public hearings before the Lane County, Springfield, and Eugene planning commissions. He noted that all three planning commissions forwarded affirmative recommendations to their respective elected officials in support of the proposed amendments. Mr. Mott pointed out a change to the proposed amendment as reviewed by the planning commissions that appeared at a footnote on page 2 of the staff report. He said the change added the phrase "or discharge" to proposed new policy G.9 of the Metro Plan. He said the text was inadvertently omitted and adding it back had been determined by legal counsel not to constitute a substantial change. . Mr. Mott summarized that the amendments were determined to be consistent with particular requirements of Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 660 Division II regarding what was required to be included in public facilities plans. Springfield City Attorney Meg Kiernan noted a clerical error on page 53 of Attachment.! of the staff report in paragraph B.l. She asked that the word "substantively" be inserted between the words "adopt" and "identical" in the last sentence of the paragraph in order to be consistent with Article 4. , Mayor Leiken called for testimony. Roxie Cuellar, 2053 Laura Street, Springfield, represented the Lane County Homebuilders Association. She provided copies of and introduced for the record the following documents: . · June 22, 2004, letter from the Homebuilders Association to the local elected officials · May 27, 2004, memorandum from Dave Jewett, attorney for the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC), Meg Kiernan, Springfield City Attorney, and Jerome Lidz, Eugene City Attorney to interested parties · June 22, 2004, letter from Bill Kloos to the joint elected officials MINUTES-Joint Elected Officials - Regular Session June 22, 2004 Page 3 Lane County, Eugene, and Springfield . . June 21, 2004, Springfield City Council agenda . City of Springfield motion to dismiss Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) No. 2004-090 . Calendar Section from the The Register-Guard issue of June 22, 2004 Ms. Cuellar said that the Homebuilders Association had never opposed the construction of infrastructure in the area or presented an obstacle to it. She said it was not the goal of the association to be an obstacle to wastewater, but it did have process issues. She said there were two concerns with tbe proposed amendments: inadequate public involvement and lack of clarification about the relationship between the Metro Plan and the PFSP because the process had been bifurcated, with PFSP amendments going to elected officials from MWMC and the Metro Plan amendments following the land use process through planning commissions. . Mike Hudson, 91069 N. Willamette, Coburg, spoke as the Coburg City Manager, and stated that the City of Coburg understood the implications of its request to have services extended and expected to pay its way. He said that businesses had relocated to Coburg because ofthe creation of an enterprise zone to provide tax incentives; however, the enterprise zone no longer existed. He said that Coburg did have system development charges (SDC) in place but those did not include sewers because there was no sewer system. He related that an urban renewal district encompassing 25 percent of the City was in place, and along with a planned local improvement district (LID), could provide funds for a sewer system. He said that Coburg's participation in the United Front effort to secure federal funding for local projects was likely to obtain funds as well and other jurisdictions were not being requested or expected to help with the costs. He encouraged an evaluation to determine the benefits to all entities of extending service to Coburg and thanked the jurisdictions for their willingness to enter into discussions of the matter. There being no further requests to speak, Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing for the Springfield City Council. Mayor Torrey closed the public hearing for the Eugene City Council Commissioner Green closed the public hearing for the Lane County Board of Commissioners . Ms. Bettman asked if the federal grant in the amount of several million dollars was for the study to extend services to Coburg. Mr. Hudson replied that the funds were for construction; Coburg MINUTES-Joint Elected Officials - Regular Session June 22, 2004 Page 4 Lane County, Eugene, and Springfield . had assurance from the State that it would provide funding for the study and Coburg would cover any difference between the cost and funds available from the State. He said that approximately $4 million in federal funds was anticipated and the amount of $200,000 from the State had been mentioned, although the cost of the study would be dependent on discussions among the jurisdictions to identify issues to be addressed. Mr. Meisner noted for the record that the study of potentially extending services to Coburg look comprehensively at the entire planning window for MWMC with respect to the possible inclusion of other jurisdictions or areas outside ofthe current Metro Plan boundaries. Mr. Kelly said it was his understanding that Coburg was the only jurisdiction likely to be geographically close enough to make a connection feasible. He asked staffto respond to the questions raised by Ms. Cuellar during her testimony regarding the bifurcated processes for the two plans. . Ms. Bettman asked for clarification ofthe process as $200,000 for the study did not seem like much and the ability to expand the scope of the study to include issues relevant to Eugene would be limited. Mr. Taylor replied that executives from the three jurisdictions would meet and determine how the project would be presented to their respective governing bodies. Ms. Pappas added that the intent was to initiate a joint conversation among jurisdiction about the study process, not to begin the study, and then present that information to the jurisdictions for approval to proceed with a study. Ms. Bettman requested that Mr. Taylor provide the Eugene City Council with an assessment of the impact on resources in the Planning Department when he reported back on the proposed study. Mayor Torrey adjourned the meeting of the Eugene City Council at 7:50 p.m. . Commissioner Morrison moved, seconded by Commissioner Dwyer, to schedule the ordinances for a third reading and possible deliberation before the Lane County Board of Commissioners on August 3, 2004, with August 10,2004, as a back up date. The motion passed unanimously, 4:0. MINUTES-Joint Elected Officials - Regular Session June 22, 2004 Page 5 Lane County, Eugene, and Springfield . . . , . Mayor Leiken adjourned the meeting of the Springfield City Council at 7:50 p.m. Commissioner Green adjourned the meeting of the Lane County Board of Commissioners at 7:50. p.m. (Recorded by Lynn Taylor) ~. Attest: Am~~ City Recorder m: \2004yointlelected officials yeo040622rs.doc MINUTES-Joint Elected Officials - Regular Session Lane County, Eugene, and Springfield %~~~ -sidneyW;-~- Tamalyn Fitch ~aycrr- Council President June 22, 2004 Page 6