HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-2-4 Q70r.~~':EJi;f:': ~ ~~l "d::4-'?~e,,03-;!L> SPR1NGFlE1..C ..i'..'........". APPLICATION/PERMIT ~;~:~~f~:l~~hO;:;~~t 97477 'I lu-(}-O P S~ ~ Building Division 726-3753 ' /6.0 0 .... . ~..."'.. ......[;lll;. ....11_ III As:;essol"$ Nap ,i; i I La (P · 3" i sf, \ fJ 05 '2..lo4L{ T= Lot ,~ \L\ (Q(Y) Job L,oC!ati::m: Suhdiv-=.sicn: Cl.,-nel' : :lo~ kJ~ ) I ~ (n 1:S I ~ f. .!XPpU d, .4d~ess: City: II~--:'~.J I I Add": tien I RemodeL I ,'!oo:. La Home Phone: 7 L/b- 39g(( Zip: q 7 ~ 7 7 DesoP':be f>'Ol'k: L.c::;"", a.-cO A-t-~ (i]LJ~ Date of AppLicatien Conz;l'acr;ol'S cJ-1 ~t;;;- GeneraL PZumbinq F:LectricaL Mechar.ic::L Const~~ction L~ndel' VaZue $ 200 aD Address 1[% ", '00 -- .:iI - f I~.(oo Sigr:ed: f~. rl -Lj-f3 Date: Liso.# Phone I I I EXDires [t,i8 the respon:;ibiLity of the permit hoLder to see that aLZ inspections are made at the propel' t~me, that each =ddress' is l'eadabZe from the street, and that the permi t ca..><d is Zecated at the front of the property. Agui!di~g v-:.vi=io~ ap?l'~'ed F~n sheLL remain on the BuiLd":ng Site at aLL times. P.'?OC::DUF'!S FOR INSPE:CTIOIl RSQUEST:CAUj726-376VreoorderJ state your City desiqr.:::.ted job nw;;ber, requesr;cd a~d when you wiLL be ready for inspection, ContraC!tcrs or Ow-ners r~e ~r~ phone number. "->LZZ be made, thE; same day, requests mc.deafta 7:00 am UJiZZ be made the next wrkinq day. ?e~di~qd rnSDPct:.cns O SITS I:lSPE:C':'!ON: To be made aftar exoavation, but prior to set up of forms. o UNDfRSLAB PLUMB INC , ?:LC:CT,'?IC,lL & ".!EC,=:,J,'JIC:'i.,: To be made before any work is covered. o POOTI:'lC ~ ?OUNDATICN: To be m:u:e after trenones are exc~Jated ar~ ferms are erectac, but prior to. pouring c~ncret~. D, U,VD7;RC,-=?OU;'!D ?[,UI,(!3 ING. S:::rc:.'=?, (,1,1 TE:.'?, DRAINAGe:: To be made prior ?;o fil- Lir.q r:renches. 0' UND[RFLOOR !'!.U:',SL'VG 1 :,rE:C.!.!ANICAL: To be made Drier to instaZZar;ionof j100r insu~r:ion or decking. paST AND 3EAU: To be mc.de D!'ior to insr;aZLatien of f100r ir~~i2ticn or deckinq. o D ROUCH ?r...U~.1BL7G. ?!.EC7'P:!C.4!:. ,1 .',fECH- ANIC.J..D: .Vo -.;ork :.a t::J ce cOi.:erea. until these :r~vec=iQ~s hcv~ been made ar~ C?Pl'?v~d. FI.~E?!..ACE: Prior to pZc.cir.g fc;.ci.ng mar;eriaZs ar~ before frar.tir.q inspec- tion. D [] P.Ztt~1I.WJ: l\.fu.st be r-equeated after' approvaL of ro~qh pL~~ing, eLectr<~- caL & mechanical. AZ! '!"Oof:.r.q bracing d chi:rmcys, etc. m'..IS!: be ,comvZe;;cd. No ~ol'k is to oe con- ~ cec'-Zed ur:ti Z this insvec-:icn ri.!ZS . been mada end appp?ved. Your City, Desiqr4ted Job Numba Is: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insuLatwn a:"'~ reauired VQDor barriers are in D~ce Cut before any ~th, gypsum berird or waLL coverinq is appLied, ar~ before any insulation is conceaLed. job accrcss, type of inspec=icn Requests received before 7:00 ~ 3%77 DrUOLITIO:V OR ;',,'OVE:; 3UILDI,'iCS :J SanitaI"J se'..Jer :,)apped c:t P~~PCr'8' Zir:e ~ ~epti~ tank p~ed ar~ fiZlaa with gr~~gZ ---, PinaL - f{hen above ite:"s are ccmDZetec ~ and when de~cL:.tion is compiate Or' St7~~- ture moved ard ?r~ses cLe~nei up. Mobi Za Hcrnes ~ ~ BLockir~ ar~ Set-up PLumbing connections s.;;wer and water o DFI'.!WALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU G.r-JwaZZ is in place, but prior to any taping. ~ EZectr<~oaL Connection - BLocki~~, set-u~ --1 and Diwnbing connections m-..;st =~ =-or'ovec. befo~c requesting eZec=roicaZ ins?e~~io~ :.J Aocessc,''d 3uiZiir~ ---, FinaZ.- Aft~r F~pc~esJ ~ etc. are ccmpLe~~d. sk:.rting, decks, o Location, bond or verticaLs in U.B.C. Section o ALL project conditions, suc~ as the ins=aLLat":on of street trees, cc,~Zccion of tns required Zandsccpi~g, etc., must oe sa~isfied bCfore the 3UILDI~G :I~~L acn be r2~~gSt3d. D, FIl!AL PWNBI.'lG !:=J, PINAL NE::,:W1ICAL O. FINAL ~LECT.sICA.L CJ o FINAL BUILDING: The Find BuiZdinq Inspeotion ....r~st be !'equested .after the ?ir4L 2Z=bir~ 'ELectrical, and Mecnar:iccl Inspection:; have been made ar~ apprcve~. MASO'lFlY: SteeL beams, croutirt.a accordt:Utce W": th ~Q4 ',- , 'iiOOD~TO~: Aftar instaLlation is ccml'i.e;;"a. D CURB & A,Z'PROACH AP.oON: Afte,:, forms aTe erected but prior to pOUI"'~~.q co=rete. SIDE:f.jALi<. & DRIVE'dAY: For aU ccn- crete pavina with":n street riaht- oj'-=y, to be made aj'ter aZZ ~xca- vatinq compiete & fo~ work & sub- base materiaL in ?Z.:::.ce. 'AU, MANHOLe:S AND CLEANOUT:; HUST BE AC;:rSSI2r.e:, ADJUST,'r:;:/T TO 2e: t~'\Dr .'IT NO ::;S'I' TO CI7'Y I :J~'-e of 2 D D :?ENa:: ~'hen compZc:te -- Provide' gar;es or movabLe' seotions through P.U.E. o I JOB NO. <g30517 SOLAR A.SS I ! Zar:e: Lot Sq. Ftg . I: .:;f :ot ~.:;verag;; ," of :::.tOI"".es I Tota! Heicht i. .. I TopogrfZ?hy I lITEM SQ.FTG I ,'.lain I Cc:Y> ac e i ! Car::-Qrt I l,kaessor:J I I I 1'0'1'04[, VALUE S.D.C. Iva"u;;) 1.5 ;:; Building PeI'm"~t State Su:f'cna:!'ge Tota! Cr.a.~ges I ITEM I FL--tu:res lResidentiaL (1 bath) i Sanita.!"j Sewer I watfa' Pbmbing Pe:m:i t State Su:f'cr.arge Tota! Ch.c.raes I ITEM I Res. Sa. fta. IN~/Extend Circuits I Temporary Service Eleatr'1;caL Permit State SUrcharae Tota L Ch.a:!'ces lITEM I F".a'n:zce ?TU'S I E;:;haust Hood I Vent Pan I ' I w::;odstove I P errrri. t I;] suanc 2 Mechanical Permit State Su:f'chcToe I I Total cr.c.raes . I -- :;tlCRCAC.S:gE~'/T I <: ...., !) . +: I ~eC'~I""_..'1 eDOS'L. I Storage Il1a-:.ntenance I Permit I TotaL C'naraes I Curbcut Sidewalk ?e~e ELectricaL Labe! Mobile H:;me TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' NOa ;VO. I Ne.', ' F':'r:' I I I I, I I' I CccuDanc:J GrouD: LOT TYPE I1".terior Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac X Value FEE CHARGE >;;;'!i' C,=lJJ.RGE. CIi;J.RCE )<-;.00 ~o I C;. & 0 I I I I -Ji/~'&O Pege 2 '., REQ.- L-COG~ I [,ot Faces - I I P.&. 1N0r~h lEast ISou th IWest Type/Cor.st: 3eaooms: I I I Access. I II I I I I Setback.s l.'iouse I Ca:rage I I En2rau Sou!'':)es Seat ~/ate'!' .'"!eat2-!' Ranqe Pirevlace Wooa:Jtov8 Tu'Oe Fees Building Value &' Permit This pernr~t is granted on the express condition that the said. construction shalL, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the City of Springf:eZd, inaZud::'ng ti1.e Zoning Ord-:.nqnce, regulc.tir:.g ti1e ccnstr7.lcticr.. ~d use of buildings, and m~y be $usper~ed or revokec at ~~ t~me u?~n vic- lation of xny provisions of said Ordir~nces. I , . I I I I. -j Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: /Reczipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shaLl construct, install, aZter or change any 1".ew or e=isting plumbing or drainage systa~ in ~hoLe or in part, unless such person is the LegaL possessor of a valid pLumber's License, ~cept that a 'person may do plumbing work to proper~d which is owned, leaszd or operated by the appli- cant. / I I · I Electrical Permit Where State [,C;;W requires tr.at the eLectricaL work be done by an Eleat!"'~caL Contractor, the electricaL portion of this permit shaLL 1".ot be valid untiL the 'labeL has been signed by the ELectrical Contractor. I I , I · Meche nical ....., Permit PZan E=c:;niner !)ate I HAVE CAREFULLY'r::XA.'1INED the complated ~pplication jar permit, c:r>.d do hereby certify that all information hereon is true ar.d correct, and I further certify that any arn all work ;:erfor;ned shall be dO;1e in acjor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Spr'1~ngfietd, and thz [,(;".,;S of the · State of Oregon psr~ininq to the work described here-:.n, ar.d tr.c.t ~O occu- PJ.NCY will be made of any structure without perm-:.ssion of the 3uilding Di- vision. I further certify tr.at onLy contractors ~.d a~Loyees who a.~e in compliance w-:.th CRS 701.055 wiLl be used on this projsct )(~)JIL ::>1..gnza Xa~- 1-/ I J