HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-3-4 (2) . .. RESIDEIIAL-" APPLICATION 'RMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr.ingfield, 01'egon 97177 lJld lding Division 726-3753 ~Ob Loc"tion: ~ t=D\s\.,\t1m..a.J ~ :"O"DDor: 0".1::' ). \ 15 0 ~ rJ5.;J \ ( '\ Tar wt U n \ ~ C{) ~diu;SionSJ.ryfJ r04 I!(\ q 1J. I1lLOcx:sl. J l ~\\[\ ,,~ 0 1) ~(Jl f\\OD a ~ Q f\ ~~ \ 'c>t' Phone: S~'\OL) ~ Zip: ~::::" ~~onW3f ~~. I .'!obile Hom{! f\ \f1 n \ c:: "'1'.0 u) Date of t1pDUcaticn l")/ ,~\... -\ Value 0 lJ......J .J 211t'ra~[(f~:;- _ ...'7) Aclclrp~~ Li~c. II Bldrs Iloard Re'o. :eneral t'\Jt 0n ll(:.../ ~~ :unC}': 4dd1>css: ~it!J: llumbi.ng lec(lanit.:al f~~c..: (r i..!;a I ~1 PL' r;v!:!tt';,;r.lg, Elec t r.i cia n --.. ~ (f) fffi loCI Ul4,1 " -:1'1...3 'K. ~ .' . ........ . ~. ... .~... ..,. ,-' ", . '. 1 ~ ~. ..... ,I; 0:' .:--' .,.. . '. , . . d~)'\ 0..Lj-.Q I Siqr.ed: - . Date: .I Exp~{es Phonp rt is the responoibility of' the perrttit holder to Boe that, all inopections ~B mada at the propel" timc~ tJ:at each o:ddrS88 is readab!e ! rporn the atreet, and that the permit caPd is located at the front of the property. 1!i1d!di."t[/ {}..:vi::io"r: approl-'ed plan s~ll remain on th2 8u~lding Sit;; at all times. ~~OCSnURF. FOR INSPECTION Rs.:OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) Btate youP City designated job numbeT'~ job acdrocBs~ type j)f i1l3pea;icll 'cqucnJtcd Cl.':d when you 'wil.l be ready for in8pcation~ Contl'Qctors ot' CUneI's name and Fhone number. Requests received before 7:00 C":'J 'ill be made the same day~ requests made after 7:00 W1I will be lOO.de the next :.JOrkin.] ~I Din I /'\ YOUI' City DeGigr.ated Job Nwnbel' Ia: Y ~ V-/ tllmdr>{'d rn.<::T"lN.t1:r-;,}!'f t.'J'n' IN,'iN:r",'~'JON: To be roode alter cxeav':lti,:m. bllt p1'icr to set up of [:::wms. UN[JF:R.r;[,A.'J PLUMBING. ELECTRlC.lL & Nf:CH.,!:JJCM,: 'fa be rnade befoI'e any IJOl'k is ;Jovel'ed. 11 FOO'rft'lC ~ FOWlD,1TICN: To be nr:zce . alter' t.l'iIlI(:he:J art: excavated and [m'm:; ,lJ'e erected~ but prior to !,()lll'fllg Cerlal'ctS. ] ] ;-'1 !!;YO,'::RG.r?QlJ.'W p,r,w.I,'3rNC1 SSIIER. W.1TF:R, !J:'(!!.!..:'!lll;f:: 1'0 bi! madc priol' to [i l- 111::.1 1.1'e/whe:;. -.J I!N!'.~'.'.'.~'l.DOR P{,lJl!.'JINC ,P, MEC!ftlNICAL: :':,:7::;/.'/wi,-';-P"L01' to ill:;taLlation of j','."", [wHll(:t-LOrl 01' decking. -I i'I!::'/' M/l) m:/!.,'./: To be rr.adc prior to ;'-;:~'Jt:l-rl,lr ie/l of flool' insulation. or "!,~G:: :'11:;. ] !(1)!I,':!l !'r.{!,'.'.l/I:'!C_ E'[,F:CTR!CA!. .~ UECfI- -;U.Ij'~-::l!.:n- ::o-''..JOI'J: -i:J to be eOL'cred . ;;';.iSI-:':ir"~~;i! bwpectior:s have beer. J~I:I;!/! ,md 'Qjpl.tlVe::!. ~~.~~}::J~:-.!:i'!:: l','1:0r' to plccirJ] facing ':~,:i~':':'II:J ,lid be[or'c fr'aming inspec- t:",,: ] J .('.','..1."!;'/,:.: .\'1/::/. he l'equeatcd after :;[I.:-;;'.I-I'~~!. ,.'ll'OlIuJr pLwr;billa~ ::lectri- (:..d ::' "i.',:h'uli::al.. ,H!. roofing l'}'::,'I,I.l ,0: ,'hinm'-:Y:l. ct:!. 11f'.4st be ....:....~I'l..:...f. .1/" U.:"J1'k 1::; to he con- .J,;.;'!,.,{ 1,1;1 i l. lId:; "/.'_n:lpcction 008 'lJr:'~': :.i,~ .JII,! (/flPl'OL'cd. D INSULATION/VAPO.r? BARRIER INSPSCTION: To be mads after' all inBul~tion a~~ required vapor barrier'S are in place '. but c'efore any lathJ gypsum board 01" r.nl.Z. covel"ing is applied~ and befors any inaulation is concealed. D DRYWALL I/JSPECTTON: Tc be made alter all dI'YlJaLl is in place~ but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel loeation. bond b2ama~ gI'Olltiu[J Ol' verticals in ac:col"dance LJith u. B. C. Section 2415. WOODSTO'lE: After installation is ccmpleud. DEUOLITIO!J OR ;....OVED BUILDI,"JGS :=J Sani tary Sf!'Jel' :!apped ::zt pT'opc:r~:i lir.e '. '.' 11'10, 1.I",plll/.t~""I1'<'f',,"'';11 J ,IJ i ~.I. 1 ~ :=J Septi, tank p:u:rpcd and fiLled r.Jith g"",c! ::J Final - rlhen ab...--ve items are ccmpletcd and uhen demolition is complete or struJ- ture moved and pr;:mi3es cle,':med up. I Nobi le lIernet: :=J Blocking and Set-up :=J PZumbin:J. connections 8CLJ(!1" and water ---, Electrical Connection - 8lo,'king~ sct-up --.l and plumbing eonnections nr.4~ t 1:e appr:n:ed beforc requesting elec~rical ins?eC!~io~ :=J Ac:!escol"Y Sui Iding ] Final - Aft;:r p~l'cr.es. skirti~g~ decks~ etc. are campleto:d. o o D CURB ~ APPRCAClf APRON: Afte:, foms al'e <!l"ectea but p,"iol' to pouring conCl"ete. D SIv,r;:r'ALK ,f DRI('EIJ,U; Fol" all con- crete paving uithin st't'ect right- . of-rx.y.l to be made after> all exca- . ,. vating complete & form LX>l'k & t:ub- ba:;;e matenal in place. O !:'ENCE: liTher: compl.;tc -- Provide gates' 01" movable Dectiono througl; P,U',E. eM I Sfud\~ D All p,'o,icet condit.{onsJ :;ueh all the ~'nstallation of stJ'cet tree:J~ "co..~plcti"n of' the r.eqrtired land:wr.Pl:r.OJ ck.. mtwt be lJatiDficd before the BOlLO/NC FINAL can be r2queat.zd. ] f.'!::..I:.;""':.'i/.'!I; ] PI::,:: :1.~"!f1.',r.',',1l, ] FI,',':I!. !':::,t'\'l,',:l. ~ Fl!IAf. DUnnINC: TIle filial nllildino Innpcction mt~st be rcqueotcd afteT' tlte Pinal Plwnbing Elcctp-ical~ and Mechnr:.i()l:l InspectiolllJ haiJa been made and appl"ov.:!d. 'flU. U:lt'.'I!Gf.r,': At/{) CU.'tH/{)IJ'r:: Ifll,'" m: ld.'Cf.'.';:;m[,F.', AD,lU.'JTW.'N'J'...TO.Bl;.' f.f.~nF: AT 1.'0 r~5T TO cr'!'Y I r";l~:,' -'] of :: , -,'" L -CU l:' Nb,q\D\~lo SOLARaESS REQ.- 1 1'1 Q.- occuooM.. \L6 I wt Faces - I I P.I.. INorth lEast ISouth :r.'eat Type/Cor.8t: ~I I Acee"". 1 11 II I l~ Watr.r .1/f'!atf!I' Hal/go firenlace Wood;,;tot:e JOB Zone: Lot Sq. Ft.. S ~f lot C~uerag:; ,f of stories Total Height Topography I I TTEII 1 "'ain I SQ.FTG Gc.1'ace Car1JOrt I AeeeMor. I I~~~TA;':~ Is.D.c. 1.5 % lOOl-UC) Buildin!1 Permit State Surch.:u>ge TotaL Chargs8 " I ITEII Fi.r,tures- /10. ResidentiaL (1 bathl I sanitary Sewer I Wate'r PLwnbing Pend t State Surc1-.arge Total Char-nes liTEM . NO.' FEE I R(!8. So. 'to. IN~/Extend Circuita I Tempora1'Y Service I Eleatrical Pe1'l7lit State Surchar(1e Total Charges IITSM I fUrnace !!TU' S I f..;:hauat 1l00d. I Vent Fan III:>odnto;Je roo I Penrn.t Issuance Mechanical pennit State surcharror- Total CMraeD __ E/lCROAC/lIIENT -- I SeC'.J.ri tu Daoo3it I Storage I f.{aintenan.:e I PCrn/it Total Chargas I Curbcut I SidewaLk I {(,Plee j Electrical I Hobi le /lome I I I Label LOT TYPE x FEE FEE Interior Corner PanhandLe Cut-de-sac value. 1 1 I 1 Sc:90"~ \ 1S~' fJoFo z..fT 5'?J.D r . CHARGE I ( CHARGE CUARCE R...dl'oomll: Setback:J 1I0une. r.nraqe I Enernll SO;lrccS I !{eat I 'foWl! Fees Building Value & Permit This permit io !Jl'anted on the e:x:pre'Ds condition that tlw fl:Ii.,j ,:,,,,::ll'ud.i.<.m shaU, in all respect:J, conform to tile Ordinan~e adopteJ by dl.; :"i lif ':1' Springfield, including the Zlminq Crd:.nancc, regulatillrl the l:,)1J:i f /,11, ,( 1.,;/1 and uoe of building8; and m:ry be sunpended or revoked at G/:!I 1.::/,;,' lii',"1 /Jj,;- lation o[ any provisions of said OrdilUlncen. IPlan Clleek Fee: ,-:2.':) . ~~_____ Icate Paid: n... - \C\ -en- IRec<ipt II: ~"l 9'_ .._._'_. ;SiO"d: H f)~ (l "7 Plumbing Permit No percon Dhall construct, install, aZter or change any new Cl' r.:::i:ltl:ll!: ptwnbing 01' drainage syote:n in whole or in part, unless such PCl'SOll i:J 0",. legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that Q pe....:;on ma;! ,i.l plumbing work to property which is owned, teased or operated by U:r. l1FT1U- cant. . Electrical Permit Where State LatJ req"uires thoat the electricaL work be done by Qll ELecLI'i<:lll. Contractor, the electrical portion of thia permit. shall not be valid ulltil the label has be-en Digned by the Electrical :::ontl'Qctor. I. I 1 Mechanical Permit 1 1. I JrW~ r~all ~t.ner ua~/2 P/ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compLeted application [or permit, and do hereby certify that all i~fo';"mO.tio" hereml is true and correct, and I jUrther certify that any arA all work perfo~od shalt be do~e in accor- dance with tha ordinances of the City of SprinGfietd. and the: Ltr..;a of tho .4 Stato of Oreg.:," p:::rtaining to tIle work described herein, c,ui that NO OCC:J PANel will be nn.:f.e of any structurJ IJithoOJ.t parmio3ion of the Bllildi,lg Oi tJision. I further certify th:1t o:1ly contractors and e:npl"yoc8 wl:o arc ill co~ptiance with ORS 701.05~ wiLL be uBed on this project ~,~, [l.Jtc " ::.---- J'7t:1-.o'3 "