HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance APPLICANT 7/12/2008 'r . . AN 2-00<6- 0 I t..f I FlLED ORDINANCE NO 6224 AN &ID~l APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO T~ CITY A~~~9~ THE LANE COUNTY METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER SERVICE ~'iI\~jlil{~'f.l.'mDRA WING THE SAME TERRITORY FROM THE GLENWOOD WATER . DISTRICT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . . C'OJ/PI . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: ~ -l.cirlJ _ WHEREAS, a request to annex certain territory was submitted on March 17, 2008, said territory being described as follows: Franklin Boulevard right-of-way, Glenwood Bridge right-of-way, and Willamette River, located on Assessor's Maps Township 17 South, Range 03 West, Section 34, Map 40 and Township 17 South, Range 03 West, Section 34, Map 44, as generally depicted and more particularly described in Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the-City Council is authorized by Springfield Development Code (SDC) Article 5.7 and ORS Chapter 222 to accept, process, and act on annexations to the City; and WHEREAS, consistent with SDC 5.7-125(A) and (B)(3) and ORS 222.111(2), the City Council initiated the annexation by Resolution No. 08-06 on March 17, 2008 (Exhibit B); and WHEREAS, this annexation has been initiated in accordance with SDC 5.7-125 and ORS 222 and has been set for public hearing; and, WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (more co=only known as the Metro Plan) Urban growth boundary and is contiguous to the City limits [SDC 5.7-140(A)]; and, . WH;EREAS, the annexation is consistent with Policy 10, page II-C-4; Policy 16, pageII-C-5; and Policy 21, page II-C-6, in the Metro Plan [SDC 5.7-140(B)] requiring annexation to the City of Springfield as the highest priority for receiving urban services; and - WHEREAS, the minimum level of key urban facilities and services can be provided in an orderly and efficient manner as required in Metro Plan Policy 8, page II-C-4, and where there will be a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and facilities [SDC 5.7-140.(C)]; and, ~ . ' 'WHEREAS, a Staff Report was presented to the City Council with the Director~s reco=endation to approve the annexation of territory (Exhibit C); and, WHEREAS, a Staff Report was presented to the City Council with the Director's reco=endation to concurrently annex the area to the Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District [SDC 5.7- 140(B)]; and is consistent with the inter-governmental agreement between the City of Springfield and Lane CountY regarding boundary changes dated May 21, 2008; and, .' . WHEREAS, a Staff Report was presented to the City Council with the Director's reco=endation to concurrently withdraw the area from the Glenwood Water District and the annexation area continues to serve as public infrastructure [SDC 5.7-140.Bl; and, Date Received: 7//'J--tJg Planner: BJ