HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 8/14/2008
DISTRIBUTION DATE: August 12, 2008
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Current Planning Staff: Ka J. 0 novan. Liz Miller. M. Metzger. Lissa Davis.
L. Pauly. Tara Jones. Andy Limbird. ave Reesor. Steve Hopkins. Molly Markarian
"Matt Stouder. Engineenng - u IC or1<s Department
"Les Benoy. Engineer Group. EngineeringlPublic Worka I:) EC EI VE
Brian Barnett. Traffic EngineerlPE. Public Wor\<s Department (agenda only ~ D
"Jon Driscoll.. Transportation Planning Engineer. Public Works Department
"Gilbert Gordon. Deputy Fire Marshall. Fire & Life Safety Department
Melissa Fechtel. Fire Agenda only AUG 1 420
"Pat French. Planner. Willamalane Park and Recreation District 08
*Tamara Johnson. Springfield Utility BOard (Electric) By. ",;.., ,()
"Bart McKee. Springfield Utility Board (Water) . ~ ~ ,- a ~
Jack Foster. Springfield Utility Board (Energy Conservation)
Amy Chinitz. Springfield Utility Board (Drinking Water) ()
Jim Henry. Central Lane Communications 911 (Subdivisions. Street name changes) H1/ t (j
Dave Whtte. U.S.P.S. (Growth Mgmt. Coordinator) 3 b
Dave Shore. Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for PartitionslSubdlvisions)
"Celia Barry. Lane County Transportation
Thomas Jeffreys. Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD)
Lane County Land Management [Urban Transttion Zone]
George Ehlers. Lane County Sanitarian [Urban Transttion Zone] (if applicable)
Tim Hanely. Rainbow Water District(" only if in the North Spfld area) (if applicable)
Ralph Johnston. Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (If applicable)
Dale Ledyard. Operations Chief. McKenzie Fire District (If applicable)
Tom Henerty. Comcast Cable (if applicable)
Debbie Crampton. EWEB (electric) (" If in Glenwood)
Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood. EWEB (water) (*If in Glenwood)
Steve Moe. Glenwood Water District i"lf in Glenwood)
Bill Grile - Development Services Director (agenda)
John Tamulonis. Economic & Community Development Manager (agenda)
Cindie Mott. Code Enforcement Inspector (agenda)
"Dave Puent, Building OffIcial (agenda)
Lisa Hopper. Building Services Representative (agenda)
" Greg Ferschweiler. Ketth Miyata. Brian Conlon. Gene Butterfield. PW Dept. (agenda)
"Craig Fitzgerald. Maintenance PW Dept
George Walker. Environmental Worka Dept.. (agenda only)
Deanna Buckem. Engineering Assistant. Public Works Dept. (agenda)
Police Chief. Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda)
*Will Mueller. L TO
Norm Palmer. Quest Corporation (agenda
Lynn Detering (Stuckralh), ODOT, State Highway Division (agenda)
Jeff DeFranco, Springfield School District (agenda)
William Lewis. Financial Services, Springfield School District ( agenda)
Andrea Damewood, Reporter. Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO
Joe Leahy. City Attorney
Dennis Ernst. City Surveyor
A request for land use action, as described on the attached agenda. has been received by the Development Services
Office. Specific concerns of your division/department/agency should be addressed. If you have comments or
requirements of this proposal. please send them in writing to the assigned planner @ Development Services
Department. 225 Fifth Street. Springfield. OR 97477.
If your written comments are not received by Friday, August 29, 2008 speciflc concerns of your
division/department/agency will not be addressed unleSs you attend the meeting on September 2, 2008. The
Development Review Committee holds staff review meetings on Tuesday@8:00-10:00a.m. You should also plan to
attend the staff meeting on Tuesday if you have specific concerns so that the Planning representative can discuss them
prior to meeting wtth the applicant. If the Planner feels it is necessary for you to participate in the public meetings
he/she will let you know on Tuesday. .
" will receive a full packet
. .
Conference Room 615
Staff Review: September 2, 2008 @ 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
1. NON-CONFORMING USE #DRC2008-00052 KELLEY GREG LLC 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
Assessor's Map: 17-02-32-32 TL 800
Address: 225 4151 Street
Existing Use: Park Lane Mobile Home Park
Applicant submitted plans proposing to remodel existing mobile home park by replacing all of the
existing RV spaces and the existing stick built residence with 20 new mobile home spaces.
. Planner: Andy Limbird .
. .
tity of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Non-Conforming Use -, Expansion/Modification
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.~equ.ite(U~.r.oj~~ Info.r.~atio",:-> ~.~J'.:- '::,;-',' '::.''i',.'(~~plicant: c0111plete.this section)l
A licant Name:
Phone: 360 751-9539
Com an :
900 North 7th Street, Kelso WA 98626
A Iicant's Re .. Scott Morris
Phone: 541 302-9790
Com an :
Olson & Morris
541 485-3253
380 Street Ste 200
S rin field, OR 97477
Owner: Same as A Iicant
Com an
ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-32-32 TAX LOT NO S : 800
No Address Assi ned Ol~ 5 tft Sf"
Acres ~ S uare Feet D
Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application.
Pro osal: s aces and re lace with mobile home s aces
Existin Use: Mobile Home & RV Park
Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the a
. -.
Associated A lications:
Si ns:
Case No.: Q<e.,WO _ 00058.-
A Iication Fee: $ '3B 1--2> ----
Technical Fee: $
B Reviewed b
\~ t. 40 , Posta
(PO ('X)
Date Received:
AUS -6 2008
Orig~~1'.:.1 S,ubn1~ltz:j
Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian
1 of 4
A division of
L.B. Olson & Associates, Inc.
Consulting Engineers
Land Surveyors
Urban Planners
380 Q Street
Suite 200
Springfield, Oregon 97477
(541) 302-9790
Fax: (541) 485-3253
Park Lane Mobile Home Park
Expansion of Non-Conforming Use
Owner / Applicant
Kelley - Greg, LLC
900 North 7'h Street
Kelso, W A 98626
Applicants Representative
Olson & Morris
Attn: Scott Morris, PE
380 Q Street, Ste 200
Springfield, OR 97477
Date Received:
AUG - 6 2008
Original Submiltai
Proiect Overview
The Park Lane Mobile Home Park is currently a combination mobile home and
recreational vehicle (rv) park located at 41st Street and A Street in Springfield, Oregon.
There are currently 46 mobile home spaces, one stick built residence, and 36 rv spaces
located on approximately 3.7 acres. The park has been in perpetual operation since it .
was constructed more than 15 years ago.
The park has transferred ownership' many times in the past 15 years, and the applicant
currently has a contract to purchase the park. As part of the purchase, the applicant is in
the process of securing Housing and Urban Development (HUD) money to complete a
remodel to a section of the park. The main emphasis of the remodel is the replace all of
the existing rv spaces and the existing stick built residence with 20 new mobile home
This work will include installing a new paved road to serve these spaces, new sanitary
sewer service, and new private utilities (SUB and Comcast). The work will also include
making some safety improvements to the park to allow better emergency vehicle access
and to meet current codes for hydrant spacing. The plan also includes adding some
interior parking spaces to keep cars from parking on the interior roadways, lighting, and
some additional landscape. The storm drainage system will also be improved, with a
bio-swale being installed along the new road to improve water quality of the discharge
from the mobile home park.
A small playground area is also proposed within the park to allow the residents a safe
place for the children to play and the parents to gather with their neighbors.
The current configuration of the park is that the temporary rv spaces aie at the main
entrance to the park. By replacing the temporary rv parking spaces with mobile home
spaces, there will be more pride of ownership within the park, and will be a cleaned up
appearance. This will be a benefit to the existing park residents as well as the
neighborhood in general. The curb appeal will be dramatically changed by the proposal to install
a new fence around the perimeter of the park. The other major curb appeal item is that the owner
will be replacing the existing overhead electrical services in the rv area with underground service
to the new mobile home spaces.
We feel the proposed improvements will be a big improvement to the neighborhood and
Springfield in general. This type of project fits perfectly into the Springfield Development Code
(SDC) criteria for an expansion to a non conforming use in residential zones. Below is a speCific
discussion relating to each item listed in SDC 5.8-145.
Expansion / Modification shall not lessen the residential character
The existing development surrounding the site is multi family and commercial development.
There is a large townhouse development on the west side of 41 51 Street that runs the length of the
project and is zoned medium density residential. To the north is vacant land across Commercial
Street that is zoned light medium industrial. To the east and south is land (some currently
developed, some vacant) that is zoned community commercial.
The replacement of the temporary rv spaces with mobile home spaces will improve the
residential character of the neighborhood.
Building Scale. Placement. and Facade
The proposed change to the park will facilitate the installation of single level mobile home units.
This is consistent for residential development, and will not be out of character with the
neighborhood. The placement will also be in a manner to orient the units to the interior of the
park with a new perimeter fence around the property. .
On-site Parking Placement
The current park configuration has no specified on site parking, except one space for each unit.
Therefore, any additional vehicles or visitors have no other place to park than adjacent to the
units. This causes a congested roadway, which results in poor access for emergency vehicles and
safety issues with pedestrians and bicycles.
The proposed remodel includes installing 18 parking spaces spread throughout the park. This
will greatly improve the parking within the park and alleviate some ofthe current problem. We
have also widened the connection to the north portion of the park to 20 feet for emergency
vehicle access, and added a small playground to provide children a safe place to play.
Impact of Vehicle Trips to the Site on Adiacent Streets
Date Received:
AUG - 6 2008
original Submittal
, ~~
The plan is to reduce the number of dwelling units from 36 rv spaces, to 20 mobile home spaces.
The average daily trips from a single dwelling is approximately 10. Therefore, the adjacent
streets should have less impact as the number of daily trips may be reduced by approximately
160 trips per day.
Buffering and the Potential Loss ofPrivacv for Abutting Residential Uses
The only abutting residential uses are the townhouses on the west side of 41 st Street. They
currently have a view of the temporary TV parking spaces with no screening or fencing. This
proposal includes orienting the new mobile home units to the interior of the park, and installing a
new perimeter fence.
This will create a buffer and partial screen for the existing townhomes that does not currently
On Site Lighting
There are currently a few lights in the park scattered that are not providing adequate lighting for
safety and security.' The proposal is to install 6 new private lights that will provide better
visibility at night. The lights are shielded and placed so they will not shed light on any of the
abutting properties.
This will provide better security in the park and help reduce some of the current problems within
the park.
The proposed improvements to this park will be a major upgrade to the current facility. This will
help fulfill Springfield's goal of beautifying existing run down areas and provide a safer and
more livable environment for the residents.
We feel that the proposed modification meets all of the code requirements and should be
approved by the City of Springfield.
Approval from the City of Springfield is necessary to finalize the HUD funding for these
improvements, which are intended to be installed in Fall, 2008.
Date Received:
AUG - 6 2008
Original Submittal
225 41st Street
Date Received:
AU6 - 6 2008
Original Submittal
Map 17-02-32-32
Tax Lot 800
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Site Development Plan
Park lane Mobile Home Park
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