HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 8/27/2008 . . August 26, 2008 In Response to: Case Number: DRC2008- 00052 Applicant: . Kelley Greg LLC In response to the communication sent by the city of Springfield regarding:. The 300 Foot Public Notice pending the Non-conforming use application at 224 41 5t Street in Springfield Assessor's Map# 17-02-32-32, Tax Lot(s) 800. In the past30 years, members of the Furlong Family LLC have repaired the chain link fence, no less than 40 times. The building and surrounding properties have been burglarized countless time as well. Following a quick drive through of the trailer park, it was apparent that the amount of work and money needed to upgrade the area to a livable standard is absolutely unfathomable. The numbers of properties that have burned and are noticeably vacant are nearly equal to the trailers that are currently inhabited. The plan to removed the RV trailers to make room for permanent trailers, is a plan that would require a level of financing and such a difference in the manner in which the renters were chosen, and the expectation to keep the property clean and respectable is such change in behavior that the thought of the entire plan seems simply impossible. The area speaks for itself. The current residents have no respect for the property and obviously are not expected to do so by the current manager/owner. The Springfield Police Dept. has record of the number of times that they have been summoned for drug related issues. The Furlong Family, LLC, rejects this application in its entirety. Peter Furlong f~ 1d'[/ yjp / )fill I Date Received: I I Planner: AL . August 25, 200K Andy Limbird City Of Springfield Urban Planning Division . - Dear Sir, As a tenant at Park Lane Mobile Home Park, there is only two issue that myself and the other tenants have raised concerning the improvements at the park. !- The cyclOfie fence the owners want to build around the entire park. . The reason we are against this is for the following: We are surrounded by high traffic not only from motor vehicles but also truck . , , traffic noise. If the wooden fence is taken down we will have to endear all the noise -- .. - - ,.- - . - ~ inour.homes:Thewooden fence provides a little bit ofa noise barrier and with just wire ther:e would be no bat:tier: at all. Also we would loose all our sense of security we currently have in our back yards. This has a very high Volume of foot traffic and a lot of drug activity in the back at McKenzie Cottages. We feel we wiil be subject to a lot more theft because those lool~iIlg to steal will be aple t.ojU11lP' tIte f~~ce an~d gr:ab the iteD1s we have .of vatue in the yards. We would be forced to rent storage units, which most can not afford to d9.to keep o~tpropetty from being stolen.... . And last it would strip us of any privacy we have, For anyone going by the park could see anything We wer:e doing in our yards from talking to eating. We have -.. . . .. very little privacy as it is and this would take what we have completely away. We fe~l th~t if the owners insists on the cyclone fence they S~Olil~ be reqlii~ed to . put either the privacy strips in the fence or plant some type of hedge to go along the fence that would also' work as a: SOU1)d barrier:" secUl'ify aIld p.dva<:y. If you drive around other mobile home parks you will fmd they either are not on a main street, or if they are there is wooden fen.~eand if the ~yclonefenc~ i~ lip there are h~dge ora tree called the arborvitaes up. This tree works well for all the concerns we have. And it has pokies 011 them and deters the cd.mjnals. We appreciate you taking our concerns into consideration when making the decisiOfi .on the plans for oUt park. ,€bra AI€Xr:j.€~Cu-?~ ~ ~ / v ~~ ~.~L~ ~ laD 7310 - 09 po Dah.../ ;';~\:..sCG1vG\J: Planner: AL r/;,/ j$J! / I . . , \ . .. , ." . - - , ." . - -~ - - . - ~ ~ - . '. - - . - ... ,'- - . - -.., - - " - TO-.:THE HOMEOWNERS OF PARKLANE: '..., . yJ - - - - - - - - - As y<)u know the plans have been submitted to the city for the ,- ..-_.... ... h '-k ' Improvements tQ t e. par. Of all the plans the owners have s~bmitted the one item that I feel we all should think about is the tearing. down of all our wooden fences and replacing them with a 6 foot cyclone fence. Now the wire fence will last forever, but y~u wi.llloose all your privac~ in your back yards, the noise from the roads will be heard a lot louder than now and you will not be able to. keep ailYthing of value in tni tuick yards, fQr WYQne wa.lking oy . will be able to see it. This is' what I propose we ask for to the city: 1. Replace 'the wood with wire, but only ifthe owners are going to put in the privacy strips, or plant arborvitae plants that grow very fast and will form a hedge like barrier,_ This als6 win Gut down on the: s.O:uhd from tlie stieds, keep Qui safetY concerns in place and add the privacy we all cherish and need. If you are in 'agreement with this, please'sign this notice and bring it back to me in space 60 before 25th of this month. We have to have this into the city before the 28th': Thank You , De5Bi Alexaridef Space 60 "I'):' , I Date i':oceived: ?'0t /;~p! "F-' '/ Planner: AL . . to tHE HoME OWNERS OF pARkLANE: - . - - - - - As you know the plans have been submitted to the city for the iriipiovefueiit~{ to the park. Of all the plans the owners have submitted the one item that I feel we all should think about is the tearing down of all our wooden fences and replacing them with a 6 foot cyclone fence. Now the wire fence will last forever, but you will loose all your privacy in your back yards, the noise from the roads wl1i be heard a iot iouder than now and you wHi not be a:I5Je" to keep anytfiirig' Of vahie in the l:5,ack yards for anyone walking by will be able to see it. This is what I propose we ask for to the city: 1. Replace the wood with wire, but only if the owners are going to put in the priv~c)' strips, or plant arborvitae plants that grow very fast and wilt form a hedge like barrier. This also wilt cut down on the sound from the streets, keep ouf safety concerns in place and add the privacy we all cherish and need. If you are in agreement with this, please sign this notice and bring it back to me in space 60 before 25th of this month. We have to have this into the city before the 28th. .--- -. Thank You; Ud5fa AleXander Space 60 [ ~ Date Received: K'/2./;Woo Planner: AL I I . . TO THE HOME OWNERS OF PARKLANE; As you know the plans have been submi'tted to the city for the UijpiQv~meiits, to tl1e, park. Of all the plans the owners' have submitted the one item that I feel we all should think about is the tearing down of all our wooden fences and replacing them with a 6 foot cyclone fence. Now the wire fence will last forever, but you will loose all your privacy in your back yards, the noise from the roads wIube heard a iot iouder than now and you wiii not be a.ble to: keep anythi'ngQf value in tlie Ijack yards fof atlYQue wa1kirig' by will be able to see it. This is what I propose we ask for to the city: 1. Replace the wood with wire, but only ifthe owners are going to put in tpe privac):' str~ps, or plant arborvitae plants that grow very fast and will form a hedge like barrier. This. alsQ will c.ut. dowri on the. sourid fioill the. sth~.ets, keep Qur safe.1Y concerns in place and add the privacy we all cherish and need. If you are in agreement with this, please sign this notice and bring it back to me in space 60 before 25th of this month. We have to have this into the city before the 28th. Thank You; Deblii Alexande-r Spac7;6~ i I ,/ lft1tc6Y6 Date Received: ~/:Jt,,/~of Planner: Al / I . . TO tHE HOME OWNERS' at PARKLA.NE: ~ - . - As you know the plans have been submitted to the city for the improvements to tIle: park. Of all the plans the owners have submitted the one item that I feel we all should think about is the tearing dbwn of all our wooden fences and 'replacing them with a 6 foot cyclone fence. Now the wire fence will last forever, but you will loose all your privacy in your back yards, the noise t~om the roads witl be heard a iot louder than now and you will not be able to kee an hib - 6fvaliie in the back atds for an one walkin"I)' ,'u ..., ...11 yt. g.... ... ........ . ...y.. .'." y '.." ..., gy will be able to see it. This is what I propose we ask' for to the city: 1. Replace the wood with wire, but only if the owners are going to put in the privacy strips, or plant arborvitae plants that grow very fast and will 'form ahedge'like'barrier, . This. als.Q will c.ut down on the s6ufid ffofu the: ,str'eets, keep ouf safely concerns in place and add the privacy we all cherish and need. If you are in agreement with this, please sign this notice and bring, it back to me in space 60 before 25th of this month. We have to have this into the city before the 28th. Thank You , Deoia Ale.5difidef Space 60 '::'5' lfiGL, '0 O~te! Recelv~c;I; .~!:l_;/~o~ PI~nner: AL . . _'___~.____~r____~_.______~.__.. _.___~ ,__~_ TO THE HOME OWNERS OF PARKLANE: As you know the plans have been submitted to the city for the .-'-----,-"' "h----k Improvements. to. t .e, par. Of all the plans the owners have submitted the one item that I feel we all should think about is the tearing- down of all our wooden fences and replacing them with a 6 foot cyclone fence. Now the wire fence will last foreve~, but y~u will loose all your privacy in your back yards, the noise from the roads will be heard a lot louder than now and you will not be able to kt~e -- an" hiii ' of value ih the oack ' aids for an-one walkiii . - 15' H' .' .. , p yt g , '. .,. . ..,',.'. y ... .., . y , .".g Y will be able to see it. This is what I propose we ask for to the city: 1. Replace the wood with wire, but only if the owners are going to put in the privac)' strips, ~r plant arborvitae plants that grow very fast and wilt form a hedge like barrier. Tlii,s als,o win c,Ut do.wn on the souiid froro: the: stre:ets, ke:e'p, Qur safety concerns in place and add the privacy we all cherish and need. If you are in agreement with this, please sign this notice and bring it back to me in space 60 before 25th of this month. We have to have this into the city before the 28th'. Thank You , De,D,ra AIe.xafidef Space 60 /-' rA: #C~ 3 7 ~ ~ Jar!- c1 5(X1U ?:, 7 Date ReCeiVeq:,~).'L;p"f Planner; AI. / . . to tHE HoME OWNERS OF pARKLANK - - -.- As you know the plans have been submitted to the city for the improvefuents to the. park. Of all the plans the owners have submitted. the one item that I feel we all should think about is the tearing down of all our wooden fences and replacing them with a 6 foot cyclone fence. Now the wire fence will last forever, but you will loose all your privacy in your back yards, the noise from the roads wili be heard a lot iouder than now and you will not be a151e t6 k:e,ep afiything of value: iii the: b~ack yards. fQf aiiyone walking- by will be able to see it. This is what I propose we ask for to the city: 1. Replace the wood with wire, but only if the owners are going to put in the privacy strips, or plant arborvitae plants that grow very fast' and 'Will .. -.. - . ~ - . form a hedge like barrier. Tliis also will cut. dowii on the sound from the streets, keep our safety concerns in place and add the privacy we all cherish and need. If you are in agreement with this, please sign this notice and bring it back to me in space 60 before 25th of this month. We have to have this into the city before the 28th. Thank You; U-el5ia Alexander Space 60 hp~ ::J1.- 1--;1 t}~t€l Rece!v\9Q: f/~/~Oi Planner; AI. . . TO THE HOME OWNERS OF PARKLANE: _ _ r ~ _ _ _ _ __ As you know the plans have been submitted to the city for the iiJiproveme,iits t6 the p_ark. Of all the plans the owners have submitted the one item that I feel we all should think about is the tearing down of an our wooden fences and replacing them with a 6 foot cyclone fence. Now the wire fence will last forever, but you will loose an your privacy in your back yards, the noise from the roads wlii be heard aiot iouder than now and you wiil not be able to kee- an - hiti- of value iii the-15ack - ards fof arione -walkin -- b - - .. - . - .. .., ,pytg .. . _. - .. - ". - - _.' y -. . - - - y _.. , - - g y win be able to see it. This is what I propose we ask for to the city: 1. Replace the wood with wire, but only if the owners are going to put in the privacy strips, or prantarborvitae plants thafgrow very fast and 'Win- form a hedge like barrier, This also will cut down on the SQund from the streets, keep our safety concerns in- place and add- the privacy we all cherish and need. - ,- If you are in agreement with this, please sign this notice and bring it back to me in space 60 before 25th ofthis month. We have to have this into the city before the 28th. Thank You- , Del5fa Alexander Space 60 ~~& ~ )i " l)at~ i-'toceived: fh,/~of /- 'r Planner: AL \ . . TO THE HOME' OWNE"itS OF pARKtANE: ~ - - . ~ As yuu knuw the plans have been submitted to. the city fur the ifir-foV-me"tlts to the: --ark. pe . ... P- .. Of all the plans the uwners have submitted the une item that I feel we all shuuld think abuut is the tearing- down uf all uur wuuden fences and replacing them with a 6 fuut cyclune fence. Nuw the wire fence will last furever, but yuu will louse all yuut' privacy in yuur back yards, the noise fr.om the ro.ads wiil be heard a iut lo.uder than no.w and yuu will nut be :iDle to kt~e" an- thin - of value in the 15ack . aids far an one walkin 6 _. _ ..' .. PY ... g... . . '. ..... Y . ., . .. y. .. . Hg Y will be able to.' see it. This is what I propo.se we ask far to. the city: 1. Replace the wo.o.d with wire, but o.nly if the o.wners are go.ing to. put in the privacy st~ips, or plant arborvitae plants that grow very fast and will farm a hedge like barrier. Tfii.s. als.o win cXit down on tfie: sound fforTi the: stieels~ ke:ep oui safe:ty co.ncerns in place and add the privacy we all cherish and need. If yo.u are in agreement with this, please sign this no.tice and bring it back to. me in space 60 befure 25th uf this mo.nth. We have to. have this into. the city befo.re the 28th. . . ~. Thank Yuu , De.ora Ah~xande:f - .. - -- . -' -,. Space 60 J~ l:Ln~ 21.) IV. L.j I s.f- SPp" d {J/'L s+' ~ q 1'-/7 8 J 07 Date riacelved: ff,/~r . - - " . I , Planner: AL . . . TO THE HOME OWNERS OF PARKLANE: . - . ~ . - -. - - - - As you know the plans have been submitted to the city for the ifiipf6vdiieiits. to the park. Of all the plans the owners have submitted the one item that I feel we all should think about is the tearing. down of all our wooden fences and replacing them with a 6 foot cyclone fence. Now the wire fence will last f~rever, but you will loose all you~ privacy in your back yards,. the noise from the roads will be heard a lot louder than now and you will not be able. to. ke.ep anything of vallie in the liack yards for anyone: walking 5j' will be able to see it. This is what I propose we ask for to the city: 1. Replace the wood with wire, but only if the owners are going to put in t~e privac~ strips, ~r plant arborvitae plants that grow very fast and will form.a hedge like barrier, This. als.o will dit. down on tlie sourid ftciril the: streets, keep ouf safe.ty concerns in place and add the privacy we all cherish and need. If you are in agreement with this, please sign this notice and bring. it back to me in space 60 before 25th of this month. We have to have this into the city before the 28th. ' ...- Thank You , De:Bia Alexaiider Space 60 /~o tJulg 'DCMM ~ ~ ~~~ Sy~.e;-a . Llato i~acelved:. if 2-6/,)...00 f" Planner: AL. I I . . TO. THE HOME OWNERS OF PARKLANE: . . - . - . As you know the plans have been submitted to the city for the '----p. - ., h. 'k Improvements to t e, par . Of all the plans the owners have submitted the one item that I feel we all should think about is the tearing. down of all our wooden fences and replacing them with a 6 foot cyclone fence. Now the wire fence will last forever, but you will loose all your privacy in your back yards, the noise . ... - . -' . from the roads will be heard a lot louder than now and you will not be able, t6 keep anYthirig of value ih the back yards for anyone. walking l5y will be able to see it. This is what I propose we ask for to the city: 1. Replace the wood with wire, but only if the owners are going to put in the privacy st~ips, or p~ant arborvitae plants that grow very fast and will 'form a hedge like barrier, This: als:o~ will cUt down 6n the: sound from the stree:ts, ke~ep our safety concerns in place and add the privacy we all cherish and need. If you are in agreement with this, please sign this notice and bring it back I to me in space 60 before 25th of this month. We have to have this into the 'city before the 28th. Thank You, Del5.ra Alexander Space 60 ~ ~)_.~ ~~. ~sdr- ~. ~, o. Oatel Received: Planner: AL fL4/l-PPi ,- I . . TO THE HOME OWNERS' OF PARkLANE: As you know the plans have been submitted to the dty for the im-fovements to the '-ark. dP .. ..... , "p. '" Of all the plans the owners have submitted the one item that I feel we all should think about is the tearing. down of all our wooden fences and replacing them with a 6 foot cyclone fence. Now the wire fence will last forever, but you willlo~se all your privac~ in your back yards, the noise from the roads will be heard a lot louder than now and you will not be a. 5le to kee'- an 'hin- 6fvalile in the \jack 'ards fof ail'one walkin . \j" ., , .., ,. ' p yt g .... . .. . , .... . ... ,Y . ,.., y '.. , .. g Y will be able to see it. This is what I propose we ask for to the city: 1. Replace the wood with wire, but only if the owners are going to put in t~e privacy strips, or plant arborvitae plants that grow very fast and win form a hedge like barrier. This also will cut. down on tlie~ sound frQm Hk stre.ets, keep Qui'safety concerns in place and add the privacy we all cherish and need. If you are in agreement with this, please sign this notice and bring it back to me in space 60 before 25th ofthis month. We have. to have this into the city before the 28th. - Thank You , De\jj'a Alexander Space 60 Oat", .-'(tlceived: Planner: AL J/z'~/#Jot , / \ \J . . . - - - - - -- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - . TOTHE HOME OWNERS OF PARKLANE: - - + - - - - .- As you know the plans have been submitted to the city for the impro,vdneiits. to. the p.aik. Of all the plans the owners have submitted the one item that I feel we all should think about is the tearing- down of all our wooden fences and replacing them with a 6 foot cyclone fence. Now the w.ire fence will last forever, but you will loose all your privacy in your back yards, the noise from the roads wiil be heard a iot ioud'er than now and you wi'ii not be aBle to ke.ep anything of value, iii tIie back yards for anYone walkiiig 15y will be able to see it. This is what I propose we ask for to the city: 1. Replace the wood with wire, but only if the owners are going to put in the privacy strips, or plant arborvitae plants that grow very fast and will form a hedge like barrier, TlUs als.Q will cXit down on the sound from.the' streets, keep ouT' safety concerns in place and add the privacy we all cherish and need. If you are in agreement with this, please sign this notice and bring- it back to me in space 60 before 25th of this month. We have to have this into the city before the 28th~ ,. Thank You , De5fa Alexa.nder Space 60 ~ DaI", I<OC\::lIVed: Planner: AL t'/;6/J-o I / ~ . . tOe THE- HOME OWNERS OF pARK.iANE: - - . ~ - As you know the plans have been submitted to the city for the ifti]5ioVefuerits tQ the p.ark. Of all the plans the owners have submitted the one item that I feel we all should think about is the tearing down .of all our wooden fences and replacing them with a 6 foot cyclone fence. Now the wire fence will last forever, but you will loose all your privacy in your back yards, the noise . t'fom the roads w{U be heard- a iot iouder than now and you will not be ahle. t6. keep anYthing Qf vallie in the back yards. fQr aiiYQne walking 6)' will be ab Ie to- see it. This is what I propose we ask for to the city: 1. Replace the wood with wire, but only if the owners are going to put in the priv.ac~ strips, ~r p~antarborvitae plants that grow very fast and will forma hedge like barrier, This. als.Q wilf cut down on the s.Qllnd fr'Om the streets, keep, our safety concerns in place and add the privacy we all cherish and need. If you are in agreement with this, please sign this notice and bring it back to me in space 60 before 25th of this month. We have to have this into the city before the 28th, Thank You - , Debra Akx~ifider Space 60 ~ ~~~ C{-7.3 ~ 0 ~ 5f-lf //0 Date Received: gj2~/,}poJ" Planner: AL /