HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 8/10/2010 0.. . .' Memorandum City of Springfield Date: To: From: Subject: (kluoer Ill, lOu! Liz Miller, Urban Plarmer Eric Walter, Civil Engineer DRC201O-00020, Blackwell Auto Dealer MDS I have reviewed the materials provided with the subject application. The recommended [mdings and conditions outlined below are provided for your use in preparing the land-use decision. STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY Finding: Section 4.3-11 O.B of the SDC requires that the Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems provisions have been made as determined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). Finding: Section 4.3-11O.D of the SDC requires that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. Finding: As required in Section 4.3-110.E of the SDC, "a development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by the Public Works Director and consistent with Metro Plan policies and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual." Finding: Section 3.02 of the City's EDSPM states the Public Works Department will accept, as interim design standards forstormwater quality, water quality facilities designed pursuant to the policies and procedures of either the City of Portland (BES), or the Clean Water Services (CWS). Finding: Section 3.03.3.B of the City's EDSPM states all public and private development and redevelopment projects shall employ a system of one or more post-developed BMPs that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70 percent reduction in the total suspended solids in the runoff generated by that development.- Section 3.03.4.E of the manual requires a minimum of 50 percent of the non-building rooftop impervious area on a site shall be treated for stormwater quality improvement using vegetative methods. Finding: The vegetation proposed for use in the swales will serve as the primary pollutant removal mechanism for the stormwater runoff, and will remove suspended solids and - pollutants through the processes of sedimentation and filtration. Satisfactory pollutant removal will occur only when the vegetation has been fully established. ",,/'0/' pate ReceIVed;~ Planner: LM , . ,e ~~ "- """ ''-... Finding: The plans submitted indicate a drainage bio-swale area; however plans have not been submitted with engineer's analysis, engineered plans stamped by a licensed engineer. Condition: Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall submit a storm water analysis and resulting plan detailing for proposed site development. The plans will need to include complete engineered details showing stormwater facilities discharging to an approved system. Plans shall be prepared and stamped by an Oregon Licensed Engineer. Condition: Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall submit a storm water quality analysis and resulting plan detailing for proposed site development. The plan detailing shall include bio-swale construction details showing compliance with City of Springfield EDSPM and City of Portland Stormwater Management Manual. Plans shall be prepared and stamped by an Oregon Licensed Engineer. Condition: Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant shall submit a proposed seed mix for both the private vegetative water quality swale and the public grassy swale/detention pond. The seed mix shall meet the requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM. The City of Portland stormwater management manual may be referenced for design. FEES AND PERMITS SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE: Pay applicable Systems Development Charges when building permits are issued for developments within the City limits or within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. (The cost relates to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportation trip rates, and plumbing fixture units. Some exceptions apply to Springfield Urban Growth areas.) [Springfield Code Chapter II, Article 11] Systems Development Charges (SDC's) will apply to the construction of buildings and site improvements within the subject site. The Charges will be based upon the rates in effect at the time of permit submittal for buildings or site improvements on each portion or phase of the development. SANITARY SEWER IN-LIEU-OF-ASSESSMENT CHARGE: Pay a Sanitary Sewer In-Lieu-of-Assessment charge in addition to the regular connection fees if the property or portions of the property being developed have not previously been assessed or otherwise participated in the cost of a public sanitary sewer. Contact the Engineering Division to determine if In-Lieu-of-Assessment charge is applicable. lOrd 5584] . ) Date RaceiVed:rtik- . Planner: LM . . . " . . PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FEES: It is the responsibility of the private developer to fund the puhlic infraStructure. OTHER CITY PERMITS: Encroachment Permit or Sewer Hookup Permit (working within rightcof-way or public easements) example: new tap to the public storm or sanitary sewer, or adjusting a . manhole. [The current rate is $139.50 for processing plus applicable fees and deposits] Land & Drainage Alteration Permits (LDAP). [Contact the Springfield Public Works Department @ 726-5849 for appropriate applications/requirements] ADDITIONAL PERMITS/APPROVALS MAY BE NECESSARY: . Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (pump station, sanitary sewers 24 inches or larger) . Lane County Facilities Permit (lfthe project is within Lane County jurisdiction) . Railroad (lfthe project crosses a railroad) . Oregon Department of Transportation (If the project is within ODOT jurisdiction) . Division of State Lands (Storm water discharge, wetlands) . Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (Erosion control (5 acres or greater), pump station, storm water discharge, wetlands) . U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Storm water discharge, wetlands) <f/l~r/() Date Recelved:~ Planner: LM