HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 9/23/2010 . . ~ RECEiVED \. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE SEP 2. 3 20\0 BY'~~~ . /1Jf 11 f1ff STATE OF OREGON) )ss. County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I prep~red and caused to be ~_ mailed copies of D~..Jl1nlD-(J{)()?f1' ~a1' J::tjj~ - MbS - ~ (See attachment nAn) on Z 2010 addressed to (see b'Z.- mftA Attachment Bn), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. ~~~~h~ KAR LaFLEUR STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~~ :J.-t{. 2010. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, . Prog am Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing. instrument to be their voluntary act Before me: . OFFICIAL SEAL DEVETTE KELLY . " NOTARY PUB.IC . OREGON COMMISSION NO. 420351 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 15. 2011 'tw~ /~iti My Commission Expires: <( It 0-/ I { , a I-,j \.'/\ . Date Recelved:~ Planner: LM . . , TYPE I TENTATIVE MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, STAFF REPORT & DECISION Project Name: Castle Rock Used Auto Sales Nature of Application: Change of use from an excavation company to used car sales which includes paving a gravel parking area of9,300 square feet. This application is being reviewed concurrently with Minimum Development Standards application DRC20 I 0-0021 for a structure added to the site (which shares the parking lot and bioswale on the same parcel). Case Nnmber: DRC2010-00020 Project Location: 1415 Mississippi Ave., Eugene, OR, Map and Tax Lot 1703344309300 Current Site Conditions: This site is located in Glenwood, at the south east comer of Franklin Boulevard and Mississippi Avenue. The area is located in the City of Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary. The site contains three buildings and a paved section on the north portion of the lot. The north portion ofthe site (addressed as 4055 Franklin) contains an existing building and used car lot which has been in existence prior to the City of Springfield taking jurisdiction of Glenwood in 1998. The majority of the existing used car lot is paved and separated by fencing from the remainder of the parcel. The existing building on the south portion of the lot (previously occupied by the excavation company) is 960 square feet in size. The tentative plan shows this building built over the rear property line and encompassing a portion of tax lot 9200. An adjacent building is 504 square feet in size with a 200 square foot shed attached which also was 'constructed over the rear lot line and encroaches onto tax lot 9200. Both of these lots are currently under the same ownership. Four access points existQn this parcel. One access point is. on Franklin and three are on Mississippi. Franklin is improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk while Mississippi is unimproved with an asphalt mat in this area. Baekground: The City of Springfield is required to sign Department of Motor Vehicle Certificates approving the location of car lots in areas under the City's jurisdiction. When the City of Springfield took jurisdiction of Glenwood in 1998 the City agreed to continue DMV Location Approvals for car lots already in existence in their current condition and size. Numerous DMV certificates have been approved for the 4055 Franklin A venue address which has historically been used as a car lot. The last site visit for sign off on a DMV certificate at 4055 Franklin showed a car lot operating from 1415 Mississippi. A letter was sent informing the owner of the property and the applicant of the need for land use approvals at the new address and that a Minimum Development Standards (MDS) review was required. Subsequent to this letter, aerials showing that a third building was added to the site sometime between 2004 and 2008 without permits and an auto repair business was operating from this building. A separate MDS was submitted for the building. After meetings with the applicant, Public Works Engineering staff and Planning staff, the applicant has decided to proceed with the project with the exception that they would like to use the additional building for storage only (see DRC201O-0021). Zoning: Community Commercial (CC) Metro Plan Designation: Community Commercial Refinement Plan Designation: Commercial!lndustrial Mixed Use in the Glenwood Refmement Plan Overlay Districts: Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District Zoning of Snrrounding Properties: North-CC, South- LMI, East - CC and West - cc Date Received:~;hl \ Pl) Planner: LM .;.~ MDS - DRC2010-00020 1 . . Application Subn1itted Date: June 14,2010 Site Visit Conducted Date: August 19, 2007 Decision Issued Date: September 24, 2010 Recommendation: Approved, with Conditions. 4055 Franklin Existing Used Car Sales Lot 1415 Mississippi Proposed Car Sales building and Lot Building added without permits - Storage only CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Planner 1 Planning Liz Miller 726-2301 Transoortation Planning Engineer Transportation Jesse Jones 726-3720 Public Works EIT Sanitary & Storm Sewer Clayton McEachern 736-1036 Deouty Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon 726-2293 Plans Examiner Building Kio Kaufinan 726-3623 Water Quality Protection Coordinator SUB Water Amy Chinitz 744-3745 Owner: Applicant's Representative: Norman L. Frank Martin Blackwell Dor-Mar Tbe Carfinder Autos 2511 Lily Avenue 4055 B Franklin Blvd Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97403 Applicant's Representative: Steve Keating Keating Engineering 159 East 16th Avenue Eugene, OR. 97401 .1 ~ ........ .-. MDS - DRCZ010-00020 .. II. 2 . . .. Purpose: Minimum Development Standards (MDS) are intended to support economic development by ,minimizing City review for minor additions, expansions or changes in use, MDS shall ensure compliance with specific appearance; transportation safety and efficiency; and storm water management standards specified in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and otherwise protect public health, safety and welfare, Criteria of Approval: In order to grant MDS approval, the Director shall determine compliance willi all applicable standards specified below: Special Use Standards: Finding: The property is in City of Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary, The right of way, including Mississippi Avenue, is part of Lane County's roadway system until annexed to the City of Springfield, ' Finding: Aerials on the City's MapSpring program show property lines depicted inside the existing front fence line of the property, Property survey pins found by Keating Engineering show the existing fence, proposed landscaping and proposed drainage swale to be within the property line, The stamped plan also shows the existing and new building intersected by the rear property line between tax lots 17033443 9300 and 9200, Both lots are owned by Norman Louis Frank Revocable Trust. Finding: The Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District section of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) states the following, "Uses requiring Discretionary Use review, uses requiring specific development standards, new permitted uses and expansion of permitted uses in commercial and industrial districts shall demonstrate that the use will not generate singly or in the aggregate additional need for key urban services," Finding: This proposal involves both a new permitted use and the expansion of a permitted use in the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay, The two existing buildings on site are already connected to septic on site and the new building is storage only with no proposal or need for water of sewer, The Lane County Sanitarian was also sent a notice of this proposal for comment. All drainage from the new parking lot is being required to be contained on site as conditioned below in the stormwater management portion of this review, The use will not generate the need for key urban services. Finding: The Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department is able to service this development with a relatively new fire hydrant (H-1426) fed off a 16 inch water line located at the southwestern corner of 14th Avenue and Mississippi. However, the Fire and Life Safety Division will need to have access in the gated property to the proposed and existing building, Condition 1: A Public Works lock must be obtained at Heyman's Safe, Lock and Security (131 14th Street in Springfield - (541)726-1545) for the manual swinging gate fronting Mississippi Avenue so that the Fire and Life Safety Department has access to the buildings, Finding: SDC 4,7-115 Special Use Standards for Auto Sales, Service and Rentals, states the following, " Auto and truck dealers shall occupy an officel saies building (new construction) or any existing structUIe of at least 1,000 square feet, with non-metallic siding and roofing, and located where possible on the front portion of the loti parcel." Finding: The existing building is short of the requirement by 40 feet, however the 504 square foot building added to the parcel is directly adjacent to this building and is only separated by 2', Date Received: ~'~ ljlUtQ)) Planner: LM ,t 3 MDS - DRC201O-00020 e. . Due to the distance and no firewall rated walls between the two builillngs, the BuiIillng Division would classify boili buiIillngs within the same classification as the existing builillng. In addition there is a 105 square foot lean to attached to the 960 square foot builillng. Conclusion: As conditioned, the Special Development Standards criterion have been satisfied. A) A five-foot wide landscaped planter strip, including street trees, with approved irrigation or approved drought resistant plants as specified in SDC Sections 4.4-100 and 4.2-140 shall be installed between the sidewalk and parking areas or builillngs. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Where there is an unimproved street, a four foot wide landscaped planter strip shall be required to be set back one foot from the property line. 2. Where there is insufficient space for the landscaped strip required in . Subsection A., above due to existing buildings, street width, paved parking, changes of elevation or location of utilities including catch basins, the Director may approve: a. Decorative fencing located immediately behind the property line. The fencing may be wrought iron or masonry and shall be subject to the fence height standards of the applicable zoning district and the vision clearance setbacks of Section 4.2-130; and/or b. Landscaping equivalent to the amount required in Subsection A., above may be placed at the property comers or other areas of the property that are visible from the street. D Complies as Shown on Plot Plan X Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/ are met Finding: The applicant has stated that the south gate will begin at the property and extend 35' to the north. The tentative plan shows the gate beginning approximately 10' from the north property line. The tentative plan shows three proposed street trees along with additional required landscaping in the required landscaped planter strip. Condition 2: Show the actual proposed location of the south gate. If it does differ from the tentative plan, the south most street tree shall be relocated north of the gate. B) Trash receptacles and outdoor storage areas shall be screened by a structure or enclosure permanently affixed to the ground as specified in SDC Section 4.4-100. D Complies as Shown on Plot Planf X Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/ are met MDS - DRC201O-00020 .f 4 . . Finding: The tentative plan is not clear in depicting a screened structure or enclosure for the trash receptacles. Condition 3: Show the location of the trash receptacles on the Final Plot Plan. Trash kept on the exterior of the building must be shown in a screened enclosure permanently affixed to the ground as specified in SDC Section 4.4-100. Trash receptacles proposed to kept in the interior of the building or exterior enclosures must adhere to the following 2010 Springfield Fire Code regulations: 304.3.3 Capacity exceeding 15cubic yards. Dumpsters and containers with an individual capacity of 1.5 cubic yards [40.5 cubic feet (1.15 m3)] or more shall not be stored in buildings or placed within 5 feet (1524 mm) of combustible walls, openings or combustible roof eave lines. Exceptions: 1. Dumpsters or containers in areas protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed throughout in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3. 2. Storage in a structure shall not be prohibited where the structure is of Type I or . ITA construction, located not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from other buildings and used exclusively for dumpster or container storage. . 304.3.4 Capacity of 1 cubic yard or more. Dumpsters with an individual capacity of 1.0 cubic yard [200 gallons (0.76 m3)] or more shall not be stored in buildings or placed within 5 feet (1524 mm) of combustible walls, openings or combustible roof eave lines unless the dumpsters are constructed of noncombustible materials or of combustible materials with a peak rate of heat release not exceeding 300 kW I m2 when tested in accordance with ASTME 1354 at an incident heat flux of 50 kW 1m2 in the horizontal orientation. Exceptions: 1. Dumpsters in areas protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed throughout in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3. 2. Storage in a structure shall not be prohibited where the structure is of Type I or ITA construction, located not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from other buildings and used exclusively for dumpster or container storage. C) Bicycle parking spaces shall be added to meet the numerical standards for the appropriate use or upgraded to meet the standards set in SDC SecHons 4.6-140, 4.6145 and 4.6-155. o Complies as Shown on Plot Plan X Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) isl are met: Condition 4: Show the required minimum 3 bicycle parking places on the Final Plot Plan. Please see enclosed handout for bicycle parking rack specifications. D) Parking and circulation areas shall be paved and striped and wheel stops installed as specified in SDC Sections 4.6-100 and 4.6-120. Required paving and other impervious surfaces on the site shall comply with on-site stormwater management standards as specified in SDC Section 4.3-110 for required parking, circulation area and storage area iropervious surfaces only. Date Received:~) tJ..$O Planner: LM MDS - DRC2010-00020 5 . . EXCEPTION: In cases where the number of vehicular parking spaces cannot be met due to lot size or physical constraint, the Director, in consultation with the Transportation Planning Engineer, may reduce the standard without a Minor Variance if a finding is made that the reduction will not have an adverse impact on public safety. o Complies as Shown on Plot Plan X Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/ are met Condition 5: Show the minimum 4 required parking places with wheel stops on the Final Plot Plan. One of the 4 parking spaces is required to be ADA compliant and van accessible which is a 9' x 18' space with an 8' side access aisle. Condition 6: SDC 4.5-115 requires 24' of aisle width for 90 degree parking angle. 24' must remain clear between the required parking and parked cars for sale on the parcel. Finding: Section 4.3-110.B of the SDC requires that the Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/ or private stormwater management systems provisions have been made as determined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). Finding: Section 4.3-110.0 of the SDC requires thi't run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. Finding: As required in Section 4.3-110.E of the SDC, "a development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by the Public Works Director and consistent with Metro Plan policies and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual." Finding: Section 3.02 of the City's EDSPM states the Public Works Department will accept, as interim design standards for stormwater quality, water quality facilities designed pursuant to the policies and procedures of either the City of Portland (BES), or the Clean Water Services (CWS). Finding: Section 3.03.3.B of the City's EDSPM states all public and private development and redevelopment projects shall employ a system of one or more post-developed BMPs that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70 percent reduction in the total suspended solids in the runoff generated by that development. Section 3.03.4.E of the marlUaI requires a minimum of 50 percent of the non-building rooftop impervious area on a site shall be treated for stormwater quality improvement using vegetative methods. Finding: The vegetation proposed for use in the swales will serve as the primary pollutant removal mechanism for the stormwater runoff, and will remove suspended solids and pollutants through the processes of sedimentation and filtration. Satisfactory pollutant removal will occur only when the vegetation has been fully established. Findin,;: The plans submitted indicate a drainage bio-swale area; however plans have not been submitted with engineer's analysis, and do not meet suitable criteria for an infiItration basin. . Condition 7: Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall submit an analysis of the irlfiItration swales using the Simplified approach from the Portland Stormwater Management Manual prepared and stamped by a licensed engineer. No drainage study beyond this is necessary for this development. Condition 8: The infiItration basins shall be designed in accordance with the details provided in the Portland stormwater manual for either an InfiItration planter or Vegetated InfiItration Swale. No subdrain is necessary as there is not a suitable public ., ,,,-- _ ........ .. : . stormwater facilirv to receive anv overflow. Plantinl!s shall consist of native grass and '-....._~.i. -,. .. . ... - . '~J;~~ .'~t..! .r.:;: MDS - DRC2010-00020 6 . . '. shrubs that are suitable to these environments. A native seed nUx will be deemed suitable if applied correctly and plants are established to full growth. Condition 9: To promote plant health and for the infiltration basins to work properly the soil must be suitable for infiltration and protected from compaction during construction. To meet this condition the subgrade for the infiltration basins must be decompacted to a minimum depth of 10" by a suitable method (roto-tilling or scarifying will be deemed sui~~. . E) Access onto the public right-of-way shall comply with SDC Section 4.2-120. X Complies as Shown on Plot Plan D Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/ are met: I f) Concrete sidewalks shall be installed where the site abuts a curb and gutter street as specified in SDC Section 4.2-135. X Complies as Shown on Plot Plan @I Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/ are met: G) Streetlights shaII be installed as specified in SDC Section 4.2-135. X Complies as Shown on Plot Plan [2] Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/ are met: H) The development shall connect to public utilities as specified in Sections 4.3-105, 4.3-110 and 4.3-120 of the SDC and comply with the Springfield Building Safety Codes, where applicable. Easements may be required as specified in Subsection 4.3-140 of this Code. D Complies as Shown on Plot Plan X Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/ are met: Date Recei~ed;)11 b.}\ill.- Planner: LM MDS - DRC2010-00020 7 ~. . " Condition 10: The waterline relocation, piping for the stormwater system and paving require permits to be obtained from the building division. Systems Development Charges are included within the building permit fees. A Land Drainage and Alteration Permit will be required for the grading, excavation and fill of the parking lot. This ermit is issued b the Public Works De artment. Timelines and Conditions of Approval: The property owner and/or applicant has 30 days from the date of this decision to submit a Final Plot Plan demonstrating compliance with the following Conditions of Approval: Condition 1: A Public Works lock must be obtained at Heyman's Safe, Lock and Security (131 1 14th Street in Springfield - (541)726-1545) for the manual swinging gate fronting Mississippi Avenue so that the Fire and Life Safety Department has access to the buildings. Condition 2: Show the actual proposed location of the south gate. If it does differ from the tentative plan, the south most street tree shall be relocated north of the gate. Condition 3: Show the location of the trash receptacles on the Final Plot Plan. Trash kept on the exte.rior of the building must be shown in a screened enclosure permanently affixed to the ground as specified in SDC Section 4.4-100. Trash receptacles proposed to kept in the interior of the building or exterior enclosures must adhere to the following 2010 Springfield Fire Code regulations: 304.3.3 Capacity exceeding 1.5 cubic yards. Dumpsters and containers with an individual capacity of 1.5 cubic yards [40.5 cubic feet (1.15 m3)] or more shall not be stored in buildings or placed within 5 feet (1524 mm) of combustible walls, openings or combustible roof eave lines. Exceptions: 3. Dumpsters or containers in areas protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed throughout in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3. 4. Storage in a structure shall not be prohibited where the structure is of Type I or IIA construction, located not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from other buildings and used exclusively for dumpster or container storage. 304.3.4 Capacity of 1 cubic yard or more. Dumpsters with an individual capacity of 1.0 cubic yard [200 gallons (0.76 m3)] or more shall not be stored in buildings or placed within 5 feet (1524 mm) of combustible walls, openings or combustible roof eave lines unless the dumpsters are constructed of noncombustible materials ~Jr of combustible materials ~th a peak rate of heat release not exceeding 300 kW 1m2 when tested in accordance with ASTME 1354 at an incident heat flux of 50 kW I m2 in the horizontal orientation. Exceptions: 3. Dumpsters in areas protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed throughout in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3. 4. Storage in a structure shall not be prohibited where the structure is of Type I or IIA construction, located not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from other buildings and used exclusively for dumpster or container storage. Condition 4: Show the required minimum 3 bicycle parking places on the Final Plot Plan. Please see enclosed handout for bicycle parking rack specifications. . l' Condition 5, Show the minimum 4 required parking places with wheel stops on the Final Plot !.i ) ~ <;. Plan. One of the 4 parking spaces is required to be ADA compliant and v~ accessible which is a l. C' j . p ( 9' x 18' space with an 8' side access aisle. .:::::, TO ..::. Condition 6: SDC 4.5-115 requires 24' of aisle width for 90 degree parking angle. 24' must remain clear between the required parking and parked cars for sale on the parcel. Condition 7: Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall submit an analysis of the infiltration swales using the Simplified approach from the Portland Stormwater Management ~ i .. , . ".-" ..' ,. . '.' .\( " .;.. I.' :~~!( MDS - DRC2010-00020 8 . .' Manual prepared and stamped by a licensed'engineer. No draffiage study beyond this is necessary for this development Condition 8: The infiltration basins shall be designed in accordance with the details provided in the Portland stormwater manual for either an Infiltration planter or Vegetated Infiltration Swale. No subdrain is necessary as there is not a suitable public stormwater facility to receive any overflow. Plantings shall consist of native grass and shrubs that are suitable to these environments. A native seed mix will be deemed suitable if applied correctly and plants are established to full growth. Condition 9: To promote plant health and for the infiltration basins to work properly the soil must be suitable for infiltration and protected from compaction during construction. To meet this condition the subgrade for the infiltration basins must be decompacted to a minimum depth of 10" by a suitable method (roto-til1ing or scarifying will be deemed suitable). Condition 10: The waterline relocation, piping for the stormwater system and paving require permits to be obtained from the building division, Systems Development Charges are included within the building permit fees. A Land Drainage and Alteration Permit will be required for the grading, excavation and fill of the parking lot. This permit is issued by the Public Works Department. J In order to complete the review process, a Development Agreement is required within 45 days from the date of this decision to ensure the terms and conditions of this application are binding upon both the applicant and the City. This agreement will be prepared by Staff and upon approval of the Final Plot Plan, must be signed by the property owner prior to issuance of a building permit and land use approval. The construction of the required improvements shall begin within 90 days of the date of this decision. If the established time line cannot be met, the applicant may submit a written request for a time line extension as specified in SDC Section 5.15-125. The Director may allow a one-time extension of the 90-day start of construction time line due to situations including but not limited to, required permits from the City or other agencies, weather conditions and the unavailability of asphalt or the unavailability of street trees. If the time extension is allowed, security shall be provided as specified in SDC Section 5.] 7-]50 of this Article. The time line extension shall not Exceed 90 days. If the established time line is not met and the applicant has not requested an extension, the Director shall declare the application null and void if the property is occupied and the property owner shall be considered in violation of this Code. If the established time line is not met and the applicant has requested an extension and that time line has not been met, the Director may require the improvements be installed as specified in SDC Section 5.7-]50. Permits That May Be Required: . All new sewer taps will require pennits from the Public Works Department prior to connection. . Building permits will be required for structures, paving & plumbing lines. . Systems Deve]opment charges (The cost relates to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportation trip rates, and plumbing fixture units. Some exceptions apply to Springfield Urban Growth areas.) [Springfield Code Chapter II, Article 11] . Land & Drainage Alteration Permits (LDAP). [Contact the Springfield Public Works Department@ 726-5849 for appropriate applications/requirements] . Sign Permit-NOTE: Signs are regulated by the Springfield Municipal Code Article 9, Chapter7. The number and placement of signs must be coordinated with the Community Services Division. The location of signs on a Site Plan does not constitute approval from the Community Services Division. Moving of back lit signs will require an electrical permit. 'I ,), Date Received: ~} ~~, (0 Planner: LM MDS - DRC201O-00020 9 . . ., , Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the appli~able criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available for a fee at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Appeals: This Type I decision is exempt from the provisions ofORS 197.195, 197.763 and 227.173 and therefore cannot be subject to the appeal provisions ofSDC Section 5.3-100, Appeals. Questions: Please call Liz Miller in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department at (541)726-2301 if you have any questions regarding this process. ~.' ,'~' ,~';"1' :".,,-. , ~}" ~~ .~. 1 , '. " ~t . MDS - DRC201O-00020 10 . . . " '. MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS BICYCLE PARKING INFORMATION BIKE PARKING STANDARDS . Every business is required to have at least three bike parking spaces on- site. Additional parking spaces may be required based on the size and use of the building. . Each bike parking space shall be at least 2 by 6 feet with an overhead clearance of 7 feet . All required long-term bike parkiiig spaces shall be sheltered from precipitation. Short-term bike parkingisnotrequiredtob~ sheltered. BIKE PARKING LOCATION AND SECURITY . Bike parking racks, shelters or lockers must be securely anchored to' the ground or to a structure. . Bike parking shall be placed near the main entrance of the building. . Bike parking shall be separated from automobile parking by a barrier, curb, or sufficient distance to prevent damage to parked bikes. 12/8/08 MDS Worksheets Rlbppri, Splr:al, or F~~dlrig ~al?1ai (with access fuJm apPQ$in~ sid~) Rlb~n, Spl~l, or f~lJI'ldlnD ~~' (with acc:ess from only one. &ide) ~ Hitching PD$t Or st~ple R~clt:,s ,~ 04'..v..Ra.."kLilriqt!'l i I "I .J ~I 1 ~ ~ lrpe!'~. Nr..Ratlo:lU1!llh ~ .~ , ~ I . 24"p2r.' ]~ s-.i , ~ . ~ ~ - DIMENSIONS FOR COMMONLY USED RACKS Date ReCeiVed:~ Planner: LM 1 . . MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS STREET TREE PLANTING INFORMATION NEW STREET TREES New street trees shall be selected from the approved tree species list. Select healthy trees free of cankers, scars, and dead or broken branches. Street trees shall be two inch minimum caliper. Caliper is the stem diameter of the tree measured six inches above the root collar, which is the flare of tree bark at the base of the tree where the tree meets the dirt. STREET TREE LOCATION Street trees are not rec:ommended in planter strips less than four feet wide. .When trees are planted in planter strips smaller than that, significant sidewalk damage occurs. When planter strips are less than four feet wide, trees shall be planted behind the sidewalks in adjacent yards. Where curbside sidewalks exist or are proposed, street trees shall be planted at least five feet back of sidewalk but not more than ten feet. When planting trees in large planting strips, plant in the back half of the planter strip closest to the sidewalk. Street trees shall be planted at 30-foot intervals except where the planting interferes with traffic vision, street lighting, signs, or public utilities. Tree locations shall be: . 35 feet from the perpendicular curb line of street intersections . Five feet from alley intersection, driveway, water meter or other utility fixture . 20 feet from a street light . Ten feet from any utility pole. TREE PLANTING PROCEDURES Street trees shall be properly planted and watered to establish healthy trees. The following methods shall ~~ . . A planting pit shall be excavated large enough to accommodate the tree root retainers which shall be used whenever the tree(s) are planted within eight feet of a concrete surface. The retainer shall be placed against the concrete to prevent root evasion. Typically a retainer is placed on two sides of the tree. One retainer shall be set againstthe curb, the other against the sidewalk. The root retainer shall typically bel2 to 18 inches deep and two to four feet in length along the concrete structure. . The root barriers shall be of a design similar to Tree Root Barriers by DeepRoot or equivalent. Never encircle the root ball with a root barrier. . .. Remove tree from burlap or container and place on solidly packed soil so that the root collar is slightly above the surrounding or anticipated grade. . . Insert an aeration tube on two sides of the tree. The tubes shall extend from the ground surfal~e to the base of the root ball. This will allow evaporation of excess moisture and provide for efficient summer watering. The tube shall be filled with pea graveL The minimum aeration tube specification is a three-inch perforated ADS drainpipe or equivalent. . The tree shall be supported with two stakes on either side of the tree. 'i. 12/8/08 MDS Worksheets 2 . q J 2/8/08 . . . On a typical four foot planter strip, plant trees at least I II, feet from the sidewalk and 2 II, feet from the curb. On larger planter strips, locate the trees in the back half of the planter strip closest the sidewalk.' . Place loose friable native backfill around the tree. If the excavation material is heavy clay, planter mix shall be used as backfill. . Spread a two- to three-inch layer of mulch around the tree but keep mulch six inches from the trunk. . Black plastic shall not be used as a weed barrier around trees as it promotes surface roots. . Water the trees with 10 to 20 gallons per week during the summer months of the first and second years. Use a hose at low trickle for several hours to provide deep root watering. This will encourage roots to grow deep rather than on the surface. . Fertilizers shall not be used the frrstyear of planting. A BI vitamin shall be used to promote root growth. . Date Received: Ul(lJ \ 10 Planner: LM MDS Worksheets 3 . MINIMUM. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS PARKING LOT STRIPING INFORMATION" . I PARKING AREA IMPROVEMENT STANDARI>S. All parking areas shall conform to the setback, vision clearance, planting and screening provisions of the Springfield Development Code and shall be completed prior to occupancy. Required parking spaces shall be improved in accordance with the following standards: (1) Backing in~) the public right of way, other than alleys is prohibited. (2) All spaces shall be permanently and clearly marked. Old striping shall not be visible after being replaced by new striping. (3) All parking stalls fronting a sidewalk, alley, street, planted area or strocture shall be provided with a secured wheel bumper or linear curb not less than 6 inches in beight to be set back from the front of the stall a minimum of 2 feet to allow:for vehicle encroachment Wheel bumpers shall be a minimum of 6 feet in length. Exception: As an option, the sidewalk or planted area " may be widened 2 feet beyond the minimum dimension required to allow for vehicle encroachment A curb not less than 6 inches in height shall protect the widened sidewalks and planter areas. (4) Not more than 30% of the total parking spaces in a parking lot may be designated for compact cars. Such spaces shall be signed and/or the space painted with the " words "Compact Car Only." (5) Parking Spaces for disabled persons. commercial buildinc u ~ ~ , n o 3 3 ~ !!. u ) l: ~ .. ClOD ~ ;: u ." .. CIDD ~ u 24' J..1' least) Main St. ~ Standard Parking Space: 9' x 18' Compact Parking Space: 8' x 16' ADA Parking Space: One in every eight accessible spaces, but not less than one, must be van accessible: 9'xI8' with 8' access aisle. Additional accessible spaces may be 9' x 18' with a 6' access aisle . (a) Parking spaces for disabled people and accessible passenger loading zones that serve a particular building shall be located on the shortest possible accessible circulation route to an accessible entrance of the building. (b) One in every eight accessible spaces, but not less than one, shall be van accessible. A van accessible parking space shall be at least nine feet wide and shall have an adjacent access aisle that is at least eight feet wide. Additional accessible spaces shall be nine feet wide with and adjacent access aisle that is at least six feet wide. (c) Accessible parking spaces shall be designated as reserved for the disabled by a sign showing the international symb.<Jl of accessibility. Such sign shall not be obscured by a vehicle parked .th" -'."' .,. . " m e SPa.cr~. _' ".: 4 'f1 {I', 12/8/08 MDS Worksheets 4 . . 'j MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS STORMW ATER CATCH BASIN INFORMATION WHAT IS STORMWATER CATCH BASIN FILTRATION? Catch basin fiitration is the placement of a catch basin insert device containing filtering medium just under the grates of a stormwater system's catch basins. Water runoff flows into the inlet, through the filter, where pollutants and contaminants are removed, and then into the drainage system. . WHY ARE THE INSERTS REQUIRED? . The devices effectively filter the first flush of stormwater from a rain event and provide an overflow capability sufficient to prevent stormwater conveyance systems from becoming clogged. The insert is capable of removing and containing sediment, debris, trash and petroleum hydrocarbons . (oil and grease) from the runoff. Plus, it removes heavy metals that have become attached to silt and sediment through Incidental Capture. . HOW ARE THESE INSERTS INSTALLED? Installation of filtration devices do not require extensive modification of the existing catch basin and shall be performed by a manufacturer-approved iristallation contractor. Filtration devices installed into grated, or combination grate with curb opening inlets shall be either supported by resting the support brackets on the grate bearing ledge (installed without the use bolts or other anchoring devices) or mounted to the catch basin wall with easily removable separate wall mount brackets to allow for quick access to the piping system in the event of an emergency. WHO INSTALLS THEM LOCALLY? Gibson Steel Basins, 247 Washington Street, Eugene, OR 97401, (541) 687-8672 HOW DO YOU MAINTAIN THE FILTRATION SYSTEM? Regular sweeping and removing of debris . Vehicle parking lots, outdoor storage yards, and so forth should be swept on a regular basis. Sediment and debris (litter, leaves, papers and cans, etc.) within the area, especially around the drainage inlet, should be collected and removed. The frequency of sweeping should be based on the amount of sediment and debris generated. . Regular inspections by a nwnufacturer approved contractor The filtration insert should be inspected on a regular basis. The frequency of inspection should be based on pollutant loading, amount of debris, leaves, etc., and amount of runoff. Manufacturer reco=endations include no less than three inspections per year. Manufacturer guidelines for timing of inspection in Springfield are prior to and during the rainy season. 011"'\ 1 \ ;1\ Date Received:~ Planner: LM J 2/8/08 MDS Worksheets 5 " \. . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Martin Blackwell The Carfinder Autos 4055 B Franklin Blvd Eugene, OR 97402 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Steve Keating Keating Engineering 159 E 16th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 I I Norman L Frank Dor~Mar 2511 Lily Avenue Eugene, OR 97408 0'" R~Ned' '111i I [0 Planner: LM Ct:tta-~--18