HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 4/29/2010 I J. \ \. Liz Miller Planner I City of Springfield Development Services 22S Fifth St Springfield, Oregon 97477 Re: DMV Vehicle Certificate Location Approval At 40SSB Franklin Blvd. Eugene, OR April 29th, 2010 J received your letter dated March lSth of 2010, regarding your concerns about 141S Mississippi Avenue not being approved as an address for auto sales. I apologize for any misunderstandings or miscommunications regarding such. Because of space issues with several dealers operating out of the same location at 40SS Franklin Blvd., and the convenience of the adjacent space; I began to use the Mississippi location to allow for more comfort and convenience of all involved, especially customers. Since I am ultimately regulated by DMV and they were okay with my daily operations, I unfortunately assumed it was okay in all respects. Your letter surprised me, so I had it addressed by Martin Blackwell who is an agent of my company. He also has more experience in matters involving planning and development. He met with the owner of the properties, Norman Frank, to discuss pursuing a change in use for 141S Mississippi as an auto dealership. He met with you just before your deadline of April1Sth and you were kind enough to grant a 2 week extension to the deadline, which was much appreciated. During that time, the owner, Mr. Frank, much to our surprise, decided not to pursue the change in use for the property. Although we do not follow his logic, obviously as'a tenant, I am bound by his decisions. Although it does not allow for optimum function of the business and maximize customer service, I am operating all of my auto sales transactions out ofthe location at 40SSB Franklin Blvd. I do my best to provide the highest quality of customer service by offering the lowest prices available and truly honoring the customers comfort level as primary. I appreciate your support in continuing to help me in accomplishing this goal. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at S41-206-84SS. ~~- Norman Gardner - Owner Castle Rock Auto, LLC Date Recalvect 14 - z q - J 0 Planner: ..~. L M. ..~ YHo'( ~(d ~~ \ D~ Lt-D p~ .' 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springlield.orus May 27, 2010 Castlerock Auto, LLC 4055 Franklin Boulevard Eugene, OR 97403 Norman & Jeff Frank 2511 Lily Avenue Eugene, OR 97408 Re: DMV Vehicle Dealer Certificate Location Approval At 4055 B Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, OR A recent site visit shows that Castlerock Auto is operating from the address of 1415 Mississippi Avenue. This address has not been approved as an address for auto sales. The relocation of auto sales to this address is considered a change in use and requires a Minimum Development Standards (MDS) land use review to be submitted and reviewed prior to signing a Location Approval for a DMV Certificate. The Springfield Development Code requires a paving planto be reviewed for the parking and access areas. Additionally, an auto repair business has been added to the parcel. The building this business is operating from was shown by aerial photographs to have been added to the site between 2004 and 2008. There are no building permits on record for placement ofthis building. The property owner has stated that combined pavement area for the two buildings and the . building added to the site will be over the maximum 5,000 square feet to be able to submit a Minimum Development Standards review. A determination has been made by the Urban Planning Supervisor that in lieu of Site Plan Review two Minimum Development Standards applications can be submitted by each of the tenant spaces at 1415 Mississippi. Please contact the Community Services Division for information on the additional building and building code requirements at 541-726-3753. A third extension ofthe timeline for removal ofthe automobiles will be given until June 15, 2010. Ifthe vehicles remain on the site after this date and an MDS application has not been submitted, the City will send notice to the DMV to revoke the City of Springfield Location . . ) 7. Approval on the Dealer Certificate. The remaining land use and building code violations will then be forwarded to the Code Enforcement Division. Please give me a call if you have any questions regarding this letter or other application submittal requirements at (541) 726-2301. l~"Y{~ ~ Liz Miller Planner I cc: Rick Parsons, DMV Investigator' Cindie Mott, Code Enforcement Mil DEP_OFlRNISPOIrI'l<TOI llIIII/PI_WITOll~!SI!JIVICS '_1..AKA1lW: SM.BIIOfItOOlI_ . . APPLICATION .R THR~E YEAR VEHICLE DEALER CERTIFICATE AS A DEALER OR REBUILDER OF VEHICLES $ 1,012.00 $ o ORIGINAL o RENEWAL CUSTOMER NUMBER EFFECllVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE DEALER NUMBER If this is a renewal, do not complete the fee infonnalion. Use the attached billing list to calculate your fees. The billing list MUST be submitted with your renewal application. Original Certificate (Includes one plate)................................. Additional Locations @$230.00 ..................... (Supplemental Application Fonn 735-372 required for each location) Additional plates @$54.00 .............................. CERTIFICATE FEE LATE FEE SUPPLEMENTALS RENEWAL PLATES $ AODITIONAL PLATES .~ TOTAL $ I TOTAL =$ TEMPORARY PLATES BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS An alteration of I.ine 3 voids location a .oval. LEGAL NAME OF APPLICANT (OWNER, ~AR1NERSHIP, LLC OR CORPORATION NAME) OREGON REGISTRY NUMBER (IF LLC OR CORPORATION) OREGON ReGISTRY NO. . 4'Z.40~qs ZIP CODE BUSINESS TELEPHONE COUNTY t..u-.", ZIP CODE G. . 5S '::n"y, MAILING ADDRESS 4 l 55 /- TYPE F PERATION 5 CHECK ORGANIZATION TYPE: ) '\.10 Individual D Partnership If corporation, list the state under D which business is incorporated: D LLC Corporation: II we primarily sell: D New Vehicles If "Ves," name the makes> 6 7 8 II we are a franchise dealer: II we sell NEW RECREATIONAL VEHICLES: IF ''YES,'' SERVICE FACILITY LOCATION (STREET AND NUMBER) No ZIP CODE LOCATION APPROVAL (It renewal, required only if dealer is changing business location) Certification of Local Zoning and Business Regulatory Compliance. ORS 822.005 requires a vehicle dealer license, unless exempt under ORS 822.015, for any person who: I ' . (a) Buys, sells, brokers, trades or"exchanges vehicles either outright or by means of any conditional sale, bailment, lease, security interest, consignment or otherwise; OR . (b) Displays a new or used vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer for sale; OR l (c) Acts as any type of agent for the owner of a vehicle to sell the vehicle or acts as any type of agent 1m a person interested in buying a vehicle to buy a vehicl~. THE CERTIFICATION BELOW IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE LOCAL ZONING OFFICIAL. Your approval below should be based upon whether the applicant can do ANY of the activities listed in (a) through (e) above under your ordinances, at the location of the business given on Line 3. Pursuant to ORS 822.025(6)(b)(A)(B), applicant meets requirements below. As the zoning official for the locality in which this business is located, I verify by my signature below that the location of this business as stated on this application, compiies with any land use ordinances and business reguiatory ordinances otlhe city or county, as appropnate pursuant to GRS 822.025.6(a) ~ T~:prONENUMBER [X! CITY OF: S COUNTY OF: ('-J1 )').. {; - 2.!:,O j PRINT NAME TITl"p J (II f) n t 14-- DATE d- (1 / 0 1P~@1It:~ 1:l~@1M[PI iDlW 1:l@l@1~ I'i@lW@I V This Lo~ation Approval is for the building and fenced area currently addressed as 4055 Franklin (fronting on Franklin Blvd.) No other buildings or addresses adjacent to this building have been approved as locations for car sales or storage. '''':1!KFlIllfllllllll:IJ Page 1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ""1;_111..0. PlM APPLI TION TO CORRECT D ~LER I REBUILDER VEHICLE DEALER CERTIFICATE DEPNJI'llBfTOIflJ\,l.NSPOllT.AOON DIIlIYI!RAHll~VEKICl.EsaMCI!lI l!1O!1l..a11AA'iENI!.U.UJolOfll!.GOM!Jl'314 DEALER NUMBER I A OS'6 . .. CURRENT BUSINESS NAME INSTRUCTIONS: 1/-tE: CA'f!. r,N])E: lZ. Av-roS Use this form for a name change, address change, name and address change, add or remove an owner, partner, LLC member or corporate officer, and change type of organization (like LLC to corporation, partner to corporation). Complete both sides of this form and submit it to OMV Business License Unit, 1905 Lana Ave NE, Salem Oregon 97314. NOTE: If the dealership has been sold, the new owner(s) must obtain their own vehicle dealer certificate using Form 370 Packet since a vehicle dealer certificate is not transferable. . The fee for a corrected certificate to change your business name, VALIDATION USE ONLY location, organization structure or to add/remove owners is $30. . The fee for a corrected certjficate to change your business name AND location is $60. . Each new owner must complete and sign Lines 12-16 or 17-21. . Each owner being removed must sign Line 22 or 23. . One owner must sign Line 24. . Provide copy of photo 10 if changing residence address. . Your'dealer number and expiration date will stay the same. . . ~ 0 Name Change ($30) IVl Address Change ($30) 0 Add. I Removing Owners ($30) Check the reason you are applYing for a correctIon: 11I~ )OJ Name & Add~ Change ($60) 0 Crg.1 Structure Change ($30) EFFECTIVE DATE EX~I~T10N ~A~. _ <,.,1: CUSTOMER NUMBER 1 . NEW BUSINESS NAME (II assumed business name, fill in Registry Number.) 2 NAME CHANGE OREGON REGISTRY NUMBER BUSINESS TELEPHONE ( ) Any alteration of Line 3 voids location approval. ADDRESS CHANGE AESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY peaCE GJli-J 0 J.. POfL1 OI2-FOte--D 0 It 's"\"(LlrJ 6F18/....D {) r< Go l..-DBeACH OR ZIP CODE 974(,5 ZIP CODE 9/'177 ZIP CODE Qi'14 3 CITY 4 NEW lOCATION WHERE BUSINESS WIll. BE CONDUCTED (STREET ADDRESS) . 055 B fj2..AN~L-IN 1i't.-VD. E:UG8N8" OH GOt-l 'G\ Hf\Mt.-t2.T RD. Po Box 15-;).-;}. JA'-\il el;LAJNS'BU~6 AvE LOCATION 'APPROV AL - Required onl If dealer Is chan in business iocation Certification of Local Zoning and Business RegulatOlY Compliance. ORS 822.005 requires a vehicle dealer license, unless exempt under ORS 822.015, for any person who: (a) Buys, sells, brokers, trades or exchanges vehicles either outrtght or by means of any conditional sale, bailmen~ lease, securtty interest, consignment or otherwise; OR (b) Displays a new or used vehicle, trailer or semitrailer; OR (c) Acts as any type of agent fOllhe owner of a vehicle to sell the vehicle or acts as any type of agent for a person interested in buying a vehicle to buy a vehicle. THE CERTIFICATION BELOW IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE LOCAL ZONING OFFICJAL. Your approval below should be baSed upon whether the applicant can do ANY of the activities listed in (a) through (c) above under your ordinances, at the location of the business given on Une 3. Pursuant to ORS 822.025(6)(b)(A)(B), applicant meets requirements below. As the zoning official for the locality in which this business Is located, I vertly by my signature below that the location of this business as stated on this application, complies wilh any land use ordinances and business regulatory ordinances of the city or county, as approprtate purnuant to ORS822.025.6(a) lV1 D TELEPHONE NUMB R ~ CITY OF: COUNTY OF: . D RESIDENCE 0 PREVIOUS SUPPlEMENTAL 5 6 7 MAIUNG ADDRESS CITY PREVIOUS LOCATION CITY v 1P~[ffi((;~ ~~[ffiMfPl iDlW t~<i1~ I'u~w~ OATE 8 9 PRINT NA~E , v 10 SIGNATURE X APPROVED CITY OF SPRINGFIELD nct."S'''.K!l:II.'. ....,.;-,III..~''''... PlM APPLI TION TO CORRECT D ALER I REBUILDER VEHICLE DEALER CERTIFICATE I)EP.tRT\IB'ITOFTIIANSPOftl'~T1lI~ DfII\'9loUlDUafORVEllICLl!&eRYICU l_L..OI......VI!Nl!,SALEIIORl!QO.."",. DEALER NUMBER 7-7 (, 3 CURRENT ~SINESS NAME INSTRUCTIONS: fit.--f6 Wh.6 L LG Use this form for a name change, address change, name and address change, add or remove an owner, partner, LLC member or corporate officer, and change type of organization (like LLC to corporation, partner to corporation). Complete both sides of this form and submit it to DMV Business License Unit, 1905 Lana Ave NE, Salem Oregon 97314. NOTE: If the deaiership has been sold, the new owner(s) must obtain their own vehicle deaier certificate using Form 370 Packet since a vehicle dealer certificate is not transferable. . The fee for a corrected certificate to change your business name, VALIDATION USE ONLY iocation, organization structure or to add/remove owners is $30. . The fee for a correcled certificate to change your business name AND iocation is $60. . Each new owner must complete and sign Lines 12-16 or 17-21. . Each owner being removed must sign Line 22 or 23. . One owner must sign Line 24. . Provide copy of photo I D if changing residence address. . Your dealer number and expiration date will stay the same. . . 0 Name Change ($30) ~Address Change ($30) 0 Add. I Removing Owners ($30) Check the reason you are applymg for a correction: 11* 0 . Name & Address Cha ge ($60) . 0 Org.! Structure Change ($30) NAME CHANGE EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE '. C~!?TOMER NUMBER 1 NEW BUSINESS NAME (If assumed OOsiness name. iii! In Aeg~ry Number.) OREGON REGISTRY NUMBER BUSINESS TELEPHONE ( ) 2 RESIDENCE RESS 5 6 7 MAILING ADORESS CITY ZIP CODE CITY \ +- 'C4: LOCA TION APPROVAL - Re ulred ani if dealer is chan in business location Certification of locai Zoning and Business Regulatory Compliance, ORS 822.005 re'quires a vehicie dealer license, unless exempt under ORS 822.015, for any person who: (a) Buys, sells, brokers, trades or exchanges vehicles either outright or by means of any conditionel saie, baiiment, leese, security interest, consignment or otherwise; OR (b) Displays a new or used vehicie, trailer or semllraiier; OR (c) Acts as any type of agent for the owner of a vehicie to seil the vehicle or acts as any type of agent for a person interested in buying a vehicle to buy a vehicle, THE CERTIFICATION BELOW IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE lOCAL ZONING OFFICIAL, Your approval below should be based upon whether the applicant can do ANY of the activities listed in (a) through (c) above under your ordinances, at the location of the business given dn Line 3: Pursuant to ORS 822.025(6)(b)(A)(B), applicant meets requirements below. As the zoning officiai for the locality in which this business is located, I verify by my signature below that the location of this business as stated on this application, complies with any iand use ordinances and business regulatory ordinances of the city or county, as appropriale pursuant to ORS822.025.6(a) D COUNTY OF', TELEPHONE NU'1B~R . - I . D<.{j'-270( TITLp la/1M!" DAT~ :) iJt-; .e. ZIP CODe 77L/6l 8 9 10 ,r' ! v P~S\rc~ ~~~mlP IiJlW ~~~~ ~~W~ APPROVED CITY OF SPRINGFIELD v ""I."D:"...allo'. ........P-""..~....... . . JmlII APPLICATION TO CORRECT DEALER I REBUILDER VEHICLE DEALER CERTIFICATE OElPAIITMENTOF TIlANSPOIlTATlON OlllVERANOIolOTORVEHlCLESEIIVICES 19O5LAN"'AVENE,~LaoOAEGONgn14 1 DEALER NUMBER TEFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE ,;;) -=> 7-S- \. CURRENT BUSINESS NAME INSTRUCTIONS: ,::;:...,,;-hE K:oC>K .Aur"', J.-~L- Use this form for a name change, address change, name and address change, add or remove an owner, partner, LLC member or corporate officer, and change type of organization (like LLC to corporation, partner to corporation). C'omplete both sides of this form and submit it to DMV Business License Unit, 1905 Lana Ave NE, Salem Oregon 97314. NOTE: If the dealership has been sold, the new owner(s) must obtain their own vehicle dealer certificate using Form 370 Packet since a vehicle dealer certificate is not transferable. . The fee for a corrected certificate to change your business name, VALIDATION USE ONLY location, organization structure or to add/remove owners is $30. . The fee for a corrected certificate to change your business name AND location is $60. . Each new owner must complete and sign Lines 12~ 16 or 17~21. . Each owner being removed must sign Line 22 or 23. . One owner must sign Line 24. . Provide copy of photo ID ]f changing residence address. ==-=--=~~~~~~_~~!.:~i.nu~ber_~nd e~piratio~ date will.staythe s~~~.. ~=,_._ .._~. _. '. [J Name Change {S30) U Address Change {$30) Check the reason you are applying for a correction: 1111. 0 . Name & Address Change ($60) " CUSTOMER NUMBER o -Add. J Removing Owners ($30) D Org./ Structure Change ($30) NAME CHANGE 2 NEW BUSINESS NAME (If assumed business name, fill in Registry Number.) IOREGON REGISTRY NUMBER Any alteration of Line 3 voids location approval. ADDRESS CHANGE BUSINESS TELEPHONE (.. ) 3 4 NEW LOCATION WHERE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED (STREET ADDRESS) .'1,:7".,'- /8) /'-<'AN/OJ^, cJ"'V'.'" CITY D RESIDENCE D PREVIOUS SUPPLEMENTAL I ~US~NESS TEL~PHONE 1\ 5"!1 I ,;:1",,..,-'[('1,05 ZIP CODE \COUNTY q7~2 I LANL E.wLj..:.-vd RESIDENCE ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE 5 MAILING ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE 6 7 PREVIOUS LOCATION CITY ZIP CODE /3tC/ I ?,-ry//uEP'V" $1"" ~U&...E...v? ,Q74-tt.> f LOCATION APPROVAL - Required onlv if dealer is chancina business location Certification of Local Zoning and Business Regulatory Compliance. ORS 822.005 requires a vehicle dealer license. unless exempt under ORS 822.015. for any persoll who: (a) Buys, sells, brokers, trades or exchanges vehicles either outright Dr by means of any conditional sale, bailment, lease, security interest, consignment or otherwise; OR (b) Disolay;:; a new or user! vehicle, trailer or semitrailRr; OR (c) Acts as any type of agent for the owner of a vehicle to sell tho vehicle or acts as any type of agent l'or a person interested in buying a vehicle 10 buy a vehicle. THE CERTiFICATION BELOW IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE LOCAL ZONING OFFICIAL. Your approval beloW should be based upon whether the applicant can do ANY 01 the activities listed in (aJ through (c) above under your ordinances. at the location 01 the business given on Une 3. Pursuant to ORS 822.025(6)(b)(A)(B). applicant meets requirements below. As the zoning official for the locality in which this business is located, I verify by my signature below that the location of this business as stated on this application, complies with any land use ordinances and business regulatory ordinances of 'he city or county, as appropriate pursuant to. ORS822.025.6(a) rdi . <:,,.,, ~ ,A .Sf I A TELE:J10NE NUMBER L&J CITY OF -%' I"rr-ti e U\- D COUNTY OF: (5'1/ )72 ft, 21> 0 1 PR'NT JAME d- tv\ ill if" Tlflan f1 V r: ( {}t:L~ ~NAT~~1/~ to--- DATU /3/ OS ~ , 8 9 10 \7 1fl'~~iC~ ~ft@lmlJ> IQlW i$~~II1~w~ v APPROVED CITY OF SPRINGFIELD rJ<\.-OC'IIo.~~. "'"'1I~..ICIHlW\.'" DmI OEPilATIoENTOFTAANSpe'UATION DRIYEA4NOUOTORYEIlIC:USl;:RVlCE3 lIIOSl..AHAAVENE.SAUMOREGON9T.I14 . . APPLICATION II?R THRE~ YEAR VEHICLE DEA[ER C.ERTfFICA TE AS A DEALER OR REBUILDER OF VEHICLES $ CUSTOMER NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRA nON DATE , , DEALER NUMBER If this is a renewal, do not complete the fee information. Use the attached billing list to calculate your fees. The billing list MUST be submitted with your re~ewal application. Original Certificate (Includes one plate)..........................:...... $ 1,003.00 Additional Locations @$230.00 ..................... $ (SupplementafApplication Form 735.372 required for each location) Additional plates @$45.00 .............................. I DEALS PRIMARILY IN MANUFACTURED DWELLINGS I Original Certificate (no plate) $ 542.00 Additional locations @$90.00 ........................ $ (Supplemental App. Form 735.372 required for each location) I TOTAL = $ TEMPORARY PLATES. BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS An alteration of Line 3 voids location ap roval. LEGAL NAME OF APPLICANT ( WNER, PARTNERSHIP, LLC OR CORPORATION NAME) OREGON REGISTRY NUMBER (IF LLC OR CORPORATION) ?>.e:>' 7' OREGON REGISTRY NO. RENEWAL PLATES. ~. " . $ 1 2 3 MAILING ADDRESS 4 CITY ZIP CODE 74- COUNTY. CITY 3: STATE ZIP CODE TYPE OF OPERATION 5 CHECK ORGANIZATION TYPE: D Individual D Partnership D LLC 6 II we primarily sell: D New Vehicles D Used Vehicles 7 Ilwe primarily sell manufactured structures: DYes D No 8 II we are a franchise dealer: D. Yes' D No If "Yes," name the makes> 9 II we sell NEW RECREATIONAL VEHICLES: DYes D No IF "YES," SERVICE FACILITY LOCATION (STREET AND NUMBER) CITY If corporation, iisllhe state under D which business is incorporated: Corporation: . ZIP CODE LOCATION APPROVAL (If renewal, required only if dealer is changing busir.ess location) Certification of Local Zoning and Business Regulatory Compliance, ORS 822.005 requires a vehicle dealer licer.se, unless exempt under ORS 822.015, for any person who: . (a) Buys, sells, brokers, trades or exchanges vehicles either outright or by means of any conditional sale, bailment, lease, security inferest, consignment or otherwise; OR . (b) Displays a new or used vehicie, trailer, semitrailer or manufactured structure for sale; OR (c) Acts as any type of agent for the Owner of a vehicle to sell the vehicle or acts as any type of'ager.t for a person interested in buying a vehicle to buy a vehicle. THE CERTIFICATION BELOW IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE LOCAL ZONING OFFiCIAL. Your approval below should be based upon whether the applicant can do ANY of the activities listed in (a) through (c) above under your!ordinar.ces, at the location of the busir.ess given on Line 3. Pursuant to ORS 822.025(6)(b)(A)(B), applicant meets requirements below, If the location of the business given on Line 3 of the application is in a residential zone and the dealer will sell or display only manufactured homes as defined in ORS 446.003, check boxes below if applicable: D Only manufactured homes may be dispiayed at this location. The sale or display of any other type of vehicle is prohibited. D The manufactured homes dispiayed at this location must comply with architectural and aesthetic star.dards regulating permanent placement of manufactured homes in the residential zone. . As the zoning official for the locality in which this business is located. I verify by my signature below that the location of this business as stated on this application. complies with any land use ordinances and business regulatory ordinances cf the city or county. as aopropriate pursuant to OR5 822.025.6(a) TELEPHONE NUMBER USe' I ) -V. . 10 11 G CITY OF: ~" \ 'I'. \./1 '1 t' Ie - ( D COUNTY OF; PRINT N.A~E " ,", ...\,.... ,! ,i .' _,./""...--, i__i.L - v TITLE- . j" ifli,/,,!-,.-r ,... \. , ,.~ ' DAT;E ,...I / 7. t i j i ). / I"; ~! .-/ SIGNATURE 12 X '--:'/ ' ..; . . j t,,-"--- (fj) \7 v .....\.~,.('Il.C.IU. "'.~lI~q,.I,r/l~ ~ SUPPLEMENTAL I DEALER I REBUILDER VEHICLE ,:::-:;~~~=~. DEALER CERTIFICATE APPLICATION FEE: 0$230 DEALER NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE . All supplemental locations must operate under the same ownership and.. business name as shown on the current certificate. (ORS 822.040) . Submit application with all required signatures and fees to: BUSINESS LICENSE UNIT, 1905 Lana Avenue NE, Salem OR 97314-2350 . Any alteration of Line 2 voids location approval. . Check if: 0 New Vehicles 0 Used Vehicles or 0$90 Deals primarily in manufactured dwellings 4 j)~ ~ ~(Cve. DEALER CERTIFICATION Must be si ned b the dealer False certification is a Class B misdemeanor under ORS 162.085 and is punishable by six months in jail, a fine of up to $1,000 or both. In addition, a civil penalty of up to $1,000 and DMV sanctions against you or your dealer certificate may be imposed. With the above penalties in mind, I CERTIFY: J am the owner, a partner. an LLC member or a corporate officer of this business and that all information on this application is accurate and true. This business deals in vehicles, or rebuilds vehicles at the location given. This supplemental location will operate under the same ownershi and business name as shown on the current certificate. ZIP CODE 1 STATE o ZIP CODe <77 Ij{)C/ 5 6 rcL " iLL BOND ENDORSEMENT / / P!ace surety sea~ here SIGNATURE OF SURETY/REPRESENTATIVE will cover the business operation as supplemented above. TITLE DATE 7 X 8 LOCATION APPROVAL -If renewal see instructions"": Certification of Local Zoning and Business Regulatory Compliance. ORS 822.005 requires a vehicle dealer license, unless exempt under ORS 822.015, for any person who: ' (a) Buys, sells, brokers, trades or exchanges vehicles either outright or by means of any conditional sale, bailment, lease, security interest, consignment or otherwise; OR (b) Displays a neW or used vehicle, trailer. semitrailer or manufactured structure for sale; OR (c) Acts as any type of agent for the owner of a vehicle to sell the vehicle or acts as any type of agent for a person Interested in buying a vehicle to buy a vehicle. THE CERTIFICATION BELOW IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE LOCAL ZONING OFFICIAL. Your approval below should be based upon whether the applicant can do ANY of the activities listed in (a) through (c) above under your ordinances, at the location of the business given on Line 3. Pursuant to ORS 822.025(8)(b)(A)(B), applicant meets requirements below. If the location of the business given on Line 3 of the application Is in a residential zone and the dealer will sell or display only manufactured homes as defined in ORS 446.003. check boxes below if applicable: o Only manufactured homes may be displayed at this location. The sale or display of any other type of vehicle Is prohibited. o The manufactured homes displayed at this location must comply with arch~ectural and aesthetic standards regulating permanent placement of manufactured homes in the residential zone. As the zoning ollicial for the locality in which this business is located, I velily by my signalure below thai the iocalion of this business as Slated on this application. com Hes with an land use ordinances and business re ulato ordinances of the ci or coun ,as a ro riate ursuant to ORS822.025.6(a) , T(ELEPH(ONE)NU.. IEJl . o COUNTY OF: "'- TITL v 1P~~oo ~mMjlIlQJr ~~al~ I'l~ne v ..Io1!Kr...lilll!ll]l'AI .....~'._'llIr.~II. I APPROVED CITY OF llPRINr.FIFln -- . APPL.A TION TO CORREC"'R RE-APPL Y FOR DEALER I REBUILDER BUSINESS ,CERTIFICA TE ..:), C. / ,.J c. DEALER NUMBER CleJ'4RTMEHTOF'fRAN3POIITAllOH llRIVEFl NID MOTOR YEMlCLE SEIMCES IlIQ5l.ANAAVI!~UI.EIolIQREGOMlI1:Il" DMV USE ONt. y 1111. EXPIRATION DATE · ,''IZ~3;/~::'',*, . . 0 CORRECTION FEE $30 RE.APPLY FEE $109 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete both sides of this form and submit it to DMV Business License Unit, 1.905 Lana Ave NE, Salem Oregon 97314. ., . The fee for a corrected certificate to change your business name OR location is $30. One owner must sign Line 22. . The fee for a re-apply certificate to change your business name AND location, or to change your ownership structure (e.g., individual to partners, partners to corporation, etc.) or if there is a lapse in the bond or insurance coverage is $109. . Each new owner must sign Line 15 or .19. Your dealer number and expiration date will stay the same. 1 Check the reason you are applying for a correction: III~ D Name Change . Address Change D Ownership Structure NAME CHANGE NEW BUSINESS NAME (If assumed business name, fill in Registry Number.) OREGON REGISTRY NUMBER BuSINESS TELEPHONE ( ) 2 3 OLD NAME Any alteration of Line 4 voids location approval. HANGE ADORE Lt/}) CI 7 ~C ~G ;..,.Je- ZIP CODE 7' 7'JL-=S- 7~ NEW LQCA TlON WHERE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED (STREET ADDRESS) 4 ::rS-c',. ~ L/ "J CITY ~- MAILING ADDRESS .J6"'flf- OLD lCCATlON Lf 1/ .5"7 5 6 7 ITY ;::; '- L LOCATION APPROVAL - Re uired onl if dealer is chan in business location INSTRUCTIONS to the local, city or county regulatory office: These statements are the sole resporsibility of the local city or county, DMV does not regulate or enforce these matters. Dealer business may include the buying, selling, trading, exchanging or rebuilding of vehicles. If dealer activities cannot be conducted at this address, do not sign the location ~pproval. I CERTIFY: · A vehicle dealer business at the location specified on Line 4 of this application complies with land use and business regulatory ordinances. . Check these boxes ONLY if they apply: o This location is in a residential zone and the dealer will sell or display only manufactured ho~es as defined in ORS 446.003. The city/county restricts the dealer as follows (check only the boxes that apply): D Only manufactured homes may be displayed at this location. The sale or display of any other type of vehicle is prohibited. D The manufactured homes displayed at this location must comply with architectural and aesthetic standards regulating permanent placement o,f manufactured homes in the residential zone. · I am authorized to sign this application and as evidence of such authority do affix hereon the seal or stamp of the city or county. 8 9 10 X D COUNTY OF: E ~. . ~ ~,;. . .,-' " , ...' c. "<0 = ',.,.',,"= ""-'I-",,"I~"l"l ",r, ""=-41' I' '=l ~ c ',,:"'::.' -:;' -="~'''''~' "", '''" u -:;.' =- ..~; ~ _:-' ..: rj(t.~,...t'41['I' \ j filM Ae'lICATION FOR BUS_SS CERTIFICATE AS A DEALER OR REBUILDER OF VEHICLES DEI'ARlllEHTOf'llUMU'ORTA11OM DAI'o'EA AlClIIOTOAYEHlCU!UlMCeI l_UoNAAW-.IALEIIOI'lEQONfn14 If this Is a renewal, do not complete the fee Information. Use the attached billing list to calculate your fees. The billing list MUST be submitted with your renewal application. Original Certificate (Includes one plate) $ 329.00 Additional Locations @ $90.00 each $ (Supplemental Application Form 735-372 required for each location) i Additional plates @ $44.00 each $ ....J ,.c'.l . I ! . .j i ., J j ........\' .. , -i ; i 'HI i . .j ,~ c.j ....j :..::.) . .-; ~ .-j TOTAL > 1 2 3 4 lIwe primarily sell I broker: 0 New Vehicles 5 CHECK ORGANIZATION TYPE: [Hfndividual 0 Partnership 0 Corporation 6 lIwe are a franchise dealer 0 Yes No If "Yes," name the makes ~ OLLC 7 lIwe sell I broke~ manufactured homes [IYVes No 0 Exclusively L A TI N P L If renewal see Instructions INSTRUCTIONS to the local, city or county regulatory office: These statements are the sole responsibility of the local city or count) DMV does not regulate or enforce these matters. Dealer business may include the buying, selling, trading, exchanging or rebuildin: of vehicles. If dealer activities cannot be conducted at this address, do not sign the location approval. I CERTIFY: . A vehicle dealer business at the location specified on Line 2 of this application complies with land use and business regulatory ordinances. . Check these boxes ONLY If they apply: o This location is in a residential zone and Line 6 of this application indicates the dealer will sell or display only manufactured homes as defined in ORS 446.003. The city/county restricts the deaier as follows (check only the boxes that apply): . o Only manufactured homes may be displayed at this location. The sale or display of any other type of vehicle is prohibijed. o The manufactured homes displayed at this location must comply with architectural and aesthetic standards regulating permanent placement of manufactured homes in the residential zone. · 'I am authorized to sign this application and as evidence of such authority do affix hereon the seal or stamp of the city 01 county. 8 g] CITY OF: -s.y..__",~~~ PRINTED NAME 9 K,,--"''''-- 'f::...\6"'- SIGNATURE 10 X D COUNTY OF: TELEPHONE NUMBER (s'-\\ ) 72..b- "-1608 TITLE "",,\o..V-c"'-~ "\" DATE v ,~b~itfbl'u@~ v 7jS:370 (2-ffo)PACKET Page 1 .PmI DlPAAnlbCTMTIUlNa'CIlInA1IOIil llfIIIERMlDMO'fOfIVItlICU!~. ,..LAMAA'tI[MLULEllDAEOOIII7It4 APPL: A TION FOR BUSINE CERTIFICATE AS A DEALER OR REBUILDER OF VEHICLES BUSI ESS NAME (IF ASSUMED BUSI 1 -r orol.k.61~ \A MAIN BUSINESS LOCATION (STREET AND NUMBER) 2 Llo55 Fr",^'Z\:,,- \v'c\ MAILING ADDRESS 3 Lj ass ~",^I.Z:~" If this Is s renewal, do not com plate the fee Information. Use the attached billing list to calculate your fees. The billing list MUST be submitted with your renewal application. Original Certificate (Includes one plate) $ 329.00 Additional Locations ,r;6 @ $90.00 each $ (Supplemental Application Form 735-372 required for each location) Additional plates I @ $44.00 each $ ~ I 00 TOTAL )0 BUSINESS TELEPHONE 'lLjI-O~;;;" y COUNTY {\~ ZIP CODE tf7l-fo3 4 lIwe primarily sell/ broker: D New Vehicles N Used Vehicles 5 CHECK ORGANIZATION TYPE: ~ Individual o Partnership o Corporation DLLC 6 lIwe are a franchise dealer DYes ~ No If "Ves," name the makes ~ 7 lIwe sell/ broker manufactured homes 0 Yes jgJ No 0 Exclusively L TI N APP V L If renewal see Instructions INSTRUCTIONS to the local, city or county regulatory office; These statements are the sole responsibility of the local city or county, DMV does not regulate or enforce these matters. Dealer business may include the buying, selling, trading, exchanging or rebuilding of vehicles. If dealer activities cannot be conducted at this address, do not sign the location approval. I CERTIFY: · A vehicle dealer business at the location specified on Line 2 of this application complies with land use and business regulatory ordinances. . <::heck these boxes ONLY If they apply: D This location is in a residential zone and Line 6 of this application indicates the dealer will sell or display only manufactured . homes as defined in ORS 446.003. The city/county restricts the dealer as follows (check only the boxes that apply); . D Only manufactured homes may be displayed at this location. The sale or display of any other type of vehicle is prohibited. D The manufactured homes displayed at this location must comply with architectural and aesthetic standards regulating permanent placement of manufactured homes in the residential zone. · I am authorized to sign this application and as evidence of such authority do affix hereon the seal or stamp of the city or county. o COUNTY OF: DATEq~ ~1-tJl) 8 9 SIGNATURE 10 X ..- ~~p (())~ ~~a\~ Ih~~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD v 735-:370 (2.00lPACKEt P8ge1 " .. APPLI A TION FOR BUSINES CERTIFICATE llP'AIl1W:NTOf"lIWISI'QRTAnotI IlIIIV!RANIlIIQlCfl;ve.a..E1ER\'lCZ1 l_LANAAYlNE. ULEMoAEGON m14 AS A DEALER OR REBUILDER OF VEHICLES 1 2 3 If this Is a renewal, do not complete the fee Information. Use the attached billing list to calculate your fees. The billing list MUST be submitted with your renewal application. Original Certificate (Includes one plate) $ 329.00 Additional Locations @ $90.00 each $ (Supplemental Application Form 735.372 required for each localion) Additional plates @ $44.00 each $ TOTAL . BUS'NE~TELEPH9N &63-/- COUNTY L~V"J, ZIP CODE 9 1 'fb;2-3~ ~ 4 Vwe primarily sell/ broker: o New Vehicles I8J Used Vehicles 5 CHECK ORGANIZATION TYPE: o Individual I21Partnership o Corporation DLLC 6 Vwe are a franchise desler DYes ~ No If "Yes," name the makes ~ 7 Vwe sell/ broker manufactured homes .~ Yes 0 No o Exclusively If renewal see Instructions INSTRUCTIONS to the local, city or county regulatory office: These statements are the sole responsibility of the local city or county, DMV does not regulate or enforce these matters. Dealer business may include the buying, selling, trading, exchanging or rebuilding of vehicles. If dealer activities cannot be conducted at this address, do not sign the location spprovsl. I CERTIFY: . A vehicle dealer business at the location specified on Line 2 of this application complies with land use and business regulatory ordinances. . Check these boxes ONLY If they apply: o This location is in a residential zone and Line 6 of this application indicates the dealer will sell or display only manufactured homes as defined in ORS 446.003. The city/county restricts the dealer as follows (check only the boxes that apply): o Only manufactured homes may be displayed at this location. The sale or display of any other type of vehicle is prohibijed. o The manufactured homes displayed at this location must comply with architectural and aesthetic standards regulating permanent placement of manufactured homes in the residential zone. . I am authorized to sign this application and as evidence of such authority do affix hereon the 88al or stemp of the city or county. 8 9 10 o COUNTY OF: v P~SlrC~ ~~Ialm~ tQI~ ~~~~ I'u~~~ o CITY OfaePRINGFIELD v " -- SU EMENTAL DEALER EBUILDER BUSINESS CERTIFICATE APPLICATION OEl'ARTIIENTOFTRlJCSPORTAllOH DFllVEA AND IIOTOR Vl::IICLE SERVICES l_LAKAAVE HE. SALEM OREGONt'n1A DEALER NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE c/6ttl ;;L .3' 3>/~ c7'V FEE: $90. OO~ COUNTY ~~ BUSINESS TELEPHONE ( 5~ tj ~ Y.s. "'-Y"D ZIP CODE <?7~.3 STATE ZIP CODE ~-< BOND ENDORSEMENT P'1~lQr~ $QJur31ly $rs~ll,rso'", l> I certify that surety bond number: SIGNATURE OF SUAETYIAEPRESENTATIVE 7 X 8 will cover the business operation as supplemented above. TITlE DATE LOCATION APPROVAL - If renewed, see instructions- INSTRUCTIONS to the local, city or county regulatory office:" These statements are the sole responsibility of the locai city or county, DMV does not regulate or enforce these mailers. Dealer business may include the buying, selling, trading, exchanging or rebuilding of vehicles. If dealer activities cannot be conducted at this address, do not sign the location approval. I CERTIFY: . A vehicle dealer business at the location specified on Line two of this a"pplication complies with land use and business regulatory ordinances. . Check these boxes ONL V if they apply: DThis iocation is in a residential zone and the dealer will sell or display manufactured homes as defined in ORS 446.003. The city/county restricts the dealer as follows (check only the boxes that apply): o Only manufactured homes may be displayed at this location. The sale or display of any other type of vehicle is prohibited. o The manufactured homes "displayed at this location must comply w~h architectural and aesthetic standards regulating pennanent placement of manufactured homes in the residential zone. . I am authorized to sign this application and as evidence of such authority do affix hereon the seal or stamp of the city or county. 9 10 11 o COUNTY OF: X """'~""''''''.I:llll). >k""'UJ'ft;ft:"ftw ." . .~.~_, n H _ _ ; 1W~:nU'~U~p \~)~ ~"~':2lu u1(~~ - F SPRINGFIELD \,1 v I t , , , ! 1 i I [ ,.~::J 1 I i .'1 , i 1 ........1 i -- A.LlCA TION FOR BUSI~SS CERTIFICATE AS A DEALER OR REBUILDER OF VEHICLES DEPARTIIEHTOFllUHIPOAT.l11ON DInER N<<J MOTOR vetCLE 'EJMCEI IIQfl.NlAAWNE,&.tI.nIIOflEOOHm14 If this Is a renewal, do not complete the fee Information. Use the attached billing list to calculate your fees. The billing list MUST be submitted with your renewal application. Original Certificate (Includes one plate) . $ 111.00 Additional Locations@ $30.00 each $ (Supplemental Application Form 735.372 required for each location) Additional plates @ $12.00 each $ TOTAL . cou TY ~ ZIP c9lJ.'=-. ~I 'tJ'Z-/ 4 Vwe primarily sell 0 New Vehicles 5 Vwe are a franchise dealer 0 Yes CHECK ORGANIZATION TYPE: . 6 0 Individual 0 Partnership ~rporation No If "Yes," name the makes .. IF CORPORATION. LIST THE STATE UNDER WHOSE LAW BUSINESS IS INCORPOR ~ 7 o Yes ~O o Exclusively Vwe sell manufactured homes L ATI N APPR VAL INSTRUCTIONS to the local, city or county regulatory office: These statements are the sole responsibility of the local city or count DMV does not regulate or enforce these matters. Dealer business may include the buying, selling, trading, exchanging or rebuildir. of vehicles. If dealer activities cannot be conducted at this address, do not sign the location approval. I CERTIFY: . A vehicle dealer business at the location specified on Line two of this application complies with land use and business regulatory ordinances. . Check these boxes ONLY If they apply: D This location is in a residential zone and Line 6 of this application indicates the dealer will sell or display only manufactured homes as defined in ORS 446.003. The city/county restricts the dealer as follows (check only the boxes that apply): D Only manufactured homes may be displayed at this location. The sale or display of any other type of vehicle is prohibited. D The manufactured homes displayed at this location must comply with archltecturai and aesthetic standards regulating permanent placement of manufactured homes in the residential zone. . I am authorized to sign this application and as evidence of such authority do affix hereon the seal or stamp of the city c county. 8 9 SIGNATURE 10 X CITY OF: D COUNTY OF: (E5;,rTj~ -3 h :5 TITU~ . DE E/J P:>'cC:E !D DATE / I. 19-t:jcJ PRINTED NAME v Page 1 -::::r- ~ ':J -' ~L <:::)" ...... c:::, - ';;? --i- ~ .~ ~ ~ 't ,f=>~ ~ \:0 ~ '<- ~ ~ ~ . --.. . ~ \.. ~ ~~~\"--' ~~, ~ <;;;:;: ::s. :2. ~ ~ -...... <::::l ~~ ~~ \U ~ ) ~ "'" c::.t- ~ '-' '--1-- ':2. U) .:s <() ~ ~ N r::> Q <::> ,...J.. . g ~ j ~ C ...l.--c:r Q. <:::S . ~ "::>-, ~ S ~ { -;< .c =' o \\):a '- ,," >-- c"' p ~ "- C' ..)0=- C- ~ 3 \/! ",-..> 0 _ 6 C -::)~ </> . . )010 "" ~ VIew Fawrtes Tools ~ ~ Map of 1415 MIssIssIppi Ave, [ugene, OR 9740] 2745 - n,ngMdp<i - Microsoft Inlernet bplore( GJ@]~ III .,) V G ~ ~ p..... *'_6 e S' ",:3 Oil. ~1tS$I4)ktp:/l-.bng.~dttld:.Mpx~TCP8Q:l-+t.~IZ3.034S&st,ll.-<I.6I.""'I"-9OIdr"""-I~~.,~...Jo-JIlIrItw'1-14 v C] lie t.ris" !\!:'I 1415 Mississippi Ave. Eugene. OR 97403- 2745 Search for: Businesses, People, User Contributions Dlrecbons l-Cllck Save Send Popul:ar c::ltegorles Apartments Banks Taverns. Bars 8. Cocktail lounges New & Used Car Dealers Child Care Services More r:::"",,I"~.,....... ...........1......... ~I~......... ~.).f 4ii9 * 't:l 8 II r;1' Make Bingyouroeclsion engine ILf I) J1V3 1/2 ~~ . . {j.)f1O' S C{ r- VUl77 ((;7Jff' -k prio(ULL 1055 ff5? r r~/LI It--> -Ii rb-d[;t 'IP -t[tJd/e (Cod oS- *". 0 ( I *~CVA\'r1LlI fV1t6~ 1. Al) Rut'b t\l1o/(Safl if! ~ \) L !y\otOG- D Lf MapOptix 5.2 Interface ~~.P . @~~ . ~\.!)~wEB><~~~ Page 1 of 1 ~t~ .... layers Buffer My Map Lat/Long Labeling http://lanemaps.rlid.org/zoom.cfm?action=mox52 _iUcog&screenHeight=591 &screen Wid... 2/18/2010 . . csP~ ?\\Q;O paL{ ll<ln~ Maps - MIcrosoft Internel Explorer ~@~ I'It [cI; ......., "..-orbs fOllis HIIIp " 0"" . V G ~ (.l ,/'1- "k',"",n €l S' ~ € .011 Ad;essle'J~-~,n.........rId.or~?~.JJr__ ;;p+~~~I:]..!);J..w!:B><~ ..... c.-~.... 8........ t:I ~BASI!L.AYEM [:) ~ ~LAYa'lS '+ 02ClXlc.-flloCb .. 02OlXlC-Tr.as , '.D2004MetroArJ:t'dolCln) . '+D2lXlSMltrO~(&Fl) '+D2008I*:K.a~(1l ) '. .D~Oi*k:t. . 0 ClyUnls .. ~Colri>tBa.lldlry 'i~factliet .O~~ .0~....... '+ 0 ~Co_Cornrinicrerl*l:. '.OlCAOI ~ :Cr.--:-^ ~J.,re~~~IQ36AM . , J..i n. doanJent _ ~ t. tM,.... 'X: lloo.JMnl~:'tIt:tp:J~.rW.oro/2OO..: P'rlrU'_: '\lPfSOOZ\Plt-D5KOPD' nNMl"it:IO:31:3Z~ZJIII2OIO Tol:"P'9":1 CastleRock Auto I Inventory . ... . Page 1 of3 I Financing Contact Us Castle Rock Auto 1415 Mississippi Ave, Eugene OR 97403 541-206-8455 Now accepting all major credit cards. *"'2004 SATURN ION COUPE*'ONLY 6SK'" 16 photos Price Miles VIN Stock $6,495 66000 lG8AV12F74Z110584 485011 nns IS A VERY NICE 2004 SATIJRN ION 3 COUPE. IT HAS A S-SPEED MANUAL TRANSMISSION, POWER STEERING, POWER BRAKES, CRUISE, AIR, POWER WINDOWS, POWER LOCKS AND A CD PLAYER. IT LOOKS AND DRIVES EXCELLENT!! lliE UGIfT BLUE EXTERIOR PAINT AND lliE BLACK CLOlli INTERIOR IS IN GREAT CONDmON. lliIS 2004 SATIJRN ONLY HAS 66,000 MILES. IT ALSO http://www.castlerockcars.coml *"'2002 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA GLS SEDAN'" 15 photos Price Miles VIN Stock $5,995 92102 3VVVSB69M22M188948 849881 lliIS IS A EXCELLENT 2002 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA GLS 1.8 TIJRBO SEDAN. IT HAS AS-SPEED MANUAL TRANSMISSION WITH 4-CYUNDER 2.0 ENGINE. POWER STEERING, POWER BRAKES, CRUISE, AIR, POWER WINDOWS, POWER LOCKS, POWER SUNROOF, HEATED SEATS, KEYLESS ENTRY AND CD PLAYER. IT LOOKS AND DRIVES EXCELLENT. lliE WHITE EXTERIOR PAINT AND 2001 VI GLX 4 ~ 15 photo Price Miles VIN Stock lliIS IS A E GLX 4 MOTl TRANSMISS DRlVE,CRUI BRAKES, PO POWER SU~ PLAYER. lli lliE SILVER 2/16/2010 CastleRock Auto I Inventory . - HAS A 6,49S. ALSO COMES WITH A 3 MONTH{3,000 MILE WARRANTY WHEN SOLD AT SALE PRICE. More info . THE BLACK CLOTH INTERIOR IS IN GREAT CONDmON. A VERY CLEAN AND DEPENDABLE CAR. THIS VOLKSWAGEN JETTA HAS 91,000 MILES. DRIVES AND HANDLES GREAT. IT HAS A CLEAN TITLE AND GREAT ALITOCHECK HISTORY REPORT. EVERYTHING WORKS GREAT. PRICED TO SELL! ONLY $S,99S ALSO ASK ABOLIT OUR 3- MONTH{3,000 MILE WARRANTY WHEN SOLD AT SALE PRICE. More info Page 20f3 LEATHER IN CONDmON THE TIMINC AND BELTT VOLKSWAGI TITLE &. GRI PRICES AT ~ MONTH{3,01 2001 VOLKSWAGEN JElTA GL SEDAN 10 photos Price $5,495 Miles 88000 VIN 3VWRB69M31M143532 Stock 235341 THIS IS A VERY NICE 2001 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA GL SEDAN. IT HAS AN ALITOMATIC TRANSMISSION, CRUISE, AlC, POWER STEERING AND ABS BRAKES. IT ALSO COMES WITH OUAL FRONT AND SlOE AIRBAGS AND CASSETTE PLAYER. THE BLUE EXTERIOR PAINT AND GRAY CLOTH INTERIOR IS IN GREAT CONDmON. IT LOOKS AND DRIVES EXCELLENT. THIS VOLKSWAGEN JETTA HAS 88,000 MILES AND SEEMS WELL MAINTAINED. IT HAS A CLEAN TITLE AND GREAT ALITOCHECK HISTORY REPORT. PRICE TO SELL. ONLY $S,49S. ALSO COME WITH A 3- MONTH{3,000 MILE POWERTRAIN WARRANTY. More info http://www.castlerockcars.coml *"'2003 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT W8 4-MOTION WAGON", 18 photos View Video Price $8,495 Miles 68415 VIN ~ZK63B43E083571 Stock 175380 THIS IS AN EXCELLENT 2003 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT GLX W8 4MOTION WAGON. IT HAS A ALITOMATIC TRANSMISSION, CRUISE, AIR, POWER STEERING, POWER BRAKES, POWER WINOOWS, POWER LOCKS, POWER SUNROOF, HEATED POWER SEATS, WOODGRAIN, LEATHER INTERIOR AND CD PLAYER. THE BLUE EXTERIOR PAINT AND BLACK LEATHER INTERIOR IS IN EXCELLENT CONDmON. LOOKS AND DRIVES EXCELLENT. THIS VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT WAGON HAS 68,000 MILES. IT HAS A CLEAN TITLE AND GREAT ALITOCHECK HISTORY REPORT. PRICE TO SELL!! WAY BELOW KELLY BLUE BOOK WHOLESALE @ ONLY $8,49S. COME WITH A 3- MONTH{3,OOO MILE WARRANTY WHEN SOLD AT SALE PRICE. ALSO ASK ABOLIT OUR S YR{100K EXTENDED WARRANTIES. More info 2001 VI SEDAN 14 photo Price Miles VIN Stock THIS IS A V GLS SEDAN. TRANSMISS HAS A BLAC INTERIOR, I CONDmON WINDOWS, SUNROOF, ( AND DRIVe HAS A GREP MILES. SELL OUR 3 MON WARRANTY. 2/1612010 CastleRock Auto I Inventory . . .. . Page 3 of3 2003 JEEP LIBERTY LIMITED 4X4 12 photos Price $6,995 Miles 129286 VlN 1J4GL58KX3VV627423 Stock 324726 TlHS tS A VERY NICE 2003 JEEP UBERTY LIMITED 4WD WITH 129,000 MILES. IT HAS POWER STEERING, POWER WINDOWS, POWER LOCKS, TILT/CRUISE CONTROL, AND AJR CONDmONING. IT ALSO HAS A CD PLAYER, ROOF RACK, AllOY WHEELS AND EVEN HAS A TOW PACKAGE. IT HAS A DARK BLUE EXTERIOR AND A BLACK CLOTH INTERJOR; BOTH IN GREAT CONDmON. THIS VEHICLE HAS A CLEAN TITLE A GREAT AUTOCHECK REPORT AND COMES WITH A 3 MONTH/3,OOO MILE POWERTRAIN WARRANTY! THIS VEHICLE IS SEllING FOR ONLY $6995. More info 2005 VOLKSWAGEN GLS SEDAN 14 photos Price $7,495 Miles 77800 VlN 3VVVSK69M83M086944 Stock 449680 THIS IS A VERY NICE 2005 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA GLS SEDAN. IT HAS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH 4-CYUNDER 2.0 ENGINE. POWER STEERJNG, POWER BRAKES, CRUISE, AIR, POWER WINDOWS, POWER LOCKS, POWER SUNROOF, HEATED SEATS, KEYLESS ENTRY AND CD PLAYER. IT LOOKS AND DRJVES EXCEllENT. THE GRAY EXTERJOR PAINT AND THE BLACK CLOTH INTERJOR 15 IN GREAT CONDmON. A VERY CLEAN AND DEPENDABLE CAR. THIS 2005 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA HAS ONLY 77,000 MILES. DRIVES AND HANDLES GREAT, IT HAS A CLEAN TITLE AND GREAT AUTOCHECK HISTORY REPORT, EVERYTHING WORKS GREAT. PRICED TO SELL! ONLY $7,495 ALSO ASK ABOUT OUR 3- MONTH/3,000 MILE WARRANTY WHEN SOLD AT SALE PRJCE. More info Copyright@ 2010, Castle Rock Auto Sales, Inc. DA0575 Silemap I Links http://www.castlerockcars.com/ 2004 H' COUPE, 16 photo Price Miles VlN Stock THIS IS A V COUPE HAT> TRANSMI5S ENGINE, IT BRAKES, PO CRUISE cor WHEELS AN GREAT. THE CLOTH INTI 2004 HYUNI MILES ON r CLUTCH, PR ASK ABOUT POWERTRAJ 2/16/20 I 0 @ @ = ~ . - ~ @ @ . lY --I '105 S f7ttnK In @ ,- \ ~ 1;'(: f'{\ I)~\ @ @ -- - - @ - @ - Oregon DMV - Business Regulons Dealer Licensing Search Page . Page 1 of2 - , mm Oregon Dep-artment of Transp-ortation B!!!lI ~ ~-" ~l\nf - Business Regulation and Dealers Search for Businesses regulated by the DMV Business Regulation Unit. If you have any questions regarding a dealer or any of this information, please call DMV Business Regulation, Business License Unit at (503) 945-5052 Dealers Ii Businesses F AQs for Dealers Ii Businesses Dealer Number: Business Name: DA0575 CASTLEROCK AUTO LLC Business Phone: Expiration Date: (541) 206-8455 07/31/2012 Business Address: Mailing Address: 4055 B FRANKLIN BLVD SAME EUGENE, OR 97402 Current Dealer Details Newsletter Definitions of DMV Terms Owner Name: Title: GARDNER, NORMAN J MEMBER MILLER, ElIZABETH M MEMBER Bond Number: Bond Company: Issue Date: Expire Date: 15351869 WESTERN SURETY CO 08/27/2009 07/31/2012 Add ress: City, State, ZipCode: Telephone: 101 S PHILLIPS SIOUX FALLS, SD 57104 6053360850 Policy Number: Insurance Company: Issue Date: Expire Date: MDP410046 MARKEL INSURANCE COMPANY 10/12/2004 10/12/2010 Address: City, State, ZipCode: Telephone: 425 NE HANCOCK PORTLAND, OR 97212 5032886371 Home ~ Dealer Search ~ Dealer Info DMV Home I Qoline5ervices I DriveLfUDJoto_1 'lehideJofo I RecordsJnfo I NeVLto Oeegon? DMV Offices I [ormsftF'ublicatiom I_D_ea1ers.ftBusinesses I NewsJactsft5Jats I En http://dmv.odot.state.or. uslcfl dlrsliclkup/Search/index.cfm ?fuseAction=getS ingle&Dealer... 2/1 6/20 1 0 Oregon DMV - Business RegIons Dealer Licensing Search Page . Page 2 of2 . Espanol AbouCDMV I Contact DM'l I SiteJndex I WebsiteJ:,eedback I AbouHhis Website DMV Prop-Qs~_d_Rules DMY_t1eadqua[ters: 1905 Lana Ave NE, Salem, OR 97314 General Information: (503) 945-5000 I Portland Metro Area: (503) 299-9999 I TTY: (503) 945- 5001 This page was updated on 01/24/2005 http://dmv.odot.stale.or.us!cf/ dlrsl iclkup/Search/index.cfm ?fuseAclion=geISingle&Dealer... 2/16/20 1 0 1------- ---------- ~ID Detailed Property Repo. . Page I of 14 IntegratedResources for Lane County, Oregon PropertySearch Advanced_Search [)eed~_&J{ec()rds raxes_lialal!~~J2!l-" ComparableSales>m Taxmap_Search Other ApplicatiQns~>> Lgg Off Detailed Property Report Site Address 1415 MISSISSIPPI AVE Eugene, OR 97403- 2745 Map & Taxlot #1703344309300 SIC 901 TaxAccount# 0301190a ahdditi'maLsite.address(es) are associated with this tax account Property Owner I NORMAN LOUIS FRANK REVOCABLE TRUST 2511 LILY AVE EUGENE, OR 97408 Approx. taxlot acreage 0.59 Tax account acreage data not available Related Accts ()301182 Maps Map & Taxlot # 1703344309300 ~i ~, , ~ I r I I ~ ' ' c~ " ,- .aI)~li""S/Vd ~ V> l' o v c 8 z E 14th /W. ~D -. . -. . ~ E 1'5th {lwe ~ ~~ ~- "....... I (!-~ I I I I' " o v c <5 Yiew Larger Map Improvements Site Address Information 1415 MISSISSIPPI AVE EUGENE, OR 97403-2745 House # 1415 Suffix N/A Pre-directional N/A Street Name MISSISSIPPI Street Type AVE Unit type I # N/A Mail City EUGENE State OR Zip Code 97403 Zip + 4 2745 Create Date Aug 07, 1983 Update Date N/A Land Use 1150 Mobile Home - Not In Mobile Home Park http://v2.r1id.orglproperty_search/index.cfm?do=property_search _ vl.detailedreport&dsp=... 8/18/20 I 0 ~ID Detailed Property ReP1t USPS Carrier Route C005 Additional site address(es) attached to this tax account . 4055 FRANKLIN BLVD General Taxlot Characteristics Geographic Coordinates State Plane (X- Y) X 4254915 Y 876537 LatitudelLongitude Latitude 44.0440 Longitude -123.0345 Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction Springfield Parent Zone CC Community Commercial Land Use General Land Use Code Description o General Services R Retail Detailed Land Use Code Description 5512 Automobiles, Used Cars & Trucks Only / Ret 941 0 Vacant Shop or Office Taxlot Characteristics Incorporated City none Limits Urban Growth Boundary Year Annexed Annexation # Approximate Taxlot Acreage Approx Taxlot Sq 25,700 Footage 2000 Census Tract 3600 2000 Census Block I Group Plan Designation Eugene Neighborhood Metro Area Nodal No Dev Area Eugene Historic Property Name Historical Landmark? National Historical No Register? Service Providers Fire Protection Provider Glenwood WD Ambulance Provider Springfield Dept of Fire & Life Safety Ambulance District EC Ambulance Service Area East/Central LTD Service Area? Yes LTD Ride Source? Yes Soil Water Cons. Dist/Zone UPPER WILLAMETTE / 0 Emerald People's Utility District N/A . Page 2 of 14 Springfield N/A N/A 0.59 Metro Plan Map N/A N/A No Environmental Data FEMA Flood Hazard Zone(s) Code Deseription X5 Areas of 500-year flood, areas of 100-year flood with average depths of less than I foot or with drainage areas less than I square mile, and areas protected by levees from I OO-year flood. http://v2.r1id.orgtproperty _ search/index.cfm?do=property _search _ v I.detailedreport&dsp=... 8/18/2010 ~LID Detailed Property RePlt . Page 3 of 14 FIRM Map Number 41039CI141 F (tifl r<if) Community Number 415591 Post-FIRM Date 12/18/1985 Panel Printed? Yes Soils Soil Map Unit Number Soil Type Description 23 CAMAS-URBAN LAND COMPLEX % ofTaxlot AI: Class 1 Hydric 100% 4 No Schools School Code Name School District 4J EUGENE Elementary School 514 Camas Ridge Middle School 526 Roosevelt High School 539 South Eugene Political Districts Election Precinct City Council Ward City Councilor County Commissioner District County Commissioner 100086 N/A N/A 5 State Representative District State Representative East State Senate District State Senator 12 f_aye Ste~art EWEB Commissioner N/A LCC Board Zone 4 E. Terry Beyer 6 Willillffi Morrisette Liens Building Permits Springfield Building Permits Log Number Project Description COM2004-00337 200 amp service and 2 circuits COM20 1 O-OW73 Circuit extension/alterations Land Use Applications Petitions Tax Statements (current and previous tax years) ACCOUNT#: 0301190 View tax statement(s) for: http://v2.rlid.org/property_search/index.cfm?do=property _search _ vl.detailedreport&dsp=... 8/18/2010 ~LID Detailed Property Repi . Page 4 of 14 2009 200_8 Ownerrraxpayer Owners Owner Address City/State/Zip NORMAN LOUIS FRANK REVOCABLE TRUST 2511 LILY AVE EUGENE, OR 97408 Taxpayer Party Name Address City/State/Zip FRANK NORMAN LOUIS 2511 LILY AVE EUGENE, OR 97408 Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Account Status Status Active Account Current Tax Year Related Accts 0:HlJ1l!2 Account Status none Remarks none Special Assessment Program N/ A Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation General Tax Account Information Tax Account Acreage data not available Fire Acres N/A Property Class 301 INDUSTRIAL, IMPROVED Statistical Class 690 WAREHOUSE, STORAGE Neighborhood Code 90201 Category Improvement Only Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Township-Range-Section / Subdivision Data Subdivision Type N/A Subdivision Name N/A Phase N/A LotlTractlUnit # TL 09300-901 Subdivision Number Recording Number N/A N/A Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Property Values & Taxes http://v2.rlid.org/property_search/index.cfm?do=propertLsearch _ vl.detailedreport&dsp=... 8/18/20 I 0 ~ID Detailed Property Repl . Page 5 of 14 The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the properly. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted properly. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. Real Market Value (RMV) Year Land Improvement Total 120091~ $48,230 $48,230 $24,842 120081~ $45,930 $45,930 $24,118 120071~1$43,740 11$43,7401 $23,416 2006 $0 $36,150 1$36,15011$22,734 2 32,280 $32,280 $22,072 2004 $28,070 28 070 $21,429 120031~ $25,990 $25,990 $20,805 120021~ $22,800 $22,800 1$20,199 120011~1$25,060 11$25,0601 $19,611 120001~ 119991~ 119981~ 119971~1$21,730 119961~1 $23,620 119951~1$19,360 Total Assessed Value Tax $24,100 E4,100 1$19,040 11$ 275.191 $20,420 20420 $18,485 H*70 $20,420 $20,420 $17,947 .51 $ 404.06 5.77 $ 382.45 11$378.541 1$366.961 $ 337.15 $301.75 II $ 265.481 1$ 300.421 II $21,730 II $17,424 II $23,620 II $23,620 II $19,360 II $19,360 II $ 266.321 II $ 299.70 I II $ 251.101 Current Year Assessed Value $24,842 Less Exemption Amount * NIA Taxable Value $24,842 Frozen Assessed Value · Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Tax Code Area & Taxing Districts 2009-2010Lane County Asse~slllent&_Taxation Billing Rate Document Tax Code Area (Levy Code) for current tax year 00428 Taxing Districts for TCA 00428 EUGENE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4J GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY GLENWOOD WATER DISTRICT LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Sales & Ownership Changes http://v2.rlid.org/property_search/index.cfm?do=propertLsearch _ vl.detailedreport&dsp=... 8/18/2010 ~ID Detailed Property Repl . Page 6 of 14 Sale Date Multiple Accts? lives Grantor(s) Grantee(s) II FRANK NORMAN L I NORMAN LOUIS FRANK REVOCABLE TRUST Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Products &Services I Contact Us I Disclaimer Generated by City of Springfield on Aug 18, 20 I 0 at 4:49pm using RLlD, http://www.rlid.org! http://v2.rlid.org/property_search/index.cfm?do=property_search _ vl.detailedreport&dsp=". 8/18/2010 ~ID Detailed Property Repl . Page 7 of 14 http://v2.r1id.org/property_searchlindex.cfm?do=property_search _ v1.detailedreport&dsp=... 8/18/2010 ~ID Detailed Property Repl . Page 8 of 14 http://v2.rlid.org/property_search/index.cfm?do=property_search_ v l.detailedreport&dsp=... 8/18/2010 ~ID Detailed Property Repl . Page 9 of 14 http://v2.r1id.org/property_search/index.cfm?do=propertLsearch _ vl.detailedreport&dsp=... 8/18/2010 ~ID Detailed Property Repi . Page 10 of14 http://v2.rlid.org/property _ search/index.cfm?do=property _search _v I.detailedreport&dsp=... 8/18/2010 ~ID Detailed Property ReW . Page II of 14 http://v2.rlid.org/property _ search/index.cfm?do=property _search _v I.detailedreport&dsp= ... 8/18/20 I 0 ~ID Detailed Property Re'l . Page 12 of 14 http://v2.r1id.org/propertLsearchlindex.cfm?do=propertLsearch_ v I.detailedreport&dsp=... 8/18/2010 , .RLID Detailed Property Rei . Page 13 of 14 http://v2.r1id.org/property_search/index.cfm?do=property _search _ vl.detai1edreport&dsp=... 8/18/2010 .RLID Detailed Property Rei . Page 14 of 14 l http://v2.rlid.org/property _ search/index.cfm?do=propertL search _v I.detailedreport&dsp=... 8/18/20 I 0 I FIELD EUGENE. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON JUNE 2000 EDITlON -LISTINGS ARRANGED BY STREET ADDRESS MILLRACE DR LLRACE OR . EUGENE :UGENE OR 97403 ~ 95 " " " TEQflOLQGlES INC 9ll 541342.3160 ~ILOWAY . EUGENE ;UGENE OR 97404 @ r 4103941 $*. ,OOESQ 541343-0m 541343-65&4 541687-7962 541344.1169 811h 54168~S1l2 541688-2690 541688-4453 88h54168~84 9211541888.57., 99 541689-784\ 98 5416811-7843 IT 96h541ol6,.7101 IILTON LN . EUGENE IL: EUGENE OR 97404 ~ 99 541601.1150 MOSA AVE. EUGENE UGENE OR 97405 @ 4103950 $.*.. OD 541434.9656M ~INDA DR . EUGENE ,UGENE OR 97401 @ 1103929.02 $*...... ~UE 91 II 541343-7803 '0 92 541342-5804 RV gg 541345-5419 95h541485-29ge 9511541683-1921 l' 00 541465-1120- 821l541343-7885 98 541687-1980 9611541485-2891 99 54143H1072 97h541338-11118 lERlCK 9011541342-8183 A 99 5416&6-0803 881lS4134s.8323 00 541343-2572. Al 9511541342'""331 IAfl 11111541342-2701 AN 00 541344-2617. II,. IIlh541)<<.2flOt LA 00 541349-1822- lEF 78 541342.3519 IF 99 541338.o33S1 ill 541664.9217 ~J 87h 541687.&460 99 541664-8660 00 541344.l1221- ~ 94 II 541342-4399 PHD 781\ 54166&-0459 00 95 II 541 &83-1697 9511 5414tW-9170 (C 99 341485-6468 IINICK LN . EUGENE UGENEOR97405 ~ .103952 $**** 8'111541686-8317 NESOTAST . EUGENE UGENE OR 970102 ~ 4103925.01 h* 1l8115411l8e.2159 96 5416D7~70 9lI 541686-3539 OT 7.11 541ll89-572e 00 541689-i82fI- ICE 9711S4168~n 00 541689-0298- 11711 54168l1-S584 IN 99 541483-1548 IY 9QIIS4148I.o56l1 LM 541688-8697 .' .'l 2112 2121 GllilSPIElAARY 2122 I 2129 KAYAVETHC!W.EllNSAK 2134 I 2135 GRAVESWAOE 2135..SHEUVLEAMRSIiOP 21"5 TEtfW>ElDEETTA 21"6 2150 VENTUAAHEAMII..OS 2155 2160 LEGATK 2167 KRAUSEJERRYL 2170.. B&8GUN&GOlDIlUYERS 2170 IlCHWIUARK 2175 SPAULOlNGR 2182 uPPOlDGERALO 2185 '''' 2215 2232~EANlE 2235 KAUFloWflAl 2237 2240 AHO MARl< 22..1 PEUEI\NMA ~:~ GRlFI'IHVAlERlE 22" ,,,a '''' "" "" 2255 TOTHNAY 2256 sot.LH3ERAW:RT "" WIN' 2263 AlLEHClAUOER 2270 ooaeRTS UARK 2275 WlUWolSWALU.CEH 228181lLC 2283 BAUERJl)olN 2265 "" 2N6 IlRAl.h3ERDDElANEY8 2297 CARPENTEJlUARY me '''''' 98 541481.9692 8811541668.51.... 00 541688-1506- 92 541686-1506 99 5416l1l1.29&ot 9211541686-4565 00 541..61-49030 7811541666-4990 97 541666.2201 87 541481.2130 ge1l541689-4259 9011541688.7596 9411541689-3708 99 541607.1200 6811541668'5353 8911541669-4990 00 541807.13320 00 541689-651180 99 541689-8350 00 541483.8'172- 92 5410461.0722 96 541689,9273 9611541689.2703 9811541689-0397 00 541607.86670 00 541607.35no 9611 541689-n49 . MINT AVE . EUGENE MAil: EUGENE OR 97404 ~ TRACT 4103924.02 $ * * * DARFWHESUEC 541686'2193 ,.. 30& '" '" '" '" '" ". ". '" ,<1 I.JYWGSTCtlALANJ GRAHo\URlCK KUYIl.EtflALl.RICtWIOD HENRY JAMES 6ECFW=TBIUJE '''''CAAOl """""""""" 7BII54IIl8e.1736 8811541869-71"6 7811541688.3511 9511 541 68iH982 8311541688-6934 9711541688.9547 7811541689-5754 . MINTMEADOWWAY . SPRINGFIELD MAIL: SPRINGFIELD OR 974n ~ 918 STVVEROO 97115417"6.2"30 . MIRACT . EUGENE MAIl: EUGENE OR 97402 ~ TRACT 4103943 $** KHlCXERBOCKERTERR'f 11541688-2619 302 '" '" '" '" '" 338 "" '" ". '" '" '23 STAMSOS RICHARD KMJTS(WG"" DlEtt.MARK SWANGER LUTHER 9411541689-7283 99 541688-5978 9311541688-117;33 99 541688-6&62 NElSONJ 96 541688-7796 TOWNSOOClAYTON 00 ~1 8ONH7a . MIAAMAR ST . EUGENE MAIL: EUGENE OR 97405 ~ TRACT 4103954 $**** "., 51110 FFWlCISAC 5195 "10 5215 WfINOAADTLEE 5220 FIOllITAIll.ESEAN "" ,,<0 5250 LYTTONIotCHAlL "" "" 5270 BROSTERHOUSERlCE 5270 STEWARTAORlENlE "" 6911541"85-1&40 00 541686.a605- 00 541684-7889- 00 541341-16150 95 54148-4-4258 95 541..&.4-4258 . MJAAMONTI DR . EUGENE MAIL: EUGENE OR 97405 ~ TRACT 4103953 $**** 8REHOADAVll 98 541342-1670 EICKHOFFtlI>>fi\ 00 5041687-5821D '''' '''' '''' 2810 "" 281" "" '''' ",. "" 2830 "" '''' '''' """,,,PAUl """"""""'"". WClO..EYWlUJS PltPPSUARKJ l..KISAVVA~ WEST MARK """'BU tW'OFIAAOBERT LONGU",", PASCOePEGQy 9311541"65-1388 9511504134507362 78 ~ 5413044.0.25 9311541344-82..2 99 541683-7239 00 5041..34-80750 00 541 f>6&.16610 00 541881-4152- is! 541687-41164 99 541687-486<1 . MIRROR POND WAY . EUGENE MAIL: EUGENE OR 97408 c:!':I 36'" BtEWETTOAVID 38111 FlANKJoIWINSTON 3628 NURSON.JANICE M 3828 JOYCE~W 38310lS0NRlCt1AAD ,,,. "" 3852 SRUNJACK M5lI OAllIERALL 3665 aosncKta:N 3868 ZOJOTAKAO 3815 STEVENSGARy - = N~w listing 9711 541 343-37i8 lit 541345<<)58 97 ~1686-8538 97 6041686-6538 9711541345.31511 99 541..8'1....129 00 S413<<-6797- 9711S414tW-0s48 99 541344-11960 11711541485-5906 . = Phone Change 36615 SlEDDENT 00 3892~JACK 00 3910 PEERYROH 96 3924 W1UCll.lGteYIDl 99 3927"PETERSONJOHNTllUOPC 96 . MISSION AVE . EUGENE I MAIL: EUGENE OR 97403 ~ TRACT 41039 49 S * * * * 5413<<.531)30 541"34-0265- '541688.2165 541687.9773 541"85'8627 2315 2310 LEEAl 2370 PENOELlVSCOTT 23eo '36' 2391Pf"TERS(;WM'" 2..00 t<<)WARD9OIl 2"'0 2483 STEWARTROBEAT 2"86 PEARSCtlLYlE 2"9OmMAU<ASlANSREO 2"95dREYNO..DS~PAOF 2..97 N1~ONCI.W( 81 5413013-<4523 61 54134304523 00 541683-97"'. 9211541686-1108 00 541342'2'6930 7811 541 683-a..13 541345-1628 88115041$44-9440 541 3<l3-~5&4 . MISSISSIPPI AVE . EUGENE MAIL: EUGENE OR 97.wJ ~ TRACT 41039 36 $ * * 1"00 PACENL 7611541747'3&40 1..15",PAClFl:EXCAVATlONlOC 00 541728.7380- '''91 t<<XlGESMAALENE 6811 5417..7-am '''92 15HI I~ WESTOVERRAl.PH '''' 1540 STYlESEOWARO 1SE11 WAflE~R 1&30 1645 IVEYGEORGE "" 165' 1690 JENSENKURT In6l1HERS 1780 BOYETT NOEL 1787 FOACEOARWIND 541726-7490 89115417"'-31"9 95115417.....2230 541726'7995 " ". ... 5417..7'8925 541726-36D9 5417..7'9799 541726.7..17 . MISSY LN . SPRINGFIELD MAIl: SPRINGFIELD OA 97478 ~ TRACT 410392 $*** BAACKETTOAVlOW II 5417..7.7602 CROSSAONAlOC lKlll5417..7-D322 ..." ..." "'" ..", 86525 86529 86543 ..,,, 88591 WESTERFIELDOAVID 92 II 88S98 5'GTHGOflOON 96 68671..OATA.COM 99 88611 FlANAGAHSTEVE 96 . MISTeT . EUGENE MAIl: EUGENE OR 97402 ~ TRACT 4103944.01 $*. 1506 W1l.SCJ.1SARAH 00 5413494lO7- 1520 LEEIoILKE 00 54168e-026l1- ''''' 1S40 H1l1DUlllFf ,... "" 1570 LAVlGNETlM 1560 SHAOOY BRADlEY "20 "" "" CHASEXHlR SPEAABRlICED IllSHJI>DE8BlEA WAGENERHAHS ". ". 00 '" 50417"6-2009 5417..7.73&4 5417..7-4162- 541747>6941 5417..1.1785 5417"7-7575 5417"1-7680 5417"7-9763 11411541343-0618 90115041683-3657 i3I1S413-45-7020 CUATlSK 99 541342.1068 CAGGIANOJOSEPH 99 541 U4-83S4 . MISTLETOE ST . EUGENE MAIl: EUGENE OA 97402 ~ TRACT 41039 44.01 $ * * "" 151'1Sd BfWEAUK 00 1617 HAlSllPA 9211 1619..FOURQATESCOt.IIoIVNICA'hCtlS1NC 00 00 00 00 " 541..S,H506o 5413-43.{1526 541685.00..6- 541302-26160 S41$44.o1..9- 541302-2616c 5413-45-7352 541)4...31110 1675 1675 1675 "" "" 1755 "eo "" KEtf.lEDYDUSTlNG "00"."""" "OENOJASARAH """"""'"""'" RENCH MIKE " . MLAWA DR . EUGENE MAIl: EUGENE OR 97402 ~ 26<<ldMURl'H'l'K 264"'dTEBBUTTCHARLESM 26501 98 541935-17"" 9ij 541935-17"" . MODESTO DR NORTH . EUGENE MAIL: EUGENE OR 97402 tSl TRACT 4103910.02 $ * * * * AGGELERflCllfRT 9711541345-1315 LAOOllONAlOD 9011541342....,97 CHCAS-CFlUZLUlS 97 II 541 68N)697 l:lE1..4ICEYSCOTT 83 541485.2128 AUMSEYKA 83 541465-2126 86265 ..'" 862715 88310 86310 66'23 86359 GRlMESEW 863116 GAAAETTSTAN..EYR 86399 POHJ.NOfIMAND 8lW~4 ..." ..." ..... -, ..... ..." 8654IPRICf~E 86581cKI,M.iIllW) 86585 MOORED ..'" 6&595 CJ,.VNolJOSEPH 86615d6ROWNTED 7811541485-7421 9411$413<<.5632 S41345--4953 AMRHEINGEGflGEC l.lAnsONROBERT SCHAEHURQAI'Lf STAPLESUOYOS '" ". " 1&' 54' BM-2Of1 S413<<.997" 541334-5089 54134H721 7811 5413.43-69n 541343.Ql10 iell541683-8365 8911541342.3689 7811541687.8271 Oato Received: ~er. . LJV\ . MODESTO OR SOUTH . EUGENE MAIL: EUGENE OR 97402 ~ TRACT 41039 10.02 $ * .. * * MATTlCl(STEVE 93 II 541465-1"00 BROWNtNCHAEL 90 II 541683-3963 65967 66011 66013 66018.. Dl..lNKELDEhTALSERVlCE '503& 660<< WHITEKEVlND 66121) .. 26 541301">6495 54168.....706 . MODOC ST . SPRINGFIELD MAIL: SPRINGFIElO OR 97477 ~ TRACT 4103933 $* 1212 1213 DEtHSCNIl 122. 1225 NOflfllSWIolF 1236 W1l.1.1AtdSCWTa.t 1237 LACHAPl't:U.EARllfJRT 12"6 HEldMII<<;ERRAYl.O/DW 1249 LEt.lONSDON 12&0 1261 USENBYJAMES 12n 1273 BAHENAEOl.IIHX) 12&04 UNJER'NOOOMIt()Y 1312 1313 ,,,. "" 1338 1337 8AANFORO GARY 13018 ROSE can 1)49 PAW\SONJERRY 1360 HENRICKSJEREI.lY '361 1372 DYKESOAAI..ENE 1371 SPARKSCAAOL 1373 UARSHALLHARVEY 13" 1365 PYNEUNJA 1"07 HOAHUARK ,,,. 1"19 EF'lBEHAflOLOS '''32 t.lAlER8A 14338AETHHM 14<< SCtElO1AL 14"" SCHEIOTERlC ,....5 ESTfSNIC/( 1456 STEWARTREIOH 1457 CHElWOOIlEVERETTM 1464 MAOISONLECN.RO '''69 TOMASFR.W::ISCO 1..60 OAVIOSCHRalERTC 1"61 lAURAlNl::1ll..ANCJ.. 00 541736.9032- 541746.1463 9311541726.1895 78115417"6.5945 86115417"6.5906 00 541744.2e35- 7811541746.2379 00 541736.9409- 98 541747-4205 00 5041744.15no 5417"6'5319 9011541726.Q152 119 5417.....8734 99 541726.0939 99 541726.Q939 9411541746.6138 00 541726-91390 8111541726-6106 7611541747-7047 98 541966.32"5 7811541746-3227 78 541747-9092 98 541741-7299 /19 5417<47.9671 541747.9423 541747.2358 99 541736-0310 98 5417..1.a.c14 841154,7..,.1326 99 50417''&-3650 . MOHAWK BLVD. SPRINGFIElD MAIL: SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 ~ 000 . TRACT 4103934 $ * EVEN. TRACT 4103933 $* 101.. 1049.. M10AS AUTO SERVICE EXPERT 97 1111..8UAKE'SCtEVfIOOSERVICf: 86 ft31"~ oM 1135..OClMN)'SPIZZA 97 11..6..COPY-PnEI'RlNTNi 00 "" "" 1159..WSTEROONUT I 178.. SUBWAY "26 1200"I'RAC"OCAlCOt.lPlJTERSIiC 94 541726.7775 1216.. EASTGAROEN CHINESE RESTAURANT roo 504174...9123- 1220.. CENTEtHAl.STEAK HOlISl: I 97 541966.132.. 130lhPIJTTNVlDEO 87 541726.9664 1330 13" 1360.. PflJMETll.ESPORTS IWl"GRlU 96 S417..e-0549 1..10..KURAYA'STHAlCIJ\SINE 141....FORDGRlliCAFl:: 143O..TlTliPlANTSRUS '''''9..VOURSPARECLOSET 1453..HAlRCONTWENTAl 14S4..NEAl'SHAlRCOIolPANY 145~ 1457.. AlI.STATEINSIJRANCECOl.IPANlES 00 5417..7-4253- 1..5hCORtE'nJACI( 93 5417..7-4253 U57..YTVARllAAAY '93 541747-4253 ,..59..SPRH3V1UALAI.NlRClW,T"CLNRS 98 541748.2232 93 .$oI'174/l-li013 96 541747.7003 '''79 1483.. PAYlESSSHOESOUACE '''85 '''67..8AU.OONS8V!lARKElEWS '''87.. BARKfUWS FLOWERS 1487.8ARKflEWSFlOWERS 1..89 U9hl.SGLASS 99 541ntH1507 ,..lIhDOLLARSTORE 87 541746-6732 1499.. WENOr5 OlOFASItONECI fM3RGRS 119 5417"7-1350 781150417"7.3211 78 541746.7301 ''''' 1376..CAFFE(lVA 1318..WOHAWICJ'EXACO I3n..CENTENNlAlIlANK 78 U02.PAPA.lCHlSPIlZA 00 UOll*RUIlSl.OCl(.KEY&Al..ARMS 97 l..oe..NORTHGATEUOlIOASTORe 96 l..oe..SI'flINlFIELOBEVERAGE5HOPPE " " " " " " OS" 1460 ..PRE"STlGE CUNlERS ,..61..ARCOFlANECOUNTYBlNGO 1<65 1<62 1..71 ,..75.. WOHAWKY!OEOOFSPRlNGFIELO " 1475.. STEPltiA'SFAMOUSCHICAGOI'IZZA " 1501 F1.UKEOARAELl 1505.. TACO SEll '''' 1509..HAJR8YLllCKY 00 1SOQ..SHA8RYLSSAlON 00 lSOQ..SHABRYLSSALON 113 1510.. AllSTATEREAlESTATE 00 1S10..HARl.OWAFlTlE~ 93 1510..HARL.OWOENtS 97 1510.. HARLOW REALTY NC 117 151h t<<lHA.NKPAP'EPSACl(. EXCHANGE " " l52h~ 87 1!537..lCSCAAlPEONESRESUURANT , 00 '565""'~NAl,DSRESTAIJR,IM'S 78 o = Address Change .. = Non-Residential 5417"6-662" 541748-1311 541747-3997 541748-3030 541741-2021D ,. [I.; " " 541741-6033 50417..&-4492 'i '1 '26 5417..6-4175 50417..7'3933 541126-8111 5417"8-7272- 541726.7726 541746-4811 541746-01611 5417"6.2951 541n8-1129 5417"7-3835 541728-3068 5417"7-4994 5417"6-5<<1 541747.5117 5417"".0611 I:! " I " 5417048.7060 " " 15 541726.8058 541726-6058 5417.6.9685 I i I 5417M.9461- 5417"1-4968- 5417..7.3233.,- 541738.1540- 541748-4060 5417"6-4060 541748-4080 541728.1143 541687-7626 541687.7633 541747-802"- 541746.7856 109 ,