HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 2011-2-18 ,...~, . _ - ~\...,_ ,..-'d' .", ~~1;",~~I~{~11;.::~,_{110:rili{7~~t~:I]l!Z~7E'~S{:!~Z~:~~r~~Eft~~~{~~;; t. . -. . --,..~ ->--"" - ---~ -~~- - - o ,',', "'EF,o.,, ...., O.1!g;;,.'e;~~;~\fl~~~0;;~ ,~.'-:'C)I'!E i5cJ\172[--3753 ,;::.~-_\ (5"~1J7 25.~659 .,' CI 5.or,'r:9rlelci_cr_l!~ HIGH-EFFICIENCY UCHTF~C SY$TE!\IS CIlU:GO N FESlD liNTl u. 5tH , ' L n ct' lO"',(l P,',n-,;, :-"0. 6(( -ShL?O(O -Doe/Ie J"i-i,edic,;"" ~pe,\ ,.J(...F\eL~ :cite\ddress lf65q ~l-~l~ b~ ___~r_:=~~~- S II b d i vi s i oil/Lot: ~.\ 11 ell 0 I' ~'L,p 8ncl Telx Lot: 0~,""'1~c;, By' lY1Y slgTl?lture belo',h', I certify that a nlinilT1linl of 0 fj[lY (50) pel"CenL 7:~evenly-fjve (7~,-) perce,llt) of [ht: p.:.1T;""jZll1en1]y inst811ed lighting fixtures 1n fhe above mentioned builJipg 1-ldVC. be::n if!::t2111ed \vith C,IJJ11pact or Illlt'?\( tluorescent, Oi- 3 ilghting SOllrce that has 3 rninirrllJ]Tl efflcL1cy bf"-\O lume.ns per input \V2!L. (Cregun RcSic]enl,a] Specwliy Code Nl 107,2)1 -!c Chec'k the 75['/0 box trthe additional rneaSlJrt. selected to COll1pJy \]th UR0C f'n 1\)1 1 cilld TZlble ["Jll 01.1 (2) requires 750/0 of lighting flxLtnces to have energy eftlclent ia)11pS Signed: f72 D"rc 7.-I'5.tt (l'.;'11<::1'/Cl'llel';l! C0l1tr:J.ctol-/Au(hori7_('c! Agent ?\'il'j[ N~lrne: !:TIlA. c-- I~ Q..{c.x--~ 0 ..j I OW, la-/(- Ie Cor-ltl";'\Cii)!- S CCB f:! l-:rl.- ~2-(P E\!JiJ atir)J] ____.____._.~_"______ ---~------ ~ --- - --- --~- -.-, ---r---.~"._-------'----~."-".- i ORSC Si':':-li(':'1 ;__I! 1 07). Hi~,h EfflcitTICj' Lighting. S:,-s:.-:J"n5. ..\ ]'(:inirnurn c:,f r: {SUj p'2:i'(r:;-ni (lr ih(' !_""J'i"I":,anf:filiy imlEl II~d-~ I: ,ir,g rl:,:rtii-::':', ;-":\'trJly- (;-'_'0: (7:/~{,) pe.rcent, if tl--;e scj~:L:ltd ~i,-jdit~c'l-d (:.-n::rg'/ crJ(]t rl':(:i\~\.il(:'o in lb.:., T;,bh.- 1':) 1'0\ .](2) lf~ClU;I'(-.s '~j'I~,!i'~'i !i:i :'I)n'~ :' ~I r II ),<: In::'IJliE'] "'1,11 I r,-J1q (' l: 1"lt 1 11\\(. -~, I I', ('I .' [' 1,.1 I .\ [, _'- I,. I I ,I . ,II ],]JIlI 1'1 elll(' _ (,( .," 1"".'-,,,'. I:"" ,,''1'''' :.""" c,,_' '" '_0"'1" i fh",,, ",,,' I, "'V, "'" , ,[I"" r' '" , ;"].,.c I:'. ;1,1..-- -.;-1-,,' ,I "1.",11,-,,-,.....,,)11...1,.-, '.'..1111\1_' :illlw. :111:!!III::.I."-:',II'_}IIII!,:' :': 1'1'111-111-1-'111'1-1 '-I! 11'1" 1',~'.:,lIjl-':'.i ;.,:":'I'.:':i"II:I :O'~' ::1 \:,\: -, . .