HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 5/26/2010 ~ . . PRE-SUBMITTAL DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: 5-2la-IO ./ Dave Puent - Building V Gi~~n/Melissa Fechtel- Fire (.../ ./n - Traffic ~ Matt Stouder- Public Works/Engineering ~hris Moorhead, ~rveYing ~ Planner ~J ~ ~ ma.y 2Jo / 2DI a rkE p~ _ I 0-+ 2-1 p~ Date Received:~;l ~ ~ Planner: AL (::ity of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax . . Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2010-00007 Date Submitted: 5/25/2010 APPLICANT: SLAYDEN CONSTRUCTION GROUP PO BOX 247 STAYTON OR 97383 Proiect Name: WATERSTONE APT 250 S 67TH ST Project Description: Pre-Submittal- Construct a 120-unit apartment complex (Waterstone Apartments) at 250 S. 67th Street Application Type: Site Plan Review Job Address: 250 S 67TH ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702344401000 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments tbat may occur between tbe time oftbe Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal oftbe Application for Development Review. Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 witb any questions or concerns. A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will coutact you to confirm tbe meeting date and time. PiI[ S" '[1'1'. ,\i'N"~ I R"""~ f-~ ~ H. "" \. 1', \ ~ j ~ '. ";"'\ M hI.. . ,'~'1i:","ki. . toReceived:~ 10 d<>/" MAY 2 ;: 2010 Planner: AL PlanJobPrinl.rpt 5/25/20 I 0 1l:14:02AlV .. . Pre-Submittal Meeting Development Serv~ces Department Room 616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, June 8, 2010 1. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2010-00007 (SITE PLAN TENT) Assessor's Map: 17-02-34-44 TL 1000 Address: 240 & 250 S 67th Street Existing Use: Vacant The applicant submitted plans to construct a 120-unit apartment complex - Waterstone Apartments Meeting Daterrime: Tuesday, June 8, 2010 11:00 - noon DSD 616 Planner: Andy Limbird PRe . Il1r'll\TIit'L REC'D . ""., I.!.. '1 111"\ . . MAY 2 5 0 Date R.eceived: 5) ~(.1~/l) Planner: AL . . ICity of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review . - - Joe Williams Phone: :ill 76Cf-1%9 Co man: Sla den Construction Grou Address: ro Box 2ft7 8ta on OR 97383 " '__\"_'~;'''''' !".'_.,..., . I ,,'iL-"r",," - . .,;.,-,",,, . '",., Fax: :ill 769-4525 H ;_".~.,.+";.,, "'.:r'"_':',, ';'"~'.,.;-c"'x;_;,; :i",~."',"' ,_",.,: ".",'e'.""." A Iicant's Re .: t1rrk Grenz Ph o.ne: ("D3) 363-'1227 ee Services Inc. Fax: "D3 364-121'1) Address: 1155 1 th Street SE Salen OR 7 2 '",;_,_ ',_""-'~H.>'d':-:-'W_";"')"'"'"!.""~"':'''.''';;''''''':: "':"_'''''' .,_."", ; ".;i';+:',,-,_;;.,.,:'i',"_:~'''' , ""'<',_-"A."" """"". ,"''''''''.''', ,';"C'__".' "':'-"'''':'''..':"'''1"., .,,.,..., C;dJ" ',-;r',.'_"'_' ",t.! Pro ert Owner: Sla den Construction Grou Com an Phone: "D3 76Cf-1969 Fax: Pro ert Address: Size of Pro ert : G.cA .;j:,~!..''CV,',c' ,.".-.y'_'''-'_:''-'':'' ,;., i':,~, "".'.:.T"i"'-, ',._C'-'.' ^ "-'.-c' - ;;'.':';~c.',; .;" r,_ Address: ro Box 247 Sta '''''','~''P1''::''''''';;'J::,_'_'_'''_'''''~''''';:.'''';'''''''".''?'"~'1";"""'c'.!",:'" ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 00 Acres [Xl S uare Feet Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal: 120- unit a t lex Pro osed Name of Pro"ect: Waterstone A sf Associated A lications: "2ON woq. 00020 Si ns: Pre-Sub Case No.: P~1.OIO-OOC07 Date: Cj 2G 10 Reviewed b A Jication Fee: ~.OC) ~.aD ~ Case No.: Date: TOTAL FEES: ~~ 'i:~ ~,., ~~_~, ,~.~"':" . . ~~Rt:;. PROJECT NUMBER: 'PRJ2CO - ooon ,t"'~ :tffl.i';i\$it'~';\~j(;t(. 'r~~l~}] ::.. ~--* Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian . PRE. Date Received;2j~ MAY 2 Planner: AL" . . Owner Signatures ,This application form is used for both the required pre~submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal Owner: Date: j 10 (0 Signature _-rood W. lAJoocH-e'-{ Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City, Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the Information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application Is provided herein or the Information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Print RevIsed 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 Date, t~eCeived:~~- Planner: AL ... ---/:/ . =~.1i" __J ./ -- -,-----------.- ~_~~ I ! I _---/------~ I-ur t;...... ~, Ii"" -" I'" I ,., .. CJ 0 /1 " I'" I /' 'Ih~ ;1[1 I 'r~~ ~I~~ Ii!'!!; Ii ~ ~ ~ h i ~ ,^p ~~~i~..~ Ii l'I Z t. ~.. ~ ~ ~a I '-~. 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"....\ \\ \ '\\ , \ ............"-. ~' " " , ' , . , \ '-, \ ','" .... \\ , \. .1 ;'i~F"" .- ,~! i'!!f '0Ii0'"' --(ril'" ,~~~ j I p P'~~ "I ' '98.. - I~ .U II < 0'"'(-::;- .. z< -""! ,~i jill' f ~J,r l~. rif1 ." ...., illj <o[ct"'.j-l'" .<>~~ Ii b ,,:, j= I '168 ~"' ....-r-r-. ..~ n' , 2~ 1 ~ ~ , WATERSTONE APARTMENT COMPLEX rr lill! ;S;;t~ {"~~Ii 4'~ MULTI/ "4'~" /TECH SITE PLAN ....__.LL.....__.~. -.-.,-..-.. -,-.,-..- -_.- .__.- . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2010-00007 Slayden ConstructionlW aterstone Apartments 240 & 250 S 67th Street ~~~ = I I sl ~ II ~ ~IIIIIII I~ I ,11' I~A.I!I~I ~ (AI 1M S)1 SITE ,. I Map 17-02-34-44 _ ,,;~~ 1 - L 0 IL "- Tax Lot 1000 c _0 ~ tJ~'---_ s ~. g In: ~ I - ~ f= '~ II:III H North ~~ <1),!, -c- o I ~~ . ~~ n~ I~OO X'7 -+ - : ~~" ~1' r:; LfJ::c//'a " '\,.l./ '/// &99I~ \ \ \ e-YW; j ~I Vy,\'-C!Jf-'f- Y1 !'- I '-=" ~- !'- 7 1'0-' I II~ ~L I ri , '1v:::nt!9 I ~~ <-- ,'" ~~E' R ~ , '}- ~ ' i!.f-- 'T= ~ >---1 ~ \.. '"' I '; oj _ ~ 1< ;xl N g \.~ , '='=> ITTAL RECIO MAY 2 Date Received:~\d-.~\~ Planner: AL . . Waterstone Aoartments Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal , Proposal: The subject property is approximately 6.09 acres in size and is zoned Medium Density Residential (MDR). The proposal is for the development of a 120 apartment units with a 1,500 square foot active recreation area and a 2,700 square foot recreation building. The development will consist of 69,758 square feet of common open space and 7,939 square feet of private open space. A Development Issues Meeting was held on July 30, 2009 (ZON2009-00020). The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the items needed to develop the site as proposed with apartments. Desian Standards: 1. Building Orientation. Multi-unit developments, when abutting a private, local, collector, or arterial street that has existing or planned on-street parking, shall have Building Oriented to the street along a minimum of 50 percent of the site's frontage (See Figure 3.2-M). The "orientation" standard is met when all of the following criteria are met: i, Primary building entrances shall face the street; Apolicant Resoonse: South 67'" Street is a Major Collector street. There is no existing or planned on-street parking located on either side of the street. The buildings are oriented with a majority of the buildings facing the public street (South 67'" Street). However, since there is no existing or planned on-street parking, then this standard is not applicable. ii. The front of the buildings shall be within 25 feet of the front lot/parcel line; Aoolicant Resoonse: There is no parking along South 67'" Street; therefore, locating the buildings within 25 feet of the front lot line is not required. The buildings setbacks along the right-of-way allow for landscaping, street trees, and minimum vision clearance requirements to be provided. iii. Off-street parking or vehicular circulation shall not be placed between buildings and streets used to comply with this stand",rd; i I '0 (j) >...J 'w <( u Wl..o: ~~ <1J ....t:: ro.!!l q.,,~terstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Aoolicant Resoonse: The parking areas are located throughout the development. There will be no parking areas located within the 25-foot setback. This subsection is not applicable because S. 67'" street.has no on-street parking. d. Wetlands, slopes over 15 percent as specified in Section 3.3-500, and wooded areas protected by Section 5.19-100, shall not be counted as "frontage" for determining required building orientation. For example, if jurisdictional wetlands and/or wetland buffer occupy 100 feet out of a total of 400 feet, then only 300 feet is counted as "frontage" for detennining required building orientation. In this example, 150 feet (50 percent) is the required amount of frontage to meet the building orientation requirement. Aoolicant Resoonse: There are wetlands located on the site within the northeast corner of property. The northeast corner of the site does not exceed a 15 percent slope. There is approximately 575 feet of frontage on 67'" Street. There is approximately 100 feet of Page 1 PRE-S ~ AL ~9;Q 2010 MULTI/ TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES. INC. MAY 2 5' 0 . . . wetlands on the frontage along the northeastern corner of the site. Therefore, there is approximately 475 feet of frontage, with 310 feet of frontage occupied by buildings. The wetland area is addressed through the site plan and as shown on the applicants landscaping plan, prepared by a landscape architect. The site plan shows this apartment complex is being developed in order to preserve the asset of the wetlands that is along the northeastern portion of the site. The area is not identified as a major resource area or an area needed for a major public improvement. Building Form. New multi-unit construction shall comply with the following building form standards (See Figure 3.2-N). a. Structures that have 1 or 2 stories shall not have continuous horizontal distance exceeding 160 feet (measured from end wall to end wall). Applicant Response: As shown on the elevation plans, all of the apartment buildings are 3-story in height and do not exceed 120-feet in horizontal distance. b. Roofs shall have gable, hip, or gambrel forms (minimum pitch 3 to 12) with at least a 6-inch overhang; Applicant Response: Gables are provided on all the buildings with at the least a 6-inch minimum overhang as shown on the elevation plans. The apartment buildings are all 3- stories with an average height of about 41.8 feet and with a roof pitch of 5: 12. c. A minimum of 15 percent of the front fayade (area measurement) shall contain windows or doors. All windows and doors shall provide 4-inch trim or be recessed (i.e., into the front fayade) to provide shadowing. Applicant Response: As shown on the site plan, the front fa"ade of Buildings 1, 6, and 10 contain a minimum of 15% of windows and doors. The front fa"ade of Buildings 2 through 5, and Buildings 7,8, and 10 all contain a minimum of 17% of windows and doors. In order to provide shadowing, all window and door trim will be 4-inches or recessed along the front fa"ade of the buildings. d. Garages attached to living units and accessed from the street (front setback) shall be recessed at least 4 feet behind the front fayade of a dwelling structure; and Applicant Response: There are no garages proposed with this development. ~ 1: e. Exterior building elevations shall incorporate design features including offsets, balconies, projections, window reveals, or similar elements to preclude large expansions of uninterrupted building surfaces. Along the vertical face of a structure, the features shall occur at a minimum of every 30 feet, and on each "oor shall contain a minimum of 2 of the following features: f. Recesses (e.g., deck, patio, courtyard, entrance, window reveals) that have a minimum depth of 3 feet; -0 Ql >-' 'ijj <<f. () "' .. \IJ ~. lZ<lJ C Q) c. +"' ni lll_. 00.. g. Extensions (e.g., "oor area, deck, patio, entrance) that have a minimum depth of 2 feet and minimum length of 4 feet; and/or Offsets or breaks in roof elevation of 2 feet or greater in heig'PRE-StmMITIAL RECIO ~~A~~010 May 24, 2010-" Page 2 h. Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Mum / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, INo. ~ ~ I "'0 (\). >-1 'OJ <( U QJ " ~ G.i ~ c: ~ c: ctl .s~! Cl 0_ . . Applicant Response to e. f. II. and h: Lap siding and shake shingles will be used on the outside walls of the buildings. Overhangs, balconies, and 4-foot building offsets are incorporated into the design to provide for a visually appealing building. All three stories provide each unit with a covered balcony or ground level patio area for private open space use. Each building exterior has window reveals, and building offsets which are reflected onto each story as part of the building design. The buildings will have an off-set that breaks up the front of the buildings and the roof lines. Balconies (decks) and dormers are incorporated in the building design to add some visual element. As shown on the site plan, all external stairways are recessed into the building. Locating the stairways in this manner physically and visually incorporates them into the buildings overall design. 2. Transition and Compatibility between Multi-unit and LDR Development. Multi-unit developments adjacent to properties designated LOR shall comply with the transition area and compatibility standards listed below, unless it can be demonstrated that adjacent LOR property is committed to a non-residential use e.g., church) that is unlikely to change (See Figures 3.2-0 and 3.,2-P). In evaluating the status of an adjacent property, the Metro Plan designation shall take precedent over the current zone or use. a. When a single-family residence is within 75 feet of the subject multi-unit development site and the residence is on the same side of the street and same block, a setback similar to that of the nearest single-family residence shall be used for the front yard. "Similar" means the multifamily development setback is within 5 feet of the setback provided by the nearest single-family residence. For example, of the single-family residence setback is 20 feet, then the multi-unit building shall be setback by 15 to 25 feet. The minimum front yard setback shall be 10 feet, as specified in Section 3.2-215; and Applicant Response: The subject property is surrounded by LOR zoned property on the north and south, with MOR zoned property to the west. Forty to 67-foot deep setbacks have been provided along the north property line; 25 to 35-foot deep setbacks have been provided on the south; and. 20 to 68-foot deep setbacks are being provided along the west property line. These setbacks meet the minimum requirements and help to provide a sufficient buffer from the multi-family development. The single family dwellings located adjacent the subject properties appear to be setback further than 10 feet from the property lines of the subject property. The adjacent LOR lots are large in size, with single family dwellings located a distance from the propo:;;ed multi-family units. A major portion of the LOR land abutting the subject property is not developed. With the large adjacent LOR lots and adequate setbacks provided on the subject property, the proposed development will be compatible with the area uses and will not have a negative impact on the area. Therefore, there are more than adequate buffers provided. b. A 25-foot buffer area shall be provided between multi-unit development and property lines abutting an LOR property line, not including those property lines abutting right-of-ways. Within the 25-foot buffer area, the following standards apply: i. No vehicular circulation (i.e., driveways, drive lanes, maneuvering areas, and private streets) is allowed within the buffer, unless driveway placement within a buffer is required in order to comply with City, County or OOOT ac ss mana~men,t.EC'D standards; PRE- MIIIAll< MAY 010 Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Page 3 MUIII / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. May 24, 2010 . . Aoolicant Resoonse: LOR zoned properties abut the subject property on the north and south property lines. There are a minimum of 25-foot wide buffer yards provide along the north and south property lines. There is no vehicular circulation located within the required 25-foot buffer yard along the north and south property lines. There is one driveway located along the east property line that provides access onto S. 67'" Street. This is the only access point on the site. The driveways and parking maneuvering areas are located within the interior of the site, not within the buffer yards. ii. Site obscuring landscaping shall be required. The City may require retention of existing vegetation; installation of a 6-foot minimum height, site-obscuring fence with shade trees planted a maximum of 30 feet on center (2-inch caliper at planting); and/or other landscaping to provide visual buffering. In addition, the City may require acoustical barriers when parking is proposed within the transition area; Aoolicant Resoonse: The app.licant's proposal includes the placement of a 6-foot high sight obscuring fence along the north, south, and west property lines as shown on the landscaping plan. A list of the plant materials to be used on the site is shown on the landscape plans. The applicant will provide site obscuring shrubs and trees with a minimum of 2-inches in caliper in some areas of the site. iii. Building encroachments are allowed, provided no building may encroach more than 10 feet into the 25 foot buffer and no primary entrance shall face the abutting LDR property. BUildings shall not exceed 1 story or 21 feet within the buffer, and shall comply with all other applicable setbacks and transition areas specified elsewhere in this Code; Aoolicant Resoonse: There are no buildings encroaching into the 25-foot buffer. All buildings along the north and south property lines are setback anywhere from 25 to 65 feet from adjacent LOR zoned properties. The primary entrances of the buildings adjacent LOR properties face towards the interior of the site. All ten buildings are in compliance with applicable setbacks and transition area requirements in the Code. iv. No active recreation areas (including, but not limited to: tot lots, swimming pools) are allowed within the 25-foot buffer (garden spaces shall not be considered active recreation areas); ~I i Aoolicant Resoonse: As shown on the site plan, .the active recreation area and the recreation building are located within the interior of the development and are not within the buffer area. v. Light standards shall be 12 feet or less in height and shielded so that light does not allow direct illumination onto adjacent LDR property or into dwelling units; "C (\) >-1 'w <( u .. m Jo.., v::. ;P. (;; E +.. cci Ol _. on. vi. Mechanical equipment shall be screened from view (i.e., as viewed from adjacent properties and street), and shall be buffered so that noise does not typically exceed 45 to 50 decibels as measured at the LOR property line. The City may require a noise study certified by a licensed acoustical engineer; and vii. All rooftop equipment shall be hidden behind parapets or other structures designed into the building. Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Page 4 MULTI / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, ING. "0 Q) >....J 'Qi <( <.l Q) t,: f!:: ill _ c ~c: (Q ro 00.. . . Aoolicant Resoonse v. vi. and vii: There are several post lights located throughout the development that are 5 feet in height as noted on the site plan. All post lights will have a downward shielding to eliminate any illumination onto adjacent properties. All post lights are located 20 feet or greater from all property lines. There are 2 pole lights that are approximately 14 feet in height. One is located at the west end of the development adjacent the active recreation area and the others are located in the center of the parking areas as illustrated in the site and landscaping plans. . All outdoor lighting will be installed so as to not shine or glare into streets or adjacent residential properties. No laser lights or searchlights, billboards or lighting, are proposed for this site. Outdoor lighting is not permitted to interfere with airport operations or cause glare onto public streets or residential neighborhoods. The lighting plans as indicated on the site plan submitted for the apartments will the type, height, and location of interior parking and other outdoor lights for compliance to code. All equipment is either underground or hidden on the rooftop. There will be no equipment located on ground level such as heat pumps or lV dishes that needs to be screened or buffered. c. Buildings, or portions of buildings abutting an LOR properly line or designation (i.e., side or rear lot/parce/line) outside of the 25-foot buffer described above, shall not exceed a building height greater than 1 foot for each foot distance from the LOR properly line. For example, a building or portion of a building 30 feet in height shall be 30 feet from the LOR property line. This standard applies up to a distance or 50 feet from the LOR property line. See also, Sections 3.2- 215 and 4.4-110. Aoolicant Resoonse: The subject property is adjacent LOR zoned property to the north and south. All the apartment buildings within this' development are three stories in height. Buildings 2, 3, 5 and Buildings 8 through 10 are located adjacent LOR zone properties. These six buildings all have an average height of approximately 33 feet in height (measured from middle of gable to ground level). A minimum of a 33-foot setback is required next to adjacent LOR-zoned properties. As shown on the site plan, all buildings adjacent to LOR zoned properties are located 35 to 65 feet from the property lines. The height of the buildings and structures conform to the measuring requirements in code. The building elevations are included with the application as typical building elevations for apartments. Therefore, this standard has been met by meeting the allowed building height and . required setbacks. d.. Structures within 50 feet of an LOR zone shall not have a continuous horizontal distance exceeding 120 feet (measured from end wall to end wall). Aoolicant Resoonse: The building mass is illustrated on the site plan and does not exceed the 120-foot horizontal distance requirement. See the elevation plans provided. '1 3. Storage. Multi-unit development shall provide space for trash receptacles, storage and equipment as specified in the following standards (See Figure 3.2-M): a. Adequate, accessible and secure storage space shall be provided for each dwelling. A minimum of 112 cubic feet of enclosed storage is required sepa te J from the living unit. Garages and storage units adjoining a dwelling (e,~"SliB! TIAl REC 0 attached to decks and patIos) shall qualtfy as storage space; .. .. . M!\Y 'l.:} 10 Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal S073 Page 5 Mum / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. May 24, 2010 J i- "0 Q) >...J '(jj <( (.l n> .. '<.OJ'I.." 6" Q) "'.: c (,;; c 11.~ on. . . Aoolicant Resoonse: Each unit has an enclosed storage area attached to the decks and patios. The individual storage areas range in size from 132 cubic feet to 162 cubic feet in size. Additionally, throughout the site there will be enclosed storage units attached to the .buildings to provide for extra storage space for residents. b. Trash receptacles shall be screened from view by placement of a solid wood fence, masonry wall, or similar sight-obscuring, gated enclosure, from 5 to 6 feet in height, Obscuring landscaping shall be planted a minimum 24 inches in height at planting around all exposed sides of the wall or fence, unless breaks are provided for gates. See also, Section 4.4-110; c. No trash receptacles shall be located in any front yard setback, or within 25 feet of property lines abutting LOR zoned or designated properties; and ADDlicant ResDonse band c: All trash receptacles are screened by a 6-foot high sight obscuring wall and gate made of sliding panels and masonry block. All trash receptacles are setback over 25-feet from any property lines and from any LDR zoned properties. Landscaping is providing adjacent the trash receptacles to provide a visually appealing design and separation. d. Ground-mounted equipment, including exterior transformers, utility pads, cable television and telephone boxes and similar utility services, shall be placed underground, where practicable. When placed above ground, equipment shall be placed to minimize visual impact; or screened with a wall or landscaping. When walls are used they shall be tall enough to completely screen the equipment at the time of the equipment installation. Landscaping shall be planted tall enough to attain 50 percent coverage after 2 years and 100 percent coverage within 4 years. ADDlicant ResDonse: As stated above, there is no ground mounted equipment located within the development. All equipment is located underground. 4. Open Space. Multi-unit developments shall provide both Common Open Space and Private Open Space as specified in the following standards (See Figure 3.2-Q): a. General. Inclusive of required yards, a minimum of 15 percent of the gross site area shall be designated and permanently reserved an open space. The total required open space is the sum of setbacks, common open space, and private open space. Inventoried natural features (including regulated wetlands) and/or historic features on-site may be counted toward up to 50 percent of common open space requirements. See Chapter 6 for definitions of open space; open space, common; and open space, private. i. Multi-unit developments in mixed-use buildings are exempt from these standards. . ii. Multi-unit developments at densities exceeding 30 units per gross acre shall include a minimum of 10 percent of the gross site as open space, which may be any combination of yards, common open space and private open space. iii. Multi-unit developments at densities less than 30 units per gross acre shall provide open space as specified in the amounts specified below. BMITIAL REC'D 10 -""'M.i!Y 24, 2010 Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Page 6 MUU1 / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. "'0 Q) >-1 'w <( () <Ui...: r;.~ ~ \:~ C ('.5' 12 0(;", . . ADDlicant ReSDonse to a Ii. ii. and iii\: The development will consist of 69,758 square feet of common open space, 7,939 square feet of private open space, and 50,577 square feet of open space provided within the setback areas. A total of 128,275 square feet of open space within the development. The subject property is 265,280 square feet in size; therefore, 47 percent of the site will be designed as open space (common, private, and setback areas). All common open space, private open space, and recreation areas are identified on the site plan, along with square footage. b. Common Open Space shall be provided in all newly constructed multi-unit development as specified in the following standards: i. A minimum of 0.25 square feet of common open space shall be required for each square foot of gross residential floor area; ADDlicant ResDonse: The buildings on the site comprise of approximately 113,976 square feet of residential gross floor area. With a minimum of 0.25 square feet of common open space required for each square foot of gross residential floor area, 28,494 square feet of common open spa<;:e is required. As stated above and shown on the site plan, the development will consist of approximately 69,758 square feet of common open space. Therefore, providing 0.61 square feet of common open space for each square foot of gross residential floor area. ii. Common open space areas provided to comply with this standard shall be at least 500 square feet with no horizontal dimension less than 15 feet; iii. A maximum of 15 percent of the required common open space can be on slopes greater than 25 percent; and iv. Multi-unit developments shall designate within common open space a minimum of 250 square feet of active recreation area (including, but not limited to: children's play areas, play fields, swimming pools, sports courts) for every 20 units or increment thereof. For example, a 60 unit development shall provide a minimum area of 750 square feet for active recreation. No horizontal dimension shall be less than 15 feet. v. Placement of children's play areas shall not be allowed in any required yard setback or transition area; ADDlicant ResDonse: The recreation building and the active recreation area are both located within the interior of the development. There is no play area located within any required yards. The development provides a 1,500 square foot active recreation area and a 2,697 square foot recreation building. The recreation building and open space areas are located in convenient and safe areas for the residents that are easily accessed via improved sidewalks. vi. Landscaping and/or natural vegetation shall occupy a minimum of 50 percent of required common open space. On-site natural resources and historic features which are accessible to residents (including, but not limited to: by trails, boardwalks) may be used to partially or fully satisfy this requirements; and vii. Indoor or covered recreational space (including, but not limited to: swimming pools, sports courts, weight rooms) shall not exceed 30 percent of the required common open space area. Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Page 7 MULTI / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. May 24, 2010 . . viii. Exemptions to the common open space standard may be granted for multi-unit developments of up to 60 units (or for the first 60 units of a larger project) when the developments are within 1/4 mile (measured walking distance) to a public park; and there is a direct, improved, permanent, public, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-accessible, lighted, maintained pedestrian trail or sidewalk between the site and the park. An exemption shall be granted only when the nearby park provides active recreation area, as defined by Subsection iv., above. ix. Phasing shall not be used to circumvent common open space standards. x. Common Open Space does not include required yards or transition areas unless authorized under Sections 3.2-245 or 3.2- 250. Aoolicant Resoonse: As shown on the landscape plans, over 50% of the common open space is landscaped. Landscaping and screening will enhance the privacy of the development and provide a separation between the proposed development and existing surrounding uses. The site plan and landscape plan illustrates the amount of landscaping and hard-surfaced areas that are proposed. The indoor recreation building is approximately 2,697 square feet in size. Therefore, the recreation building comprises of 14% of the required common open space. There are no parks located within Y. mile of the site. The closest park is Jessie Main Memorial Park, which is located about 1 mile to the east of the site. e. Private Open Space shall be provided in all newly constructed multi-unit developments, to comply with the following standards: i. All private open space shall be directly accessible from the dwelling unit through a doorway; ii. Dwelling units located at or below finished grade, or within 5 feet of finished grade, shall provide a minimum of 96 square feet of private open space, with no dimension less than 6 feet; and iii. Private Open Space provided may be deducted from the required amount of Common Open Space. For example, a project with 37,500 square feet of gross fioor area requires 9,375 square feet of Common Open Space under Subsection b.1., above. If 2, 400 square feet of Private Open Space is provided, the minimum Common Open Space requirement may be reduced to 6,975 square feet (9,375 - 2,300). PRE-SUB MAY 2 5 20 ~I { ~ "0 Ql >-1 'w <l: tl .. Q) lo.... rLC!l die .....c: ro.!ll Oa. Aoolicant Resoonse reI I, ii, and ii/: Each unit will have its own private open space located along the back of the unit. The private space will consist of either a balcony or a patio which will be accessible through the back door of each unit. As shown on the site plan, all units located at grade level will be provided with a minimum of a 96 square foot ground level patio located off the back entry way to the unit. All units located on the second and third stories will have a minimum of a 48 to 60 square foot deck/balcony located off the back entry of the unit. Therefore, private open space Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Page 8 MUm / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. May 24, 2010 . . will be provided to each unit via a patio or deck/balcony that meets the minimum square footage requirements. There is a total of 28,494 square feet Qf common open space provided. This total includes the 7,939 square feet of private open space. 5. Landscaping, Fences and Waf/so Multi-unit developments shall provide landscaping as specified in Section 4.4-105 and the following standards (See Figure 3.2Q): a. A minimum of 15 percent of the site shall be landscaped with a mix of vegetative ground cover, shrubbery and trees. Trees, a minimum 2 inches (dbh) in caliper, and shrubbery, a minimum of 24 inches in height, shall be planted. Bark mulch, rocks and similar non-plant material may be used to compliment the cover requirement, but shall not be considered a sole substitute for the vegetative ground cover requirement; Aoolicant Resoonse: The subject property is 265,280 square feet in size. As shown on the landscape plans, 119,077 square feet of the site will be landscaped according to code. Therefore, 47% of the development will be landscaped with a mix of vegetation, ground cover, shrubs, and trees. All trees planted on the site will be a minimum of 2 inches in caliper and shrubs a minimum of 24 inches in height at the time of planting. All required yards will be landscaped except where permitted building projections or walkways are installed. All parking areas are landscaped with tree cut-outs andlor landscape islands to enhance the tree canopy. b. Planter strips shall be required for all multi-unit development of collector and arterial streets, but is optional on local streets. Planter strips shall be a minimum of 4. 5 feet wide, placed between the back of curb and the sidewalk, along public or private streets; Aoolicant Resoonse: A landscaped planter strip that is a minimum of 5 feet in width is provided along the front property line adjacent South 67'" Street. c. Street trees, a minimum 2 inches (dbh) caliper, shall be placed within the planter strips between the curb and the sidewalk. Street trees shall be planted 1 per every 30 linear feet (minimum) of street frontage, as specified in Section 4.2-140. Aoolicant Resoonse: There are several street trees proposed with the planter strip, all of which will be 2 inches in caliper as shown on landscape plans. '0 <ll >....J .(ij <( u "' .. ',J,I !...o, ~." ill -.. C l~~ C .- C\l i':j~ :J U. d. Fences in front yards and along any frontage used to comply with the building orientation standard shall be limited to 3 feet in height. Fences in other yards shall comply with the fence standards specified in Section 4.4-115, and the vision clearance standards specified in Section 4.2-130; and Aoolicant Resoonse: There are no fences proposed for the front yard along South 67'" Street. There are 6-foot high sight obscuring fences proposed along the north, south, and west property lines of the subject property. There will not be any fences located within the vision clearance. The proposed fence will be in compliance with the fence standards in the Code, which allows a 6-foot high fence in a residential zone. These fences will help provide screening from the adjacent residential uses. e. The use of native and/or drought-tolerant landscaping is encouraged. All landscaping shall be irrigated with a permanent irrigation system unless a licensed landscape architect submits written verification that the proposed plant Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Page 9 MUm / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, INo. May 24, 2010 . . materials do not require irrigation. The property owner shall maintain all landscaping. ADDlicant ResDonse: Native and drought-tolerantlimdscaping is provided throughout the site. There is a creek running through the site that will not be disturbed. This natural area surrounding the creek will have native trees and shrubs planted. All plant materials provided conform to American Standard for Nursery Stock. A permanent irrigation system will be provided on site and irrigation plans will be provided at the time of building permits. There are two areas located within the development that will not be irrigated. One is located to the west of Building 5 and the other is located to the north of Building 8. Both of these areas will be landscaped with shrubs and grass. The type of landscaping provided (Bouteloua Glacilis 'hechita') will not require irrigation. The landscaping and all common open spaces will be maintained by the property owner of the apartments. 6. Pedestrian Circulation. Multi-unit developments with more than 20 units shall provide pedestrian circulation as specified in the following standards (See Figure 3.2-R): "0 (l) >-1 '(j) <( CJ Q) i..~ f.t:(!) Q.it: _t: ro _Ill t'J a. ITIAl REC'O MAY 2 5 a. Continuous internal sidewalks shall be provided throughout the site. Discontinuous internal sidewalks shall be permitted only where stubbed to a future internal sidewalk on abutting properties, future phases on the subject property, or abutting recreation areas and pedestrian trails; b. Internal sidewalks shall be separated a minimum of 5 feet from dwellings, measured from the sidewalk edge closest to any dwelling unit; C. The internal sidewalk system shall connect all abutting streets to primary building entrances; d. The internal sidewalk system shall connect all buildings on the site and shall connect the dwelling units to the parking areas, bicycle parking, storage areas, all recreational facilities and common areas, and abutting public sidewalks and pedestrian trails; e. Surface treatment of internal sidewalks shall be concrete, asphalt or masonry pavers, at least 5 feet wide. Multi-use accessways (e.g., for bicycles, pedestrians and emergency vehicles) shall be of the same materials, at least 10 feet wide. Where emergency vehicle access is required, there shall be an additional 5 feet on either side of the accessway. The additional 5 foot area may be turf-block, grass-crete or similar permeable material on a base of gravel capable of supporting fire equipment weighing 80,000 pounds. f. Where internal sidewalks cross a vehicular circulation area or parking aisle, they shall be clearty marked with contrasting paving materials, elevation changes, speed humps, or striping. Speed humps shall be subject to review and approval by the Fire Marshal. Intemal sidewalk design shall comply with Americans with Disabilities (ADA) requirements; g. Where the internal sidewalks are parallel and abutting to a vehicular circulation area, the sidewalk shall be raised or be separated from the vehicular circulation area by a raised curb, bollards, landscaping or other physical barrier. If a raised sidewalk is used, the ends of the raised portions shall be equipped with curb ramps; and Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Page 10 MUm / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, ING. May 24, 2010 . . h. All on-site internal sidewalks shall be lighted to a minimum of 2 foot-candles. ADDlicant ResDonse to a. b. c. d. e. f. a. and h: There are 5-foot wide sidewalks located throughout the development. They provide improved direct access to building entrances, parking areas, open space areas, the recreation area, and the public sidewalks located along South 67'h Street. The sidewalks crossing the access ways within the development are clearly marked for pedestrian safety. As shown on the site plan, all sidewalks are located at least 5-feet from the buildings except as needed to access storage units. The internal pedestrian circulation system consists of hard surfaced sidewalks that provide easily identifiable and safe connections between the residential units, parking, recreation areas, and the trash disposal areas. The pedestrian system connects the front entrances of the buildings to the public sidewalk system within South 67'h Street. The sidewalks are raised above the surface of the travel lanes. Pedestrian crossings will make use 'of drop curbs to facilitate handicap access. This provides a clear physical separation between vehicles and pedestrians. Any pedestrian pathways that cross the parking area or driveways will be five-feet wide and marked. The pedestrian pathways will be lighted for safety. 7. Parking. Multi-unit developments shall provide parking design as specified in the following standards: . "0 (j) >-1 'Qj <( u .. m ~;..,. t1::CJ c: Uic.: m co d. 00.. PRE~ITIAl REC'O MAY~ a. Parking lots shall be placed to the side or rear of buildings as specified in the Building Orientation Standards. Parking shall not be placed along that porlion of the street where building frontages are used to comply with the building orientation standard; b. Lighting shall be provided for safety purposes, and focused/shielded to avoid glare on adjacent properlies or dwellings as specified in' Section 4.5-100; c. There shall be 1 planter island for every 8 parking spaces. Planter islands shall be a minimum of 6 feet wide, exclusive of the curb, the full length of a parking space containing 1 shade tree (a minimum 2 inches (dbh) in caliper at planting) and vegetative ground cover. Trees shall be specimens capable of attaining 35 feet or more in height at maturity and shall not produce excessive fruit, nuts, or sap (i.e., die due to pest damage). Bark mulch is not an acceptable substitute for vegetative ground cover in the planter island. Water quality features may be incorporated into planter islands. Landscape areas shall be evenly distributed throughout the perimeter of interior parking areas, where practicable. See Section 4.4-1 05F for recommended shade trees; A minimum 6-foot wide planter area shall separate and visually screen parking from living area windows. The planter area shall include a mix of ground cover, shrubbery, and trees with appropriate growth habitat (i.e., for narrow planters and any height limitations including balconies, overhangs, and eaves). Shrubbery in this planter area shall be at least 24 inches in height at the time of planting, and trees a minimum of 2 inches (dbh) in caliper at the time of planting. See Section 4.4-110; e. Parking lots shall be connected to all building entrances by means of internal sidewalks; f. All parking stalls fronting a sidewalk, or landscaped area shall be provided with a secure wheel bumper not less than 6 inches in height and set back from the Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Page 11 MUm / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, {NO. May 24, 2010 "0 ~.-l '03 <( 9.. ,I) lo-.. .Y 0 '. C ~ c. <:1 . . front a minimum of 2 feet to allow for vehicle encroachment. Wheel bumpers, if used, shall be a minimum of 6 feet in length. As an option, the sidewalk or planter may be widened 2 feet beyond the minimum dimension required to allow for vehicle encroachment. The sidewalks and planters shall be protected by a curb not less than 6 inches in height. See also, Section 4.6-120C.; g. On corner lots/parcels, parking areas shall not be located within 30 feet of an intersection, as measured from the center of the curb return to the edge of the parking area (curb or wheel stop); h. All parking, maneuvering and loading areas abutting a property line or right-of- way shall provide perimeter loti parcel landscaping. A minimum 5-foot wide planting strip shall be planted with shade trees, a minimum 2 inches (dbh) in caliper, and a low level (e.g., 30 to 40 inches) evergreen hedge. See also Section 4.4-105; i. Decorative walls may be used in place of the hedge in Subsection h., above, and shall be placed no closer than 4 feet from the properly line. The decorative wall shall be a minimum of 30 inches in height and no more than 40 inches in height, and shall comply with the vision clearance standards specified in Section 4.2- 130. Decorative walls shall be constructed of textured concrete masonry (CMU) or similar quality material, and include a cap. The wall may be parlially see- through (up to 40 percent) as appropriate for security purposes. The area between the wall and property line shall be landscaped with shade trees; j. Parking area landscaping shall be designed to reduce storm water runoff (e.g., through infiltration swales and other measures), as practicable; and k. Bicycle parking shall be provided as specified in Section 4.6-140-155 and may be incorporated into the landscaping design. Applicant Response to a. b. c. d. e. f. a. h. I. i. and k: The subject property is located on the west side of S. 67'" Street and is not a corner lot. All the on-site parking is located on the interior of the development. The parking is located in front of the buildings with pedestrian access provided via an internal sidewalk system. The internal circulation system provides improved connection to South 67'" Street. Landscaping and planting bays that serve to break up the hard-surface areas and provide for shade tree planting are incorporated into the design of the parking areas. There are 182 parking spaces provided and 120 of these spaces will be covered to protect vehicles and passengers from weather and to enhance the residential character of the development. All parking areas are connected to building entrances by internal sidewalks. There are several post lights located throughout the development that are 5 feet in height and 2 pole lights that are approximately 14 feet in height to provide for pedestrian safety. One is located at the west end of the development adjacent the active recreation area and the other are located in the center of the development adjacent to parking areas. Outdoor lighting enhances the travel lanes and provides for a measure of safety. Bicycle parking is also provided on site. There are 120 bicycle parking spaces proposed, with 40 of the spaces located in the stairwells and 80 spaces in covered bike racks throughout the site in front of buildings. Parking lots and the main entryway will be landscaped in accordance with code. As shown on the landscape plans, planter boxes are provided at least every 8 parking spaces. The planter boxes are fully landscaped as identified on the plant materials list. The planter boxes are landscaped with grass and trees, which heip reduce storm water runoff by collecting the water within the plant bed. Landscaping is provided along the Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Page 12 May 24, 2010 Mum / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. . . outer boundaries of the property as shown on the landscaping plans. All vision clearance areas at the streetlaccessway intersections are planted with low growing vegetation. 8. Vehicular Circulation. Multi-unit developments shall provide vehicular circulation as specified in the following standards (See Figure 3.2-R): a. The on-site driveway (or private street) system shall connect with public streets abutting the site; ADDlicant ResDonse: The subject property is located on the west side of S. 67'h Street. The site has approximately 574 feet of street frontage. There is a 26-foot wide driveway located along the northeast area of the site that runs throughout the development and provides direct access onto S. 67'" Street. b. I Shared driveways shall be provided whenever practicable to minimize cross turning movements on adjacent streets. On-site driveways and private streets shall be stubbed to abutting MDR/HDR properties, at locations determined during Site Plan Review process to facilitate development of shared driveways; ADDlicant ResDonse: The property to the west is zoned MDR. There are no private streets located throughout the development. There is a 26-foot wide two-way driveway running throughout the site that accesses S. 67th Street for the use of the residents and guests within the development. The property to the west is zoned MDR, however, the 26-foot private driveway located within the development is not stubbed to the west boundary line. However, there is the potential to connect the 26-foot wide driveway to the property to the west if needed. Currently there is a 20-foot wide landscaped buffer yard that separates the subject property from the MDR zoned property to the west. c. Multi-unit developments B acres or larger shall be developed as a series of complete blocks bounded by a connecting network of public or private streets with sidewalks. The average block size within a multi-unit development shall be a maximum of 4 acres in size. For example, an B.1-acre development would have a minimum of 2 blocks. Portions of the site with wetlands, slopes greater than 15 percent and wooded areas subject to Section 5.19-100 shall be exempt from this standard, however, sidewalk or pathway connections are required as an alternative to street connections, when practicable; and ADDlicant ResDonse: The subject property is approximately 6.09 acres in size. Therefore, this provision is not applicable. c. Parking areas shall be accessed from alleys when properties abut an alley, or an alley can reasonable be extended to serve the development. ADDlicant ResDonse: The subject property does not abut or access an alley. Therefore, this provision is not applicable. Date Received: 5/d.' /;)c1O I Planner: AL Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Page 13 Mum / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. May 24, 2010 . !' . Stormwater Manaqement Svstem Plan: Stormwater Management System plans are required to be submitted to and approved by the City. A Stormwater Management System Plan is attached to t~e application materials. Base Solar Development Standards: The north property line of the subject site abuts LDR zoned properties. The apartment buildings are all 3-stories with a height of about 37 to 41.8 feet (measured from top of peek to ground level) and a roof pitch of 5: 12. All the buildings on the north side of the property are setback 40 to 68 feet, therefore, solar setbacks along with landscaping have been provided. The north side of the subject property slopes upward to the south and has an average slope of approximately 10%. There are also several trees located within a natural area along the northwest corner of the site that will remain. The trees located within this area are on average 12 inches or greater in caliper. Trees with broad crowns provide needed shade in summer and shorter shadows in winter. This sloped area and trees are a pre-existing shaded area for the LDR property abutting the north property line of the site. In this area evergreen windbreaks on the north side is not necessary. The parking lots and the street frontage along S 67'" Street are required to be planted such that the broad expanse of paving is broken up and shaded. The landscape plan shows true north and magnetic north on the site plan. Part of ensuring compliance with the Solar Access will be the submitted Landscape Plans that will be reviewed by the City as part of the Site Plan Review and building permits. The approval of the City of the Landscape Plans and the ability to enforce it, acts as the mechanism to protect the Solar Access. Tree Fellinq Permit Criteria: There are 202 existing trees located throughout the subject property. Due to the development on the site, 115 of the existing trees are proposed for removal. The trees proposed for removal are located within the interior of the site. Therefore, these 115 trees are within building envelops and parking areas. The trees have to be removed in order to develop the site. The removal of these trees will not have a negative impact on the site. This is a large site that will be fully developed and provided with new landscaping and new trees on the site. The trees being removed are not in clusters along the outer boundaries of the site, therefore, removal does not affect nearby trees on adjacent parcels or windbreaks. Throughout the site there will be 216 new trees planted. Therefore, after the development is constructed, there will be a total of 303 trees located on and throughout the site. This is 101 trees more than originally existing prior to development. A list of the type of trees and landscaping to be provided on the site is located on the landscape plans. Existing trees along the wetlands area and along the outer boundaries of the site will remain. New trees will be planted within the development to compensate for the removal of trees. 1 ~ None of the trees identified for removal are unique or have any historic value. These are all trees that need to be removed in order to accommodate the development. As stated above, the applicant will replant trees and provide adequate landscaping on the site. Parking lots and the entryway will be landscaped in accordance with code. Landscaping plans will be submitted to the City for review and approval. Landscaping will be irrigated as required. Required buffer yards along the interior property lines will be landscaped as well. "0 0) -"'-1 . ; <:( 1 The Tree Felling Permit application and fee will be submitted concurrently with the Site Plan Review Submittal. Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Page 14 Mum / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, INe. PRE-S . ~V ~RECJD MAY 2 5~ /' . . . . This concludes the applicant's summary addressing the requirements of the code for Pre-Submittal Site Plan Review. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Mark Grenz, P.E., at MultifTech Engineering, Inc., Salem, OR at (503) 363-9227. cc: File #5073 O:\Planning Division\2009 Staff Reports\Waterstonepresub5073.Docx PRE-S . u iTIAl REC'D . lid''''' hcceived: Planner: AL 5 }).Io /;20/0 . . Waterstone Apartments Pre-Submittal 5073 Page 15 Mum / TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES, ING. May 24, 2010