HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 03-58 12/01/2003 .... ' RESOLUTION NO. 03-58 . A RESOLUTION INITIATING THE EXPEDITED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORIES TO THE CITY OF. SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION BY EXPEDITED PROCEDURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORS 199.466. WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed; and, WHEREAS, the property owners of certain territory signed a consent to annex (Exhibit 1); and , WHEREAS, no registered voters reside within the territory; and, WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, is adjacent to the city limits, and can be provided immediately with a full range of urban services in accordance with the Mountaingate Master Plan; and, WHEREAS The City Council requests the Boundary Commission approve the proposed annexation authorized by ORS i 99.466 without the study, public hearing and adoption of a [mal order required by ORS 199.461. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: . Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the annexation of the subject territory to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territory being described as follows: Portions of Township 18 South, Range 2 West, Section 03, Tax Lot 303, and Township 18 South, Range 2 West, Section 03, Map 11, Tax Lot 300, as more particularly described in Exhibit 2 of this Resolution. Section 2: The Council further requests Expedited Boundary Commission procedures m accordance with ORS 199.466. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this --1--stday of December 2003, by a vote of ~ for and -L against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 1st day of December 2003. r:- 7 ~preSidertt ArrEST: . ~~ City Record c. -;t. .,..., b ~ s...~n'1o""\::''fu\.~ ~C,,\.w.\') ",..0 f\9,"",\\\\3 ..)o~C(\~ ~ l~p.\\"( \ \ \ 2.,<:) \ '200'3 D~ ~~ Ci=- c.-x.."'\'{ \\\\octVs'i I FORM #1 0 . PETITION ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION We, the undersigned, constitute the owners of at least one-half of the land area of the property described in the attachment marked "Exhibit A" AND We desire to be annexed to the City of Springfield. A map is attached marked "Exhibit B," showing the affected territory and its relationship to the present city limit boundaries. The annexation constitutes a minoroboundarv change under the Boundarv Commission Act arid should ,,- . therefore be considered by the Boundary Commission and, after study, a Final Order should be entered by the Boundary Commission. 0 By LEe.L 'JNf.!. (,..;C.. 1\- 014 0 ~ l\ -01-03, . ByA:.a;:;...~ Of U8.U7to.l<:'\V\ L1-( (\-D'1"'V') By MAP# 1!3-()?'-o3 . MAP# 18-~"Z-o~.0 LOT# 5& '3 LOT#- 6'60 With the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm, agency o~ trust. . 5 1-2 . . . Legal Description Phase 3 Beginning at the Brass Cap marking the West Southwest Corner oftIte T. Maynard Donation Land Claim No. 44, in Township 17 South, Range2 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence North 00 19' 14" East 483.01 feet; thence North 890 45' 09" West 548.08 feet; thence along the arc of a 180.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears South 110 19' 52" West_ 41.18 feet; thence along the arc of a 20.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South 190 51' 41" East 24.49 feet; thence South 570 37' 21" East .10.48 feet; thence South 32022' 39" West 60.00 feet; thence South 12009' 32" West 225.30 feet; thence South 520 52' 29" West 128.09 feet; thence South 15024' 29" West 109.40 feet; thence South 600 25' 24" West 140.94 feet; thence North 88018' 48" West 451.00 feet; thence North 1041' 12" East 44.63 feet; thence South 66004' 58" West 134.09 feet; thence South 54052' 16" West 176.33 feet; thence South 16040' 36" West 50.00 feet; thence South 16040' 36" West 135.32 feet; thence South 880 18' 48" East 549.39 feet; thence South 1041' 12" West 72.16 feet; thence North 760 07' 36" East 620.21 feet; thence South 870 52' 27" East 148.92 feet; thence South 570 40' 14" East 151.40 feet; thence South 42055' 13" East 417.51 feet; thence North 53051' 38" East 182.62 feet; thence along the arc ofa 225.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South 520 48' 14" East 125.34 feet; thence South 43057' 36" West 135.84 feet; thence South 480 16' 18" East 189.35 feet; thence South 4020' 58" West 75.67 feet; thence South 40007' 27" West 174.09 feet; thence South 11039' 34" West 195.36 feet; thence South 35037' 38" West 342.06 feet; thence South 410 56' 02" East 129.83 feet; thence North 430 59' 12" East 31.51 feet; thence South 40029' 55" East 108.94 feet; thence' South 410 12' 09" West 66.07 feet; thence South 52002' 40" East 153.96 feet; thence South 24035' 30" East 90.45 feet; thence South 350 37' 38" West 109.21 feet; thence South 26020' 52" East 98.02 feet; thence South 140 53' 04" West 1315.52 feet; thence South 890 22' 50" East 973.06 feet; thence North 0005' 42" East 462.56 feet; thence North 690 20' 57" West 213.60 feet; thence North 0005' 42" East 130.00 feet; thence North 46038' 59" West 84.96 feet; thence along the arc of a 45.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears North 110 16' 43" East 47.79 feet; thence North 29005' 42" East 108.51 feet; thence South 81022' 27" East 202.24 feet; thence North 0005' 42" East 982.37 feet; thence North 810 20' 25" West 30.13 feet; thence North 590 37' 25" West 144.93 feet; thence North 630 25' 37" West 117.80 feet; thence North 700 18' 54" West 100.41 feet; thence North 0005' 42" East 360.53 feet; thence North 130 02' 04" East 115.77 feet; thence South 89049'46" East 99.22 feet; thence North 00 24' 42" East 150.07 feet; thence North 40 44' 12" East 64.77 feet; thence North 00 18' 37" East 135.43 feet; thence North 280 17' 34" West 139.62 feet; thence NorthOO 10' 14" East 212.20 feet; thence North 89049' 46" West 385.82 feet; thence North 0005' 42" East 322.66 feet; thence North 890 49' 46" West 381.00 feet to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Said parcel contains 72.28 acres, more or less. 1-3 . . . Legal Description Phase 3 Beginning at the Brass Cap marking the West Southwest Corner of the T. Maynard Donation Land Claim No. 44, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West ofthe Willamette Meridian; run thence North 00 19' 14" East 483.01 feet; thence North 89045' 09" West 548.08 feet; thence along the arc of a 180.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears South 110 19' 52" West 41.18 feet; thence along the arc of a 20.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South 190 51' 41" East 24.49 feet; thence South 570 37' 21" East 10.48 feet; thence South 32022' 39" West 60.00 feet; thence South 12009' 32" West 225.30 feet; thence South 520 52' 29" West 128.09 feet; thence South 15024' 29" West 109.40 feet; thence South 600 25' 24" West 140.94 feet; thence North 880 18' 48" West 451.00 feet;'thence North 1041' 12" East 44.63 feet; thence South 66004' 58" West 134.09 feet; thence South 540 52' 16" West 176.33 feet; thence South 16040' 36" West 50.00 feet; thence South 160 40' 36" West 135.32 feet; thence South 880 18' 48" East 549.39 feet; thence South 1041' 12" West 72.16 feet; thence North 76007' 36" East 620.21 feet; thence South 87052' 27" East 148.92 feet; thence South 57040' 14" East 151.40 feet; thence South 420 55' 13" East 417.51 feet; thence North 530 51' 38" East 182.62 feet; thence along the arc of a 225.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South 520 48' 14" East 125.34 feet; thence South 430 57' 36" West 135.84 feet; thence South 480 16' 18" East 189.35 feet; thence South 4020' 58" West 75.67 feet; thence South 40007' 27" West 174.09 feet; thence South 11039' 34" West 195.36 feet; thence South 35037' 38" West 342.06 feet; thence South 410 56' 02" East 129.83 feet; thence North 43059' 12" East 31.51 feet; thence South 400 29' 55" East 108.94 feet; thence South 41012' 09" West66.07 feet; thence South 52002' 40" East 153.96 feet; thence South 24035' 30" East 90.45 feet; thence South 35037' 38" West 109.21 feet; thence South 26020' 52" East 98.02 feet; thence South 140 53' 04" West 1315.52 feet; thence South 890 22' 50" East 973.06 feet; thence North 00 05' 42" East 462.56 feet; thence North 690 20' 57" West 213.60 feet; thence North 0005' 42" East 130.00 feet; thence North 46038' 59" West 84.96 feet; thence along the arc of a 45.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears North 110 16' 43" East 47.79 feet; thence North 29005' 42" East 108.51 feet; thence South 81022' 27" East 202.24 feet; thence North 00 05' 42" East 982.37 feet; thence North 81020' 25" West 30.13 feet; thence North 59037' 25" West 144.93 feet; thence North 63025' 37" West 117.80 feet; thence North 700 18' 54" West 100.41 feet; thence North 0005' 42" East 360.53 feet; thence North 130 02' 04" East 115.77 feet; thence South 890 49' 46" East 99.22 feet; thence North 00 24' 42" East 150.07 feet; thence North 4044' 12" East 64.77 feet; thence North 00 18' 37" East 135.43 feet; thence North 280 17' 34" West 139.62 feet; thence North 00 10' 14" East 212.20 feet; thence North 89049' 46" West 385.82 feet; thence North 00 05' 42" East 322.66 feet; thence North 89049' 46" West 381.00 feet to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Said parcel cont~ins 72.28 acres, more or less. 1-4 .. . . Legal Description Phase 4 Beginning at a point that is North 890 09' 14" West 261.45 feet from the Brass Cap marking the Southeast Corner of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence South 890 09' 14" East 389.74 feet; thence South 360 -16' 52" West 205.05 feet; thence South 53043' 08" East 150.00 feet; thence South 860 14' 07" East 63.51 feet; thence South 30 45' 53" West 356.05 feet; thence 27033' 30" East 469.14 feet; thence South 340 19' 23" East 200.73 . feet; South 390 13' 19" East 200.00 feet; thence South 51045' 38" East 230.39 feet; thence South 13020' 08" West 140.19 feet; thence South 65037' 39" East 107.44 feet; thence South 63034' 37" East 77.54 feet; thence South 55005' 50" East 143.21 feet; thence South 440 53' 27" East 226.68 feet; thence South 810 17' 51" East 1 05 .89 feet; thence North 660 16' 26" East 78.78 feet; thence North 420 12' 50" East 87.87 feet; North 22056' 17" Ea~t 164.58 feet; thence North 880 46' 17" West 76.13 feet; thence North 9053' 20" West 196.12 feet; thence North 42017' 56" West 269.85 feet; thence North 500 53' 21" West 29.10 feet; thence North 560 53' 36" West 184.68 feet; thence - South 84000' 36" West 89.98 feet; thence South 840 26' 44" West 77.74 feet; thence North 890 49' 42" West 101.82 feet; thence North 750 24' 37" West 146.91 feet; thence North 490 11' 40" W~st 149.89 feet; thence North250 21' 49" West 214.39 feet; thence along the arc ofa 655.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears North 110 12' 22" West 325.30 feet; thence along the arc of a 665.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears North 5006' 11" East 94.09 feet; thence North 70 14' 17" East 460.76 feet; thence North 14047' 07" East 185.22 feet; thence North 41000' 16" East 648.27 feet; thence North 59059' 29" East 256.26 feet; thence South 0000' 07" West 161.66 feet; thence South 59059' 53" East 308.47 feet; thence South 63001' 17" East 101.56 feet; thence South 44023' 44" East 204.72 feet; thence along the arc of a 140.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South 110 58' 12" West 68.54 feet; thence South 39006' 09" East 99.92 feet; thence South 77002' 45" East 133.74 feet; thence South 880 18' 48" East 549.39 feet; thence South 1041' 12" West 72.16 feet; thence along the arc ofa 1003.70 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South 35001' 15" West 771.86 feet; thence South 12024' 28" West 206.00 feet; thence North 77035' 32" West 199.18 feet; thence South 12000' 59" West 260.20 feet; thence South 3034' 00" West 76.24 feet; thence South 160 42' 39" East 232.34 feet; thence South 400 10' 58" East 119.16 feet; thence South 00 16' 47" West 161.18 feet; thence South 18027' 14" West 286.64 feet; thence North 81033' 30" West 78.93 feet; thence South 300 13' 55" West 65.93 feet; thence South 260 13' 12" West 29.52 feet; thence South 50009' 11" West 98.17 feet; thence South 760 54' 29" West 114.20 feet; thence North 77008' 43" West 218.17 feet to a point on the Northerly margin of Weyerhauser's private roadway; run thence along said right of way on the arc of a 602.57 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears North 49003' 20" West 418.43 feet; thence North 690 22' 20" West 192.07 feet; thence along the arc of a 542.57 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears North 540 17' 50" West 282.23 feet; thence North 390 13' 20" West 979.83 feet; thence along the arc of a 745.71 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears North 64028' 08"West 636.11 feet to a point on the centerline of South 58th Street; thence leaving the margin of said Weyerhauser Page 10f2 1-5 . roadway and run along the centerline of said South 58th Street North 00 OOi 27" East 49.89 feet; thence leaving said centerline and run along the arc of a 796.19 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears South 69001' 22" East 553.13 feet; thence North 0006' 02" East 623.78 feet to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Said parcel contains 77.26 acres, more or less. . . Page 2 of2 1-6 - ANNEXATION OF PHASE III a: IV FOR ALBERTS DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., WILEY MT., INC. c!c LEELYNN, INC s. .Ii SECTION 3., T.17S., R.2W., W.W., N.W. ,. SECTlON 3, T.18S., R2W., W.M. SPRINGFIELD, UNE COUNTY, OREGON DATE OF SURVEY. WAY 8, 2003 --, r!llT ....... /' ~J)2.-".. " L 11 'l .\ n.IIIJ(). \ /=~~IW1; i.l \ [J:~I~--~\mfiU'Wlj I '#ft I~~ / \ ~C-LI III / -~.~ ,...,/ T. 17 s.. R5f:.;\J1.- ,. Ii k \ I ImAIL ! 40.00 L711 L7I1 LBO 1.81 I.BZ /.B.J uu LM 1.811 1.81 I.B6 I.B9 U10 un 1.92 I.9J uu l.9iS 1.911 1.91 '14" :1I2.201J Ir.J4'r IJUZ1J UNE TABLE Ll7 7l) LI CU 197 S 88'~ 11 E 111.IJ 1.911 S OP'!S:J~ E IQ6. I.9Q S 4rl1~1I E Lloo S 5U!S:J21 E LlOI S iSlI'!S:JJII E Ll02 N /U'ooJII E LlOJ N 114'211 'U E LlO4 S 89'4$'f.2 E ! N ~ Sl:AIE ,. - 4CXf CURVE TABLE MJII8E11 Il!llil NiIU fWWS NIC ILNIlTII aIORO 0tI/IJ:TI0N CI 21'21 :165.00 11J6./111 S IIF41 III E CZ JJ'OBJO 225.00 l1O.liS S 06'4 J# E CJ J5'5Jlll' 86.//9 54,48 S 25'1031 " C4 J5'5Jlll 51.01 J/." N 25'10"51. E C5 15'I42J 250.00 68.50 S 115'5 22 E C6 14'.]6 JJ J69.//9 H..J4 N 06TJ6 12 E Cl 28'18 _00 :J2/J./IJ S "'12'22 E CI1 0IT48 _00 Q.J6 S 05''' '25 " CIO 28'20'21 14D.00 69.25 S "'58'12 " C" 45'/JJ# lOOJ. 792.21 S J5'01 15 " CI2 J2'204 225.00 121.02 S 5Z'48 14 E CIJ liJI I 20.00 26.J6 N '""4' " CI4 1:rtJ6 14 180.00 41.21 N "'IQ E ~ HTJ 1ff~ =lil-l . -6a2. NIC - 14UO' aI - NJJ'44'20" 1rJ2.'" (NI'5J'40'F: 29/.001 (SBY59'25'F: 14J1.:J/1~i If~!~ ! lI.p;)O 679.15' OWNERS HJlERTS 1lEVEUlI'IIEHT. LLc., WIlE( UT~ a: lHlYNH. INC 1~\.Jl~ 1l.6f.XJ CllIIPIIIED f'QHT toIIPUItD SECI10N CORNER ASSf:SSOR'S IW' 17-02-34 ot IIHl2--l13 . . UHf TABlE LI' 7l) L77 - DIRE'CTION DIST.WCE LI 'I' MiSI 12 S " :15405 U S E 469./4 L4 S E 200.1J Ul S E 200.00 LII S 41" 202.:JtI L7 S 15'24'J1' E 144,91 1.8 N 411'/1 '40 " 14$.89 19 N 25'2149 " 214.J9 LlO N 1I1YJ2 5IS " 1'40.00 LlI S 111'JO /I " IlZ.J Ll2 S 1Ir~4J E /10.14 LlJ $ /U.:JtI II If 140.00 Ll4 S 0714 11 If 2'40.59 LlII N 4:J'01211 E 1111.40 LlII S 0714 11 If 11.48 Ll7 N JlI'lU29 E 1U.,u LlII S :J/f'JI5IS If I Ll9 S 111'211 02 E L.2O S 1I'IQ 20 If UI S 111'41 If L22 S orl2 E L2:J S If U4 N " 125 N Ir2428 E U8 S 11':15 J2. E Ul S Ir2428 If 128 N ",J21 " lBO.OJ U9 N 2/1'J/54 II' :J:JII.,u LJO S Il2'OJ29 E 2:11.87 UI N W28.u II' :JIU. I II L..J2 N 1:1'41 OJ E /IlU..1I2 LJ.] S 11/'592.1 If 125.711 LJ4 S 21'2521 If 100.01 LJ/I S 41'51102 E 129.8:J UII N 4:1'59 12 E J/.51 Ul S 40'211511. E 108.94 I..JII S 4/'1209 If 1111.01 L.J9 S 5r02'40 E 15.J.H L40 S 24':15 JO E 90.45 141 S :J5':J1J8. If IOP.21 L42 N 211'20112 " 1NI.02 L4.J S 14'!S:J04 II' IJI5.iS2 L'U S woo 01 If 111/.1111 L~ S 59"5933 E :J08.4 U8 S /I.TOI 17 E /01.511 L41 S 'U'2J 44 E 204.12 L48 S JI1'OII 09 E Q9.92 L49 S 11'02 4fj E I:J:J.14 L50 S 88'11148 E lU9.J9 L51 S 01'41 12 If 12.18 L52 N 711'01 J4 E 820.21 /.5:J S 81'!J221 E 144,Q2 LlU S 51'40 14 E 151.40 L55 S ofrllll IJ E 411.51 L58 N5.J'51J8E 1112.112 L51 S 4:1'51JII If 1:J5./U L5II S 48"18 III E 189..J5 L59 S (}4'2O 5IS If 15.IIT LIIO S 40'0121 If 114.09 LIII S /I'J9.u If IQIS.JII LII2 S :J5':J1J8 II' :J42.0II LII:J N 11I'4OJII E 1:J5.:J2 LIU N 11I'4OJ8 E 50.00 LII5 N lU'!J2 III E 1111.:J:J L/16 N IItrru 5IS E l,u.OP Llll N 01'41 12 E ,",8:J L/16 S88'1848E ~/.oo LII9 S 1IIT2524 If 140.94 L711 '. i€ L1/ N E L12 S If L1J S If L14 S E L15 N E 4811.20 L711 N E 7lI.24 L17 N II' 2:J2.,u L78 N 58 If /lUll r-l;:) I~ ..-1\: ~ ~ ~ .... l;:) ~ Q) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OLSON & MORRIS lA . Informational Attachment . Planning File LRP2003-00029: Proposed annexation of 150 acres located between.57th and 6th Street, south of Main Street and north of the Weyerl)a'euser Road, in Springfield. The properties are commonly known as the MountainGate development site or Potato Hill. (Assessor's Map No.17-02-34-34, Taxlot(s) 1100, 1101, 1102; Map No. 17-02-34-43, Tax lot(s) 602; Map No. 18-02-03, Tax lot 303; Map No. 18-02-04-11, Tax lot 300.) URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY . Section 6.010 of the Springfield Development Code requires that territory to be annexed be inside the City of Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary. The subject site is contiguous to the city limits along portions of its north, west, east and south boundary lines. The UGB is located appro~imately one half mile south and east of the subject site, near the intersection of the UGB with the Weyerhaeuser Road, in the Natron area. The proposed annexation area is within Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary and therefore meets the criterion. URBAN SERVICES . Annexation standards found in Section 6.030(2) of the Springfield Development Code require that a minimum level of key urban facilities and services, as defined in Metro Plan Policy 8.a., be provided in an orderly and efficient manner. Key urban services for new or expanded development are considered to include sanitary sewers, solid waste management. water and electrical service, fire and emergency medical services, police protection, land use controls, communications facilities, parks and recreation programs and public schools. Paved streets with adequate provision for stormwater runoff and pedestrian travel are also considered important in new development and along existing streets heavily used by pedestrians. Development of the annexation area is subject to the provisions of the Mountaingate Master Plan for access, utilities and resource protection. The Master Plan was approved in May of 1998, is effective for a minimum of 7 years and is recorded against the property deed. All of the utility providers and affected agencies listed below were notified of the current annexation proposal for the next phase of the Mountaingate site. Sanitary Sewer: The Master Plan for sanitary sewer service to MountainGate includes connecting to the City's existing system at three 8 inch stubs along 67th Street, a 12 inch stub at Main Street and an 8 inch stub at 58th Street. The westerly portion of the current annexation area will connect to the public system at the 8 inch line in Daisy Street near 58th. The applicant will be responsible for submitting a sewer analysis for this portion of the existing system with development proposals. If . necessary, annexation and other cost sharing agreements with surrounding properties are in place to guarantee capacity allocated during Master Plan approvals. . Stormwater Runoff: The applicant provided a Stormwater Evaluation with the Master Plan. For the purposes of the annexation request, the service assumptions of the study ATTACHMENT 2-1 .I . are acceptable to the City Engineer with no further conditions required beyond the Master Plan conditions of approval. According to the study, the proposed annexation area will be served by the 36 inch storm sewer planned in the Aster Street rightof way on the north side (the applicant and the City have an agreement to dis.charge to the ODOT 36 inch line in Main Street until construction of the Aster Street line is completed- in 2004), 24 and 12 inch lines in 6ih Street to the e<;lst and the existing system of wetlands and storm channels to the south. The Master Plan approval requires on site detention and pre-treatment to achieve a no net increase to the existing wetlands on or near the site. . Solid Waste Management: Private firms collect and transport solid waste to the Lane County landfill. Water Service: Springfield Utility Board is the utility provider and has submitted comments supporting the proposed development. The extension of a 16 inch main across the eastern portion of the annexation area and oa system of lesser lines along the main roadways approved to serve Phases 1 and 2 can be extended to serve the proposed annexation area. Lots at the extreme southeast corner of the annexation ?rea will require the installation of a pump station at the existing reservoir. Fire and Emergency Medical Services: The Springfield Fire and Life Safety Division will serve the subject area from street and water facilities extended from Phases 1 and 2. . Police Protection: The Springfield Police Department will provide police protection to this area upon annexation. Parks and Recreation: Willamalane Parks and Recreation District will provide recreational facilities for this area. The Master Plan approval requires the dedication of additional park areas during prior to the platting of the proposed phases of development. Electric Service: Electrical service is available from Springfield Utility Board facilities already extended to the property. Land Use Controls: Springfield Development Services Department will provide planning and land use control for the site after annexation. Communication Facilities: Owest will provide communication service to the annexation area. Public Schools: School District 19 provides public education facilities for the area. The City sent the Springfield School District a notice of the proposed development for this site. No comments were received. Paved Streets: Transportation facilities are available to serve the area along the north east and west perimeter of the site. Internal streets approved to serve Phases 1 and 2 can be extended to serve the proposed annexation area and will connect to the existing system at 6ih Street, Main Street and Daisy near 58th Street. . Flood Plain: The subject property is not located within the 100 year floodplain as determined by the FEMA FIRM map. 2-2 . . . PROPERTY OWNERS REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED PROCEDURE FOR ANNEXATION OR EXTRATERRITORIAL WATER OR SEWER LINE EXTENSION .ORS 199.466 r (We), the undersigned property owner(s), request this (~exati()n proposal) (water line extension proposal) (sewer line extension proposal) be approved without,the study, public hearing or adoption or a final order required by ORSS 199.461, This request is made pursuant to the provisions of ORS 199.466.. I (We) understand that a study, public hearing and adoption of a final 'order may be required if requested by any per- son or governing body receiving a copy of the executive officer's analysis and recommendation as required by ORS . 199.466. . This request is made in addition to and supplements all other requirements for filing an annexation petition or tenta- tive plan for an extraterritorial water or sewer line extension. .T~Lot }OD , Township i~' ., S,Range 6>,l ,>CJ ~ I g 0 .;.l" Signature of Property Owner(s) L ce.J... ..., N rl ,~c... . Date: (\-Dl-D~ FlW, Section t:)~ , .Map I J Os LCLGBC . Expedited Procedure June 30, 1981 '. 4 ATTACHMENT 3-1 INFORMATION SHEET LE.E.L '/.NN ( \uc.~ W (U::.."\ M't-,) l 1'0.1 c:... A. L 8 e:. cc:: 'K :DE I.J Eta t> M \=."-l"i LCe.. (Petitioner's Name) LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION NORTH PLAZA LEVEL, PSB 99 E. Broad:way, Suite 400 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE: 682-1425 . ? <:.:) Bo-;. S-, €:> (Address) c.e.'2.<S. '...c..l ~l(,,1 DIL- (City) q ., 4- z...6 (Zip) 8<1 ~--816 cg (Phone) oThe attached petition is for (annexation to) or (witlHlraw:ol1 from) the ~ ?e.\~C"'7 E= I E:..Ct> (City) or (District) . , PLEASE SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REGARDING THE AREA rOBE ANNEXED OR 'WITHDRAWN. ' Estimated Population (at present): 0 Number of Existing Residential Units: 0 Land Area: / 'ft(. ~1 Acres or Square Miles . Is th~ area within a Domestic Water Supply District? Y ~-~ ~,P~I.A/6 F2:-EL.LJ UT\L\l"'{ ~6A,.~\'::::. (Name) L..cry &r YE-S ~/,,er;.v6;=r~L[) I=r~ tJpjJ~~J~II=~T (Name) Is the area with a Rural Fire Protection District? ANNEXATION TO CITIES OR WATERDISTRlCTS ONLY A.Ifthe property is entirely or substantially undeveloped, what are the plans for future development? 0 (Be specific-if site or development plans have been prepared, please submit a copy) 'fifE' fJ~tl~#.ry IS ~rl2a-Y' l/A/f)€VEI-.tJ;4eo.. THE i/UA/.$ FbI< FVTl./;QE OEI/6"u,tJ/4epf- ARE' pctQ A- ;l2E~.cj)e.A..,rz.;t.L ~u#LJL'I./r~/1/ s:Xre tJtEl./$"~o~~.tE/vr ~..;I/$ WILL. BE. ne.~c:.LOPe. p .' '. I~c( 012.. a I >...! (1 1\::) ..Tl.,.E.... "^'o(,)<'-\ \' 1\ \ "-I C, ~ T r::... . /'J\~-S l' F K:.P(.A"" , B. Can the proposed development be achieved under current county zoning? Yes No )( . If no, has a zone change been sought from the county either formally or informally for the property under con- sideration? Yes _ No-X-. 9 3-2 ) Please describe outcome of zo.ne change request if answer to the proceeding question is "Yes." . ALL PROPOSALS A. Does this proposal include all contiguous property under the same ownership? _ If not, are you in the process of a major_or minor _ partition? ~ (No) (f'~~IZ:.~ L')..J;;"" ^C,~U'S.t"'I'v\.l=-V T ~ If you are not in the process of a subdivision, please State your reasons for not including entire ownership. ll:TE.. 61.;...;.~e..,<-$~\\> ~\t.\.... ~e.. ~l'-...."'~ja't-~6 A1'-...Ii:::> D~\.JE:.Lu~::>c::.b ~c-J<5.\~\'5--l \" {;....? (''\l ~ 1~i::' A~~--.",-,\"'=...'::> N\A. ~ \E. ~ Ll~~ R.:l ~ "\ l""'=:" r=:. \,-_)",\ ~ 0 L u)oo..j e...e:_"~ (~\ e:=- B. ORS 199.462 of the Boundary Commission Act states: "When receiving a boundary change, a boundary com- mission shall consider economic, demographic and' sociological projections pertinent to the proposal, and past and prospective physical developments of land that would directly or indirectly be affected by the proposed boundary change." Considering these points, please provide the reasons the proposed boundarY chan!!e should be made. Please be very specific. Attach additional page ifnecessary. . . rH-.J:5 tJ15vEL-ojOA-tEPT vvILL-- ;;'/.({)vZf)E #Ec7}.1;-7J /-fo(/~';j:;A./~ ~~ 7H.;::-s ,.f-~EA, A/IAlTY ;:'E,eLLA.-/f Or Tll-b .e:)r;-)::STZA/o ~V$.;:A,/6 :fA....; 17-1$'5 ~EA r.$ 8E.J:..N6 Vrz:Lr:.Z~V. ,liE bEI/;ELLJ;tJ~E.A/r Zo7P'~..A-;:::S raR T#IS ~/) JS Ft;J/J... ,4e~Il)c,;Urz:A-L- }),i?VEL.e,.(J.A-?c~'T wi-lrc./-f Ij .111 H V " IT .IS ;z;P#c.D L-.l>~ ;(AlA L"5 Z<.I 7lI~ L/~A-,A/ .64cJLAJ7Fj. kOv/'o;' [JAI1.. ( C. Names of Persons to Whom Staff Notes and Notices Shall be Sent t....A~'t::>?L l""'~f'...,) I /o..l.l:.-r C..)N'5 0L \' AN.. 1<:;' (Name) l Of \ 1~1~(t.LOu...-;. (:.bo:> (Address) ~~~ NC-. FI SlD/)iC.. q 7411 (City) (Zip) (Name) L 06 l <; ? A iZ:. ~t<--l. "S. (N ame) l4\O OA"<-. "'S'\. (Address) E:...uc(~e., 0 L (City) q"14QI (Zip) (Name) (Address) , (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) . 10 3-3 ., I