HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous ARC 4/7/2010 . . J DOUGHERTY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS I Report ! Dale: September 29,2009 ! To: Byron Roberts Breeden Homes ! Job Name: River Heights Subdivision Tax Map #: 17-02-30 Tax Lots 700, 800 I From: Eric Parso;;S------- DLA Inc. [" Regarding: Final Vegetation and Re-vegetation Report The primary purpose of this report and the accompanying tree preservation plan is to document measures and responsibilities for tree and vegetation conservation and preservation and to describe those activities permitted and prohibited in conservation and Breservation areas. This report contains applicable portions of the Vegetation. and Re-vegetation Report submitted previously for Tentative Subdivision Review. The report has been updated based upon city mandated revisions to subdivision site design and further and ongoing assessment of trees and vegetation by the landscape architect. This report is intended to directly respond to city conditions of ,approval and direction for Final Plat submittal. This report and the attached plan are submitted as being in substantial conformity with the Tentative Subdivision approval. The applicant has set aside areas of vegetation suitable for preservation as conservation zones and preservation easements (described below and shown on the attaphed plan). Trees within these areas are primarily' Douglas Fir, Ponderosa Pine, Maple and Oregon Oak. The applicant intends to keep intact significant stands of trees along the perimeter of the subdivision site. The applicant also proposes to preserve stands of trees and vegetation along interior lot lines within the proposed subdivision site. No . tree removal has or will occur on the land immediately south and east of the proposed subdivision lots (identified as Tract A) except for removal that has occurred to construct stormwater facilities. Tree and vegetation protection has guided siting of public improvements .and building envelopes. The above measures will be enacted to retain the environmeptal and scenic quality of the hillside. Groves of trees will screen the development from adjacent properties and preserve the appearance of a forested hillside from nearby roadways. Methods of protection for trees and vegetation to be preserved are described in preservation and conservation notes below. In addition, the applicant has identified several individual preservation trees.' General measures for improving health and appearance of individual preservation trees are described below. This report is submitted with and makes reference to the accompanying tree preserVation plan (L-1). This plan delineates areas of tree and vegetation preservation as Conservation Zones and Preservation Easements described below. Below is a summary of tree and vegetation preservation and mitigation measures. !;!'':'1fv;I!~:n~f:te Street Sr;it8 ~:~(Z: ::::I;~~~;:~C, Cr'?:,Jon ~!74()1 f- ~:.~! S.'~ .:-;C(<; r- 54-1 683 3-1:}:3 \\",'1'::, D\ .i\des:g:l.ce:nl "':~::"~~{f5Jlt -'ii 1 Received Date Received: Planner: SH 04/07/2010 . . , . L Trees to Remain See Sheet L-l for trees to remain within conservation zones and preservation easements. A total of approximately 955 surveyed trees are identified to remain within the subdivision development and the area identified as Tract 'A'. Of this total approximately 230 trees are identified as trees to remain within the area of subdivision development. Additional trees in densely wooded groves (not individually surveyed) fall within preservation easements and will be preserved. Another approximately 725 trees are identified as trees to remain in Tract A See Preservation Easements and Conservation Zone notes below for protection measures and removal and mitigation of hazard trees. n. Discretionary Trees These are trees outside of conservation zones, preservation easements and public improvement areas of disturbance. These trees may be impacted by construction activities and maybe removed during subdivision development or at the discretion of future lot owners. Trees within building envelopes (shown on individual plot plans) may be removed at the time of home construction without a tree felling permit. Additional removal of more than (5) trees of 5" or larger diameter per calendar year requires a separate tree felling permit for each lot (as conditioned by the City of Springfield tree felling decision). Ill. Metbods to Replace, Landscape or otberwise Reduce tbe Impacts of Tree Felling: Preservation easements and conservation zones have been designated to reduce the impacts of tree removal. New tree planting at the northern edge o(the site and in the retention pond areas will mitigate trees to be removed. Trees planted in front and side yards of individual lots and designated as street trees will also serve to replace existing trees to be removed. A. Preservation Easements: Preservation easements are delineated on the attached sheet L-1. Construction activity is prohibited in preservation areas. During site construction, construction barrier fencing will be installed around the edges of preservation easements. Those trees that are shown on the plans within the preservation easements are to remain unless determined to pose a safety hazard. Requirements for removal and 'mitigation of trees within preservation easements are described below and in the CC&Rs. Development activities within the preservation easements shall be limited to the removal of hazardous or nuisance vegetation as defined by Code and to native vegetation restoration efforts, vegetation protection and erosion prevention. No irrigation is permitted within preservation easements. Removal of invasive vegetation within the preservation easements shall preserve (to the extent possible) native understory species. Subsequent activity by individual lot owners within the preservation . easements includes the continued preservation of trees and native understory and shall be subject to all conditions set forth in the CC&Rs. Approved fencing by homoowners will be allowed in preservation easements. Fencing within or around trees preservation Date Received: Planner: SH 2 Received 04/07/2010 . . :' easements may not connect to trees, shall be placed to avoid root damage, be non-site obscuring and be constructed, coated or painted black to blend with existing vegetation. B. Conservation Zones Conservation zones are less restrictive than preservation easements. Trees designated as trees to remain shal! be preserved unless determined to pose a safety hazard. Hazard trees can and should be removed. Requirements for removal and mitigation of trees within conservation zones are described below and in the CC&Rs. During site construction, construction barrier fencing will be installed around the edges of conservation zones. Preservation of native understory is encouraged but not required. Utilities and other required improvements may pass through conservation zones but will be routed to minimize impact on preservation trees. Homeowners will be permitted to . landscape and irrigate within conservation zones: Approved fencing by homeowners (as described in preservation easement notes above) will be allowed in conservation zones. At the north property line conservation zone, homeowners may fence along the east and west lot lines of their property through the conservation zone. This fencing may tie into the existing chain link fence common to Ambleside subdivision. Ten foot wide gates must be provided in the fences at the existing road bed for utility access. Gates are to be locked with City and SUB locks only. C. Individual Preservation Trees These are large trees identified to be preserved and afforded the root zone protection measures of conservation zones. These trees will be evaluated by an arborist and pruned to improve health and appearance. D. Tree Removal within Preservation Easements and Conservation Zones: The intent regarding landscape easements is to balance the neighbors' and city's desire for screening and preservation of existing vegetation with concerns for safety in regard to tree health and potential for wind throw. Hazard trees within landscape easements can and should be removed according to the vegetation report, submitted plans and CC&Rs. These include trees determined to be unhealthy, trees at the edge of landscape easements with root zones that may. be impacted by lot development and trees determined to pose a tbreat regarding windtbrow. At the time of individual lot development, the developer will evaluate the trees within the landscape easements on the lot being developed and the two adjoining lots. Any tree determined to pose a hazard will be removed and an approved replacement tree will be planted. City notification and approval of these removals will be required. This is consistent with staff findings in the tree felling decision. 3 Received Date Received: Planner: SH 04/07/2010 . . " Future lot owners are prohibited from removing any inventoried trees without the prior approval of the City of Springfield, except in the event of imminent threat (see CC&Rs for requirements). Hazard trees are to be removed. . Hazard trees that are removed by homeowners after the completion of development activities shall be replaced with trees from the rePlacement tree list found in the CC&Rs at approved size. Proposed replacement plantmgs shall be submitted to the city along with the request for removal. Stumps of removed trees are to be left in place and cut to ground level or ground with a stump grinder to depth no greater than 6" below grade. With the exception of a stump grinder, tree removals within preservation zones must be completed without crossing into the preservation zone with machinery wh~els or tracks. See CC&Rs for .further description of removals, maintenance and enhancement within preservation easements and conserVation zones. E. Street Trees: Street Trees are defmed as required trees to be planted by homeowners in front and side yards in compliance with CC&Rs and consistent with City of Springfield Hillside Development standards. Trees are to be selected from the approved tree list found in Exhibit 'B' of the CC&Rs. The required number of trees per lot will be noted on Individual Lot Plans. Street tree layout will be determined at the time of individual lot development. F. Private Property Landscaping: In addition to street trees, it is expected that trees will be planted on individual lots at the discretion of homeowners and in accordance with any landscape guidelines described in the CC & R's. G. Tree and Planting on Tax Lot 700: The developer will plant trees as documented on the landscape plans submitted for Tentative Subdivision development along the northern subdivision boundary. Planting will occur as each house is constructed and prior to final approval and issuance of the _ Certificate of Occupancy. APproximately_80tree~.wiIl ~e pl~te(til1thisartlll t()~.nhanc.e__ _ the tree line. This summarizes the tree and vegetation conservation, preservation and mitigation measures at River Heights and is to be used in conjunction with the CC&Rs to define those activities permitted and -prohibited in regard to inventoried trees and conservation and preservation areas, 4 Received (':;i0 Received: Hanner: SH 04/07/2010