HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ODF 8/7/2009 . -oregon . Theodore R Kulongoski, Governor Department of State Lands 775 Surruner Street NE, Suite 100 Salem, OR 97301-1279 (503) 378-3805 FAX (503) 378-4844 www;oregonstatelands.us. January 5, 2007 State Land Board Troy Mueller Breeden Bros., Inc. 366 E 40th Ave, Suite 250 Eugene, OR 97405 Theodore R. Kulongoski Governor Bill Bradbury Secretary of State Re: Wetland Delineation Report for River Heights Subdivision, North of Marcola Road and 42nd Street Intersection, Springfield; Lane County; T 17S R 2W Sec. 30, Tax Lots 700 & 800 (801 not included); WD #05-0714 . Randall Edwards State Treasurer Dear Mr. Mueller: The Department of State Lands has reviewed the wetland delineation report prepared by Patrick S. Thompson Consulting for the site referenced above. Based on the information presented in the report, we concur with the wetland and waterway boundaries as mapped in Figure 4 of the report. Within the study area, 2 wetland units were identified, totaling 1.08 acres, and the waters of Irving Slough were identified. The wetlands and waterways are subject to the permit requirements of the state Removal-Fill Law. A state permit is required for fill or excavation of 50 cubic yards or more in a wetland area or below the ordinary high water line of a waterway. This concurrence is for purposes of the state Removal-Fill Law only. Federal or local permit requirements may apply as well. The Army Corps of Engineers will review thereport and make a determination of jurisdiction for purposes of the Clean Water Act at the time that a permit application is submitted. We recommend that you attach a copy of this concurrence letter to.both copies of any subsequent joint permit application to speed application review. Please be advised that state law establishes a preference for avoidance of wetlimd impacts. Because measures to avoid and minimize wetland impacts may include reconfiguring parcel layout and size or development design, we recommend that you work with Department staff on appropriate site design before completing the city or county land use approval process. The permit coordinator for this site is Gloria Holthaus at extension 226. This concurrence is based on information provided to the agency. The jurisdictional determination is valid for five years from the date of this letter, unless G:\WWC\WeUandsIDet - WN Letters\2005\05-0714.doc ~ -7-6 'I Date Received: Planner: SH @ .. . . l.r: .: ,,' new information necessitates a revision. . Circumstances under which the Department may change a determination and procedures for renewal of an expired determination are found in OAR 141-090-0045 (available on our web site or upon request). The applicant, landowner, or agent may submit a request for reconsideration of this determination in writing within 60 calendar days of the date of this letter. Thank you for having the site evaluated. Please phone me at extension 252 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~ a;1 My:tt Wetlands Specialist. Approved by cc: Patrick S Thompson Consulting City of Springfield, Planning Department (Maps enclosed for updating LWI) Shelly Hanson, Corps of Engineers Gloria Holthaus, DSL '. . G:IWWCIWetlandslDet - WN Letters\2005105-0714.doc . . 15 - 7 - O~ Date Recewed. Planner: SH '. . . !,' ~!?-/\\ ..:~:,. "{'/ I, J.' I: ~--:{/' ~" .~ j/\, 1L '. i.l,' .J' "'-9;'" ,,' .;7 /f .:,,\";,,",-~):>./" .!l ;'/ 0. x ~ "' II >- => ~ <t ~ E C- O N OJ ~ o o N .,; o o . c . ~ . ;: I CL <t " >- >- Z lJ ~ c o " o . " -. C ~ c E ~ /' ~ " o o I ~ o /' o ~ ;;- .'l o . e ;!> V; -".. "'-,,!c~~,:/p~ j . ,-,':I..~' '.--, .....,.,;'..! ~'?>'ii(.0,' . , . ". ";""-:':":-;:::'7-;~'1 . .... 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