HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 8/7/2009 .. . . . ..~ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, PORTLAND DISTRICT EUGENE FIELD OFFICE 1600 EXECUTIVE PAR'fiNAY, SUITE 210 EUGENE, OREGON 97401-2156 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: Februaryl2,2007 Operations Division Regulatory Branch Corps No:NWP-2007-16 . Mr. Tony Mueller Breeden Bros. Inc. 366 E. 40th Avenue, Suite 250 Eugene, Oregon 97405-3400 Dear Mr. Mueller: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received Breeden Bros.' requestfor concurrence that the construction of a residential subdivision in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, will not impact jurisdictional wetlands or other waters and will not require a Department of the Army (DA) permit. The Corps identification number for this project is Corps No. NWP-2007-16. Please use this number on all future correspondence. The Corps has jurisdiction over water bodies under two statutory authorities: the Rivers and Harbors Act and the Clean Water Act. Under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of1899, the Corps has authority to issue permits for structures or work (including excavation) in or affecting navigable waters of the United States. Limits of jurisdiction extend to the mean high water mark in tidally influenced areas and to . the ordi~ high water mark in non-tidal but navigable waters. Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the Corps has authority to issue permits for the placement of fill or dredged material in waters of the United States. The tenn "waters of the United States" includes the territorial seils and tidally influenced waters up to the high tide line. "Waters" also include all other waters up to their ordinary high water mark that are part of a surface tributary system to and iricluding navigable. (non-tidal) waters of the United States. Wetlands adjacent to these waters are also "waters of the United States." . . . . . . The Corps has reviewed Breeden Bras.' January 11, 2007, submittal along with recent aerial photos, the Lane C;;ounty Soil Survey, and additional information provided by your consultant, Mr. Phil Stalling ofEGR & Associates, Inc. Irving Slough, which runs parallel to the project's western boundary, isjurisdictional but is not considered navigable under Section 10. .The Corps has determined your project as described in the January 11,2007, submittal and in the enclosed draWings (Enclosure) does not involve structures or work in navigable waters of the United States or the discharge of fill or dredged material into other waters of the United States, and a DA permit is not required. . ."15C7-tl'ft Date Received: v \ Planner: SH ~ . -2- .' This determination is based on the information and drawings provided in Breeden Bros. January 11, 2007, submittal and other information contained in our administrative record. Please be aware should Breeden Bros. modify their project design in a manner that would result in the discharge offill material into ajurisdictional water, this determination is no longer valid and a DA permit may be required. Breeden Bros. is cautioned that commencement of work in jurisdictional waters prior to obtaining a DA permit would constitute a violationiof Federal laws and subject Breeden Bros. to possible enforcement action. Receipt of a permit from the Oregon Department of State Lands does not obviate the requirement for obtaining a DA pennit prior to commencing the proposed work. If Breeden Bros. has any questions regarding our regulatory authority, please contact Michele E. Hanson at the letterhead address, by telephone at (541) 465-6878, or email michele.e:hanson@usace.armv.mil. Sincerely" Lawrence C. Evans' Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copy Furnished: Oregon Department of State Lands (Holthaus) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Vallette) City of Springfield (Donovan) EGR & Associates, Inc. (Stallings) 15-7-0L-. Date Received: ~.,., ".'-.':,-' (. . ~:;.Jl !~--\;-~,;. ~ :;1 f => o j 8 'i '" ~. b o N -, o . .!: ~ ~ t " :. . ;: .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :ii , > ~ >. 8 '" o ~ '" i '" :0 6 eap"1<<,. -''t'JlJl:' _,.' 4.....~~_t n.......l ~. · · · Jr H S \.. . c.:,. ~ ) tL. c /,(:~~. ~ .~l' - ---- - -.~,!,' -,..~r""-~ ......-..... ~.."::'./.:." t L ;":" - .r="'-y ~",,~: .';:-" , ;U ,..-., ..., ; U _ C.~roXj~.at~~:~tudy.. ~ ._~--! Ar.ta BO~ry ____ ... ;;:;::J:,::===~ , : " I -.., - : -lI1 M.' , ':.b" $PRIIltGf'tELO ",.dill' , it-;. I ~ Figure 1 Vicinity Map "\nr ECR &- Associates, Inc. Adapted from USGS Top 0 Quad: Springfield, OR Y Engln...., Ge,I""I,., end SUNayOrs Breeden Bros., River Heights - 25358 P ." R d rallle oa (541) 688~322 Eugene, OR Eugene, Oregon 97402 Fax (541) 688-8067 COrpS No, NWP-2007-16 Page 0 ne osure lJclle Kecelveo: Planner SH %; - 7-09 . . . . -, , ,.....-----..... ..... II !I 11 ll' -- Ii, f3'-. -" l i .~ I 01 ~f "I 1; '" ~. Ii " " J l :\ :, ~. ..11.. ~d;1 _ .~~~h ,- 1---2 . ...) I, Hili' f I I ffi Wl!lll; I i -~ ImlllH III 3 '1:1111 ""'~U ~ I ~ i i it - 1 r :.11 fJ '. - - - _ _ -J -Enclosure o~~e- ~~,,~IU"'1d~_ . i'bif'V, '6 . 7-eJE( ',-;;-_./ ....: Co ) Page 2 of 2 -