HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 4/1/2010
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River Heights
Date: April 1, 2010 (revised)
Comments from Steve Hopkins, Urban Planning
Deadline: May 2, 1010. A complete final plat application, with the fees, is due by this date.
General comments on the Hillside Development Manual
Put dimensions on the easements. Not every dimension, but enough for the lot owners to know
generally where the easement exists, without having to measure the drawing.
The geotechnical assessment, dated August 13, 2007, shall be included in the Hillside
Development Manual as an Attachment. Do not include" Appendix A: Test Pit Logs".
Record the Hillside Development Manual with (or as an attachment to) the CCRs.
On the individual lot diagrams, identify trees that must be preserved. Include a type (oak,
maple, etc.) and the size at chest height (8", 24", etc.)
On the individual lot diagrams, identify the applicable Development Area(s) from the Geotech
Conditions from tentative subdivision SUB2006-00006
Conditions 1-4: Complies. Addressed in the PIP.
Condition 5: No longer applicable.
Condition 6: Copy of unsigned agreement. Prior to plat approval, need copy of signed
agreement. (signed copy received on April 1)
Condition 7: Complies. Addressed in the PIP.
"Condition 8: Prior to Final Plat approval any approved side or rear yard easement for public sanitary
sewer manholes or mains must include recorded restrictions to prevent fencing, landscaping and other
private improvements that would impede maintenance access for the system." The Hillside
Development Manual shall include this information for each jot that contains a manhole or
sewer main.
Condition 9: Show private easements and maintenance agreements on plat
Condition 10-13: Complies. Addressed in the PIP.
"Condition #14: At the time of PIP review and prior to Final Plat, the property owner of Tract A shall
enter into a maintenance agreement with the City of Springfield, whereby the City will provide routine
maintenance for functionality of the proposed detention pods servirlg the subdivision. All other
maintenance for Tract A and the improvements thereon shall be provided by deed restriction and
Homeowners Agreement affecting all lots within the subdivision or by transfer to Willamalane Parks and
Recreation district prior to plat approval, as proposed." Missing. A copy of the signed maintenance
.agreement is needed.
Conditions 15-18: Complies. Addressed in the PIP.
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Planner: SH
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Condition 18a: Complies. Shown on individual Lot drawings, and reference is made to a specific
section in the CCRs.
Conditions 19-28: Complies. Addressed in the PIP.
Condition 29: The No Parking area was reviewed during the PIP process. Prior to plat approval,
this improvement will be verified in the field.
"Condition 30: Prior to approval of Public Improvement Plans (PIPs) or the Final Plat, the applicant
shall submit concurrence documentation from Rainbow Water verifying overlapping placement of the
proposed 7 foot private storm easement and 14 foot public sewer easement is acceptable to Rainbow
Water." This item is missing. The facility is owned and maintained by SUB. Need concurrence
from SUB.
Condition 31-32: Show easements on plat
Condition 33-34: No longer applicable.
Condition 35: Complies. Addressed in the PIP.
Condition 36: Received ACOE letter dated Feb 12, 2007, and DSL letter dated Jan 5, 2007.
Condition 37: Complies.
Conditions 38-39: Complies. Addressed in the PIP.
"Condition 40: The applicant shall be responsible for 50% of the cost to construct an 8 foot high chain
link security fence around the RWD site and entry way. The fence shall be non-site obscuring and be
constructed, coated or painted black to blend with existing vegetation." Construction of the fence will
be verified prior to plat approval.
Conditions from Hillside Development DRC2006-00005
Condition 1: Complies. Geotech Assessment dated August 13, 2007, is the most recent
Condition 2-4: Complies. Addressed in the PIP.
"Condition 5: Prior to Final Plat approval, a comprehensive Hillside Development Plan and Report
shall be submitted for review and approval by the Director. The report shall be a comprehensive plan for
the completion of the proposed hillside development and will include a compilation of findings,
conclusions and implementation actions as extracted from other reports required by SDC 26.050.
Detailed in this report will be the density option selected per SDC 26.050, lot coverage standards, the
proposed building envelopes, applicable portions and definitions from the Vegetation & Re-vegetation
Report, geo-tech requirements for each lot and guidance for the public and private construction activities.
Hillside Development Plans shall include a master 24 x 36 inch Hillside Development Plan and 8.5 x 11
inch individual lot plot plans that include: An llx17 was submitted instead. This size will be
a. "Approximate building envelopes and driveway approaches." Not shoWn on plan.
b. "Geotech information, recommended foundation types or any area restricted from building due to
hazardous geologic conditions." Not shown on plan.
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c. "Areas encumbered with conservation or preservation easement established for tree preservation
with a brief description of restrictions." Not shown on plan.
d. 'The location of individual or clusters of trees determined by the project forester and city staff as
suitable for street trees." Not shown on plan.
e. "Areas restricted from driveway access due to grade or traffic safety." Not shown on plan.
f "Areas containing public and private utility easements where buildings, fences or other
structures may not be located." Insufficient. The areas are shown, but the restrictions are
not listed. Define the difference between the Conservation and Preservation Areas, and
list the prohibited activities in each. Identify trees that must be preserved on each lot or
tract. Include a type (oak, maple, etc.) and a size at chest height (8", 24", etc.)
g. "Notes on the map and other documentation shall state that "All lots are subject to a maximum
35 percent impervious surfaced area; " Complies.
h. "Notes on the map and other documentation shall state that "Class A or B roofing is required for
buildings located on lots that are subject to wildfire as determined by the City Fire Marshall.""
This statement is included; however, the Fire Marshall has determined all lots are
subject to this requirement. The note should read: "All structures shall have Class A or
B roofing as specified in the Oregon State Structural Specialty Code."
I. "Notes on the maps and other documentation shall state that, "All buildings with a gross area in
excess of 1,500 square feet shall be constructed within 50 feet of an approved fire land or public
street. Fire apparatus access shall be provided 50 feet of the building. "" Complies.
;. "Notes on the map and other documentation shall state that "A wildfire defense plan for each lot,
approved by the Fire Marshal, will be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. ""
k. "Notes on the map and other documentation slU1ll provide cross references to the filed plat and
other documentation." Insufficient. Identify the specific restrictions for each lot, as
documented in the Geotech assessment. The geotech assessment contains a map of four
development areas on the site, with the initial lot layout. Update this diagram with the
current lot layout. The diagram should answer the questions: Which development area
is my Lot in? What are the foundation, drainage and stability considerations for
structures on my lot?
Suggested notes:
Development on each Lot shall conform to the recommendations contained in the
Geotechnical Assessment, dated August 13, 2007, and attached to this manual.
Lots in DA 1: Shallow footing foundations and slabs-on-grade are appropriate.
Installation of daylight basements may present difficulties with excavation. No
significant drainage issues are expected. .
Lots in DA 2: Shallow footing foundations and slabs-on-grade are appropriate. Daylight
basements can be constructed without difficulty. Some areas have shallow
groundwater. Provisions for drainage shall be installed at the up-slope and side-slope
sides of the foundation pad.
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Lots in DA 3: This area contains soils that are expectefl to swell and lose strength
significantly when subjected to wetness. Shallow foo\!I'g foundations and slabs-on-
grade are not appropriate. Foundations shall be constructed either as post-tensioned
concrete slabs, or on auger-cast piers with above-grade concrete beams. Significant
runoff or shallow groundwater discharge is expected. Provisions for drainage shall be
installed at the up-slope and side-slope sides of the foundation pad.
Lots in DA 4: Subsurface information shall be submitted with the building permit
application. This information shall include specific refommendations regarding
construction of foundation construction, slope stability and drainage issues.
"Condition 6: The Hillside Development Plan and Report shall be prepared for filing with the Final Plan
or the applicable portions of the report shall be incorporated into CGRs, as approved by the Director. The
individual plot plans shall be included in filed documents and a copy of individual plot plans shall be
attached to each deed upon initial transfer." Revise the Hillside Development Manual as described
in the comments for Condition 5.
Conditions from Tree Felling DRC2006-00006
Condition 1: The Vegetation and Revegetation Plan is missing.
Condition 2: Complied.
Condition 3: Complied.
"Condition 4: The Vegetation and Revegetation Report and CCRs ~hall be revised to prohibit fencing
within Preservation Easements and limit the use of fencing within Conservation Easements. Fences
within or around tree conservation easements shall be placed to avoid root dilmage, be non-site obscuring
and be constructed, coated or painted black to blend with existing vfgetation. Fences shall not extend
south of the tree conservation easement at north property line acros~ utility easement. Fences along the
north property line shall be in accordilnce with the fencing standilr~s of SDC Article 16. The applicable
portions of the tree preservation easements shall be included in deed restrictions and CCRs subject review
and approval by the City of Springfield." .
Article VI of the CCRs seems to indicate a Tree inventory and Preservation Plan will be
submitted with the building permit for each lot. This is not sbmething that can be deferred to
the building permit stage. The tree inventory will be reflectea on the individual Lot drawings
in the Hillside Development manual. Identify trees that must be preserved on each lot or tract.
Include a type (oak, maple, etc.) and the size at chest height (8", 24" , etc.)
Date Received:
Planner: SH
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