HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2011-2-14 www.ci.springfield.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Residential Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011-00141 IVR Number: 811179821215 Issued 02/14/2011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 02/14/2011 01/31/2011 225 Fifth 51 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permitcenter@cLspringfield,or,us EXPIRES: VALUE: 08/13/2011 $252,217 040 SITE ADDRESS: 3175 DOUGLAS DR, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSES OR'S PARCEL NO: 1802062109400 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SCOPE: Single Family Residence WORK INVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Residential Single family residence Phone Number: OWNER: ADDRESS: L&M INVESTMENTS LLC 826 MCKENZIE CREST DR SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Contractor Type General Contractor Mechanical Contractor Plumbing Contractor Electrical CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name DJS INVESTMENTS LLC SUNSET HEATING & AIR INC DON LEWIS PLUMBING SERVICE LLC BOB FISHER ELECTRIC INC Lie Type CCB CCB PLUMBING ELECTRICAL I Lic No Lic Exp Phone 131714 10/09/2012 541-485-2655 171706 08/18/2012 541-988-3181 20-142PB 07/01/2011 541-688-1931 20-352C 07/01/2011 541+689.7973 # of Un!ts: Occupancy Type Construction Type Occupancy Type Construction Type # of Bedrooms: Sprinkled Building: Fire Alarms: Energy Path: BUILDING INFORMATION I R-3 Type VB U Type VB # of Stories: Height of Structure: Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Hazmat: Gas Gas No 1 20 Forced Air Gas 3 No ,. No Path 1A Gas-fired furnace with min. AFUE of 90% Electrical Specialty Code Edition: Springfield Fire Code Edition: Mechanical Specialty Code Edition: Municipal' Development Code: Plumbing Specialty Code Edition: Residential Specialty Code Edition: Structural Specialty Code Edition: Lot Size: Sq H 1st Floor: Sq H 2nd Floor: Sq H Basement: Sq Ft Garage: Sq H Carport: Sq Ft Other: Occupancy Load: 2008 4776 1543 519 o 2008 2008 T f'1I . Site Informatiokl/low rules" dopted by the o~:es you. ~o ""':if Ion e t Th gon UtJlity 6~~;\952-00 1~~~1 ~ t~r~~~~~:~e9~~"~OO~~ " au may obtam copies of the I callmg the center. (Note: the tele r~;: by numbercfor the, Oregon Utility Notiffcatio~ enter IS 1-800-332-2344). Engineered FJ!I,;.. No Fill V<>'lt~nll~: I I EXPIRE IF THE WORK FIOOd\i~:~%[p~r:e~m SHtN,?" HIS PERMIT IS NOT Land H..\'G"rM~~~.:.EO UNf'NoR T ONEO FOR Retaining Wall:-NCEO ORNq, ABANO 1;dl\1I11IlC. . Soils Report Required: PE!NOQO '"' "l :~\! Uf-\l II' . Springfield Building Permit 2/14/2011 1 :50:21 PM Page 1 of6 .. www.cLspringfield.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 02/14/2011 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Residential Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011-00141 IVR Number: 811179821215 ISSUED: APPLIED: 02/14/2011 01/31/2011 225 Fifth St Springfreld,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 pennilcenter@cLspringfield,or,us EXPIRES: VALUE: 08/13/2011 $252,217.40 SITE ADDRESS: 3175 DOUGLAS DR, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1802062109400 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Frontyard Setback: 13 Interior Setback: 6 Sideyard Setback: 5 Rearyard Setback: 13.5 Solar Setback: 0 SCOPE: Single Family Residence WORK INVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Residential 2 Yes 43.5 20 REQUIRED PARKING Total: 2 Handicapped: Compact: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer: Storm Sewer Available: Speciallnstructon: Subdivision Accepted: Notes: Description R-3 1 & 2 family A-1 theaters with stage Springfield Building Permit Single family residence DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Reqd: Paved Drive Reqd: % of lot Coverage: Highest point on structure to north property line: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Valuation Description Tvee of Construction VB 1A Unit Amount Unit Tvoe 1,543.00 Sq Ft 519.00 Sq Ft 2f14f2011 1:50:21PM Sidewalk Type: DownspoutfDrains: I Unit Cost 96.83 198.09 Value 149,408.69 102,808.71 252,217.40 Page 2 of8 sr~.t~:il ~~ ~OREGON www.ci.springfie\d.or.us CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Residential Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011-00141 IVR Number: 811179821215 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permitcenter@ci.sprlngfield.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 02/14/2011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 02/14/2011 01/31/2011 EXPIRES: VALUE: 08/13/2011 ' $252,217 .40 SITE ADDRESS: 3175 DOUGLAS DR, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESOR'S.PARCEl NO: 1802062109400 SCOPE: Single Family Residence WORK INVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Single family residence FEES PAID ~ Description Amount Paid Ad~in fee ~~w5'~~plicable fee~l__w___W_" ~_._____~1D:~~__ G~.!,iping up ~o 4 outlets _~___~"w____"'_-!?~__, Resid.ential Fire 1,05 Per Sq Foot) $103.10 Ad~:ess Assj~nment, each new or change $38.00 Willamalane fees - Single family detached $3,409.00 One or Two Family Dwelling with Two Bath $374.00 'planning. Major Review - City $211.00 Furnace - up to 100,000 BTU $17.00 Range hood/other kitchen equipment $13.00 Flue vent for water heater or gas fireplace $9.00 Single-duct exhaust (bathrooms, toilet compartments, utili $36.00 First Appliance Fee $79.00 SOC: Reimbursement Cost - Storm Drainage $698.43 SDC: Improvement Cost - Storm Drainage $1,016.20 SDC: Reimbursement - Transportation SDC $497.07 SDC: Improvement - Transportation SDC $1,811.51 SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater $3,029.56 SDC: ~prov~~ Co~t - Local Wastewater $1,478.67 sac: Reimbursement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewah _~~7 SDC: Improvement Cost - MWMC Re.gional Wastewater ~ $1,333.57 SDC: ~omplian:.:"S;ost- MWMC Regional Wastewater ~I __._,.~_~.:.~~.,,_ SDC: Administrative Fee ~ MWMC Regional Wastewater ~ $10.00 SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee $364.69 sac: Total Transportation Administration Fee $135.29 Sidewalk up though 90 Feet $88.00 Curb Cut/Driveway 1 st Cut $88.00 Multiple Permit ai~count (Ma.x 2) $-30.00 Technology fee (5% of permit total) $102.52 Stat,:_of Oregon Surchar~_e:J]20/~ of applicable fees} $223_98 ~'E.~opy $0.75 Each additional copy $47.50 Structural Building ~.~!_~ee $1,331.46 Structural Plan Review Fee Residential $865.45 Total Amount Paid $17,523.66 Date Paid ReciDt # 02/14/2011 2011000280 .._---~-- 02/14/2011 2011000280 ".-..-...----...- 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 ----.- 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 .._-,--,_."...._.~,.,,-,._._"""-----,--,,_.._. 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 02/14/2011 2011000280 Springfield Building Permit 2/14/2011 1 :50:21 PM Page 3 ofB S..PRIN..G..FI.EL~ a~' i ~ ;:,tC\; OREGON www.ci.springfield.OLUS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BuiJding/ Residential Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011-00141 IVR Number: 811179821215 225 Fifth SI Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permitcenter@cl.springfield.or.us . PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 02/14/2011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 02/14/2011 01/31/2011 EXPIRES: VALUE: 08/13/2011 $252,217 .40 SITE ADDRESS: 3175 DOUGLAS DR, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1802062109400 SCOPE: Single Family Residence WORK INVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Single family residence Plan Review ~ Deoartment Received Due Date Comoleted Result Reviewer Initial Review 01/31/2011 01/31/2011 01/31/2011 Approved David Bowlsby --if';~ Planning Review 01/31/2011 01/31/2011 01/31/2011 Approved Tara Jones Public Works Review 01/31/2011 Comments: Entered by CJC ,.,:02101/2011 " Springfield Building Permit 2/14/2011 1:50:21PM Page 4 of6 www.cLspringfield.or.us CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Residential Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011-00141 IVR Number: 811179821215 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permitcenler@ci.springfield.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 02/14/2011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 02/14/2011 01/31/2011 EXPIRES: VALUE: 08/13/2011 $252,217.40 SITE ADDRESS: 3175 DOUGLAS DR, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1802062109400 SCOPE: Single Family Residence WORK INVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Single family residence - I INSPECTIONS REQUIRED I Inspections 1020 Zoning/setbacks 1090 Street Trees 1110 Footing 1118 Footing Drain 1120 Foundation Footing: After trenches are excavated. 1160 UFER Ground Foundation: After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. Ufer Electrical Ground: Install ground rod at footing and call for inspection in conjunction with footing and/or foundation inspection. 1220 Underfloor framing .1260 Framing Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved. 1370 Masonry Veneer 1410 Underfloor insulation 1420 Insulation Vapor Barrier 1430 Insulation Wall Wall Insulation: Prior to cover. 1440 Insulation Ceiling 1520 Interior Shearwall Ceiling Insulation: Prior to cover. Shear Wall Nailing: Before covering sheathing with finish materials. 1530 Exterior Shearwall 1540 Gypsum Board/Lath/Drywall Drywall: Prior to taping. Lath/Plaster: To be made after al/ lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior are in place, but prior to plastering. Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete. Underfloor Mechanical. Prior to insulation or decking and including required testing. Underfloor Gas: After line is installed and required testing and capped if not attached to an appliance. Gas Service: After line is installed and line has been connected to a minimum of one appliance including required testing. Presure test done at this point. Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover Final Gas: When all gas work is complete. Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. .-......... 1999 Final Building 2200 Underfloor Mechanical 2210 Underfloor Gas 2260 Gas Service 2300 Rough Mechanical 2995 Final Gas 2999 Final Mechanical 3130 Footing/Foundation Drains Springfield Building Permit 2/14/2011 1 :50:21 PM Page 5 of6 SPH.. IN GF. IE~ Al...~. j;clic7Ji' . (."1>+- %S-~,2,~~ F'?!';} ,,_""_ OREGON Ww.N .ci, springfield .or. U S CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Residential Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2011-00141 IVR Number: 811179821215 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541.726-3676 permitcenter@ci.springfield.or.us PROJEC'T STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 02/14/2011 ISSUED: APPLIED: 02/14/2011 01/31/2011 EXPIRES: VALUE: 08/13/2011 $252,217.40 SITE ADDRESS: 3175 DOUGLAS DR, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1802062109400 SCOPE: Single Family Residence WORK INVOLVED: New TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 3170 Underfloor Plumbing 3200 Sanitary Sewer 3315 Water line Single family residence Underfloor Plumbing: Prior to insulation or decking. Sanitary Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench and including req~ired testing. 3400 Storm Sewer Storm Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench. 3411 Perimeter Rain Drains 3500 Rough Plumbing 3999 Final Plumbing 4000 Temporary Power Service 4225 Service or Feeder Rough Plumbing: Prior to cover and including required testing, Final Plumbing: When all plumbing work is complete. 4500 Rough EI~ctrical 4999 Final EI~ctrical Rough Electric: Prior to Cover Final Elect}ic: When all electrical work is.complete. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and aU work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State or Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required'inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during os - ~ J. ~t-!-! ( Owner or Contractor Signature Date Springfield Building Permit 2/14/2011 1 :50:21 PM Page 6 of 6 Structural Permit Application .. _;". - ::,- I '-i:~.r \t Z3""J<>~\ ",~,..;.t,.,r~ ~-'lf'E..:W~ ":'''.~:'~';l.f "..~."i ~.,i1' ~, -c, _,-"':E.:. .C2!TY. PF~~~W<i'l\,I~r;fj"!',,(f!_RE90!~flt'I'J:\,';'. ':i{.,~r .~,; ~: _ . D~PARTMEthUSEOrill_Y . ~t2-z.o"-oO I Llf Permit no.: Date: /~ 31- II 225 Fifth Street. Springfield, OR 97477. PH(541)726-3753. FAX(54!)726-3689 This permit is issued uuder OAR 918-460-0030. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. Date: Date: DYes DNo Reference: Name: ZIP Fax: E-mail: This installation is being made on residential or farm property owned by me or a member afmy immediate family, and is exempt from licensing requirements under ORS 701.010. Sign here: -. CONTRAC;rQRii~STALL...'n9N"'""",:,_, Business name: 'b3~ ~U-egl!-{.Q1...ll"i Address: }"'~bo t\ttrR-V\.: -e. City: Phone: 9t ( E-mail: CCB license no.: Print name: ',.",... Signature: ~l~t;J~~':h~~~~$UE:i'~.G~Njt;M;~J;QRHN~.9RiVlt\fIJ~N~1~~fL~~Ti):~~~%;}' Name CCB License Number Phone Number Electrical Plumbing Mechanical ,.:" .:.~r~~~.:.j"!~';\:t:E:~~}i;fJr\F.~~(.S~H"~p,U~~;'?'~. ,~::' ;'"~'~:"1;~1!.~'.;' -": ;'>~,' j:J~'~I' :Jj~:?N,~)~~:ll~:r;{(Jlt~r.#t~J~9Ji}mKt~~~~*J:~~1~lf~~,~E\~~~i~~~~J~~;J\ii~:~~~;f~&Ji~.: oed (a) Job description: Occupancy Construction type: Square feet: Cost per square foot: Other information: Type of Heat: Energy Path: new 0 alteration (b) Foundation-only permit? Total valuation: '- S( ., S' D addition DYes $ zc:o ff'~;f~:~,Hijl~g'~f~~~~~iltft!~ll~:f~4~%~;~~~,~~~;~<I!t~~'iti~!}~j~t:~;~;i/:,if,~fL,i\.';~1 ,:',: (a) Permit fee (use valuation table): (b) Investigative fee (equal to [2a]): (c) Reinspection ($ per hour): (number of hours x fee per hour) $ $ $ (d) Enter ]2% surcharge (.]2 x [2a+2b+2c]): $ (e) Subtotal of fees above (2a tbrough 2d): $ ~~;j~I~n.r.:~j~w9f~s~~~l~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~1f~~ $7ZSZ (oj Plan review (65% x permit fee [2a]): (b) Fire and life safety (40% x permit fee [2a]): (c) Subtotal of fees above (3a and 3b): $ $ (a) Seismic fee, 1 % (.01 x penn it fee [2aJ): $ TOTAL fees and surcharges (2e+3c+4a): $ f!>o8 ~<;, c....- $O,dJ L c:::..-~\ fLu......J. '1 sttvUS J ff..e.,.a.-!--') ......vtv 2~ willamalane t"W Park and Recreation District Job. No. ,S /J- I '-{ ( PARK AND RECREATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET January 1-December 31, 2011 NAME;J\ ,.'-.. I AJ /) ADDRESS::2F~ 0 1!41/7lt/#o./Ja /.At!, CITY: EL.Itj- PHONE: 9:1. - S-I~--O STATE:~ ZIP: 1/) t.r d, LOCATION OF PROPOSED BUILDING SITE: Street Address: 'J 1'7:) 'J::HJl.A-$-1 ~I Plat Name: Aft TTl4?J7 fl'111>&Js. Tax Lot Number: /'ilJ; tJe. t./ /J<7rCJ{) 1. DEVELOPMENT TYPE (Refer to development type definitions on the reverse.) A. Single-Fa'milv Detached NO. OF UNITS J , B. Single-Familv Attached NO. OF UNITS C. ~..1u!ti-Fami!v Aoartment NO. OF UNITS D. Single Room Occupancy NO. OF UNITS E. Accessorv Dwelling Unit NO. OF UNITS X $3,409 per unit = X $3,404 per unit = X $2,800 per unit = X $1,400 per unit = X $1,705 per unit = 2. SDC CREDIT (If applicable. SDC payer must furnish proof of credit approval.) 3. TOTAL PARK AND RECREATION SDC ASSESSED , $ '3 C(o 7 $ $ $ $ ($ D $ 1:l.f () c; / I _1/ I /1 Date of building permit submittal d I~ II Date of building permit issuance ~S;.\INGFIELo. "'.~ . ..... "",. "'~\OR~GON TRANSACTION RECEIPT 811-SPR2011-00141 . 3175 DOUGLAS DR CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth 5t Springfield.OR 97477 541-726-3753 www.ci.springfield.or.us pennilcenter@ci.springfield,or.us RECEIPT NO: 2011000280 RECORD NO: 811-SPR2011-00141 DATE: 0211412011 [eES:C:RrP..II0Nl'!t'~;~~~J1J'~1::~",,~~Ilf~~;ifigc.co:LiNrr~coD~~~~.!:'~kl~AMO.UNm;D:UE~"~~~Z~~ Address Assignment, each new or change 224-00000-425602 38.00 Admin fee (10% of applicable fees) 224-00000-426605 10.31 Curb CuVDriveway 1 st CU! 201-00000-428060 88.00 ..._~~~dditional copy 224-00000-425602 .______ 47.50 .._Fi~.!IeEI.i.~.~.c:~_~e.!'.._..___...___._____.._____.__ ..._224-00000-425604 .___..________.79.00.__ __ _~ coPL.__________._____.________________ .~~~~000-4~~..Cl3___...________.__.________0?fj___..___ Flue vent for water heater or gas fireplace 224-00000-425604 .______..._._____.~c?.IJ___..___ Furnace - up to 100,000 BTU 224-00000-425604 ..___.2I..Cl~_______ Gas Piping up to 4 outlets 224-00000-425604 7.00 Multiple Permit Discount (Max 2) 201-00000-428060 -30.00 One or Two Family Dwelling with Two Bath 224-00000-425603 374.00 Planning - Major Review - City 100-00000-425002 211.00 ___~a".ge~".odlother kitchen equip~__ ____.3..24-00000-425604 13.00 __ Re~iden!i"l.l'2re_(..Clfj..f'~~ Sq F.".oL. 100-00000-424005 103.10 . _.SDC Adlr,-~~~!ve Fe,e - MWM~. Re9.~aste~pter S'p...s:~ 1-00000-~~f31l.4____ __ _____.__________~02-._______ SDC: Compliance Cost - MWMC _Re9.ional.vya.~~ter::;DC _444.:!lOOOO-4266Q!.. ___ ________----.--.----3..?,f3~------. SDC: Improvement - Transportation SOC _ 447:.?0000-448027 ________1,.~.12_2____..___ SDC: Improvement Cost - Local Wastewa~~________ 443-00000~480~~_.______.._.______1.:478.67_._.. SDC: Improvement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SOC' 445-00000-448025 1,333.57 SDC: Improvement Cost - Storm Drainage 440-00000-448028 1,01620 _.__."DC Reimb':!:;e~..'!~;Tran,:;po.rtation S~s:__.... ....._.. _,__.~~s.;.IJ.?.IJ~.8.IJ~~__~_ ',' .~._.__ _..,~'!!!2~ ,,____ SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater 442-00000-44802~ 3,029.56 SDC: Reimbursement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SOC 444-00000-448024 101.97 SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Storm Drainage 441-00000-448029 698.43 SOC: Total Sewer Administration Fee 719-00000-426604 364.69 __ __i3E~c_TI)~~Tra'2.s.P_l)rt~~-"_~~_m.,~istratil).".!~_". _,___.___,_.?2.~:~0000-426604_______________ 135.2~, ______ __i3idewal~.lJE:tI1-"ugh 90 Feet ?01:Q?000-4280~____~_____8!3,Q_L__. ____. Single-duct exhaust.(bathrooms, toilet compartments, utility roor 224-00000-425604 '. 36.00. ----~,._-~_. . --- ~~,-~-_._--..__.----.,'~...,....."~.._,-;.."'~-_._- State of Oregon Surcharge (12% of applicable fees) 821-0000Q-215004 _____.____....1.?3.98 _______ Structural Building Permit Fee 224-00000-425602 _.1 ,331.4~ - Structural Plan Review Fee Residential 224-00000-425602 865.45 Technology fee (5% of permit total) 100-00000-425605 102.52 Willamalane fees - Single family detached 821-00000-215023 3.,4Q9:0() TOTAL DUE: 17,523.66 ~A:'tMEl!![li!\YRE~XORl!l:cAsHlER11NMACHA06~~~~:~r9ffijiENifs~"1I~~1~~~~ll\!":MO~UllT~~i\'IO~m:,,*i"'~'j;~;tlj Check DJS INVESTMENTS LLC 17,523,66 6853 TOTAL PAID: 17 .523,66 GEN SRL /NE LINE OF SIDEWALK VIF ELEV. 100'± L_j 6 REF. ELEV. 100'± ui Q� 0lo II I A ` `A Af'MRON�Q Y MINIMUM SETBACKS — INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Lines -Front yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 fee -Side yard to House or Garage S feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 10 feet P.U.E. MAY CHANGE SETBACKS ST ESIA--n QIT—QUIRED. Please attached Development o de Section regarding the placement and types of allowable trees. REVIEWED fON COVE COMPLIANCE �6E: FEET 4776 SQ . FT . �6E (45b) 21 4c[ SO . FT. =R46E 2081 SQ . FT. ONE ENERGY GORE. ;ZA I N GONNEGTED TO STREET. TBAGK: TREET 9 NORTH PROPERTY LINE -EVATIONS BY OTHERS, FIELD VERIFY. A7ENTION: ©rt ^nt, law requires you._, :J fol,ow ries adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 9x2 -o31 - 009J. You may obtain copies of the rule s by calling the center. (Note: the telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is 1-800-332-2344). FAMILY RES I DENOE FOR: '. KA57 ICE: T DOY�IS °IS PERMIT SHALL. EXPIRE IF THE WOQT "RIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS N' DRI\/r, LOT 2 "'(,ED ORIS ABANDONED FOR )2 06 .LD, LANE COUNTY, ORE60N COPYRIGHT © 2010, A55XIATFD 0E516%, IMG., ALL RI6HT5 RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OF THIS DRAM W5) 15 PROHIBITED WTHOUr PRIOR WJTTEN PERMISSION. P W 11) 0(3 1 P LW Z9 —1 ° >» U_ to LU U) JLU � LW Z LU I.2 j:: o z }<<� t !� _VIt Q L°z �-�'�) ° lot 14 Y< Q V um �� amtag W � fig iI iz z-} O o x 0 � D � A550C I ATED i f DE516N5, INC. � � 1 ISI A5soclatedDe�igr�;,.com 1100 JAC055 DRIVE EUGENE, OREGON x -1402-1x83 (541) 461-2082 a FAX: (541) 461-1214 T ■ ■ ■ REV 51ON5: Q 03/07/08 0 Oa/10/10 Q Oq/17/10 R>=vl51ox o>=: 333-031 lip PROJECT: y� 333mO444 SHEET o� LJATE fttV.tlVE f ZONE (® LOAD Be'N.IT S) t j - THE � r� s _ 7 �� N REVIEif V WITH �° { � � ^ NCIL CiMNGEs ALT OR FXE E � a�lrel� L7RAYIttN F' ;' s l APV,- e LL BE APPROVCD SY PR'0j7CT THE BUIL N; CITY OF SPRING -FIC -LD, CRE:00N Af'MRON�Q Y MINIMUM SETBACKS — INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Lines -Front yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 fee -Side yard to House or Garage S feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 10 feet P.U.E. MAY CHANGE SETBACKS ST ESIA--n QIT—QUIRED. Please attached Development o de Section regarding the placement and types of allowable trees. REVIEWED fON COVE COMPLIANCE �6E: FEET 4776 SQ . FT . �6E (45b) 21 4c[ SO . FT. =R46E 2081 SQ . FT. ONE ENERGY GORE. ;ZA I N GONNEGTED TO STREET. TBAGK: TREET 9 NORTH PROPERTY LINE -EVATIONS BY OTHERS, FIELD VERIFY. A7ENTION: ©rt ^nt, law requires you._, :J fol,ow ries adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 9x2 -o31 - 009J. You may obtain copies of the rule s by calling the center. (Note: the telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is 1-800-332-2344). FAMILY RES I DENOE FOR: '. KA57 ICE: T DOY�IS °IS PERMIT SHALL. EXPIRE IF THE WOQT "RIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS N' DRI\/r, LOT 2 "'(,ED ORIS ABANDONED FOR )2 06 .LD, LANE COUNTY, ORE60N COPYRIGHT © 2010, A55XIATFD 0E516%, IMG., ALL RI6HT5 RESERVED. REPRODUCTION OF THIS DRAM W5) 15 PROHIBITED WTHOUr PRIOR WJTTEN PERMISSION. P W 11) 0(3 1 P LW Z9 —1 ° >» U_ to LU U) JLU � LW Z LU I.2 j:: o z }<<� t !� _VIt Q L°z �-�'�) ° lot 14 Y< Q V um �� amtag W � fig iI iz z-} O o x 0 � D � A550C I ATED i f DE516N5, INC. � � 1 ISI A5soclatedDe�igr�;,.com 1100 JAC055 DRIVE EUGENE, OREGON x -1402-1x83 (541) 461-2082 a FAX: (541) 461-1214 T ■ ■ ■ REV 51ON5: Q 03/07/08 0 Oa/10/10 Q Oq/17/10 R>=vl51ox o>=: 333-031 lip PROJECT: y� 333mO444 SHEET o�