HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2011-2-18 Electrieal Permit AJ!plication :.~~iffifi."~'...jm_'r.~,~.l~. '~,','~,'.i.I.~..".,"'Im.".c.',.'.:,r."~".i.:l',"'"~~!.:",.~_~.~.;=,_,il."~,it,t,(1f0..'~_'.",'," . ':~~\Oi;,.~ ._\\';,~,- ___~:.~A..~;,.v; ,~_ _~ ,~,.llo'_ _ ~ .~~"~_..~..~...~,_"~}".-,,,-.~~<~.~.:qr~.;~ ~,:",..':_"..:'_~",~-__'~.-'f''''~_~';'::;:ci,,,,.,-:-,,,,,,~''-i~-~'-,,,-_,_~_,:'~;::;";'_-___""'.e"',::~,"", -,' '. -. - - -;::;~ 115 Fifth Strft..Sprinlfield. OR 97477. PH(54I)726-J753. F A.'X(Stt )726-3689 ~ , ,DEPARTMENT-USE ONLY: ,,- "'", < ',' ,-",' Permit no~<220 \ \ - 'l. Date 2--I~- '20\.. \ q This permit is issued under OAR 9J8-309-0000. Permits arc nontranderable. Pennib expire if work is not started ",'ithin 180 days ofissuanu or if work is suspended for 180 days. . '>LOCAlGOVERNMENTA~~ROVAL . , - , ' , .' FEE 'SCHEDULE. -;' . '; '. '. " . . . , '..- Zoning approval verified? DYes DNo/- .' Cost Total N~nnbe~ ~rinS~c.ti~ns IK:.r-~~~~-~ ).. ~Qtf ' . ea. cost ,". : ,c. "CATEGORY OFCONSTRUCTIOIIV""C:.. ' . I 0 Government -1i11ConIDlercial Residential, per unit, sprvice included: o Residential JOB SITE INFORMATION ,AND LOCATION~, ,-:< Looo sq, fL orkss (4) $134.00 $ Job site address: I C eoO G -::::s\ Each additional 500 sq, fL or portion $ 25.00 $ thereof Citi; "1'i\l1 ~ ,yyJ, ~;Dd State{'W ZIP:Cf711'J-'" Limited energy (2) $ 32.00 $ Subdivi~on: 1 f'] i ",' ~f) . I Lot no,OA.l.oOT Each manufactured homc or modular $ 63.00 $ "DtSCRI~IONOF WORK, " " , dwel1ing service OJ feeder (2) '. " . '1).. V CJ-..l'U-- J j "17 ~/ o..c..-/ Services or feedf'rs: installation, alteratio1J, relocation SYllJ-.~ O'/Y\C ~\ 200 amps or less (2) $ 81.00 $ ',',."PR( rPERTY.' OWNER " ,',. "-," 20 t to 400 :unps (2) $ 95.00 $ Name:\,<\C'\.( r::.'>" ~ T, -','0 J..n ... -.;QE..J-.- 40 I to 600 amps (2) $158.00 $ Address: X. &- --::::::;l 60 I to 1.000 :unps (2) $205.00 $ . ~"~ ~~ no 0 ct SlatO/ ZIP:!l '-fTi Over 1,000 amps or volts (2) ~,OO $ Phone: r , ~ I Fax: - . Reconnect only (2) $ 63.00 $ E-mail: I Temporary ~rviCfS or feeders: installation, alteration, relocation This installation is being made on residential or farm property 200 amps OT less (2) $ 63.00 $ 0\':000 'by me or a member of nw immediate familv, This 201 to 400 amps (2) $ 87.00 S property' is nol intended for sale: exchange, lease, or rent. OAR 479.540(1) and 479.560(1). 401 to 600 amps (2) $126.00 $ Signature: Over 600 amps or 1,000 \'olts, see services or feeders section above CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION' :',". :. Branch circuits: new. alteration. e;xJension per panel Business name: \~f_ L.I Il - I. ; , -::-r~, 3. fee for bronch circuits with purcha<re of a service or feeder fee: Address: 2..1<51 '7H--,(). I " 1 Each branch circuit I $ 6.00 $ City: <' 7(Ortf I State: 0 V ZIP Q-7<J..11 b. Fee for branch circuits: without purchase of a service or feeder fee: Phone: ~l '::1"''=>- 1. ~'l Fax:'StH . i4~d ~S5 First branch circuil (2) / $ 55.00 $ <:S 5, i E,mail: ~p,(;l) ..}I< "'EI ~ ~.(..Ol'V) Each additional branch circuit $ 6.00 $ CC13 license no.: 4'5 I 2..'1 BCD license no.: 2.0'2..1,(.. Miscelbneous fpes: service or feeder not ;~cluded Signing supervisor's liCense no.: '-\-'il'~S i Each pump Of irrigation circle (2) S 63.00 $ Print ruune of signing supcrvisor:.,jn.l!u-D I J t..." If JI f\ r , Each sign or outline lighting (2) S 63.00 S Signature of signing supervisor: , - VI Signall.-ircuit or a limited-energy panel, S 63.00 alteration. or extension (2) S l.J ~~~ Each additional inspection: (I) $58.00 $ ~~~,\\ i,"', .'o',; '" " "APPLlCANT}USE ., / :..' ~ (A) Enter subtotal . ~es~ $ S'{. TTENTION: Oregon law requires you.IO !J: ~ (Minimum ~~SS8.(0) How rules adopted by the Oregon UtJlily (8) Entl.--r 12% surchargE"f.12 x (AD $ '7 ;,0 otitication Center. Those rUlle~:~ ~~~.tg~;~ ~ ~ (C) Technology Fee (5% of IAn $ (p. Cp OAR 952-001-0010 throug1 ' TOTAL fees and surcharges (A through C): $ (/'OJ >(/? 090. You may obtain COPI~S at the rules by au A to N in o calling the center, (Note. the tele~hone r tor the Oregon Utility Notltlcatlon 1l1\~-'C1j'h~e?~& 1_800,332-2344). NOTWE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Sp.R1NG FIE~ .~ ' .r/!JfJ . x'&: OREGON TRANSACTION RECEIPT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth 8t Springfield,OR 97477 541-726.3753 www.ci.springfield.or.us 811-SPR2011-00267 1460 G ST permitcenter@cLspringfield.or.us RECEIPT NO: 2011000314 RECORD NO: 811-SPR2011-00267 rDESCRIe.iION-~~>~:tEj''':,< VO$~;!<0+*:,.:~t~'Y3.~::~_>,'f..\_' '<; ~{'j:(C.b,O.ONt~c'c5[iE~:~~~>"'Z-'~~- Balance of Minimum Electrical Permit Fees 224-00000-426102 Branch circuits without service or feeder -1st circuit 224-00000A26102 State of Oregon Surcharge (12% of applicable fees) 821-00000-215004 Technology fee (5% of permit total) 100-00000-425605 TOTAL DUE: DATE: 02/18/2011 ""p , AMOUNtD(jE~.~-""~_:~!.J 3.00 55.00 6.96 2.90 67.86 l'.~;."."'-""" . ;.;':C,",-, P"':',': "'''''C '7{,:^--,~...,{,. -- . -'", - .0' ,,,,.,. ..':;t".,~,,_. ,_0-. ~'.,,*~0.' '""-"".: 'f;"'f __: _ - ."_ EJ1~Y-Ml'!'lJ:IYEE??"" :.RA YOR.~._,CASHIER: NMACHADO,:.' ":: '. Credit Card JK GUCKENBERGER ELECTRIC 005190 INC - C(jM-MEiHS.~ .::. _,'..' .. '-,~ '~ '" ;:.':";;All.illlNT ",AID-:.. ., 'c 67.86 ~J TOTAL PAID: 67.86