HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting Miscellaneous 9/16/2009 (2) -~ . ,. " I . AGENDA CHECKLIST AGENDA INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD OFFICE: ~ One Title Memo (See APM CH. I, Sec. 2) (Photo- copy of Agenda Checklist is acceptable) ~ Agenda Packet One OriginalIHard Copy plus One As-Complete-As-Possible copy e-mailed to Lane County Agenda Review mailbox ~ Material Due Due by 5 pm Wednesday preceding the week it will be approved for inclusion on the agenda. (Check Future Agenda for due dates.) . THIS ITEM WILL INVOLVE: DConsent Calendar DORDER/Resolution 1Zl0rdinance/Public Hearing Public Comment Anticipated? Account Code 3624 124 040 AGENDA TITLE: Ordinance No. -09 ) First Reading And Setting The Second Reading/Public Hearing In The Matter Of Amending Chapter 10 Of Lane Code To Adopt Amendments To The Springfield Development Regulations For Application To Urbanizable Lands Within The Springfield Urban Growth Area (LC 10.600-15) And Adopting Savings And Severability Clauses. (Applicant: City of Springfield) (Second Reading/Public Hearing September 16,2009) DEPARTMENT Public WorkslLand Management CONTACT presenter and EXT x3958 contact: Stephanie Schulz AGENDA DATE: 1St Reading August 26,2009 2nd Reading/Public Hearing September 16, 2009 DReport DAppointments DCommittee Reports DDiscussion & Action IZlDiscussion Only \.1Zl I st Reading D2nd Reading D3rd Reading DYes IZlNo Estimated Time 5 min. NOTE: DEPARTMENT MANAGER MUST SIGN OFF BEFORE SUBMITTING TO BOARD OFFICE Department Manager: Date LegalStaff-Reviewbv:'"t) I. ...._._-. Date 4--..c.'-='_~"~"'".'.- Management Staff- Review by: Human Resources- Review bv (if required): )' DYes DNo DYes DNo DYes 0 No File Note Attached? lnfonnation for Agenda Setting Committee Only? To be Distributed with Packets Date Received: t\-llo-lff Planner. 6 K-- :~~-\-~J.{.:j\ Date Date . . . " INDICATE OTHER DIVISIONSIDEPARTMENTS THAT REQUIRE COPIES OF APPROVED ORDER e WP calmilchecklstff e Date Received:~ Planner. Gt 1(,___ ..-oJ '! :~.; ;,- .;: ".; ..,:j:.;.i ,.tf~.~ e '-. -~-.~-- \I~.' " ~_...._.\ )._M:,:.\...~".j '11 ," J .- . . . ., . . Memo Date: August 10, 2009 First Reading Date: August 26, 2009 Second Reading/Public Hearing Date: September 16, 2009 TO: DEPARTMENT: PRESENTED BY: AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Board of County Commissioners Public Works, Land Management Division, Planning Department Stephanie Schulz, Planner Ordinance No. -09 /In The Matter Of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 To Adopt Amendments To The Springfield Development Regulations For Application To Urbanizable Lands Within The Springfield Urban Growth Area (LC 10.600-15) And Adopting Savings And Severability Clauses (Applicant: City of Springfield) I. MOTIONS: For AUQust 26. 2009: Move approval of the first reading and setting the second reading and public hearing on Ordinance No. _ -09 for September 16, 2009 at 1 :30 p.m. For September 16. 2009: Move approval of Ordinance No.!::L -09. II. ISSUE/PROBLEM: The Board is being asked to amend Lane Code Chapter 10 to adopt amendments to the Springfield Development Code (SDC) for application within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). III. A. DISCUSSION Background The following sections of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) have been amended by action of the Springfield City Council and are proposed for co-adoption by the Board: Chapter 3, Land Use Districts Chapter 4, Development Standards Chapter 5, Development Review Process and Applications Chapter 6, Definitions Tables in Chapters 4 and 5 Updates to align the Springfield Fire Code regulations in the Drinking Water Protection Plan Overlay District Appendix 3, Temporary Glenwood Riverfront Plan District Master Plan Standards B. Policy Issues The delivery of effective and efficient urban services by the cities within the urbanizable area of the Metro Plan is supported by the coordination agreement between the County and the metro cities. The applicable Comprehensive Plan policies are found in the Metro Plan, and are elaborated il') the F:indings, Exhibit B to the Ordinance. <'.._,.:_\......!~i.". ~_.:' '_ '.~;-. -',;.' .,'_.. Ordinance No. _-09 . Hearing: September 3, 2009 . J,;" Page 1 :;.:.;,,~I~pringfie~tR~vf!l~~de Update Planner.' l2r IL q:..,I.. -01 . . ., .' . Approval of this Ordinance adopting an amendment to LC Chapter 10 will ensure consistency with the updated land use regulations guiding development in the Springfield urbanizable area. Notice and Referral Notice of this proposed amendment was mailed to DLCD on October 7, 2008 by city of Springfield and on June 29, 2009 by Lane County. A legal ad was published twenty days prior to the hearing in the Register Guard, a newspaper of general circulation, on August 29, 2009. The Board held a first reading on the Ordinance on August 26, 2009, and held a public hearing on September 16, 2009. e Springfield conducted a public review process including two public hearings prior to the city adopting these amendments that include establishing a clearly defined Master Plan review process, addressing updated fire code regulations for the Drinking Water Protection Overlay district, and addressing development standards for the Glenwood Riverfront Plan District Master Plan, which has been co-adopted by the Board as a refinement plan to the Metro Plan, C. Board Goals Adoption of this ordinance after conducting a public hearing supports the following Lane County Strategic Goals adopted by the Board: . Provide opportunities for citizen participation in decision making, voting, volunteerism 'and civic and community involvement. . Contribute to appropriate community development in the areas of transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, housing, growth management and land _ development. ., D. Financial andlor Resource Considerations No direct financial or resource considerations apply to co adoption of the amendments to the Springfield development code by Lane County. Co-adoption of a consistent development code for the entire Springfield urbanizable area does eliminate duplication and greatly enhances the efficiency of development permit processing, leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction and more efficient provision of government services. E. Analysis The proposed amendments include updates for a clearly defined Master Plan Review Process in Glenwood, updated fire code regulations for application within the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District and scrivener's error corrections. .-\""'.- ....,' , . "'.: ...Ordinance No.~ ~ ,. -09 . ..._1._..,...... Hearing:':?epiember 3:,2009 :~, . J__ ~.~.1":> i The Master Plan review process is amended to now include separate and specific Preliminary and Final Master Plan application review processes (Section 5.13-100). A Preliminary Type II, rather than a Type III review procedure is established for smaller development proposals or those proposals which limit impacts on adjacent property and infrastructure. The applicant is now required to schedule a Pre- Submittal Meeting for Master Plan developments prior to formal application submittal, as already required for Site Plan and Land Division applications. Date Received: q, I ~-M Planner. (qf(, Springfield Development Code Update e Page 2 'J e e e .' . . Applications for development are now required to host a neighborhood meeting to inform the neighbors of the proposal prior to formal application submittal. The Master Plan Modification process is redefined. The Drinking Water Protection Overlay District regulations addressing the Springfield Fire Code regulations are updated (Section 3.3-200). Scrivener's errors that resulted from the SDC reformatting project adopted by Council and the Board in 2007 are corrected (various sections). Criteria: Lane Code 10.315-20 Zonings, rezoning's, and changes in the requirements of this chapter shall be enacted to achieve the general pUlpose of this chapter and shall not be contrary to the public interest. In addition, zonings and rezoning's shall be consistent with the specific purposes of the District classification proposed, applicable Comprffhensive Plan elements and components, and Statewide Planning Goals... Board co-adoption of this amendment will change the requirements of Chapter 10 and achieve the general purpose of this chapter for regulation of the urbanizable area between city limits and the urban growth boundary of Springfield. The applicable Comprehensive Plan for the SDC Amendments is the Metro Plan. Having consistent development regulations applicable to the urbanizable areas of Springfield provides consistent and clear development guidelines for property owners as land uses transition from rural to urban uses in the Metro Home City of Springfield. Lane Code 10.600-10 adopts these implementing regulations for application by Springfield on urbanizable lands, which is consistent with the Metro Plan and is not contrary to the public interest. Ordinance Exhibit 'B' includes findings of compliance with applicable statewide planning goals and the Metro Plan. IV. A. ACTION: Alternatives/Options . Option 1. Approve the Ordinance as presented. . Option 2. Revise the Ordinance as directed by the Board and return for a third reading and approval of the revised Order on a date certain set by the Board. . Option 3. Do not approve the Ordinance and deny the application. Direct staff to write and Order and findings to support the denial and return on a date certain for a third reading and action. B. Recommendation Staff recommends Option 1. Under Ordinance No: 16-86, Order No, 85-3-13-1, Article IV, Section 3. the legislative land:use authority. for the urbanizable portion of the Springfield UGB is exercised by the -....."".. w','.'_. J.. ,:: ... .. ""'_ .';..'<' J. ' . 'r'~ Springfield Planning Commission. Therefore, the City has submitted this application directlY-to the Board lbf 'Cbfiimissioners for co-adoption, with a positive recommendation from the Springfield Planning Commission and the Springfield City Council. Ordinance No. _-09 Hearing: September 3, 2009 Springfield Development Code Update Date Received:.-3-J t,-D'f Planner: ~ ,e-. Page 3 . . '< C. Timing/Implementation . Application of the amended SDC in the urbanizable area of Springfield is dependent on adoption by the Board. If not adopted, these amendments to the development code would not apply in the urbanizable area. Where the former SDC would remain in effect, having two different codes could be confusing and inefficient. There are no policy changes in this amendment, implementation will commence upon adoption. V. FOllOW-UP: Notice of Board action will be provided to the city of Springfield, DlCD, and all interested parties notified throughout the project. Adoption of the SDC Amendment (Option 1) will provide consistency of development regulations for properties on the land that lies outside the Springfield City Limits and within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, under County/City Metro Plan coordination agreements. Should the Board choose Option 2 or Option 3, an Order with findings setting forth the Board's amendments for adoption, or reasons for denial would be prepared and returned to the Board for a third reading and adoption on a date certain set after the hearing. . VI. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance No. - 09 Exhibit A: City Ordinance No. 6238 amending the Springfield Development Code Exhibit B: Findings . 2. legislative Format of Proposed Amendment including rationale for updates Date Recelved:~ Planner. q IL . Ordinance No. -09 -.Hearing:~September 3,'2009 "... Springfield Development Code Update '"H:H I' ~l,j.'~'. Page 4