HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 10/1/2008 P.O. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 :ff411{ {,l;!Jo~ (~IOV"-(PQWJO :1 (j ~ -t- /(lfb t10 ~eg~1345g985 Notice GUAI> PUBLISHING COMFfNY Legal Notice Advertising RE''''E-NFD ~J.a.. ..~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BRENDA JONES 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 # pI'.''- 0 1 2008 wi, ! FINANCE C"OU'd'-rc OA"-'-iJ-J ,~ /\ f....... !'.'. : ~'") I ; I t'\L.._t::. irmed to before me this '~~b~ h~ Notary Public of Oregon J{"~'otI~of-Pi~;;~~~ f, 1~~~~~~1:n~~:.=,,:~~~:' '-',..'Spnngfield pfanning' J.~Chamberson Momtay' November ~..-- _' CommIsSion and ~.' 1 {17,"2~'at 7:~O p.m. at the same ",' Spl1ngfleldCityCouncil -,1-. f~Cll~n. .The..C1ty~Co_uncil, wllf '~NOTICEIS HEREBY (iIVEN that. !ats:g',; -hold .'Ia' "worIC"'ses$Jon . the' 5Pringfleld ,Plannm~ ~mm~; !regafdingi~,th~ ,prDp~" 'SDC . sian and Springfierdcity CounCIl :~ndments...,:on. -.. Monday wi!1 .,'~_~uct ;5epai'ate public" -NOl!ember ~,1.'2008(in)hezJesse' hearings on the followIng: "':{.' MaJne-Room:at,6:00,p.m,'ln'CIty ..~. AnlendmentS. to::.u.e: _'Spnng.'." ~all;',.':;..<r. ;,;,; ,~-: '';'" -Y:;';' ~' field Development Code: 1) Chap- . r A. copy: Of . the c staff : noteS' for ~r.,5DevelopmentRevil!W Pro-' .~:'pfO~:~Il,~e: availafJle for cess,~and' App!!.ciitio_!lS: ~~Section" '.'~"lng or, purchaSe on,TIl~ay, 5.13-100-MasterPlans'to1amend :september'- 3D, 2008f.fOrl the th!l_revi~:process; 2Hhapter,] Plannlng,x"_;,~mmission', ,'jand Land", Use <, Districts --:"'.. SectIon' M!1nd~y,. Nov~mber 10. ~ 2008 'for 3J-200.iDrlnklng Water',;Ptotec. .~ City'Co.uncll 'in:-the:iDeVel~ tion-lOve:~,aY.District to, Ineorpo- ,:,,~e~ SeMCl!S De~artrnent, 225" !'il.!e dJail~es>toJ!leAre Code; IIUl Street, "Spnngfield:'c'OA and]) vanous Chapters'and indi- 974n.'\",You may also;"vJew' this vJdnaJ~,~Secti.ons .do./correct proposal at 1the.,.Development Saive~r's".e,,",rs-..tha't" Wm ser.:tces '. ,,1'!Veb~' ,"-Site. l':at foundl~after. adoption':of' Ordi. ~:/!www.cl.sprlngfreld.or.Usld ;nance 6206, effective on septem-~..,,:liIJI~in!ll,in~ex.htrn:_r' 'ber 17, 2007; which'-retonmi.tted ,Anyone:W1Shmg- to te:stffy, on i the ",J! Springfleld.:r Developmeirt this matter at .the, publi~_ hearings ,Code..,includJng:._C~ter ,3, LaI1d ,~y "dl?c, so by. appearing, at -the luSe~ Districts)';: Section ].2"210 ' time '. and place, Identified - earlier Sch~ule of .~~Cate9ories;Sec- ,In t!1IS not!ce and -providing 'oral, tion_l.2-21S,Base lcone:De~ it~mony,,__or. .by...subroitting ItIt!nt~Standaids. Section-'ll.'2]S .~n 'correspondence to the A!!.sI_~el'!~aJ'~anufactUred,OWeII- !~-I of Springfle-'.d.;C/o 'the iings;~,5ection;3.2-44D_CrDlstrlct _"".eop~nt. . "-.(Services ConcePtUal)~De';e1oPineirt. Plans !Department,'::-22S .;'Afth. Street, andMasterPlans,'Sectjon3.2-c610 ~SpljngfJeld,:9A'?_74n) 'The City Schedule 'ofUse' Categories.; Sec- nnust re~1ve aU written materials tlor'-.' ].2- 715! Base r zone I DeveloP. 'no I~te!. tha~ '5:00 p.m. on the men.t,.Standards,'Sectfon ]J-815 ~mng:of~fther ~anng. .,The Sche(JuJe'ofUseCat~.wtren ~ity,..~f. Spnn9fi_eld acceplsJ.u ,there.iis~ail~Underlying-"Aeslden" ~<:l!:maJl",c~ondenceJaS ( tiaI._,(~ommerciiil;~;or.~lndustrial deadml.ony, suble~'jto the'same DisttIct/'Section'"lJ-:82S ~Addi- Ines Fas ...\..conventlorial IU. onal:P rOVisions,-:Sectf. on. 3..J-gI0 correspon dence:l',.'.c.,.LIo:itWritten Applicability;: Chapter j4, OeYeI. cosh' mml el'!ts ,.and ~oral .:testlmony QpmentlStanaaros'-~-Table'4.''''F OU,d ,,"be'idlrected.1to, 'the [Seeti..on" ,..4J~110'.l1StOrinwate:' '::IO~1Ig lC~e~i'~nd.ment Manage.menti~ect.ion 4.77105 Ac- is "teril1a5,~lf~~~er~s",~n icessofY._I'~~.structures,~ISectlon .~ '\)UJ "'. "Jbe:'1SpnnglleJd r.-t7.~I~O D!ipl~xes,.Sectfon,4.7~190' ~lcoonfP!flent ~~~:~1~ - t4Jil . PrOf~on~ ,Offices;~Ctlapter 5: -'(,-":';-.,, orm~,withthe, '-' DeVelopment ReView Proci!Ss'a'Od ". "llVletro Plan;}~~,~~1 .l..:O.... 'Aopll~!irins..l~/iSection '5.17120 _ ~;,Co~o~ce-.~ith _:fl,_,.~t.' P~p_evelopm.enrMeetlngs;'Sei:. 'i~~; ilppll.~bJe S~te.S~~;" t1on~SJ~1l5' 'AppealS~'of:-the 1!1t~!l.'~" -',' . ~-t'{l"';\, . .Oirector'sjor, :_Heanng",lOffl clal's. l~J.:ieom orman_ ceilP,' Iicable, "", .Type,IIDecision. Section 5.14-110 ;,.,~"t~~~~~ng Goals "~.. Review/: Sef;tic'-a " ?:lS,110 :;Tlni~' , I f- ": <\flU .....~....-.. ..u~e RI!J.eS. ~~,', ;. .Unes.,..and.i.Conditions,.:,5ectlon- y'lfTY~c,ha~ _anyquesti~ns or'" Isa6-11ots_ectioo - 5.2G-:: 120 _ SUb-~~ .~.-'f'_idditional~' !Information. ' Imfttiil:.R, eqUiremems." l,l.o'5.2~I40_- C1i1l!aSii-"I'calI '~or.'l[>',visit.Uthe.:\ Zon!ng,of"Vacatei:Ulght-Of"Way; :~~ment.... .......,Servlces ChaPter"i!Deflnttlons~-;'Down-' .........HlIIent, ~225~ Fifth,fSl1eet, . itoVinlEXception '-~~Ji'nCldental.. Sprlngfield,OA:974n;ltelephone, l~uipment,_and ,Partit!onPlat; (54;1) n6-1759,~, Inqulries_ should, :ill:Id'AppendiX'] allowing the 'cur- ~ 5eIlt to Gary'M..Karp!'5aIIor '. rentlMastef'PIan Irl!gufatiolis ,_to -'1l ~~I!"~ ~:-:.4 ",pwr.;rr:Jh!..:J\." " ,apply,totheGlenwoodRiverfront ,\-. ."-.. '-"~t..'f '4':_. ...t' " September 29 2008' PI,anDistrict uirtll'IhaII'I~'OIs- N!'-'-I'!""'-5e'te~!,!!29,2DD8 J ,_~ct.I~}u~'lende~.,.ulfrA'I~f,t-l ' ~. ,me t;~p~ngfJe!~'~'I:P1annlng ! ~ommisslon:, wlll.condu-ct the . _~~~~~~~l::~~~~~o;t.~=' amendmentsh~,on'}-. Ttiesday, Oct.o~~r~.7i'~~~8,' at_:.7.:oo p.IT9n the^-"CounclI."Chainbers--' of Sprin9fleld '.;: citYI"' Hall;'~ 225 ~ Fifth Sb'eet, Springfield OA 914?1.;Tbe ~ity_COilll~i1,wll! ~~uct'a p!,~,~c AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss. I, Kelly Gant , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive Day(s) in the following issues: September 29, 2008 Date Received' Planner: GK ' /0 OJ oS / My commission expires: July 24, 2010 Account #: INVOICE Case: Amt Due: 1000218 3459985 September 29, 2008 $294.52 OFRctAL SEAL BABS FORD NOTARY PUBUC-OAEGON COMMISSION NO. 407232 MY CllMMlSSION EXPIRES JULY 24, 201 0 ~ Vi'