HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 11/12/2008 . . 11/07 Section 5.13-100 Master Plans ~ ~ i Deleted: 100 Master Subsections: 5.13-105 Puroose 5.13-110 Applicability 5.13-115 Preliminary Master Plan - Review 5.13-116 Preliminary Master Plan -Application Concurrency 5.13-117 Preliminary Master Plan - Neiqhborhood Meetinq 5.13-120 Preliminary Master Plan - Submittal Requirements 5.13-125 Preliminary Master Plan - Criteria 5.13-130 Preliminary Master Plan - Conditions 5.13-131 Final Master Plan - Review 5.13-132 Final Master Plan - Submittal Requirements 5.13.133 Final Master Plan - Criteria. Recordation and Effective Date 5.13-134 Final Master Plan - Phasinq Implementation 5.13.135 Final Master Plan - Modifications 5.13-140 Final Master Plan - Assurance to the Applicant and City Disclaimen;; 15.13-105 Puroose Commentary. The "definition" of a Master ptan is ctearer- the specific purpose is to allow phasing of development over time. A. A Master Plan allows phasinq the development of a specific property over several vears. Commentary. The current purpose slatements are revised to give them more substance. B. The purpose of a Master Plan is to: k.Qmme:ntar.v. Ine rexr:-/ame scale WHs.nelerf)(1..{~'arrflt act Ita e t e review 0 mu tlevelo ed for more than 3 i ,- se eve 0 ments t at are eSlre to ears and ensure that individual hases will b r nth F.in I Ma 2. Ensure that a full ranqe of public facilities and services are available or will be provided for the proposed phased development and to plan the extension of necessary public infrastructure in a timelv and efficient manner: ~bmm:n~~' ~e te?stalWsna(J~ was ch8i.faecf.ta.::UeteullijJ&:$ ",:;,ncL;JillRTfSllles.' ra nIJar to .. Satr a. Deterrrllne soeclflC Ian a uses. a ranae of mInimum to maxImum SQuare oota e of non-residential uses and a ran e of minimum to maximu ensities of residential uses the arran ement I use an location 0 ubli filii r Date Received: II /2 0 g Planner: GK . . tommentarv.....:llle~.xt:.wR~ fP.~e.r1:m rte1rDA ~fmnar.l"<:;, :(SatrP.III en I lie Incremen a an cumu a Ive im acts Inc U In not Iml e o noise shad in lare utilit ca aci and traffic raise duri e re f the ro osed develo ment and consider alternativ s miti atin hese im acts to affected ro e ies and ublic facilities 5. Provide the propertv owner an opportunitv for the concurrent review of discretionarv land use decisions: and 6. Provide the propertv owner with the assurance needed over the lono term to plan for and execute the proposed development. 15.13-110 Applicability Commentary. The current SDC Master Plan review process implies there is a two-slep process, bul is not specific. The proposed review process is formalized inlo two distinct steps - Ihe Preliminary Masler Plan and the Final Master Plan. A. Approval of a Master Plan is a two-step process that includes Preliminarv Master Plan Approval and Final Master Plan Approval. This process applies when the followina criteria are met: 1. The propertv is under sinole ownership: or if the propertv has multiple owners. all owners of record consent in writino to the Master Plan review process: and Commentary. There is no change 10 the current 5 acre minimum, except that there may be situations where a person owns less than 5 acres and desires more time to develOp than is currently allowed by the Site Plan Review process, which is 2 years, with up to a one year extension. There is no change to the current maximum allowable time line of 7 years, unless an extension is requested and granted as discussed in Section 5.13-135. 2 The propertv is 5 acres or oreater and the applicant desires development to be phased over a period not to exceed 7 vears. EXCEPTION: The Director mav allow an exception to the 5 acre minimum. if the aoplicant reauests ohasina for more than 3 Years. Commentary. Originally, Ihe Master Plan process was adopted in Ihe 1980's 10 apply to MounlainGate, a residential development. Most recenl Masler Plan applications have involved either commercial or commerciallresidential mixed use. Subsection B. lisls proposed development options that may occur in a number of zones or mix of zones. B. A Master Plan mav include public. commercial. industrial or residential development. or anv combination thereof. Comment [MSomcel]: Is it possible to identifY an "impact threshold" wherein mitigation should be considered? Comment [MSOfflce2]: I assmne this means that during the review process, that stalT comments and/or conditions of approval would require the applicant to identify and discuss possible mitigations? 2 Date Received: If) 2 0 'li Planner: GK . . I 5.13-115 Preliminary Master Plan - Review Commentary. There is a change proposed for the level of review for a Preliminary Master Plan. Currently, a Type 11/ procedure (Planning Commission review) is required for all Master Plan applications. A Type /I procedure is proposed because the intent of the Master Plan process is similar to a Site plan application, which is a Type /I review. The difference between the two applications is that Site Plan approval is good for 2 years and the Master Plan approval is good for 7 years and the Site Plan Review application requires more specific information. A. The Preliminary Master Plan shall be reviewed under Tyoe II orocedure, EXCEPTIONS: The Preliminary Master Plan shall be reviewed under Tyoe III brocedure if:.. u... u.....u... u........... u..... u...... u.._ 1. The Director determines that the oroposed develooment is: Comment [MSOffice3]: i suppose the Type II \'5. Type III processing will come out during the Pre-Application Reponprocess? a. Comole. andlor b. May have ootential imoacts on oublic facilities, includinQ, but not limited to availability and caoacity, andlor other orooerties, includinQ, but not limited to noise, and traffic: andlor 2. The aoolicant chooses to submit concurrent Tyoe III orocedure aoolications as may be oermitted in SDC 5.13'116.8. B. Prior to the submittal of a Preliminary Master Plan aoolication: Commentary. The "Pre.Application RepoTt" process is currently used to allow the applicant to ask staff an unlimited number of questions regarding the proposed development. No change is proposed regarding the use of this process. 1. A Pre-Aoolication Reoor! aoolication, as soecified in Section 5.1-120.8.. is required orior to the formal submittal of the Preliminary Master Plan aoolication, Commentary. A Master Plan is a complex application. Requiring the Pre.Submittal Meeting application will allow staff to evaluate the Preliminary Master Plan application for completeness, orior to formal submittal by the applicant and the staTt of the State. mandated 12()'day review time line. 2. A Pre.Submittal MeetinQ aoolication, as soecified in Section 5.1-120.C.. is required orior to the formal submittal of the Preliminary Master Plan aoolication. I 5.13-116 Preliminary Master Plan - Aoolication Concurrencv Commentary. Currently, there is no prohibition on concurrent Metro Plan diagram and/or text amendment applications. but past City practice has been that any required Metro Plan diagram and/or text amendment application was approved orior to the 3 Date Received: J I J 2 0 'd Planner: GK . . submittal of the Preliminary Master Plan application. The text in Subsection A., below continues this past practice. A. If the aoolicant reauires or oroooses to chanae the Metro Plan diaaram andlar text. the aoolicant shall aoolv for and obtain aooraval of a Metro Plan diaaram andlor text amendment orior to the submittal of the Preliminary Master Plan aoolication. The Metro Plan diaaram andlor text amendment may also reauire amendment of an aoolicable refinement olan diaaram or Plan District MaD. B. The Preliminary Master Plan may be reviewed concurrenijy with other Tvoe III aoolications Includina a Zonina MaD amendment. Discretionary Use. Maior Variance. or a Willamette Greenwav develooment aoolication. Commentary. Currently. SDC Section 5. 13-105C. states: "The Planning Commission shall approve the Master Plan prior to City approval of a related Subdivision or Site Plan application...." This language now specifical'J::fers to the "Final" Master Plan. There is no change to the intent of this requirementJ:...l text ~R.nnmv:fl ~ n,;:mtp.rf. ':wac;: r:11:maelJ m ':,annmVEf IS. errecnvetsaffeJJ o r VI e tea ortunl or ea CI Izen Inva vement In e as er an re Jew rocess he a licant shall rovide notice and invite citizen artici ation b initiatin ei hborhood Meetin Th mee in shall be scheduled after recei t of sta s res ons he Pre-A lie ion Re rta lieation r uir in ubseetion 5.13-1178.1. and riort he formal submittal of a Prelimina Master Plan a Iication. The meetin is not 'ntende o roduce com lete consensus on all a Ilcations. It is intended to encoura e a Iiean o be ood nei hbors. The a licant shall be res onsible for schedulin and or ani in th eetin arran in the meetin lace notice and all related costs. Ci staff will atte ei hborhood meetin in an adviso ca a it to answer uestions. The notice shal rovide a brief eseri tio of e ro osal and shall be mailed to those ro e owner nd residents within 300 feet of the ro osed develo ment. The meetin ma be held i n ublie or rtvate build in ca able of accommodatin the roceedin The buildin elected should be in the vieinit of e ro osed develo ment. The a lieant sh summa of the uestions raised n res nses made at this meet;n wi Preliminarv_Master.P.lan. aoolication as reauired in Subsection 5.13-120N'l 4 Date Received: J I (1 0 g Planner: GK . . I 5.13-120 Preliminary Master Plan - Submittal Reauirements The Prelimina and Final Master Plan a lications shall be re ared b a Desi n Team com rised at a minimum of a Planner Architect iv'l E and Landsca e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Architect, The aoolicant shall select a oroiect coordinator. All related maDs. excludina vicinitv and detail maDs. shall be at the same scale. A Preliminarv Master Plan shall contain all of the elements necessary to demonstrate comoliance with the aoolicable orovisions of this Code and shall include. but not be limited to: A. General Submittal Reauirements. The aoolicant shall submit aPrehmtnarv Maste"PlanthaliliCliRlesall aooliC:ai5lEielememts'descnbea1lelow and a narrative aenerallv describina the ouroose and ooerational characteristics of the orooosed develoomenl. The narrative shall include: Com nt[MS~e4]: How about "Certified Planner'( 'There are a lot of folks (archilects, en ". en. landscape architect) who cal mselves ~planners~ cnme 1. The existina Metro Plan desianation and zonina. Where the orooosed Master Plan site is within an overlay district. Plan District or Refinement Plan the aoolicable additional standards shall also be addressed: CQrnmentarv. f~~e Pfev/ous~~~se~:~7 2. was..r1Q"/QfQrL.::lll(J.f11A..mma7nrna ."'LfCls:ar..rrnn'l ~/ B rA!llJmhp. is ~ 2. The rQCalia" and oroDosed number of residential units and/or sauare footaae of commercial. industrial and/or oublic uses: 3. The densitv or intensitv of orooosed uses. includina aoolicable Floor Area Ratios (FARs): and 4. The aoolicant shall attach: l'o~menta~--:- Of ne prev:ous ~z.rfr:mer:-.."iteCRl}r.R Wf:l~ r.1J;ma8n III ,'-;lmSRCTm/lS a. ana"DI ~ 300 fe2!~~~tre/Farrmato!J a. A maD deoictina existina zonina and land uses within 300 feet of the orooosed Master Plan boundary: b. A Vicinitv MaD drawn to scale deoictina existina bus stoos. streets. driveways. oedestrian connections. fire hydrants and other transoorlationlfire access issues within 300 feet of the orooosed Master Plan site: and C. A leaal descriotion of the orooertv within the orooosed Master Plan boundary. 5 Date Received: II /2 00 Planner: GK . . ~~mmen:::-~' ~r:HUs...SllDse.cnnn 'b" .was..cJ~llm::W:an(j:lIle remammaSuD.c;eCllOn!f . J r.effimm eri a B. A Site Assessment of the entire orooosed Master Plan site that oreciselv maDs and delineates the existina conditions on the site. Prooosed modifications to ohvsical features shall be clearlv indicated. Information reauired for adiacent orooerties may be aeneralized to show the connections to ohvsical features. A Site Assessment shall contain the followina information, as aoolicable: 1. A full size maD deoictina the orooosed Master Plan boundarv tOaether with existina lot/Darcel lines: 2. The 1 OO-vear floodolain and floodwav boundaries on the orooosed Master Plan site. as soecified in the latest adooted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate MaDs or FEMA aooroved Letter of MaD Amendment or Letter of MaD Revision: 3. The Time of Travel Zones. as soecified in Section 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas MaD on file in the Develooment Services Deoartment; 4. Phvsical features includina, but not limited to sianificant clusters of trees and shrubs. wetlands as soecified in Section 4.3-117. rock outcroooinas and watercourses shown on the Water Ouality Limited Watercourse (INLOw) MaD and their rioarian areas on file in the Develooment Services Deoartment. In the latter case. the name. location. dimensions. direction of flow and too of bank shall be deoicted. If the oroDOsed Master Plan site is located within 150 feet of the too of bank of any WOLW or within 100 feet of the too of bank of any WOLW direct tributarv. a Rioarian Area Protection Reoort is reauired: ommen e 0 J 9 e was que one lIns a e SOl s an r Ig wale: ble per Satre. Staff did not change - this language is found in current Sections 5. 70F. 7,(Site Plan submittal requirements) 8nd5. 17-1251.10 (Land Division subl i a 'equirements). Thi Ian ua h 5. Soil tyoes and water table information as maDDed and soecified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical reoort ore oared bv a licensed Geotechnical Enaineer shall be submitted concurrentlv if the Soils Survey indicates the orooosed Master Plan site has unstable soils andlor a hiah water table: and 6. Existina elevations and contours. 6 Date Received: II f 2 0 ~ Planner: GK . . ~. rne.ToJlowmo:.rexc was reV/sea: Till ffiresJ101dSlcontouc../ntBIJIa/::::.nel I C. ra In an W Ie In u es: eXls In an ro ose e evatlons an contou here 2 or more feet of fill or radin is antlci ated for ortions of or the entir ro sed Master Plan site. On hillsides the Ian shall show d sites and thel elations hi to the ublic rl ht-of-wa with exi tin contours at 1-foot interva n . ercent of slo e. In areas where the ercen f D. A Stormwater Manaaement Plan diaaram which includes the stormwater manaaement svstem for the entire proposed Master Plan site and anv impacts on adiacent properties. The plan shall contain the followina components: 1. Roof drainaae patterns and discharae locations; 2. Pervious and impervious area drainaae patterns: 3. The size and location of stormwater manaaement svstems components. inciudina but not limited to: drain lines. catch basins. drv wells andlor detention ponds: stormwater aualitv measures: and natural drainaaewavs to be retained andlor modified: 4. Existina and proposed elevations. site arades and contours; and 5. A stormwater manaaement svstem plan with supportina calculations and documentation as specified in Section 4.3-110 shall be submitted supportina the proposed svstem. The plan. calculations and documentation shall be consistent with the Enaineerina Desian Standards and Procedures Manual. E. A Wastewater Manaaement Plan with maps and a narrative depictina the location and size of existina and proposed wastewater facilities with supportina calculations and documentation consistent with the Enaineerina Desian Standards and Procedures Manual. Fomme ta . Satre . w t e ro 0 e des/" 0 llOll F. A Utilities Plan with maps and a narrative depictina the location and size of existina and proposed water. electrical. Qas and telephone service: and the location of existina and reauired traffic control devices. fire hvdrants. street liahts. power poles. transformers. neiahborhood mailbax units and similar public facilities. C""'" A Landscape Plari with maps and a narrative illustratina propased landscapina for: the entire proposed Master Plan site. includina. but nat limited to: where existina veaetation is proposed for preservation. especiallv riparian and wetland areas ~ G. a Sill? (tCol f~ 7 , , , , , , , , , Comment [MSOffice5]: Earlier edition used the word"conceptual". I think that is morc appropriate. If not, can Ihe level of del ail be defined here? In other words, for example. imagine generating a landscape plan for a 100- acre site. Whal would thaI entail? Down to species, sizes and quantities? How about landscape zones with parameters (perfonnance Characteristics) of each zone indentified? [See Eugene - L-I, L. 2, L-3, L-4.] Date Received' II /2 ae> Planner: GK . . . and trees: installation of veoetative bufferino: street trees: oeneral landscapino: and a percentaoe ranoe for the total amount of re~uired open space. broken down bv the Ivpe of open space. public and private. as applicable. ommentiry. 1e nee ran overe an 8n w et ler or no Ie I ectu Ian should be made conceptllal has been addressed in Subsection A. above. Th eed for the level detail required at the Preliminary master Plan level is disc liS sed in t ommentary at the beginmng of this Section re Satre/Farrington. Note: The "il/lIstrati xamples '. ;s not intended to bind the developer into a rigid design plan that canna odified or would require many modifications The intent is to give the reviewer a xample of how the buil/ development may comply With existing design standards. erm "building mass" has been added as Ian ma be I 'fi d Sa/re/Farrin Ion CbM/'- An Architectural Plan with maps. includino buildino elevations and proposed buildino locations utilizino illustrative examples of applicable sac desion standards. buildino heiohts. FiiJilOiiiCi'iiiaS9 and buildino materials: and a narrative providino sufficient information to describe proposed architectural slvles. c!:l ~ Commen ry. e nee or a par ng p n an iscussed in the com men la e S bsectio H. ror e eve t' E e ail reqUIre I. A Parkino Plan and Parkino Studv. 1. A Parkino Plan shall be submitted for all proposed development and shall contain the followino information: a. The location. dimensions and number of proposed parkino soaces: b. On-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation: c. Access to streets. allevs and properties to be served. includino the location and dimensions of e.istino and proposed drivewavs and anv e.istino drivewavs proposed to be closed: (. Jf on e aca fon and num r J;I. The location of and number.....:,f .orooosed bicvae soacesl e. The amount of oross floor area applicable to the parkino re~uirements for the proposed use: and f. The location and dimensions of off-streetloadino areas. if any. tomm_enta[Y.. f fie text "i[ne.r;essarv.::....was..adt1ea:.{~ctmatonl~ 8 Date Received: /1 l:l oS Planner: GK . . 2. A Parkina Study. for other than sinale familv developments. with maps and a narrative depictina proiected parkina impacts. includina. but nat limited to: proiected peak parkina demand: an analvsis of peak demand compared to. or use of. the proposed on-site and oft-site supplv: potential im acts to the on-street arkin s stem and ad'acentland uses' and ro ased miti atien measures necessa U. An On-site Li~htina Plan depictinQ the location ana maximum h\!iahtJlW "rooosed exterior liaht fixtures. both free standina and attached! K. A Public Riaht-of-Wav/EasemenUPublic Place Map depictina the reservation. dedication. or use of the proposed Master Plan site for public purposes. includina. but not limited to: riahts-of-wav showina the name and location of all existina and proposed public and private streets within or on the boundary of the proposed Master Plan site. the riaht-of-wav and pavina dimensions. and the ownership and maintenance status. if applicable. and the location. width and construction material of all existina and proposed sidewalks: pedestrian access ways and trails: oroDosed easements: existina easements: oarks: ooen soaces. includina olazas: transit facilities: and school sites. I,;_ommentarv -17J9 lAx["was reV/sea ro aelele"events" r.e l:"iJrnootOifl L. A Traffic Impact Study. as specified in Section 4.2-1 05.A.4. the scope of which may be established bv the Public Works Director. The Traffic Impact Study shall contain ma s and a narrative de ictin ro'ected trans ortation im acts includin but not limited to: h ex ected number of veii1c Fieneratedbv the DroDosec development (o.eak and dailv)! an analvsis of the impact of vehicle trips on the adiacent street system: and proposed mitiaation measures to limit any proiected neaative impacts. Mitiaation measures may include improvements to the street system itself or specific proarams and strateaies to reduce traffic impacts such as encouraaina the use of public transit. carpools. vanpools. and other alternatives to sin ale occupant vehicles. t'ommentary. 1 ne te~~was.reJ./(s;ad:rn r.fanro Tt:'afl(1 wn~n a.nnanr./:x/ (1IJar:mtp.p. 1111 feouired ISatre/Farrin on}l M. A Phasina Plan. The Phasina Plan shall illustrate the proposed location of buildinos. streets. utilities and landscaoina. Phasina shall oroaress in a seauence that provides street connectivity between the various phases and accommodates other reauired public improvements such as wastewater facilities. stormwater manaaemenl. electricity and water. The Phasina Plan shall consist of maps and a narrative with an pverall schedule or description of on-loft-site phasina includina. but not limited to: the type. location and timina of proposed uses. buildina locations: proposed public facilities includina on-loft-site streets and traffic sianals or other traffic control devices and utilities with the desianation of construction and 9 Date Received' /1 I)., OS Planner: GK . ~ . Ujf; c9dlJ'O 0-"^V:. fCf.. IfJSr('fV0 ~J ~ N. maintenance res onsibili' Ima e 'S a com e on a es Wltli a ro ase nrnai1i:iar uarante ttl ensure lann d infrastru ure im rovements will occu tyith each hase if ne essa or when r uired b the Ci ffected local a en r the State the formal submittal of a re uired uarantee t icall occurs durin he Final Master Plan review ro ess andlor evel ment 1m lem ntaUo . a statement of the a licanrs intentions with re ard to the future se' or leasin of all or ortions of the ro osed klevelopment twh a residential subdivision is proposed. the statement shall _ _ _- also include the applicant's intentions whether the applicant or others will construct the homes): and the relationship of pedestrian and bicvcle connectivitv_ and open space reauirements to the proposed phasina. '" , Neiahborhood Meetina Summarv. The aoolicant shall submit a summarv of issues \ raised atthe neiahborhood meetina as specified in Section 5.13-117. O. A copv of all proposed and anv existina covenants. conditions. and restrictions that mav control development. if applicable. P. Annexation. A aeneral schedule of proposed annexation consistent with the phasina plan. if applicable. Q. The Director mav reauire additional information necessary to evaluate the proposed development. includina. but not limited to a: f~~m.mentary. .~~-::text was reVlSecfto addr.ess .141:hR!1 an 'l::.~t:.c.:analY..SJS. mav"hf1 'Ned !E.aUIn I n~ SEt"anal SIS as ma be needecrto com I wltli S tewl e anmn oa atural Resources for site attri utes a not on an ad t n 0 2. Wetland delineation approved bv the Oreaon Department of Slate Lands shall be submitted concurrentlv with the Preliminarv Master Plan application. where there is a wetland on the proposed Master Plan site: and 3. Historical andlor archaeoloaical studies. R. Anv concurrent land use applications as specified in Subsections 5.13-1168. I 5.13-125 Preliminarv Master Plan - Criteria Commentary. The Preliminary Master Plan approval criteria are clearer. For example, criterion 5.13-125 B. currently states: "The request. as conditioned, shall confom1 to applicable Springfield Developmenl Code requirements." This is too broad because it refers to any SDC requirement. The following Subsections now connect specific aspects of the proposed Preliminary Master Plan criteria to the applicable SDC Chapter and/or Sections. The SDC defines "Approval Authority" as the Director. Hearings Official, Planning Commission or the City Council. A Preliminarv Master Plan shall be approved. or approved with conditions. if the Approval Authorltv finds that the proposal conforms with all of the applicable approval criteria. Wilt! CfrrV tSJf=#/';" Comment [MSOffIce6]: Is it possible 10 cite examples of possible forms of financial guarantee (bond, lener of credit, tIC) or whom may post the guarantee (applicant, buyer, contractor)? Comment [MSOfflce7]: Does it matter whether the applicant will sell or lease the property? Manytimesaluus stage in the process, the applicant doesn't know yet. It largely depends on the market place and how sales or leases go. Many applicants are in a position to not only sell or lease the property but build and then sell or lease buildings. Even ifit \ ~~~I ~ef:~~~cI~t~~~~~:~~~Cfand '. lease, or build and selL Comment [MS0ffice8]: Same comment. Maybe providing this infonnation at this time is okay. So long as it doesn't lock the applicant into not being able 10 respond to the market place or buy/selllleaselbuild or nOl opportunities as they arise. /;J .4- ~" A--cC0?~ ---r' no-- c. ~ 10 Date Received: / / /2 00 Planner: GK . . Commentary. The current "Metro Plan diagram" reference is deleted because either the applicant has recentfy applied for and obtained a Metro ptan diagram and/or text amendment, and/or the "correct" designation is already in ptace. Therefore, there should be no need to revisit Metro Plan policy as oart of the Master ptan review orocess. A. PlanlZone consistencY. The existina or orooosed zonina shall be consistent with the Metro Plan diaaram andlor aoolicable text. In addition. the Preliminarv Master Plan shall be in comoliance with aoolicable Citv Refinement Plan, Conceotual Develooment Plan or Plan District standards. oolicies andlor diaaram and maDs. Commentary. This cntenon specifically refers to "all applicable standards of the zoning distnct" which include building height, setbacks, specific design standards, etc. B. Zonina district standards. The Preliminarv Master Plan shall be in comoliance with aoolicable standards of the soecific zonina district andlor overlay district. Commentary. This cntenon specifically refers to the required Traffic Impact Analysis from a transportation system capacity aspect in relation to proposed phases, in addition to the transportation standards contained in SDC Chapter 4. C. Transoortation system caoacitv. With the addition of traffic from the orooosed develoomenl. there is either sufficient caoacitv in the Citv's existina transoortation system to accommodate the develooment orooosed in all future ohases or there will be adeauate caoacitv by the time each ohase of develooment is comoleted. Adooted State andlor local mobilitv standards. as aoolicable. shall be used to determine transoortation system caoacitv. The Preliminarv Master Plan shall also comoly with any conditions of aooroyal from a Metro Plan diaaram andlor text amendment reaardina transoortation and all aoolicable transoortation standards soecified in SDC Chaoter 4. Commentary. This cntenon refers to current parking standards in SDC Chapter 4 Development Standards that apply to specific transportation issues. e. Parkina. Parkina areas have been desianed to: facilrtate traffic safetv and avoid conaestion: orovide bicycle and oedestrian connectivitv within the orooertv and to nearby transit stoos and oublic areas. The Preliminarv Master Plan shall also comoly with all aoolicable vehicular and bicycle oarkina standards soecified in SDC Chaoter 4. Commentary. This cntenon refers to current ingress-egress standards in SDC Chapter 4 Development Standards that apply to specific transportation issues. E. Inaress-earess. Inaress-earess ooints have been desianed to: facilrtate traffic safetv and avoid conaestion: orovide bicycle and oedestrian connectivitv within the orooertv and to adiacent residential areas, transit stoos. neiahborhood activitv centers. and commercial. industrial and Dublic areas: and minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as soecified in this Code or other aoolicable Citv and State reaulations. The Preliminarv Master Plan shall also comolv with all aoolicable inaresslearess standards soecified in sec Chaoter 4. 11 Date Received: II / J.. 0 S Planner: GK . . Commentary. This criterion refers to current standards in SDC Chapters 4 and 5 that apply to specific utility issues. F. Availability of oublic utilities. Existina oublic utilities. includina but not limited to. water. electricity. wastewater facilities. and stormwater manaaement facilities either have sufficient caoacity to suocor! the orooosed develooment in all Mure ohases adeauately. or there will be adeauate caoacity available by the time each ohase of develooment is comoleted. The Public Works Director or aooroonate utility orovider shall determine caoacity issues. The Preliminarv Master Plan shall also comoly with aoolicable utility standards soecified in SDC Chaoters 4 and 5. Commentary. This criterion refers to current standards in SDC Chapter 4 Development Standards that apply to specific physical feature issues. G. Protection of ohysical features. Physical features. includina but not limited to slooes 15 oercent or areater with unstable sailor aeoloaic conditions. areas with susceotibility to floodina. sianificant clusters of trees and shrubs. watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLWl Mao and their associated noanan areas wetlands. rock outcroooinas and ooen soaces and areas of histone andlor archaeoloaical sianificance as may be soecified In Section 3.3- 900 or ORS 97.740-760. 358.905-955 and 390.235-240 shall be orotected as soecified in this Code or in State or Federal law. The Preliminarv Master Plan shall also comoly with aoolicable ohysical feature orotection standards soeclfied in SDC Chaoter 4. Commentary. This criterion addresses a specific phasing issue that arose during the Marcola Meadows Master Plan review process. Gomrtientarv.. 1 ne te.xLwas revlsed:to aaQr.B~<;: wDv_aJdliJSilJQ...1:flin w.QJJIQ;,ne.reolll'eQ b;;aW/lJltonn H. Pliasln Plan. TM'"PhaSlna Plan sfilill:aemonstrate tffiil me construction 01 e uired ublic facilities shall occur in 10 ieal se uence ei er in con'unctlo r rior to each hase or that there are a ro ri fin n ial uarantees t en e hased ub/ic facilities ccnstruction will occur. If necessa the fin uarantee shall identi the a res onsible for financin . the timin 0 ronstruction' and maint n nce res nsibili i for each has' Commentary. Compatibility and mitigation criteria are specifically addressed J. Adiacent use orotection, The orooosed Preliminarv Master Plan contains desian. landscaoina/screenina. oarkina/traffic manaaement and multi-modal transoor!ation elements that limit andlor mitiaate identified ccnflicts between the site and adiacent uses. 12 Date Received: Planner: GK Fr/' fr- e~ st:f5' r I ~ Jf /1 os . . 1 I a Ion 0 6 -51 e 1m a s. ise adin I r . i en 18 0 ':'SI e 1m a s IOC U In i u no Iml e I 5.13-130 Preliminary Master Plan - Conditions Commentary. This text is similar to text in other SDC Sections. JJnJze I en I e on-51 con Ie j #1 i e rova u on ma a ae con I Ions as ma e reasona necessa to relimina Master Plan in order to ens re com liance with the a roval criteria i ection 5.13-125 and with all other a licable rovi ions of this Code. All condition hall be satisfied rior to Final Master Plan a roval. Certain conditions ma re uire lideauate financial auarantee in a form acceotable to tile Citv to ensure cOffioliance. I 5.13-131 Final Master Plan - Review Commentary. Currently. there is no formalized "Final" Master Plan process; it's implied by past practice. This Section establishes the "Final" Master Plan review process. 1e ex was revise to reqUire 8 ype Master Plan wa is d to an Ina as er an a ,cation s a e reVlewe un er e race ure owever if the Prelimina Master Plan a roval was reviewed under T e rocedure the Dir r s I uir the . O:voe II orocedu(e\ B. A Pre-Submittal Meetina aoolication. as soecified in Section 5.1-120.C.. is reauired or/or to the formal submittal of the Final Master Plan aoolication. I 5.13-132 Final Master Plan - Submittal Reauirements Commentary. Currently there is no time line for Final Master Plan submittal. The one year time line is the same as the current Partition Plat submittal time line. Additionally. there is a time line extension similar to the current Partition Plat submittal process because of the complexity of most Master Plan applications. The Final Master Plan submittal packet is also described. ~ommen:~~ta.Yf_WPl~ r~v)~~r1 ttkadr1.th{:l~t:L::Jr1r1lr1()I1AI-:r.(1mm~nrJ ~Satr.eJEaum ton A. Within one vear of Preliminarv Master Plan Aooroval. the aoolicant shall submit the Final Master Plan. The Final Master Plan shall illustrate the location of orooosed buildinos. streets. utilities oarkino and landscaoe areas. The Final Master Plan shall incorcorate all Aooroval Author/tv conditions of aooroval. The Final Master Plan aoolication shall include: .k- ~ I 13 Date Received: /1 /2 66 Planner: GK . . / 1. A narrative that lists the conditions of approval. explains how each condition is met and references the applicable Preliminary Master Plan maps. diaorams or plan sheets that teauire revisiOn: 2. The specific maps. diaorams. plan sheets or other documents have been revised &nOlor demonstrate confcifii1ance with the Prelimina'r't Master Piaii MoraV'<iI: and 3. Any other information that may be re~uired by the Director. EXCEPTION: The applicant may reouest an extension of the Final Master Plan submittal for u to one additional ear. The a Iicant shall submit the re uest 0 thlnl'xteiiSiiiii in writin to the Director no later than b s rio n "ratio f he Prelimina Master I effeCtiviidil'. The a licant shall ex lain wh the re~uest is necessary and demonstrate how the Final Master Plan application will be submitted within the reouested extension time line. The Director may orant or amend the extension re~uest upon determinino that the applicant is makino prooress on the Final Master Plan application. Commentary. Requiring the Pre-Submittal Meeting application will allow staff to evaluate the Final Master Plan application for completeness. prior to formal submittal by the applicant. B. A Pre-Submittal Meetino application. as specified in Section 5.1-120.C.. is re~uired prior to the formal submittal of the Final Master Plan application. I 5.13-133 Final Master Plan - Criteria, Recordation and Effective Date Commentary. There are two criteria for Final Master Plan approval. A. Criteria. The Approval Authority shall orant Final Master Plan approval upon findino that: 1. The Final Master Plan substantially conforms to the provisions of the Preliminary Master Plan approval: and . 2. All approval conditions have been met or can be ouaranteed to be met. Commentary. Staff is aware of the cost and difficulty of recording the Final Master Plan as the regulations are currentfy written. The recordation of a Memorandum of Final Master Plan approval will reduce costs to the applicant. B. Recordation, The applicant shall record a Memorandum of Final Master Plan Approval in a format approved bY the City Attomey and any other reouired documents at Lane County Deeds and Records and retum a recorded copy of the 14 Date Received: II /2 oS Planner: GK . . Memorandum of Final Master Plan Aoorovallilia all otlier aoollcable documents to the Develooment Services Deoartment. C. Effective Date. tommenCJ'tV'. I ne rexl was revIsed to (ffljri"N. "e'ffecl1jie.d13t~70t "8DI1CUv.aL.l1oteJ:iaueJ 1. Final Master Plan aooroval is effective on the date of recordation bm Memorandwnof Final Masier-Pian AOOrOVai. the effective date. for not more than 7 years. unless modified as soecified in Section 5.13-135. Commentary. Currently, there is no language regarding an "end time" for Final Master Plan approval. 2. The Final Master Plan remains in effect until the oermitted develooment has been constructed or the olan is modified. suoerseded or exoires. (Ie If ry. e ex was /B\/IS 0 s led 10 t r n I r n D. Once the Final Master Plan effective date is established. all oersons and oarties. and their successors. heirs or asslons. who have or will have any interest in the real orooertv within the Final Master Plan boundary, shall be bound by the terms and conditions ofaooroval of the Final MasterPlan and the orovisions of this Section. . otlceofthe-Finai M,,-terPlaneffec v m II .. :;m'Ii:=-'?f I 5.13-134 Final Master Plan - Phasin!llmolementation l\. NOSullOiiilslon aMror Site Plan Review aopllcatlbns (bhaSIi'iQlmOlementatlbnj tihall be submitted until the Memorandum of 'n . I 'v B. 1 he aooroved Final MasterPlan sliallbellieliasls for tlie evalualion of air Dliase! f ro osed de elo ment 'n Iud in Subdivi i n ncll r Site Plan Re i . Commentary. A Pre-Submit/al Meeting application is currently required for a/l Subdivision and Site Plan Review applications. This is not another layer of staff review. However, it is necessary to determine Master Plan compliance and which Master Plan conditions of approval apply to a particular development phase. Not a/l approval condJtions may apply to a particular phase. e a rove In8 as er an an a a Ilea e conOibons 0 a rova snal ddressed for each Subdivision andlor Site Plan Review a Iication hasin m lementation as art of a Iication com leten ss durin Meetino aoolication orocess. soecified in Section 5.1-120.cl 15 Date ReceiVed' II /1 OS; Planner: GK . . . I 5.13-135 Final Master Plan Modifications Commentary. This Section specifically states that modifications are made to the "Final" Master Plan. The current review categories remain, but the level of review is changed from Type 11/11/ to the proposed Type 1/11 because the "basic underlying assumptions" category has been deleted. Additionally, the permitted Master Plan amendments are now limited to those listed below in order to reduce the number of modification applications. If an applicant requests a modification of an item that is not listed, then a new Master Plan application would be required. Finally, Subsection D. is added to list those modifications for which no planning review is required. A proposed Final Master Plan modification shall be processed under the applicable procedures described below: A. The followino modifications to a Final Master Plan shall be processed under Tvpe I procedure. These modifications include a re~uest: Commentary. As pari of this additional review, staff is reevaluating all of the current and proposed Final Master Plan modification categories. ommen ry. xl as en r vIse articular a phase that does nol in Farrin to see also B.8. belo 1. Bv the applicant for a chanoe of scheduled phasino bevond the approved time limit rorasoecrficonaseolcevelopmenl when the proposed chanQe does not affect the construction of scheduled public improvements: 2. Bv the City based on the requirement to implement newlv adopted State or Federal reQulations: or o rea(. as e ermme y 1e 'fi 3. Bv the applicant for a one time extension of the approved time limit for UP to 3 vears. An extension request shall be filed in writlnQ with the Director at least 60 da s rior to the ex iration of the initial? ear eriod.lfthe a licant has madeeason . blefo'e deermin . 'e Director in the im lementation of the Final Master Plan and ublic services and ublic facilities remain available 0 serve ttl I the time line extension will be Qranted. Comment [MSOffice9]: This may be okay, but it's .linle ambiguous. Comment [MSOffiCe10]: Remain? Willbc? o e ary. reV! ex, wevel~ e p rc n res 10 fI I Jam an os ategories that require the 10 perce e u n i4. tN"the aocllcanffor mOOlflcatlons ttiat are'less tnan ttie 1u'oercent lhreshold specified in those specific instances soecified in SubseCtToii"Bl ~ 16 Date Received: /1 12 Of) Planner: GK . . ommen ry. '/ U C n I rev/~ roperties (text deleted) and PC comm Farrinotonlelannia .. I f0 C L,U11 ( l?' .-- fbvJ' tJ IiJ C- { ftV1 V)1J1 ]V Commentary. This Subsection is based upon current text and adds specific threshold0 in certain situations. The level of review is reduced to a Type /I or Type 11/ proced ~ I be consistent with the level of review for the Preliminary Master Plan applicaf B. The followin modifications to the Final Master Pia shall be rocessed under T e II rocedure unless the Director determines tha e ro osed modification should be reviewed as aTe III rocedure due to the ',ze of the Master Pian siie th 'oiential im act on a acent 'ro <. I r Infr t ure or an unr Ive aster Plan conditi ns fa rova These modifications include a re uest: . uD~ !:;ommentary. -, ne.twa.lla' 1Jee/J.relll.'ert:/b.adtiUl" IIlA ,:C!.~It~A1It,;;;;tlnlt:,';:;::,Q ~atreIFarrinCJtCJnl' ~ 0Jj\4il 0 1. Bv the applicant for a chan~e \>fdenSllv allocation wlthln1l1eaensltv ranoE! allawea in "theianolicablftfesldential zonina~district. or if a oermitted non. _ _ _ _ _ - residential use affects the approved Final Master Plan residential densi"": . ~ , Comment (MSOfficell]: I Wldcrstand impact and wuesolvcd conditions, but why "size"? Comment [MSOffIce12]: I still thank that if the proposed change in density is within the allowable rorung density that a Type I is the mOst that should be required. Comment [MSOfflce13]: Okay 00 thisp3n. aus e a lean or ercen or rea er Increases or cecreases In verall commercial industrial or ublic fioor area the number of dwellin 'nits buildin hei h rima structur s fine i i loc i- , 3. Bv the applicant for increases or decreases in the amount of approved or reouired parkin~ by a factor of 10 percent or ~reater. The applicant shall provide a new parkin~ analysis related to the proposal; 4. By the applicant for a Zonino Map amendment or Discretionary Use 'application; ....... _ _ _ _ u _ u _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ u u _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ u _ - - . Comment [MSOffice14]: Aren '. these type llIunyway? 'ommen ary. e e was no ra se ecause a (esses e percen res at has been discussed above because this topic may require a new Traffic Impac i J' (, ; Fr. 5. By the applicant for proposals that would increase the number of PM peak- hour vehicular trips by 10 percent or more. except in cases where a trip cap has been imposed on development of the propertY. Where such a trip cap is in effect a modification of the land use decision that imposed the trip cap shall be reouired. In all cases. the applicant shall provide a Traffic Impact Analysis SUPPOrtin~ the proposal: n Je r an IS but utilizes tile 10 percent thrr {Eaccil1JltD.n 17 Date Received: II /2 G 8 Planner: GK . . e a lean to a er e acement 0 In en r streets more an ercent from their a roved location as Ion as the modificatio ivi e tablished b the a r Final M er f'a 7. By the City or the aoolicant when essential oublic infrastructure cannot be orovided: ommen ary. IS usee ron 18S eel1 6hasill ullder I e I G d oa re a r: lOuseOI I e e a lean ime limit for a s ffects the or a c an eo '5 e u e aSln e ana ttie a rove ecific hase of develo ment when the ro osed chan d bl"c' r 1 8. BY the aoolicant for a chanae of scheduled ohasina beyond the aooroved time limit tor ,,' soeci~eordevelODmem when the orooosed chanae does not affect the construction of scheduled oublic imorovements: 9. BY the aoolicant for extension of the Final Master Plan time limit beyond the maximum aooroved time limit of 7 Years or the extension oermitted in Subsection B.3.. above. In no case shall the extension exceed 15 years from the date of Final Master Plan aooroval as soecified in Subsection 5.13- 133.C. An extension reauest shall be filed in writina with the Director at least 60 days orior to the exoiration of the initial 7 year oeriod or any subseauently aDo roved extensions. The time line extension will be aranted orovided the aoolicant has made reasonable oroaress in the imolementation of the Final Master Plan and oublic services and facilities remain available: 10. By the aoolicant for a chanae to the aooroved Final Master Plan boundary. C. Prooosed Final Master Plan modifications other than those described in Subsections A. and B.. abcve. shall reauire the submittal of a new Preliminarv Master Plan aoolication. D. The followina modifications to the Final Master Plan do not reauire subseauent land use review and are allowed uoon issuance of a buildina oermi!. if reauired: 1. Buildina interior imorovements: 2. Exterior imorovements associated with existina buildinas that do not involve a chanae in floor area. subiect to all aoolicable base zone develooment and desian standards and releyant conditions of aooroval as aooroved in the Final Master Plan: 3. Installation of new mechanical or eiectrical eauiomen!. or modification of existina eauiomen!. subiect to all aoolicable base zone develooment and desian standards and relevant conditions of aooroval as aooroved in the Final Master Plan: 4. Routine maintenance of existina buildinas. facilities and landscaoina: andlor 18 Date Received: It /2 oS Planner: GK ~~ tyf~ N1 r? c{; 'J'I . 1. The applicant is entitled to relv on land use reaulations in effect on the date f J' the Master Plan application was submitted. in accordance with ORS 227.1783 forthe7 eara rovaltimelimit with a sin le3 ear extension - "Iii r ve . . . E. A Pre-Submittal Meetina application. as specified in Section 5.1-120.C.. is reouired prior to the formal submittal of the Final Master Plan modification application. Commentary. en/eria are estabtished for modifications. F. For all Final Master Plan modification applications described in Subsections A and B. above. the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the followina: 1. Anv applicable Preliminary Master Plan criteria of approval specified in Section 5.13-125: and 2. Anv other applicable standard of this Code that may be reauired to iustify the proposed modification. Commentary. This Subsection adds specific situations where additional Planning review of Final Master Plan modifications is not necessary. G. The Master Plan procedures i:fo~endi~a::-:~: Plan Modifications andlor new Master Plans shall applv to properties within the Glenwood Riverfront Plan District. Section 3.4-200. until these reaulations are updated. I 5.13.140 Final Master Plan - Assurance to the Applicant and City Disclaimers Commentary. The specific intent of this assurance IS to protect the applicant from "new" development standards for the first 7 year time line granted upon Final Master Plan approval and one 3 year extension for a total of 10 years. Final Master Plan time line extensions that are more than 10 years, and up to the 15 year maximum would be under regulations in effect at the time of submittal of this additional time line extension. A. Assurances to the applicant: EXCEPTION: Anv time line extension proposed for more than a combined total of 10 years shall complv with land use reaulations in effect at the time of the time line extension application submittal specified in Subsection 5.13- 135.C.10. 2. The applicant shall have the riaht to proceed with development as lona as it is in substantial compliance with the Final Master Plan and other reauired approvals and permits. subiect to any modifications as may be approved as specified in Section 5.13-135. 19 Date Received: J I /1. OS Planner: GK . . Commentary. These Subsections appear in other Sections of the current SOC. B. City Disclaimers: 1. The City shall not be reouired to approve development of anv phase described in the Final Master Plan if the approval violates applicable Federal or State statues or administrative rules. 2. The City shall not be oblioated to provide public improvements aftectino implementation of the Final Master Plan if public funds are not available. 20 Date Received: } I J;;l G6 Planner: GK