HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2003-10-14 .\ " I " .' City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 FAX Date 10/14/2003 Number of pages including cover sheet To: From: 3640 Springfield Police Dept Lisa Hopper 3667 Springfield Fire Dept 682-2770 911 747-7348 SUB 484-8008 US West Communication 736-3650 Phone 541-726-3790 Sanipac - Anita Cardoza Fax Phone 541-726-3676 Phone Fax Phone cc: REMARKS: D Urgent i:8J For your review D Reply ASAP D Please comment The following fax is for a proposed house move scheduled for this Sunday, October 19, 2003. This move is scheduled to begin at 7:00 a,m. at 480 West 6th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon and should be completed on the same date at 11 :00 a.m. at its destination, 303 South C Street, Springfield, Oregon. This move is proposed to move east on Franklin Blvd from Eugene to South A Street in Springfield to South 2nd Street, South on South 2nd Street to South C Street, East on South C Street, to its destination. This structure is approximately 980 square feet in size and is 44 feet in moving length and 24 feet wide. It is 15'6" in height on the moving dolly. There is one section being moved and the type of construction is wood frame. The mover is Chris Schoap Building Movers. I apologize for the short notice on this move, but there were some unforeseen circumstances that could not be avoided. Any assistance that you can provide would be appreciated. Please call me right away if this date or time does not work for you or your Department/agency and I will contact the contractor so they can rearrange their state/county/and local permits. Thanks so much! Lisa (726-3790) 10/08/2003 10:18 5413448833 Oct-06-03 08:56A ~ SCHOAPBUILDINGMOVER PAGE 01 P.Ol BUILDING MOVING PERMIT COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISJO~ CiTY ASSIGNED JOB NUMBEK: Stnlcture B~iD& Moved From: If?x} W. ~'1-- Cily:_ ?V~~(..- laDe County ~f,;...;.~~: '(\umbcr: Stnlcrur: Being Moved 1'0: pdy,cevvr- ~ y)) Tall. Lol ~umber:~..__..___ _". ..__.. _+' " S~ S~ /it se; 8f. ~Ut ~ '-- ".. - ..--.--,-/----. Lane County Reference Number:._ Tax Lot Number: ~ui;ding ~Cf:__. 4vvp.-- ~v~ . PhOtleNUm~ f((! ab'1!-._ Cell Phone Number:.._ .___.,. Malling Ad4ress:_,. _.__.. . Ciry:_. .-"-_,-.-.'l.-j' Slate: lip: Mailing Addresa: 'If)~k ~/hg' Ciry:_./(/~e-.u4:- ____ MQVingCOntTacTor'_~ J ~p~ Cu'-iYd, ~Phone Number,3-.iiftJ5 COlU'lI'\1ctlonConlrKtor$ Registration !lJulnbe,: :) zcrS-1- _~ fXPire;;:__~ ~ _ Cell Phone Number: 9 sl ~ Zip:J2?W- Slate: t:C Plumbing Conmctor:____ Phone Nwnber:~_. ____.___ COnstNCtiOD Contractors Reaistrlltion Number: . , Expires:._.. _n Description ofBLlilding to be Moved: ft'u /~" i'_~" Heirhr en Dolly: ~ V Squsrc Footage: Movinl Leng1h:...__.iY " "II ofSec\ioIls Being Mo\'<<I:_L, Moving Width:.__ <L_~___ ". Type orconst':_~ Square Foc-rage: Living Unics: ProposedOateofMo"e: ~AJQ41 QI- /7 Complelion Date ofMovl:: ~ att D.t- I ~ Villue OfStructuT~S):_.._.__.._._, Bfginning at:..., 7... -" -~k'.' _ Endin~ at: / L. '.... ~~ Description ,,{Proposed Route (Pleue attach map tlrhb route outlined witt! dif'~.ion.1 arrows;: ~r ~_ ~Ll..oU ~VO ~L. d:-~ I iAJr ~ J. cQ ~ wv.rtL :b? 7lJ .so.!:'T"L.4- / S' (!" ~L.P _.~L)~ / NOTlFICA TION OP MOVE:: The Community Servicos Oivisio!l ~'ill ro~te copies cfthis application to all appropriat~ divisiOns, departmtnlS and ageDeXS. However, the llppli<:U1t must COntacr plOpe:1y owners iftr<<! are involved in the pJ"01)()S(!d move It. I fiddil;on. tM eppliClftllt1ust secure IJle approval of all ap~ropriatc municipal. county Ilnd state authoritIes should !,be l:'l()vc originale Of J terminate OUtside the CII)' of Springfield. or along In)' strc~ owned by the 81Alc: or the county wilhin the Citys bor:ndarj('s. i PLANS, FEES, A~..t> CHAR<:;BS; Prior to recciYlng a pmnit to r.1Ove a building into tne City of Spr;nsfidc. the- applicanl or !hl;ir repmentarive sball: ' · Submit two (2) (()J)ies of sile or plot plan for new sileo QD M4\ · Submit two (2) copiC5 ofrhe foundation pllln for the reloellled building ~ ll\{) r . ~ ;' · AU ...lk.bJ. ....., ond '>,~m ....,..""", ...., ,.." '" pa;d on.." ~v mov"" D _ ~ _,' U l~/~~/L~~~ 1~:1B 5413448833 r ~.M 1, . ,.~ ~'-I ;? ,",-v' j r-.: ~ to .;) STAR,. ~ qaO w. SI~TtI (~ \\ I .51)(T '< x or . .. <ll ~ , i ~ ~~'''1' f,U6ENE. - . _____ . No" 1b ~"E ~._,. WOT1b~c.e --- · I~~ '" .. i GAl ~ - ~ J i ~ ~ ';,.~ ~ ~ > ~i ~A ~:_~--1-J E..UCEN€. SCHOAPBUILDINGMOVER PAGE 04 ?'. 0 0 2 . .'i:'" . TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN CHRIS SCHOAP BUilDING MOVERS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2003 ~ ..J o ... ~ ..J "- q ,g }.. t) > /ok' 'lr " N A I '" > oJ o ~ ~ & ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ... '"" :z 01 Cl '% U ~ ~ ~ =g ~ 1iI-,. .. ~iij J -.'{":.o: . -- - - -- G. Ot-rrII'HU:. t> 1-0 6EW0 ~,,~ ~,,, ~ ~;;.l w/llV ~ -5 ,:;. -------- Vl I ~ "--.0 ~ """ ~ 11' /tIIAI1'#$f --- u ~ li. ~ ~ ~ ! ~ \j \ \.- '-- ~ . }'l '" '" ; ~ t ~ ~\~)l~Ql.J ~ ~i.i~ ~& - y-----.---- ClC'j <Sl.~"'''''oob -"',,,,___,~__,, ~~. _lJ "e" END .-.... ~l n , @" THIQ.O .sPC2,IJJ{)F"If.LD · .. · · ... .. ROUTE OF TRA VEL )J~. /~ ,'\..,' ,,-,,,,0''1, ~-J " r-'. 10/08/2003 10:18 5413448833 , .', ',.' /. 'f l." i .., ; c.: r ~.~ ,'I SCHOAPBUILDINGMOVER . PAGE 03 P, 00 I .:'JI: WEST A IES FLAGMAN INC. ~ DEPENDABLE .illc~ 1949" (54l )344-<>.104 FAX: ]44~8107 OREGON ONL Y I..sOO-522..Q712 A W~mtl.,. B"$i,,...u l:lflerpme "'! I ~ 8 9 TIME: ZO:OO NUMBER OF PAGES (Witll rove!' sheet): -2- ~: kiN'- FA.'{ u.. c..kRlS ~~Of'tP t;lOOi FAX': 108Z-'l~"3) 72-"-2S.,Q, It' NOr I~Ct.:M;f> COFUmCll..Y t'1.F-A.~F. CAJ.J.. ~4c.( - !~~.3 OUR P110Nt;S A1<t AT'tl:Nnr.r> 24 JJ01JHS ~R DAY FOR YOUI{ CONVF;NTF.NCE. MESSAGE: P. O. BOX SOOJ EUGENE, OR 97405 TRICIA RAINES DAtt: 10106{03 TO: "JA"f M'~"'IC."N OF: C I rf (') F E.1.l~~~ TRAFFIC CONTROl PLAN CHRI~ SCHOAP BUILDING MOY'ERS EUGENE TO SPRINGfIELD SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2003 GOAL: TO MOVE A BUILDING FROM 980 W SIXTH STREET, EUGENE~ TO SOUTH "C" STREET AND THIf~O, SPRINGFIELD. TIME FRAME: 07:00 TO 09:00 PERSONNEL: TWO UNIFORMED EUGENE POLICE MOTORCYCLE OFfiCERS WILL rSCORT BUILDING AND ACCOMPANYING WORK VEHICLES ALONG THE ROUTE. HOLDING TRAFFIC WHERE NECESSARY. SIGNAGE: NO SIGNS ARE PLANNED. TRAFFIC WILL NOT BE IMPEDED FOR ANY NOTICEABLE LtNGTH OF TIME. ROUTE: BUILDING WILL TRAVtl THE WRONG WAY TO BLAIR ON SIXTH ST, MOVE SOUTH ON BLAIR TO SEVENTH. EAST ON SEVENTH TO HIGH STREET, SOUTH ON HIGH TO BROADWAY, EAST ON 8ROADWA Y TO fRANKLIN, EAST ON Fr~ANI<UN TO SOUTH SECOND, SOUTH ON SECOND TO SOUTH "c" STREET, AND EAST ON Ole" STREET TO lOT NEAR SOUTH THIRD. SCHOAPBUILDINGMOVER 10/08/2003 10: 18 5413448833 ../ __ .... .-t' ..... ""'<"... !''<till} im(J JIll B, m,' 'i...."". bel.w, I....,y.. .bov. inf.....tion i. .... "'" ~.., 'ha,." .. '.n'''b 1>... =-""". ",. authorizalioll$ obtained. I alllO UZd that tho minimum time :0 process this permit, bcclluu of tl:e number of agenC;lCS ftonfied hy :;::,...mgfie "";7)~i:?'~/") --_..D.~-d~~._ , PAGE 02 COlJUllQnUy SeNk" DiviaJon Report: ---'--"'__.a