HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 2011-1-28 ...". C irl,HE ','BUILDING . . !!1?EP~RTMEtF.__ LLG Exterior Wall Envelope Self-Certification Form I, J.{.lC.VOerN ({o""':<0 owner-builder at the following address: Wi ( {p 1+0'-1- 'I ::5- Street Address '3{>lZ-\.1V(i t 1"''- D City ')(le..'ZD\ 0 - oifll "'I Permit# . am the general contractor or the To conform to the 2008 Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSe), Section R703.1.1, I am notifying the building official that I am aware of the exterior wall envelope requirements of R703.1.1, and hereby certify that the components of the exterior wall envelope have been installed in accordance with the code requirements. [Section R703.1.1 is provided for reference on the reverse side of this form.] fn Signature (-Us-! ( Date Revised: 2/8/2010 ~ .~ Excerptfrom 2008 Oregon Residential Specialty Code Section R703, Exterior Covering:. R703.1.1 exterior Wan Envelope. To promote builCting durability, the exterior wall envelope shall be installed in a m~nnerthat water that enters the assembly can drain to the exterior. The envelope shall consist cif an exterior veneer, a water-resistive barrier as required in R703.2, a minimum 1/8 inc,; space between the water-resistive barrier and the ~icterior veneer, and integrated flashings as required in R703.8. The required space shall be formed' by the use of any non-corrodiblefurring strip, drainage mat or drainage board. The envelope snail provide proper integration of flashings . with the water-resistive' barrier, the space provided and the exterior veneer. These components, in . conjunction, shall provide a means of draining water. that enters the assembly to the exterior. Exceptions: 1. A..space is,not r~.quired where the e~terior v'eneer is installed over a-watEr-resistive barrier complying with.section R703.2 which is manufactured in a manner to enhance drainage and . nie~tHhe 75% drainage efficiency. requirement of ASTM' E2273 or other recogniied national stim,dards.. . ," . '.' 2. A space is not required where window sills are equipped with pan f1ashi'ngs which drain to the exterior surface .of the veneer in a through wall fashion: All pan flashings shall be detailed within the construction documents andshall be of eithera self~adhering. me.mbrane complyingwithAAMA 711-07 or o! an approved corrosion;resistant material or aco.mbination thereof. Self-adhering membranes extending to the exterior surface of the veneer shall be. conce.aled with trims or, other measures toprotect,fromsunlight... 3. A ,spa"ce:is:-:not required'where the exterior'veneer is' manufactured 'in a manner to enhance drai~age,and meets the 75% qrainage efficieriCy requirenients ofASTME2273 or other' .rec'ognized nationai standards andisinstalled over a water 'resistive barriercomplying with section R703.2.,' . '.' .' .' .... . '.' -.' ..' 4. A space' is no't '~eq'ujred ,w,here the-ext'erio~ veneer is matching "an ~xjstj!1ge~~ri?~ finish as . in addit,iqns, alte:rations"orrepairs. ". . ". . 5. A water-resistant eXterior wall envelope shall not be required over concrete or masonry.. walls designed in accordance with Chapter 6 and flashed according to section R703.tor R703.8.. , . .... ,..'. . . 6. Compl!arlce with the requir'ements f~r a means of drainage, and the requirements of . Section R703.2 and Section R703.8, shall not be' required for an. exterior wall envelope that has been'demonstrated to resist wind-driven rain through testing of the exterior wall e~'velope, incl~dingjoints, penetrations and intersections with dissimilar materials,'in accordance with ASTM E 331'under the following conditions: ' 6.1. - Exterior wall envelope test assemblies shall include at least one opening, one control joint, one wall/eave interface and one wall sill. All tested openings and penetrations shall be representative of the intended end-use configuration. 6.2. . Exterior wall'envelope test assemblies shall be at leasf4 feet by 8 feet in size. 6.3. Exterior wall assemblies shall be tested at a minimum' differential pressure of 6.24 pounds pe'r square foot. . . 6.4. Exterior wall envelope assemblies-shall be subjected to a minimum test exposure duration of 2 hours.. ,'.. ' . The exterior wall envelope design shall be considered to resist wind-driven rain where th'e results of the te~ting indicate that water did not penetrate: control joints in the ext'eri~r \ , , wall envelope; joints. at the perimeter of openings penetration; or;ntersections,o( ; terminations with dissimilar materials. . ~ > . / '/ -. '.' - '" .... -,