HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/22/2011 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision . . . .. . -. . .- A licant Name: Gre or D. Larkin Com an : Address: Back Porch Pro erties LLC Phone: Fax: 760-7881 P.O. Box 832 Sweet Home OR 97386 ,~:,.,..,..,.":.....~~~'",,*~,-_,;>~,,~'~-b""._...,,...._:,,'_''''__'_''''"",,,..<__, ..,......,.,.--,c..,-=-,~o.-:="""" .,,,...., ,,_ --<~,--"~,,,, .:#,--~'.",- ...:_~_~. ':O''''_'''<->.':;-!;-.,,- ..;>': ".. ''?'~>''. *-"_...... _-W.-'~;!- A licant's Re . Aaron J Grimes Sr Com an : Olson & Morris Phone: Fax: 302-9790 485-3253 Address: 380 Street Ste 200 S rin field OR 97477 _' ;.. ,.. .\,.~ ;..<M<.....,:t""",.<-..'..HW ;~d',ih..".,i:-;"'--,,"';;- --.;';""'0"',"''''.''"'''''-;'-' _"."-,<-.,;..,. _ "_"'-"~' _~= ~- .,.. -'''''~_=+-~a<-' "".....,~" n, "','" "''''''''''' _ ,=-",,- ~....Ao. ',_. ~ _ ~ "'~ ,_.~ ...... Owner: Same as A Iicant Phone: Fax: Com an Address: '. .,' r'_'T__;-.-.;:;'~ 'W'1'''-''=~_~_~_ == ~~~'_=",_<r---"''''.;; ;;;;::;,_ '-~._::"i'O.-.T ;:,_,;";"""-:--"".,,_;,.,,,... ,- ,--L'~""';t:.,0le-~~,,-?~_.,""'~'""'''''''>'*_~~ >_~-:;t-.J"'~.'.~_-:; :::;'--'-~'_,-, ~ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-32-33 327 South 42nd Street TAX LOT NO S : 1701 1.0 Acres Pro osed Name of Subdivision: Back Porch Pro erties Cluster Subdivision :",'-'-" ,,,,;r~,,,,-,,-,_ >:.,-.:.-" '=..- ~-..==,' ~.....<:_>--<<.._-",-o"~"""'4'..w.",'tt<,;c."~'~""'~h,'~'~~ "",'-:;:.=._".-..- ''-='~'~':__''__.' w' 7:.'-.,,......,.. .~.,ll~j. '..,_,',."_',' Description of Pro osal: If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. 6-Lot cluster subdivision with 6 du lexes on individual lots Existin Use: vacant Tentative Case #: SUB2010-00008 -. . . , ,.. Associated A Iications: Pre-Sub Case No.: l'RE' 10 (JOOD Date: q-2g-ID Case No.: T \ \ 1- Cf:fJr:::, c::; A Iication Fee: $ 4 -~ to ill) Date: Reviewed b Technical Fee: 'Z Z Co,. <> Posta Date R ceived: TOTAL FEES: ~:.{1bL(. '} 0 PROJECT NUMBER: PR. "". .""'.<H""'-"""'",;""",~*,,,!,,,,,,,,.-,=~~...-->-... w_,"""''''_''''~__''''"~;~_: .1"W...........,,'!.!,.~. .....c....._. ~,," '__.::::',,,:~'''':'::;'''' - """'="" ~""-.""'-~-'" 2011 ~ o Revised 11.20.09 10f6 Original SubmIttal . . Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serve written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete ap Ii ion. Gt:L- Date: ;;;:? - /t;;; - / / Owner: Gregory D. Larkin Print Date Received: FEB 2 2 2011 Original Submittal Revised 11.20.09 2 of 6 . . Post Monumentation Deposit as required for subdivisions only. City Survey Section has current fee schedule and templates. D Location of Any Floodways in accordance with SDC 3.3-400. D Existing Easements Clearly Identified with Their Recorded Reference. D New Easements and Reserve Strips Referenced in Owner Certificates of Dedication and Purposes of Easements Identified on Plat. D NOTE: When, as part of the approval process, the application has been conditioned so that the recordation of a document is required, the applicant shall be responsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Documents which may require recordation include, but are not limited to: Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Future Development Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/ Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right-of-Way. Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The application, technology, and postage fees, where applicable, are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ~ Land Division Plat Application Form ~ Two (2) Copies of the Deed ~ Two (2) Copies of a Title Report issued within 30 days of the date Lane County will record the plat. ~ Original Plat on Mylar with notarized owner(s) signature(s) and signed surveyor stamp. ~ Copy of the Mylar on Bond Paper ~ Original and Copy of all Required Documents with signatures where appropriate. Date Received: FEB 22 2011 Oria;nal Submittal Revised 11.20.09 60f6 '. . . - ., Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon TITLE REPORT Pl'epared for: AARON GRIMES We have searched our records as to the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT "A" and as of September 17, 2010 at 8;00 a.m. we find that the vesting for the subject real property is: BACK PORCH PROPERTIES, t,L.C. Date Received: FEB 2 2 2011 ,'1' Original Submittal -CONTINUED- . . I I' AMENDED TITLE REPORT PAGE 2 We also find the following apparent encumbrances within ten year prior to the effective date hereof: I. City liens, if any, in the City of Springfield. 2. Taxes not yet due and payable for the fiscal year 20 I 0-20 II. 3. Taxes owing for the 2009-2010 fiscal year in the amount of $2499.56 plus interest if any on Map 1702323301701, Acct # 1022654, Levy Code 1900 4. Rights of the public in and to streets, road.~ and highways. 5. Any easements within the vacated cul-de-sac East of South 42'"' Street. 6. Easement to Springfield Utility Board for utilities along the Westerly 10 feet as recorded August 23, 1977, Reception No. 7753414, Oflicial Records of Lane County, Oregon. 7. Ordinance # 3841 vacating one-half of cul-de-sac East of South 42"" Street, recorded July 6, 1978, Reception No. 7846719, Oflicial Records of Lane County, Oregon. 8. Jurisdictional Transfer document recorded December 23,2003, Reception No. 2003-122204, Oflicial Records of Lane County, Oregon. 9. This Company would require a copy of the L.L.C. documents prior to closing a transaction. 10. No open Trust Deeds or Mortgages were found on the subject property. This Company would require verification in writing prior to closing a transaction. END OF ENCUMBRANCES Date Received: FES 2 2 2011 -CONTINUED- Original Submittal , . . AMENDED TITLE REPORT PAGE 3 NOTES: A. This Company finds no other judgments or liens against the vestee therein. This is an informational report only. It is not title insurance nor a guarantee. This service does not include supplemental reports or any other infonnation. Liability is limited to the amount paid for this report. Thank you for doing business with FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE fNSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at (541) 683-5422. FIDELfIY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON LONDA MINYARD Title Officer . ..' Date Received: FEB 2 2 2011 Original Submittal . . I 1 After recording return to and mail tax statements to: Di~i-slo~--oi chl~r D~""\Y .Ci.rk Lane Coun\V D..d. and Records Greq Larkin P.O. Box 832 Sweet Home OR 97386 201~ijJij50~ 11111111111 \1111111111111111 1111111111111111111\1 $4' ,00 1I11!l72211201111103lle04111l201121 06/2912010 01: 34: 25 PM RPR-DEED ental Stn=l!l CASHIER 02 $10.00 $11.00 $16,00 S10.00 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Gregory D. Larkin, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Back Porch Properties, L.L.C., Grantee, all his rights, title and interest in the following described real property, free and clear of encumbrances except as specifically set forth below, situated in Lane County Oregon. See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Subject to and excepting: Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements of record. The true and actual consideration for this transfer is other. BBFO!IE SIGNnIG OR ACClIP'1'ING TRIS INSTfWMEN'r, TllB PERSON TlUlNSII'ER1lDl'G FEE TI'1'LB SI'IOOLD INQOIIilE AI!OOT TIlE PERSON'S RIGI'I'I'S, Ii' l\Ni, 'ONOBf!. ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195,305 '1'0 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAIfS 2001. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THli: PROPIlRTY DESCRIBlro IN THIS INSTiWMEN'l' IN VOUUON OF APPLICABLE loAND USE LAWS AND REGtlLATIONS. 8EFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING '!.'HIS XNSTROMEN'I', TIlE PERSON ACQUYAING J'l!:)!: TITLE '1'0 THE PROPERTY SIlOOLD CHECK WJ:'!.'H Tim APPQOPlUJU'E CITT OR COUN'l'Y PLANNING DEPARTMBNT '1'0 vERIFY '1'I'IAT '1'lIB UNIT OF LIlND IllIING :mANSFElU\BD IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR P.ARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORB 92.010 OR 215.010, '1'0 VElUi'l' 'I'1I1!l APPROVED USBS OF 'I'II1!l LAND OR PARClI:L, TO DlI'rEllMDIE NO' Lna'l'S ON LAJlSUITS AQADlST FAllKING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORB 30.930, AND '1'0 INQUIRE lIIlOU'! 'rHJ; RIGHTS OF NEIGIUlORING PROPERTY 0WNE:ltS, Ill' ANY, UNDER. ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 '1'0 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CBAP'l'ER 424, OREGON LAWS 2001. DATE: June 29, 20l0. . County of Lane ) 5S. ) ~ Date Received: FES 2 2. 2011 STATE OF OREGON The foregoing instrwnBnt was acknowledged before mBQrjgieal!8lllbmilttll June 2010, by Gregory D. Larkin. _ ()ff1CIAI. SEIlI. GERA1J)INE ANN IlETZ 'fo'"=rs~ MY COMMISSION ElG'1lIES APAIl. 30. 2013 , . , \. . . EXHIBTT A Beginning at a point on the West line of the Thos. Edwards Donation Land Claim No. 55, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 420.9 feet North of the most Westerly Southwest corner of said Donation Land Claim; running thence East 322.1 feet thence North 133 feet; thence West 322.1 feet to the west line of said Donation Land Claim; thence South along said West line 133 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Except: That portion of the above described property dedicated to the City of Springfield as public road by Bargain and Sale Deed recorded June 5, 2006 as Instrument No. 2006-038825. Lane County Oregon Deed Records. , , ~~ ! '. .., ~:;;:~" Date Reqeived: FEB 2 2 ,2011 Original Submittal ~, . . Tax Lot No. 17,02-32-33-01701 o <.:> ~. >- i= ~ ~ z i ffi ill a >- 1i! :::> >-- ~ t Vf -;;z {Jj(p ~ C>> BARGAIN AND SALE DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that Timothy L. Nasalroad and Gregory D. Larkin, not as te-nants in common, but with rights of survivorship, Grantors, in consideration of the acceptance by the City of Springfield, Oregon, Grantee, and the use or holding of said property for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantors hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, all the following real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane and State of Oregon, bounded and described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THE SAME IS HEREBY and forever d~dicale:d to the public to be used as PUBLIC ROAD. TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above described and'granted premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, THE MONETARY CONSIDERATION for this conveyance is Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy and no/100 dollars ($5,670.00). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors above named have' hereunto set their hands an seals this 1 ~...,.~ .,. "',' .,~ ~ ~- ~ I . ~. - n (SEAL) . ALl Timothy L. N~ad ~ go . L In STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE } SS -,.... BE IT REMEMBERED that on this ~ day of ~'" '< , 2006, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said County and Slate, personally appeared the within named Timothy L Nasalroad and Gregory D. Larkin whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. . OFFlCfALSEAL _ , DOUGLAS K.FREEMAI \. ,/ NOTARYPUBLIC.OREG~ "- -- _/ COMMISSION NO. 37351' Mf COMMIS$ON ElPIIlES OCIOB!Jl a!l107 ~~ N=-~S:~on _____ 1"/0 ,./o.r.. My Commission Expires THE CONVEYANCE set forth in this Instrument conveying title or Interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the tille or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By g. 9?t .1- Dennis P. Ernst - City of. Springfield Surveyor N".,. /8. 2.,-,0(0 D~le (RS) DJvJsJon 0' ChJe' De~uty Clerk Lane County Deeds end Records 200D.03~~2~ Date Reqeived: /111111I11I11111111111111111111111111I11111111111 $31,00 00812237200600388250020020 06/05/2006 02:08:57 PM RPR-DEED Cni=l Sin=4 CASHIER 02 $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 FEB 2 2 2011 riginal Submittal RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. - 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. FINANCE DEPT. -225 FIFTH STREET _ SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 1:\O"io",~RoadProjccu\.i2ndNonh\.i2f1dN.Nq:olialio",'I.'I...~....t32\13~l2BS.do<; REVISEO:1llIy.2004 . EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land lying in the Southwest one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter (SW % SW %) of Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, and being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to JOHN KHASTEDAJ and GLORIA I. SMITH, by that certain deed recorded November 19, 2004, Recorder's Reception Number 2004-089585, LANE COUNTI OREGON DEED RECORDS, included in a strip of land 26 feet in width lying on the easterly side of the centerline of South 4200 Street as surveyed by Lane County in 2006; the centerline being described as follows: Beginning at Engineers' Centerline Station L 37+50.19 PT, said station being 6.00 feet North and 0.20 feet East of the West Southwest Corner of Donation Land Claim Number 55 in Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon; run thence North 10 54' 39" East, 1,149.81 feet to Engineers' Centerline Station L 49+00.00 POT and there ending, all in Lane County, Oregon. The easterly line of the above described strip of land crosses GRANTOR'S southerly and northerly property lines opposite approximate Engineers' Centerline Stations L 41 +65 POT and L 42+98 POT, respectively. The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 798 square feet, more or less. The bearings used herein are based on a bearing of South 00 44' 12" East between L.C.C.M. 1226 and L.C.C.M. 18-02-50 ELL, said bearing based on the Oregon Coordinate System (NAD 83/91), South Zone. Date Received: FEB 22 2011 Original Submittal_......___ Page I of 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION L1394-32BS South 42"" Street - rr/jes - 5/17/2006 17-02-32-33 1701 . . DECLARATION OF A VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Back Porch Properties, LLC are the owners of Lots 1-6 of BACK PORCH PROPERTIES subdivision, recorded ,2011, Reception No. 2011- as filed in Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon. FURTHER, said Owners create a variable Width Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement, across Lots 1-6, for the benefit of Lots 1-6, as shown on said Subdivision and herein as Exhibit "A". FURTHER, said Owners, Heirs, Assigns or Successors of Lots 1-6 will share said easement and said Owners, Heirs, Assigns or Successors of Lots 1-6 will enter into a Maintenance Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed and declared that: 1. The Owners, Heirs, Assigns and Successors of the above named Lots of said Subdivision shall share equally in the costs of maintenance and operation of said Easement. 2. The Owners, Heirs, Assigns and Successors of said Lots may construct and maintain private utilities over and across said Easement. 3. The Owners, Heirs, Assigns and Sliccessors of said Lots shall cause said Easement to remain free of structures and parked vehicles and shall be available for access to the public road at all times. 4. Maintenance to the access facilities shall be undertaken at such time as the majority of the owners, being served by said Easement deem it desirable. 5. Maintenance to the stormwater facilities shall be undertaken at such time as the majority ofthe owners, being served by said Easement deem it desirable or at such a time as necessary to ensure the functionality of said facilities. See Exhibit "B" for more details of the Vegetation Management Operations and Maintenance Plan. 6. Emergency vehicles shall have the right to enter upon said Easement for the purpose of emergency vehicle access. FURTHER, The provisions of this instrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of Lots I -6, and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land. The true and actual consideration of this declaration is $ 0.00. Granted and d c1ared this ",1 day of kLC ,2011. gory D. Larkin, anaging Member Back Porch Prope,!ies, LLC ) . ) ss. ) State of Oregon r."(l.~n~y , 2011 by Gregory D. Larkin, , ..~ OFFICIAL SEAL , C; "};J I!.~THRYN M CO ~;J I;Dr!\RYPUBLIC~NEllY . MY COMMg~~~~~~:. ~~~~f . ""_ JANUARY 10, 2014 Pate Received: /-10-/4 FEB 2 2 2011 Original submittal Upon recording please return to: Olson & Morris, 380 Q Street Suite 200, Springfield, OR 97477 4123-Variable Width Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement . PUBLIC ELECTRIC UTILITY EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned Gregory D. Larkin, Managing Member, Back Porch Properties, LLC, for a good and valuab]e consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledge, does hereby grant unto the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD, and unto its successors and assigns, a perpetual easement along with the right to enter upon the lands of the undersigned situated in the City of Springfield, State of Oregon, and more particularly described as follows: . Beginning at a point that is South 88020' ]5" East ]2.2] feet fromthe Southwest comer of Lot 5 ofBACK PORCH PROPERTIES subdivision; recorded , 20] ], Reception No. 20] 1- as filed in Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon; thence run North] 054'39" East 2.50 feet; thence South 88020'] 5" East 5.00 feet; thence South] 054'39" West 5.00 feet thence; North 88020'] 5" West 5.00; thence North 1054'39" East 2.50 feet to the point of beginning. Said property is shown on attached said subdivision. And to place, construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate, and replace therein an underground electric distribution line, including vaults, transformers and other necessary facilities, to remove and replace fences and lawns to the extent necessary to construct, maintain, and protect said lines. SUB shall have a right to permanently maintain the underground facilities, and its agents and employees shall have the right to go upon said real property for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, and repairing the underground facilities, to remOVe and replace fences, lawns, and trees to the extent necessary to construct, operate, maintain, and protect said lines and facilities, provided SUB shall leave the real property in the same condition as before, excluding reasonable, fair wear and lear arising from such activities. No part of any building or any permanent structure will be placed in the easement areas, other than pavement, curbs, sidewalks, and driveway aprons, made with such materials as Grantor deems appropriate, without the express consent of SUB. This easement does not restrict the installation of Qwest Communications and Comcast facilities provided installations meet Springfield Utility Board's approval. The undersigned covenants that it is the owner ofthe above described property and that such property is free and clear of encumbrances and liens of whatsoever character except all covenants, conditions, restrictions, encumbrances, easements, and liens, if any, affecting title which appear in the public records, any of/hose visible from a physical examination of the property. nde sign d has set his hand and seal this & day oy!i?, , 20] ]. ~ D. Larkin, Man ging Member Back Porch Properties, LLC STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss COUNTY OF LANE ) BE]T REMEMBERED that on the ~day ofF<..l'O""y , 20]], before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, personally appeared the within named Gregory D. Larkin, who is known to be the Managing Member, who executed within instrument on behalf of Back Porch Properties, LLC, who executed the same freely and voluntarily pursuant to its by laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written. VI; () no OfOreg~ ~ My commission expires: !-i 0 -{ 'i OFFICIAL SEAL ItA THRYN M CONNEllY NOTARY PUBLIC.QREGON COMMISSION NO 445631 MYC9~'>1I~S!ON. ~XP!RE~ JANUARY 10, 2014 Springfield Utility Board accepts this easement. Approved by: ~~--?/~- ~ond Meduna ",'Electric Director Springfield Utility Board Date Received: FEB 2 2 2011 Original Submittal Upon recording please return to; Olson & Morris, 380 Q Street. Suite 200, Springfield OR. 97477 . . Olson & Morris 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253 Fax aaron@olsonandmorris.com A subsidiary of l.B. Olson & Associates, inc. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors Urban Planners Traffic Engineers LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: February 22, 2011 TO: Steve Hopkins Development Services Urban Planning Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 WE ARE SENDING YOU... (X) Attached ( ) Originals ( x ) Copies ( x ) Reports ( ) Plans From: Aaron J Grimes Sr RE: SUB2010-00008 ( ) Under separate cover via ( ) Prints ( ) Diskette(s) ( ) Specifications () Memo QTY DESCRIPTION .1 Copy of the Mylar of Final Partition 1 Title Report 1 Final Subdivision fee of $4764.90 1 Final Subdivision Plat Application 1 Copy of the Deed (2006-038825) 1 Copy of the Var. width Private J.U, Access and Utility Easement and M.A. 1 Copy of the SUB Electric Easement ( x ) For your use ( ) For approval & Filing ( ) For review & comment ) As requested ) Returned for correction ) For your distribution ) Approved as submitted ) Approved as noted REMARKS: Signature: L1L.^ A. Aaron J Grimes Sr Date Received: FEB 2 2 20ll Original Submittal ----.-. 4123 Planning Final