HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 9/28/2010 I '[, .~. 7'7534.1.4 . I , RIGWr;.or..WAY E.'\SE,,!ENT '-l~ '.. " . . . '. . .. , . ~. KllOW 'AlL. HEN BY. illESt" 'PRESEl'l1S, thiit,.th~' tlnd~rsfgited I . . Mt.' Ve~non' Church"of Chrht. ."'. :::,: '~"'for a gocidand valuablo cOhs1derat10n, ,: Lh~ rece1pt ~Ihercof. is hereby ackni:lwlc.doed, dUBli, ,hc:"cbr grant.:unto the~City. D""- ;.;:... . , Sprfngf1cld. _'" mun1clp.Jl" corporation', ,,cc:tfng'bY"_olIl1d : through. fU",SPRINGFIElD'UTIlITY,. '. 6MRD, an~i 'unto Its successors "e.nd-;lIssJQns, tho.....fght to.,enter upon...thEI'"1ll.ndS.-o~ : .ur the undersigned situated lri the Cfty-.of- Sprtn~ffcldl Stl1te of ' Oregon. and more. pllr.tfc.l.llarly described as .follows: f1ap:17...02~3~~3:,,3~'.lot,,1701 ' ': ',' . '" ' Deginning at a 'point an thc"tle.st .Hne of:"the Tho$._.D.' Edwilrds DlC.'.'55.l1S.R.2W,Wt~. . 420.9'ft. North.of th~'~cost W'1Y_SW. corner.or, said Dle., 'running thence-East 322.1 ft. thence rloT'th 13J.1J ft. .thence West 322.1. ft~' to the .West 1 ine of said .DlC~'. thence .South 133.0 ft. o;tlong-safd west ,line to the POB.i tn.-lCO. Except the following: 8egi:llt e. point on. the.-~o:.t.l1r.G' 0'" the Thos; ,,0; ;Edn-CirdS' [jlC;;55i;:Si!l:.32;'17S~R.Z"~\-iM. . 5Z3~9 ft~ "North-of - . thl.!m()st WIy St4. corner of said Ole:. run~ing thence ElIst 132.6 Ft. thence on-a curve of cl cuI-de-sac to the lef.t hdvfng d .radu1s of N.56"'IS'[. 45.0 ft. at the beg.,of the C;Ur.VCi & a central angle- of l4GQ15' for a dht. of 114.9 ft.. thence North 5.0 ft. 'tHence (~est 215.0 ft. to the West 1 In!! of said Ole.. then'ce South 30.0 ft. illung said west line to the POB.,'i!111nlCO. Except: The Nortll 2.0 ft. of therE,ut 165.0 ft. of t!le above desc. property gl<lY not be used'for road purposes unless & until the abutting property owner to the tlorth deeds land to create a rul1 50 ft. road & II. full turn around in i1ccord- lfiance with plans '1Pproved by the phllnlng cOnTl\i:;slon. Total Ilercs mil 0.G8. Acreagc correction for 1969. 0.73. Less .0.05 acre in County fl.o.,d tlo.2e7. Conti!1ning 1II0re o'r 105:; 0.68. ' ::\.:.,.,-;. : ;:;::=.:~~-. i',':;;' I I Does herehy grant ol 10 ft.. ~lidC! easement from S.W. corner thence north to the ~l.iL corner for il dist,1ncc of sold tax lot to include water tranSl1lfssion and Pilcific Horth~ west Oe11. D ~ . llllll!8! j.IO ;;r;~1 ....'~'I ;'''}6 .. :;..~ And to plilce. construct. opel'ate. l'cpJir, m<lintiifn. l'clocate ilnd replace therein i1n electric trilfl!;uilsshm ct" distribution llll(!, including poles. 1Iuy t:lrQ.~ and other nccesSill'y f.;!dlitlt!!.. and to cut and trim trt::(!s and shruh/.lcry t(l lh~ (!xtr.r.L necessilry ::0 keep thclU c1edr of' sa'fd electric J fne, and to cut dO\'i11 fralll time to time all dCild, wCdk. lCilllln':1 or dJngcrous trees thilt lire tall l!nou~h to strlk(: lhe i-llrcs in fillllll!J. ":'H~ "~;'i' ,".;. ni..' .....1<' ":~ :1 Thp. ullrlcrs1aned convenilnts that he is the owner of the above t1l!scrlhctl property i111d that ~'lCh oro!Jcrty Is (r~l~ an,: cll!ar of encumbrances and 1 iells of wlldtsoev':r' charactt:j'llXCt'/lt= .,~. .,~ ...j I I ( LJII~ITIIF;55 InftllCllf. the unucrsl'jlll!d hdS set his fund ufl(l sOill thl~ < k~'1-.d.:L d,y uf.l!l72______, l'cr--_' C. .' J _1.,(1 (..}~.:f lj~l()I.(.t.'LJI_;f.J.?2:!:~ STATE Of OlllOO"1 4(J&']!:-f~i:...~':!S'Jd,:. _,_____ . COunTY vr tAJJl:) 55. rllstcC"'() '-...j ......:T . ; /'1'. ...:'.d;'~,UE:.H RH1E'~~ERED tllolt on the .,gS?:.H dilY of. &A..~_, ___, EJ ZZ _ . /.~.,..bftf~re-Ine. the .undcrsign"~;. iI Notary PU1i11Cln and fOi. tile 5tutc of Ore go II, Pl!l'soTiilH'- "":~ePd~[.\f,.rtl,ftI,WI,.~11tllin nalll'2t!.~.6[p-</ F. P~./d.G-.9-::_,___ .....:.--._ . .~~' ....y./-A'~ .<~ -- =r== ""0 .. -O"n<L.iE~ the 'd-=-7l~fC;:I1""'~i='S'ti\.(1"}~'~ d~ibcd licr((fil,-amlw]ii,--~.--- ......'.j~9~~~~_i,:c..~-~n ~n;t".Il11cnt ilnd i1cJ.;no:</ c 9coto-iiie--Ulut 77-,,,,.v CXCCII'l'd thco :''i.''~~~R~'.P:'v'a14ntal'~1'J. -----~.("...."---- ":';,\~~\~J~MUt,c.J~~I~EOF. I have h~'rClmr.o set IllY hdnd .1ntJ not;l,.i,ll :ill.l] the 1l,IY ,1m] .:.'f!ill' lJ~.iliovc ~}~tl...l. (~..~ "e........... ""<(:} .~., . \.~~,.."..: OF" 01\.......' "/lhum"" . .. . / "".(." /. .;'y-'-(')/;r-. .............:;."::::-._~.7. (/ ~. -::7.:...--...../ fjol~I\~l)lrC(;TO':i;!ii;ji"..- __:;J._._._. .. ~ I I. I My COII"ll ssion E)[pln:~ ,I-:;~C~j-;'.:(_...,( 2?G-o~> PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O SEP i2 8 2010 !- I' ~~ . ."'r- ;: .'!\\ ~:r.;.'.:~~ L . ol..' , "r I .- ". ." ..~._,.__..-" \ i I I .i I I A p~ " ., -5i~~ ~1~; t al j5 " ""':;" .~.2 /:lll-. " oHl " r-,c < ~. , ~~j'l " u r <N < ~l..\, c. Ii.. ~ . (ll, ~ : i:! <N 0 r- '-;;,;"CI.c: :e 0'> i? ,. S~ ~I :j ~ . , ~ ~5] "i . . ~ "\ L PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O SEP 2 8 2010 L L ~ -1 ~ -1