HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 9/28/2010 (2) City of Springfield Development~ervices Department 225 Fifth Stn;et.. ......... Sprihgfield,OR'97477".: . --,. '. -',. . . '.' l Lci'nd Division Plat . Partition, Subdivision ~-;' " ~ " - ~ .,:i:. A licant Name: .Gre or . D. Larkin Phone: '. 541760-7881 . , Com an : . .. Address: Back Porch Pro erties, LLC Fax: . P.O. Box 832 Sweet 'OR.97386 A licant's Re .. Aaron J Grimes Sr Phone: 541 302-9790 Com an : Address: . Olson'& Morris Fax: 485-3253. 380 Street, Ste 200 , ''''+f0.0?iU:F/:+.7'';.'/ S rin field, OR 97477 Owner: Same as A Iicant Phone: Com an Fax: Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-32-33 327 South 42nd Street TAX LOT NO S 1701 1.0 Acres [g] S uare Feet D Pro osed Name of Subdivision: Back Porch Pro erties Cluster Subdivision' Description of Pro osal: If you are filling in tliis form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. ..' " 6-Lot cluster subdivision with 6 du lexes on individual lots ... ..... . . Tentative Case #: 5UB2010-00008 Existin Use: vacant # of Lots/Parcels: 6 Si natures: Please si nand Associated A Iications: 5u Pre-Sub Case No.: VK.-10 - Or:::,D . . l.bJJd Oil:>" {)()()(J 1 Reviewed b : ~ Case No.: A lication Fee: $? (.,. ~ TOTAL FEES: $ 3 ~.CD Date: Technical Fe PROJE(flPN\WIifi!it: 1*1 ~ ()(j) 71-- Revised 11.20.09 ~ l't:ll '5 ! I 0 I II '. G\) A.M- 1 of 6 ',Land Division Plat pre-!bmiuaIReqUirements Chectst NOTE: If yau feel an item daes nat apply, please state the reasan w~y,and attach the explanation tat~i~ farm. . '. ~. . ~. . Application'Fee'~ refer ta the Development Code Fee Schedule for. theapprapriate fee; calculation formula. Acopy .of the fee schedule is available atthe Develapment Services" . ',:Department.Any applicable applicatian, technalagy, and pastag~ fees, are callected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. . , ~ Land Division Plat Application-Form ~- Letter Addressing Conditions of Approval - lists and addresses each canditian .of . approval, detailing the actians taken and current status .of each item. . ~ Nine (9) Paper CopiesofthePlat stamped and signed by the surveyar. ~ Two (2) Copies, of Closure Sheets far the baundary and each lat .or parcel and all camman areas, dedicated areas, and ei;lsement areas that are nat simple parallel .offsets. ~ Two (2) Copies of Title Report or Subdivision Guarantee far the parcel being divided. The title repart must be dated within 30 days .of submittal at the time .of the final submittal. An alder repart is OK at the pre-submittal stage. ~ Two (2) Copies of Each of the Reference Documents and Plats listed an the plat. ~ Two (2) Copies of Each of the Supporting Documents ~ the vesting deed (must vest title ta the .owner listed an the plat), existing easement deeds, and dacuments listed as exceptians in the title repart, etc. D Two (2) Draft Copies .of any street dedicatians. ~ Two (2) Draft Copies of Any New Easements or Restrictions being created by separate dacument, improvement agreements, maintenance agreements, jaint use ingress/egress and utility easements, sewer haak up 'in lieu .of assessment, and any ather dacuments that will be recarded tag ether with the plat .or that are required by the Canditians .of Approval. D ,Two (2) Copies of a Consent Statement (Cancurrence) an the plat (ta be signed by the lender prior to final appr.oval) OR Two (2) Copies of an Affidavit of Consent by separate dacument is required fram all Trust Deed, martgage, .or ather secured laan interest halders against the praperty ta be recarded simultaneausly with the plat IF any public dedications .or easements are being made and/ar any ather interests are being transferred ta the public per ORS 92.075 (2-4). D Copies of Wetland Documents as required. D Copies of ODOT Access Permits as required. D Draft Copy of Bargain and Sale Deed for Reserve Strips - City Survey Sectian has a template. D D Verification that Street Tree Agreement is in Progress as required. Draft Copy of the Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs) as required. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O SEP 2 8 2010 5 of 6 Revised 11.20.09 ,.0 Post MonumentatilDeposit as required for SUbdiViSi! only, has current fee schedule and templates. o .' Location of Any Floodways in accordance with SDC 3.3-400. .. D', .Existing Easements.Clearly.Identified with Their Recorded.Reference. . ~ N~~EasemEmts and ,Reserve stri'ps Refere'n~ed iridw~erC~~tificat~s of Dedication and Purposes. of Easements Identified. on Plat. . NOTE:;Wheri; as'part of the;approval process, the application has been' conditioned so that the ; -,recordation of a document is required; the applicant shall be responsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document., Documents which may require . recordation include; but are not.limited to: Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements;' Deed Restrictions;' Future Development Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/ Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right-ofcWay.' .' City Survey Section' Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist. ;:... NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Servfces Department. The application, technology, and postage fees, where applicable, are collected at the time of complete application submittal. o Land Division Plat Application Form o Two (2) Copies of the Deed o Two (2) Copies of a Title Report issued within 30 days of the date Lane County will record the plat. . 0 Original Plat on Mylar with notarized owner(s) signature(s) and signed surveyor stamp. o Copy of the Mylar on Bond Paper D' Original and Copy of all Required Documents with signatures where appropriate. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D SEP 2 8 2010 .._. ..~..- ,....--.....-..... Revised 11.20,09 60f6 Owner Signatures . . . This application form is used for both the-required p,re;submittal meeting and subsequent cqmplete.application subinit~al. Ownersigna_turesare required at,both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. L .<- "":'. ,,' '. >~- . ':"/ ., ,", Pre-Submittal Owner: . .' , .," . . . - ... . ~ ,; .... ".. 1 The undersigned,ackrlowledges-thatthe it:lformation in this-application. is,'~orrect:and. - accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the:applicant-is::not.the, .: ,,'-: owner; the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowl e that I/we are iegally responsible for all statutory . timelines nformation,zz:ests nd requirements conveyed to my representative. r . Date: c?3-- / c:::? .,J", Grego~y D. Larkin Print ., Submittal . I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is prOVided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O SEP 2 8 2010 Revised 11.20.09 2 of 6