HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/15/2011 i' . . :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Tree Felling Permit Required Project Inforn'fatio'n ' (Applicant: complete this section) A licant Name: Nick Bo les Com an : OBO Ente rises LLC Phone: 541. 954.0217 Fax: Address: 1390 Grosbeak Court, Redmond, Ore on 97756 ~<l''''_~.~';:';'4\';~jlf:~jlli'j~J!0_,-t''''<',~::-,~,!.~(',.~.;,.;<~'1>,~~~_=!=","'~~~~~'.*,-~m"w~>t1u>_,*,~~,iliii<ii1.r;'i"",,,,.~1'1''-1Y'it0"",';;;~:';**,;_,t'11>_!!o"''f'l;.;'''''''''i''"""""" '''''''>>t''''7N",*:__"",,,",_~ ~. '.... ,. A Iicant's,Re:: :'KristenTa lor "'c' PhOne:',541'-687-10IOex 15 \". \ 'J ..~ _~ . } Com an : TBG Architects & Planners/Inc Fax: 541-687-0625 , ,- , >"".v-i/;,t":-,:fiit~-&~_~;."'-i,"",~<:""""",~'....."""",,,.,ct,.,-"I)-'"_>)''''';;:;'';['-',''''''''''''i:~-'''''''''':'''',~'<SW.o1'!':'ltla<:~,:'''''''~_P)*'''&W-.<'ltt0l'l~.R~~':m._;>;'.;:,l-i'E' j~..i,'_''''8fM;m,\_~&i,!l..W_,','l''';;;:-''''r';-''''i''W''':,'''""",I't,'i"Q~~.~:',,*,"s.,' Address: 132 East Broadwa , Suite 200, Eu ene, Ore on 9740"1' , \, ,. - j Owner: Same as A licant information above , , Phone: Fax: J oJ' (0 - 01 5 ; Ls:t. ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-33-32 TAX LOT NO S : 6300 & 6200 5175 & 5195 Main Street (Tax Lot 6300) 29,064 SF & Tax Lot 6200 36,606 SF, Total 65,670 SF Acres 0 5 uare Feet [8J ~'~"'~~l~~~~~~l\-f$~~'!$>;Ik'h..,~>>'lt.'s@f~i1!JA:.iJ:g..~~~-;q,~S!iIM~~]~rM~o;."X~m::~~~~~:;i'~t'.t'>.!\f, Description of Pro osal: If you are filling. in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Mixed-use development: Community Commercial office/personal service/retaiVrestaurant multi-tenant building develo ment and a Medium-Densi multi Ie-unit housin com lex. . , ,~~ Associated Cases: -G - (:J3:)\~? (9P (Z. Si ns: A C;J::.C:b3 Date: 2. 15 ILfb~ .., Technical Fee: ---"" Reviewed b ., \ /b0b'. :t'S PROJECT NUMBER: Pttrll-00005 ~;.j\~:i1',~l1t~;.;01',0(,;\;;,:>;1:6;{w;ihf,~~,;j:!<ii~t;i~~",,~i%T~~~';~i~iH~!ti'l:;~:'J>i~litg~4i1(~'f>~:,~jf,~:t..-:E''w~>>m::~'~~~fi;&'',*,~L;':A;.,i'$f,;''\'i.'i.;"';:J,t:tt.?~."W.!':t:i;\~-i&W i;;'1m~'~N:4;::;}lt;W:"",,."~]'.i,~ti(,;;r(<:ri';I~~'filIi;'\' , "" . :; 'l I - Y i &4'-i'v i~ P-/w wt..V 0z 'l'~e I ~ \'l"U-uckJ) ~, ~~j cd- -h n.... "'--( Date Received: FEB 1 5 2011 Original submittal Revised 1/1/08 Maily Markarian .1 of 5 . . ... Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: Date: Signature Print If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: ~I?/=- Signature , Date: Print '.:- ~ ", , lDate Reg;eiv~d: FEe 1 S 2011 ~, . Original ~ubmllttll .~, . ,; ~', .;:,~:;::a" .' itf:\.' 'I:' .' .' . . {..;; J _______.._- ;...1 " ....."': !i...:J':'.....,,,. Revised 1/1/08 Mollv Markarian I I 2 of 5 , " . ~' Tree Felling Permit Application Process . 1. Applicant Submits a Tree Felling Permit Application to the Development Services Department . The application must conform to the Tree Felling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 4 of this application packet. . Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required items listed in the Tree Felling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. . Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal. 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check . Planning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of -submittal. . . The assigned Planner notifies the applicant in writing regarding the completeness of the application. . An application is not be deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. . Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. 3. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision . This is a Type II decision and thus is made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed. ' . Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. . There is a 14-day public comment period, staring on the date notice is mailed. . Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. . Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. . The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. · the decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 -calendar days: to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. ",;. I . r; ~ . . " ' I.' '. Date Received: FEB '5 20tt Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian OrigInal Sl,Jbmi~!!i u_' ' 3 of 5 . . .,,~ Tree Felling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ Submitted Concurrently with Site Plan Review or Land Division applications, where applicable. ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are . collected at the time of complete application submittal. ~ Tree Felling Permit Application Form ~ Copy of the Deed ~ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. ~ Narrative explaining the proposal and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with the Tree Felling Permit Criteria as specified in SDC 5.19-125 (see page 4 of this application). . NOTE: Before the Director can issue a Tree Felling Permit, information submitted by the applicant must adequately support the request. All of the Tree Felling Permit Criteria must be addressed by the applicant. Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. In certain circumstances, it is advisable to hire a professional planner or land use attorney to prepare the required findings. The Director or the Public Works Director may require the applicant to provide the services of a professional forester (approved by the City), licensed hydrologist, or licensed landscape architect in order to address the standards in SDC 5.19-125 for undeveloped . property greater than 10 acres in size or 15% slope or above an elevation of 670 feet. ~ Three (3) Copies of a Plot Plan drawn to scale to include: [8J The species or common name of the trees [8J The location of trees to be removed and their sizes [8J The method of tree removal and the hauling route to be used. [8J A description of any plan (Vegetation and Re-vegetation Report) to replace, landscape, or otherwise reduce the effect of the felling that addresses the applicable criteria in I SDC 5.19-125. ~ Copy of the Plot Plan Reduced to 8'12" X 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. . Date Received: FEB 15 2011 ,', "'J ."...."i.- Original Submittal ....' ' ,'..1 " ~ Revised 1/1I0B Mollv Markarian\ - .. .~, '" 4 of 5 r ;.~ fUll .....,6- I'" 0-' ,is o:::l-. . !"" I-~~ ~ J'~ ] Ii! f f Mil) I Ii Ill! !i .Ii i 9"::10"::6 ~O 'cnm9Nl&:lS .1 113HlSNlm.~!iLl!i' J11 S3SI~d~31N3 080 IN3Wd0l3^3m~ 133~lS NIVW "if PUZS-1S ~S lJ jll! Z """" ::; ; ~ w ~ wZ illi :il:5 "'0. ~ l i II ! = ; l II , , lillh!! ! II p~g;:::: ~~ uU3 I I I I I l Il : I ~i' II , , i"1 111 li!':I!! 1 lill ,111,I,hlll! il 1111:\i<I+~'.'''.''@~. Ai' --Tr i I I I I' IIi! I ,I 1"1 i · il!1 !! 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TBG , Mr. Steve Hopkins City of Springfield - Development Services Planning Division 225 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~ ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS/INC RE: 51 "_52"d & Main Street Redevelopment Tree Felling Permit Application (200913/1.3) 132 East Broadway Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-687-1010 541-687.0625 Fax Project Address: Assessor's Map & Tax Lot: Applicant: 5175 and 5195 Main Street E-mail Address: 17-02-33-32 Tax Lots 6200 and 6300 OBO Enterprises, LLC Nick Boyles 541-954-0217 1390 Grosbeak Court Redmond, Oregon 97756 q ualityapartments@q.com Daytime Phone: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: TBG Architects & Planners/lnc Kristen Taylor 541-687-1010 132 East Broadway, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ktaylor@tbg-arch.com Date Received: Applicant's Representative: Daytime Phone: Mailing Address: FEB 1 5 2011 NARRATIVE Original Submittal In accordance with the Tree Felling Permit submittal requirements, this written statement describes the proposed development and demonstrates that the proposal complies with the criteria under SDC 5.19-125. The proposal is subject to the Type II application review process in conjunction with a Site Plan Review per SDC 5.19- 115. I. Land Use Request There are 10 existing trees on the development site, of which 9 have a diameter breast height of 5" or greater. Except for one 4" cedar tree located at the southwest corner of the site, all existing trees on the site are proposed for removal to construct the new buildings, site infrastructure and required on-site stormwater infiltration and detention system as outlined in the concurrent Site Plan Review application. A Site Plan Review application has been submitted concurrently with this Tree Felling Joho E.l,wle.., AlA Principal Permit application consistent with the required criteria under SDC 5.17-100. James F. Alberson III, AlA Principal Darrell L. Smith, NCARB, FAIA Principal City of Springfield Tree Felling Permit Application February 15, 2011 Page 2 of 8 . . The concurrent Site Plan Review request is for approval of three possible mixed-use development options (Site Plan Options A, B and C). In each option, the proposed residential portion of the development remains unchanged. There are two multiple- family residential buildings proposed on the southem portion of the site adjacent to the neighboring Low-Density Residential (LDR) zoned properties. Building One is a two-story building with 11 units facing South 52nd Street. This larger Building One has three multiple-unit structures connected together with a covered outdoor stair and corridor system. The two structures located along the internal drive aisle facing South 52nd Street have ground floor garages for all of the residential units and second floor one-bedroom residential flats. The third structure located adjacent to the LDR property to the south and facing South 52nd Street has two floors of two-bedroom residential flats. Building Two is a two-story building with four townhouse units tucked in the back southwest comer of the site facing Building One. The commercial portion of the development, located on the northem portion of the site along Main Street, slightly varies in each option due to the pending Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Right-of-Way Approach Permit application decision for driveway access to Main Street. Option A is the preferred option with a shared driveway access to Main Street. Options Band C are site plan options without driveway access to Main Street in the case that ODOT denies the requested Approach Permit application. Site Plan Option A: The commercial portion of the development includes a 3,000- square-foot multi-tenant commercial building and a 2,500-square-foot drive-through restaurant building with a limited right-in and right-out driveway access from Main Street in the general location of the existing driveway as well as associated site infrastructure, parking and landscaping. Site Plan Option B: The commercial portion of the development includes a 3,000- square-foot multi-tenant commercial building and a 2,SOO-square-foot drive-through restaurant building with associated site infrastructure, parking and landscaping. Site Plan Option C: The commercial portion of the development includes a 6,000- square-foot commercial building with associated site infrastructure, parking and landscaping. Date Received: FES 1 5 2011 Original Submittal . City of Springfield Tree Felling Permit Application February 15, 2011 Page 3 of 8 Design Team: Owner and Applicant: OBO Enterprises, llC 1390 Grosbeak Court Redmond, Oregon 97756 (541) 954.0217 Contact: Nick Boyles q ualityapartments@q.com Applicant's Representative and Architect: TBG Architects & Planners/lnc 132 East Broadway, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687.1010. Fax (541) 687.0625 Contact: Kristen Taylor ktaylor@tbg-arch.com . Civil and Transportation Engineers and Surveyor: Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 746.0637. Fax (541) 746.0389 Engineer: Contact: Damien Gilbert, PE damien@branchengineering.com Surveyor: Contact: Renee Clough, PE, PlS renee@branchengineering.com Landscape Architect: Schirmer + Associates, llC 375 West 4th Street, Suite 201 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686.4540. Fax (541) 686.4577 Contact: Carol Schirmer carol@schirmerassociates.com Date Received: FEB 1 5 2011 Original Submittal . . City of Springfield Site Plan Review Application February 15, 2011 Page 4 of 8 II. Site Description A. Location and Site Context This Site Plan Review request applies to Tax Lots 6200 and 6300 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-33-32. Tax Lot 6200 is about 0.84 acres (36,606 square feet). Tax Lot 6300 is about 0.67 acres (29,064 square feet). The total OBO Enterprises, LLC development site is approximately 1.51 acres (65,670 square feet) in size. The development site as described will be referred to in this application as the subject site. The subject site is located within the Springfield City limits and Urban Growth Boundary on the south side of Main Street between South 51'1 Place and South 52"d Street. Main Street is classified as a principal arterial. South 51" Place and South 52"d Street are classified as local streets. The OBO Enterprises, LLC properties are zoned Community Commercial (CC). Currently, Tax Lot 6300 is developed with a single-family residence with access from 52"d Street. Tax Lot 6200 was developed with a single-family residence that burned down a couple of years ago with access from Main Street. The properties located on both sides of Main Street in the area of the subject site are zoned CC developed with a mix of commercial uses such as auto-oriented uses and eating and drinking establishment uses. The properties located to the south of the subject site are zoned Low-Density Residential (LOR) and developed with single-family residences. The properties located to the west of the subject site are zoned CC; the CC property located directly adjacent to Tax Lot 6200 is currently developed with a single family residence and the properties across 51" Place are developed with an auto-oriented use. The properties located to the east of the subject site are zoned CC and developed with a single-family residences. The development site is serviced via Lane Transit District (L TO) Route 11 (Thurston). There is a bus stop within a half a block of the subject site on either side of Main Street for eastbound and westbound transit riders. The route is serviced every 10 to 15 minutes throughout the day. Reference the Traffic Impact Study (TIS), Appendix C for the L TO route schedule. B. Existing Conditions and Site Access The subject parcels are relatively flat with street right-of-way frontage along Main Street, South 51" Place and South 52"d Street. Currently, South 51" Place is unimproved to the City's public street standards. Main Street and South 52"d " Street are improved public streets with sidewalks. South 52"d Street only has Date ReceIVed. sidewalk on the on the east side of the street. FEB 1 5 2011 Original submittal City of Springfield Tree Felling Permit Application February 15, 2011 Page 5 of 8 . . As stated above, Tax Lot 6300 is currently developed with a single-family residence with access from South 520d Street. Tax Lot 6200 was developed with a single-family residence that burned down a couple of years ago with access from Main Street. All three site plan options relocate the existing South 520d Street driveways and add a new full access driveway on South 51" Place. Site Plan Option A proposes to relocate the existing Main Street driveway and is shared by both parcels. Site Plan Options Band C remove the Main Street driveway access. The proposed driveways provide safe access to and from the site and are consistent with the Springfield Development Code as outlined below. The applicant has filed a Right-of-Way Approach Permit with ODOT for the proposed limited right-in and right-out shared access from Main Street in the general location of the existing driveway as shown on Site Plan Option A. Please reference the attached copy of the pending ODOT Right-of-Way Approach Permit application. As noted above, there are 10 existing trees on the site, of which 9 have a diameter breast height of 5" or greater. Except for one 4" cedar tree located at the southwest corner of the site, all existing trees on the site are proposed for removal to construct the new buildings, site infrastructure and required on-site stormwater infiltration and detention system as outlined in the concurrent Site Plan Review application. III. Approval Criteria - Tree Felling Permit Supporting Facts and Findings This section is organized by the applicable approval criteria per Article X.II. Applicable Tree Felling Permit approval criteria are outlined in bold below, followed by proposed findings in normal text. Additional applicable zoning code criteria needing to be addressed as part of the Tree Felling Permit approval criteria are identified in bold italics. SDC 5.19-125 Criteria The Director, in consultation with the Public Works Director and the Fire Chief shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria: A. Whether the conditions of the trees with respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of falling, proximity to existing structures or proposed construction, or interference with utility services or pedestrian or vehicular traffic safety warrants the proposed felling. Finding: It is necessary to remove the existing trees in order to construct the proposed improvements as specified in the concurrent Site Plan Revie"i)ate Received: application, which is consistent with this criterion. As noted above, there are 1 0 existing trees on the development site, of which 9 have a diameter breast height FEB 1 5 2011 of 5" or greater. Except for one 4" cedar tree located at the southwest corner of Original Submittal City of Springfield Tree Felling Permit Application February 15, 2011 Page 6 of 8 . . the site, all existing trees on the site are proposed for removal to construct the new buildings, site infrastructure and required on-site stormwater infiltration and detention system as outlined in the concurrent Site Plan Review application. Therefore, the proposed construction warrants the proposed tree felling. B. Whether the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Plan policies and City Ordinances and provisions affecting the environmental quality of the area, including but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and windbreaks; wildlife; erosion, soil retention and stability; volume of surface runoff and water quality of streams; scenic quality; and geological sites. Finding; The subject site is flat. The site does not have any notable landscaping like significant clusters of trees and shrubs. Additionally, the site does not have any wildlife, scenic quality, watercourses and associated riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings, open spaces or areas of historic, archaeological and/or geologic significance as specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240. Per the Soils Survev of Lane County Oregon, the site is (119) salem-urban land complex. This soil has a highwater table depth of >6'. Based on the results of the geotechnical investigation, no geologic or geographical hazards were identified on the site that would prohibit the construction of the proposed development. Reference the attached Geotechnical Investigation dated July 19, 2010, details. Furthermore, the site is located within a shaded FEMA Zone X flood hazard zone (an area determined to be outside of the 500-year flood plain). Reference the attached FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map Number 41039Cl162 F. Therefore, the three proposed site development options will not be a significant risk to public health and safety in terms of stormwater control or flood hazard. As the site is flat and is located outside the 500-year flood zone, slope failure and soil erosion are not concerns associated with this site. The site does not have physical features as outlined above that require protection as specified in the Metro Plan, Springfield Development Code or in State or Federal law. Therefore, the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Plan policies and City Ordinances. C. Whether it is necessary to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvements as specified in an approved development plan, grading permits and construction drawings. Date Received: Finding; It is necessary to remove the existing trees in order to construct the FEB 1 5 2011 proposed improvements as specified in the concurrent Site Plan Review application, which is consistent with this criterion. As noted above, there ared~inal Submittal City of Springfield Tree Felling Permit Application February 15, 2011 Page 7 of 8 . . existing trees on the development site, of which 9 have a diameter breast height of 5" or greater. Except for one 4" cedar tree located at the southwest corner of the site, all existing trees on the site are proposed for removal to construct the new buildings, site infrastructure and required on-site stormwater infiltration and detention system as outlined in the concurrent Site Plan Review application. D. In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, felling of trees will be permitted on a limited basis consistent with the preservation of the site's future development potential as prescribed in the Metro Plan and City development regulations, and consistent with the following criteria... Findings: The concurrent Site Plan Review application includes three Development Plan options, which require the removal the existing trees in order to construct the proposed improvements. Therefore, this criterion is not applicable. E. Whether the applicant's proposed replanting of new trees or vegetation is an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled. Findings: The concurrent Site Plan Review application includes a planting plan for all three development options that comply with the applicable code standards for the residential and commercial portions of the development site, which have been included in the Tree Felling Permit for reference. The number of new trees and vegetation proposed to be planted on the development site far exceed the number of trees to be removed. Therefore, consistent with this criterion, the applicant's proposed replanting of new trees and vegetation is an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled. F. Whether slash left on the property poses significant fire hazard or liability to the City. Findings: As noted above, except for one 4" cedar tree located at the southwest corner of the site, all existing trees, utilities and improvements on the development site are proposed for removal to construct one of the proposed three development options. Reference the attached Tree Felling Plan for details on tree removal and hauling. Therefore, there will be no slash left on the property so this criterion has been met. Date Received: FEB 1 5 2011 Original submittal City of Springfield Tree Felling Permit Application February 15, 2011 Page 8 of 8 . . G. Whether the felling is consistent with the guidelines specified in the Field Guide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules published by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region. Findings: A note has been added to the Tree Felling Plan requiring that at the time of removal, the tree felling shall be by standard logging practices and consistent with the guidelines specified in the Field Guide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules published by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region. Therefore, the proposal is consistent with this criterion. H. Whether transportation of equipment to and equipment and trees from the site can be accomplished without a major disturbance to nearby residents. Findings: The transportation of equipment to and equipment and trees from the site can be accomplished without a major disturbance to nearby residents because there is an existing access to the site off of Main Street. Therefore, the proposal is consistent with this criterion. IV. Conclusion Based on the information and findings contained in this written statement, associated attachments and drawings, the proposed Tree Felling Permit meets the criteria of approval contained in the Springfield Development Code. Therefore, the applicant requests that the Director approve the proposal for tree felling as presented. Both the applicant and the applicant's representative are available for questions as necessary. If you have any questions about the above application, please do not hesitate to contact Kristen Taylor at TBG Architects & Planners/lnc (541.687.1010). Sincerely, ~ Kristen Taylor, CSBA Project Manager Date Received: FEB 1 5 2011 cc: Nick Boyles, OBO Enterprises, LLC Damien Gilbert, Branch Engineering, Inc. Original Submittal__ Z:\PROJ\200913 OBO 51 st-52nd & Main\Corresp'Agency\Tree Felling Permit\200913.Tree Felling Permit.doc . . A c , """,__1>00'II>I "",....,.-...LOCIl__ ,.,..,..,..,,-..............-.-........... .......wnt. z an OF SI'lUNGPIELD "l5l9Z ~ I, ! ! ~ ~ " ....... ... T-l. , I~ ,r , I' ~ ---j - LEGEND ~;""'l~"""-'" -. ..---- _...~.':..:.-:.:: -- :::-:~dt:..::.=: --=:~';"""E-::: -. :::::.::':'''::.: t.UlI .:::.=.:=.:.....~ ~ '=.~:::.r~.::E :.=-_~=-. = "",.-=--.._- -. ::..:..---- ~ IZ'J m *=M_~_._";:: .~ ---- g;S~ '":. - - - 0- :::::.:..::.....- -...- .- ---.... .....-..-- _.- @---{j) -. -_....~- =_._-'" ~ E~"pJ::RM~;.:. -~ :::-..:::::.~':"..':o"'-_....."'-- ::'".:.:.:..-....---..-.. ==-"=[...;~=-':':?..:: :'-=-[;.'==:':'~"'7i:.."';~-::.- ~-:::::-;;?::=::.:=.:::= :::-:::.s=-:-.:;:.::~:: ~'=.~=::;::.:'O:''''? ::...-::::::.:-..:=.::...--- :::::---------- -- -..--..-- --. -=:.~.....-- -"""".._"'-~ ~=!::::-:=::::.=== ::':-::":===:::0':--_. .. _1COLl....., .. . .. --- .. .... ".,"'" ..... n ,.n... Date Received: FEB , 5 2011 Original Submittal c , . . -- -= CASCADE TITLE CO. I ~II~ IIIII ~I~ IIIII 1I1~ IIIIII~~ 1111111I. 9 STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT WILLIAM OLSON 1390 GROSBEAK COURT REDMOND, OR 97754. Our No: CT-0270167 Date: FEBRUARY 14, 2011 Charge: $300.00 AS requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: ( A T T A C H ED) and as of: FEBRUARY 6, 2011 AT 8:00 A.M., we find the following: Vestee: OBO ENTERPRISES, LLC Said property is subject to the following on record matters: 1. Rights of the public in and to that portion lying within streets, roads and highways. 2. Highway Construction Permit, including the terms and provls1ons thereof, recorded May 16, 1966, Reception No. 47494, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (Affects Parcell) 3. Easement for slope and storm drainage facilities, including the terms and provisions thereof, as granted to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission by Highway Construction Permit recorded July 21, 1966, Reception No. 54871, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (Affects Parcel 2) 4. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded August 4, 1967, Reception No. 93869, Lane County Official Records. (Affects Parcell) 5. Easement, 5.0 feet in width, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the City of Springfield, as set forth in instrument recorded September 17, 1991, Reception No. 9144657, Lane County Official Records. (Affects Parcel 2) 6. A copy of the Articles of Organization and/or Operating Agreement of OBO Enterprises, LLC, should be furnished to Cascade Title Company for the purpose of ascertaining members authorized to execute on behalf of the Limited Liability Company. Date Received: Continued- FEB 1 5 2011 ()" I !=:ubmittal MAIN OFFICE. 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401. PH: \~~~a6~7-2233 FLORENCE. 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307. E-MAIL: info@cascadetit1e.com . FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 . . NOTE: The property address as shown on the Assessor's Roll is: 9 5175 And 5195 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 0135994, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 33 3 2, #6200, Code 19-00, 2010-2011, in the amount of $1,999.08, PAID IN FULL. Taxes, Account No. 0136000, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 33 3 2, #6300, Code 19-00, 2010-2011, in the amount of $1,175.80, PAID IN FULL. This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: (~ ac/Title Officer: DOUG PIERCE Date Received: FEB 1 5 2011 Original Submittal . . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION . PARCEL 1: A parcel of land in the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the willamette Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of the McKenzie Highway at a point which is 158.47 feet North 890 44' West of the intersection of the East line of the A. W. Hammet Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence South 00 OS' West 352.42 feet; thence North 890 44' West 215.78 feet; thence North 00 OS' East 352.42 feet to the South line of the said highway; thence South 890 44' East 215.78 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPTING that portion conveyed to the City of Springfield for roadway, recorded January 10, 1972, Reel 568, Reception No. 815161 Lane County Official Records, in Lane County, Oregon; ALSO EXCEPTING that portion conveyed to Kenneth L. Rolfe, et ux, by deed recorded July 28, 1976, Reel 80S, Reception No. 7638158, Lane County Official Records, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 2: Beginning on the South line of the McKenzie Highway to a point North 890 44' West 5.0 feet from the intersection of said South line and the East line of the A.W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 38, Notification No. 7187, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; running thence North 890 44' West along the South line of said highway 153.47 feet; thence South 00 5' West, 217.8 feet; thence South 890 44' East 153.47 feet; thence North 00 5' East 217.8 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPT THEREFROM a parcel of land lying in the A.W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, and be1ng a portion of that property described in that certain deed to William prociw, recorded in Book 318, Page 68, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, the said parcel being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the West line of 520d Street with the South line of the existing McKenzie Highway; thence West along said South line 25 feet; thence Southeasterly in a straight line to said West line at a point 25 feet South of the point of beginning; thence North along said West line 25 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; ALSO EXCEPT the East 10 feet thereof conveyed to the City of Springfield for road purposes by deed recorded September 17, 1991, Reception No. 91-44657, Lane County Official Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: FEB 1 5 2011 Original Submittal ~ \ \ l;l ~ rJ (\.,r ~ , 14 8 9 ' 13 S89"44:E 12 11 2700 . ?' O.79AC 3000 2900 2800 o.:32AC O.G~ AC 0,69 AC ( '1-0 ~"3?-?"L . '" THIS MAP IS 0 ASSIST LOCATING l:! PROPERTY. TH COMPAruY ASSUMES ~ W@ LIABILITY ~OFl INACCURACIES. I ,002, 21 AC: I I 1 I I I I 1 I < lTl.lNE ~ m ~ , ",I ...., , I I 61.00' /V\ Pt- i 0 ~ l' I , I rl ~ J ~ : I :t I I 61 ~ HIGHWAY \l 30' 1-30' 185.78' , .128. 7 I 1 ~ I ~ , 6200 6300 I 0,85 AC , 0.69 AC 1 UJ: I " I .. I 0: !'! I 1 ~ I ~~ I N .... , ill!; 0.:. , 1 I~ 6D'44'E I ~ I~ 1 6203 , 0 '1:1 ~ I z Ii' - i'1 '8 g ~I ,z I , 1 1 S89'44'E I 105.78' I 6201 1 I , 1-: iil I en. 1 185178' ~ I 6202 I Ld 1 I iil 0,26 AC 1 , 1 30' , ,. . /.; ..-- /" "'f .':J. . INDIVIDUAL BARGAIN.. AND. SALE DEED. JANALEE OLSON, grantor, conveys to OBO ENTERPRISES, LLC, grantee the following described real property situated in Lane County Oregon, to wit: Beg~inq on the South line of the McKeniie Higl;1way to ~ point North 89 degrees 44' West 5 ~ 0 feet from the intersection of said South ;line and the East line of the A. w~ ~ammit Donation Land claim'No~ 3~, Notification. No~ 71~7, Township -17 Sout.h, Range 2 W~t of the Willamette Meridian; rniuiiJig thence N~rt:h 89 degrees 44'- west along the ~ ~e of said highway 153.47 fe"et; th~nce &;>uth O:degree 5; West, ii7.8 feet.; .the,nce South 89 degrees 44' EaSt 153.47 feet;' thence North 0 degree 5' East 2i7.a f~et-to "the. Place?! 'Beginn"ing, in Lane County, 'Oregon; EXCEPT THEREFROM a parcel oflaJ:ld lyipg in the A. W.Hanttni..t DOnatiot:' ~d C,laim No. 38; Township 17 SOuth, Range 2, We;st of ~e "W~llamette Meridi.iul, in ~e ~ty, Oregon,' and being a portion of that p~aperty described in that certain deed t.o:willi~'Prbciw, recorded in BOok 318, Page 68, ~e County 'Oregon Deed Records, the -fi:aiq :Par<:el being described as folloWs: Beginning at- the interseotion ,of the West 11n~ of :52nd' street with 'the South'llile of the existing McKenzie Highway; thence We~t along ,said South line 25 feet;thenc~ Squt;.heasterly in a straight line to said West J,.in_e at a_ point_-25 feet South'_of the ?oin1; o:f Beginning; thence North along ~aid West line -~5 feet to the Point of Beglriniiig,' 4l ~'County, Oregon.. ALSO ~CE~ the East 10 fee-tthereof cohvE!yed to t~e :C~tyof Springf.ield for road pUrpo~es by deed recorded Septeinber 1.1', 1991, ReC6,b:le~-' 3 Rec~pti:on ~~ ~1-4'4657, Lane Cormty oregon 'Of~icial RecordS. The true consideration ~or this conveyance is fora membership interest in bBO Enterprises, LLC. "This instrument will not .allow use of the property d",scribed in this .instrument in violation Of applicable land use laws and regulati.ons. Before signing or accepting this instrument, the person acquiring fee title to the property should check with the appropriate ci.ty or cOQnty planning department . .to verify approved uses and, to determine any limits on lawSuits against farming or forest practices as defined in ORS 30.93n." ~/I/!r; j':4P-,'~~ Jan Lee Olson. Dated: I /b /erg , I State of Oregon ) ) ss. ) County of Lahe This instrument was acknowledged bafore by Jan~ Lee Olson ~~~.~ Nota Public for 0 e~ me on --:Z;vt& -, 2003, - .. OFACIAlSEAL SlEPHANIEBUZZARD . :1iI0TARY puBUG- OREGON '" ... . COMMISSION NO.A336378 .. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 11,2004 My comission expires :,~ 1t:.i'7:Y/ Until a change is requested; all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: O:aOEnterprises, LLC, 10.01 River LoOp 1, Eugehe,Oregon 974,04. After recording return to:OBO Enterprises, LLC, IDOl Rive5aLtOOe !2.e1J.e'lved.' Eugehe, Oregon 97404 K ~ .... :~:.. FEBL1;52011 Original Submittal .. ......... Division of Chief Lane County Deeds Deputy Clerk and Records 200J.OOI5~1 -- _.- -~..~.....-._.'. ~....;.__,_~C-._-_~' IIll11illllllllllllllll""II1" '''''11I111111111 $26.00 00376739200300015470010018.. . .01/011200302:13:01 PM RPR-DEED Cnt:l .Stn:7 CASHIER 04 $?OO $11.00 $10.00 ...,.>" INDIVIDUAL BARGAIN AND SALE DEED JiWA LEE OLSON, grantor-, conveys to OBb ENTERPRISES, LLC, grantee the following described real property situated in Lane County or-egon, to wit.: Beg.irin~ng on. the SOuth line of the Mc~nzie lli9h~y ,to ~ point North 89 degrees' 44' West 5.0" feet from the: inter;:;ection" of sait:;! South line and the East line: of the A.. W;.. Hammit Donaticin Land" claim No. '3B, Notification No. 7187" "Township_ 17 South, Range 2 West of the WllL:~mette Meridian; rwming :thence North 8Q' degrees ..44' West along the South line o~ s~d,~;i.gliway 153.47 feet; thence South 0 degreeS' West, .217.8 feet; thence Sc>uth 89 degt:ees 44' East 153.. 4/1 feeti thehcie North 0 deg.ree 5" E~ 2~ 7. 8 f~et. to ,th.e ;pla:ge of :Beginning, in Lane County, OregOn; E:XCEPT THERE~OM a"parcel of l,and lying in the -A. 'W.H~t ~na~ion Lari~'Clalm No. 38, , Township,17 .sou_th; 'Range 2 West. of the Willamette,.Meridian, ~.L~eC<:?~t-y, :Oregon, 'and being a port~on of that property de9cribed iil that certain deed to Wil1,.i,aml?J;ociw, recorded in BOok 318', Page 68, La.he County'Oregon Deed Re9ords, the ~aid parcel being descri.bed as folloWs: BegiIming at the intersect:i;.oh of_ the West :tine of S2nd Street with the.South llile of the enstj.ng :McKenzie' Highway;, thence West alop.gsaid South line 25' feet; thence So1.itheaste~ry in a straight line tp- said West line a~ a point_ 25 feet sou't~ of the Powt 0:; J3egipjli.ng; thence North along said West lin~ 25 feet to the Point of Beginning, in L_ane Coqnty', Oregon. ALSO ExCEPT the E~t. 10 -feet thereat" c9ny~ied. 1;0. the city qf Springfield for road purposeshy .deed recorded S~pt€:Iliber 1,7, 19~1, ~e-corder' s Reception, No. 91-4465-7,. -Lane County Oregon Official R~9rds ~ The true consideration for this conveyance is for a membership interest in OBO Enterprises, L~. "This. instrument will not allow use of the property described in this instrument In violatIon of applicable land use. laws and regulations. Before signing or acceptin"r thi,s instrument, the person acquiring fee title to the property should check with the appropriate city or county planning department to verify approved uses and to determine any .limits on lawsuits agai,hst farming or forest practices as detined in ORS 30.930." Dated: I /6/0--a Ja9fe1:Zl~~~PJ ~ceived: State of OF~g8I1 ,'.'i_.",""',;,:,,,; ",. ....FEB l52011 ""ggJri€Y6f La:tie ) ."--'-: RFiginal Sub~i~~I_ ~ .'. '~~~~~~~'~'~;_~r:i~~n~iii1~~Z~::!~~i~~':kn.~~~~y~.1-~g:~:"'--~~::;:~~' a porti911- of that property ~s.cribed in that ce.q:.~n de~ to Wil.llam, P~~,i~, reco~ded in ~k 318, Page 68~ Lane County Oregon Deed Records, the said parcel being des7ribed as fol~ows: Beginning, at the; intersection of the West line of 5.2i:1d street with the, South line, of the existing MC~ei1zie Highway; thEmee, West along said South litie 25 feet; the.nceSoutheasterly in a straight 14te to said West. line at a"point 25 feet South of the Point of, Begirt~g'; thence North ~long said W~~t line 25 feet to the,;'P<;>int of Begi~ningr in Lane 'County, Oregon.. ALSO EXCE~ the East 10 feet thereof conveyed to the City of Springfield for road purpo~es by deed recorded September 17,. 1991,. Recorder; s Reception No. 9~-44657, Lane CoUIity Oregon Official Records.. The true consideration for thIs conveyance is for a membership interest in OBO Enterprises, LLC. . "This instrument wiil not allow use of the p~operty described in this instrument in violation of applicable land use laws and regulations. Before signing or accepting this instrument, the person acquiring fee title to the property should check with the approp~iate city or countyplanriirig department to verify .approved uses and to determine any limits on lawsuits against farming or forest practices as defined in ORS 30.930." Dated: 1,16/0 '9 ... Ja[h~1/['Z/so~R-" LVe"~,J State of Or;~9()11 i>"';\68~h~i6i Lahe ) ., ) " ) ~ . ',".i":""": ..-,.- ".,".,".,." ~.., . ". -','.,,,,,,',' . ss, This instrument was acknowledged befor~ by Jana Lee Olson ... .. . ~~~~~ Nota Public for De on me on $//1 W . ~ . --, . , 2003, My comission expires: OFFICIAL SEAL STEPHANIE BUZZARD NOTARY PUBLlC~.OREGON COMMISSION NO. A336378 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 11,2004 ~~1 IX :':lr4. ,J ; Until a change is requested, all tax statements shall be sent to the fOlloWing address :. 0130 Enterprises, LLC, 1001 River Loop I, Eugene, Oregon 97404. After recording return to:OBOEriterprises, LLC, 1001 River Loop 1, Eugene, Oregon 97404 Date Received: FEB 1 5 2011 Original Submittal -",J .~ ....,::,:,:.':-,-.. .."i..... ,"',oI. " ..~,./ ',-,~, ,'r ---.' ,,;,.,.-,.;- '....,... .....,.,.. .". ".',-'. SC~~' INSTRUCTION~ To: Western Pioneer Title Co. Date: December 28, 1998 You are hereby instructed to act as our scrivener in preparing a Bargain and, Sa;te Deed from Jana Lee Olson, as Grantor, to OBO Enterprises, Ltc i as Grantee, covering 'the following described property: As shown on,Bargain a~d Sale Deed dated December 28, 1998 signed by Jana Lee 'Olson. ThEi"'consideration on. the Deed' is' to be: for a membership interest in OBO Enterprises,. LLC.. ~ ',,".. You: are further advised:andins6-uctedaii foll"owsi, .'. 1., . Eac:.h '&1: .the urideJ:.signedha';€iexamifled'andherebY"approve..the Deed preparectTn 'acbordance\:~it"h _ th'es~ . instructions. 2. Any coniilderatloi1:.t'or'the cClI,veyance' of the'pr<lpert"y shall be paid between the undersigned:'outside .of western Pioneer:"Tltle. 3. No~it~ereport pr'~i.tle insut-artce policy is to be ",bta'ined or iss.ued.in . conjunCtion with . this fran'saction;, and> therefore we"te,rn Pioneer Title"shaU:have no'nabi"1ityorresPon~ibliity 'w.ithreg';rd to the conditio.11 of title to the prop€!Fty.. 4. . west~(rn . pi;;neii,j::'+iti~ iiidirect~d "'i1otto not"ify anY.a'K{iOting EinctimbfanC~;..iiClider (s) of this .tra11saction or contact any existing encurnbrancEiholder (sl for any. purpose relat-ing to this c'onvey-ance. It 'is acknowledged tha't if the la-an docum"ents of any existing _.encumbranceholdercontain. a ;,due on sale,- ,clause, it mayall?w -it to require full payment of the loan balance upon an undisclosed sale of the property. The Gra11tor.and Grantee have both had an opportunity to review the loan documents. and to seek the advice of an attorney about the consequences of an undisclosed sale.. 5.' After you have received the sig11edand 110tarized Deed and these fully'-slgned .ln8trtic~ionat ~du are to record the peed in the 'Lane County Records. IT' '.IS ..uNDERSTOOD/BY THE" PARTIEI3C ..SIG}{:[NS;.. . TlJE . ABOVE ,'Oll, .... ATTACHED INSTR~CTIONSTHAT THE INSTRUCTIONS ARE THE COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS'BETWEEN THIS'tIR,M....AS...AN).E$CR()W. AGEN1'ANI)iYO(J:ASA, :pRJ:N~IPAL .... TO>,TH,E. ......J;:S9ROW TRANS1\QTION '/)':l'iI'EI3l'l\'INI3'l'jl.iJC::':l'J:9N'13;~y,.i:t9T..:i:Jolq:r.;~E:)U:'L.TI.IE'J.'~~I3':():F<. :~HE.. AGREEMENT .......WHICH.IS>THE.SUBJ:ECT.Op'. ...THIS.....ESCROW~... READ '. THESE,':INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLYj':,'Am>iPP.NQT.SrGlfTHEM .lJ!lL'E$iJTH'EY AR'El\CCEPTAiiL'E'tOYqU~ . '. "-",,:,"'i. 0130. .~~~ Jag~s~~' . ,'< ., ';"3 By: '.j Date Received: FEB 15 2011 ',r ,,1" Jo/Olson Original Submittal INDNIDUAl BARGAIN AND SALE DEED 1 ""I ~ JANA LEE OLSON , Grantor, conveys .to 000 ENTERPRISES; LLC the folloWing described real property situated in to-wit: A parcel of land in the North\o(est 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of SeCtion 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of .the Willamette Meridian, de~cribed as follows: Beginning at.a point on the South line. of the McKen~ie Highway at a point which is 158.47 feet North 89044' West of the intersection of the East line of the A. W. Harmlet bonation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette MeridiarL runthimce South 0005' West 352042 feet, thence North 89044' West 215.78 feet, thence North 00 'OS' East 352.42 feet. to the South line of the said highway, thence. South 89044'East 215.78 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Excepting that portion convey~ to the City of Springfield for roadWay,. recorded January 10, 1972, Reel 568, Receptioni815l6. 1 Grantee, Lane COunly Oregon Also excepting that portion conveyed to KennethL Rolfe, et ux, by deed re<::oided July 28, 1976, Feel. 805, Receptionfl7638158, Official Fecords, Lane County, Oregon. . . The true comiderulion for this conveyance is $ tob a membership interest in ()BO Enterprises, LLC .'tHIS INSTRUMENT WIll NOT ALlOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOlATION OF APPUCABll: . . lAND USE lAws ANi> REGUlATlONS~ BEFORE SIGNING OR.ACCEPTlNG THIS INSTRUMENT; THE ~SON ACQuiRING FEE TmE TO THE PROPERTY SHouiD C1iEcK WI1HTHE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PlANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANYUMITS ON .lAwSUrrSAGAlNST FARMING OR FORESl PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930." Doled, DeCember 28, 1998 ~~.~~ ,Ja Lee Olson . . . " : ~,; r D..\~ Re~e\Veg; F!8 1 ~ to" l i'!;S ., .. J 0l'I91no\ eubmlttal ,'~'j~ > ." The true consideration for this.conveyonceis $ for a membership interest in 080 Eilterprises, LLC "THIS INSTRUMENT Will NOT AllOW U,SE OF mE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLAlIONOf APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGtJLAOONS. BEfORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE criY OR COllNTY PlANNIHGDEPAi!TMENTTq VERIfY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMlNE.ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEfl,,!EDIN ORS 30.930." Dated: December 28, '1998 ~~a-~. ,,~ Ja Lee Olson --sTATi:,'.OF"; ,OREGON"'" "..:':.:..:-::':L.,',',.,:...-:., .....)ss. County of " Lane ) This instrument wci. acknowledged before' me on Jana Lee Olson "~'. ,...::,', .,.,-"'_....-....,-,,.....-. '4'.,,';C "," "';:-"':';:):';':':'-;""'" December . 199R by lOIIBERlY A SPICER ,NOTARY P\JllOc.OREGOIl , COIlt.ItSSlON NO, 304077 111 cOwiSstON EXPIlIES AUGUST 2Il. 2001 otaryPublid r Crego - .My commission expires.: . Until'; change isrequesfed, dllldxslalements shall be sent.ta the following address: No change in address for tax statements After recording return Ia: Western Pioneer Tide Co,. p.o, Box] 0146. Eugene, Oregon 97 MO Date Received: FEB 1 5 2011 Original SUbmittaL l - . TBG L '" '" . February 15, 2011 Mr. Steve Hopkins City of Springfield - Development Services Planning Division 225 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 " ARCHITECTS & PlANNERS/INC 132 East Broadway Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-687-1010 541-687-0625 Fax RE: 51 "_52"d & Main Street Redevelopment Tree Felling Permit Application (200913/1.3) Project Address: Assessor's Map & Tax lot: Applicant: 5175 and 5195 Main Street Daytime Phone: Mailing Address: 17-02-33-32 Tax Lots 6200 and 6300 OBO Enterprises, LLC Nick Boyles 541-954-0217 1 390 Grosbeak Cou rt Redmond, Oregon 97756 q ualityapartments@q.com E-mail Address: Applicant's Representative: TBG Architects & Planners/lnc Kristen Taylor 541-687-1010 132 East Broadway, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ktaylor@tbg-arch.com Daytime Phone: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: On behalf of OBO Enterprises, LLC, enclosed is a package with an application for a Tree felling Permit Application for the proposed 51 "_52nd & Main Street Redevelopment. In accordance with the Tree Felling Permit submittal requirements under SDC 5.19-100, the following is provided for review by the City Staff: 1 Copy: Tree Felling Permit Application Form Property Deeds Title Reports Tree Felling Plan (8'/2" x 11") FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map Number 41 039C1162 F Letter of Written Authorization from Owners Date Received: FEB 1 5 2011 Original submittal John E. Lawless, AlA Principal James F. Alberson III, AlA Principal Oarrelll. Smith, NCARS. FA1A Principal . . :.~ . . City of Springfield February 15, 2011 Page 2 of 2 3 Copies: Narrative Plan Set - 3 Copies: 1 - Tree Felling Permit II - Planting Plan (Site Plan Review - Option A) II - Planting Plan (Site Plan Review - Option B) II - Planting Plan (Site Plan Review - Option C) If you have any questions;. please do not hesitate to call me at your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration of this proposal. , Sincerely, Kristen Taylor, CSBA Project Manager KT/nl cc: Nick Boyles, OBO Enterprises, LLC Damien Gilbert, Branch Engineering, Inc Z;\PROJ\200913 OBO 51st-S2nd & Main\Corresp\Agency\Tree Felling Permit\200913-Tree Felling Permit Cover Letter.doc Date Received: FEB 1.5 2011 Original Submittal