HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 2/9/2011 -- ..... I .., File 45389 I ROBER'rS and QlARl.Ol'TE R. ....,.- .~.. WARIU:NTY DEED flndiltGldI ~",l'lOW A.LLMEN BY THESE PRESENTS. Th.t..e LEROY E. husband and. _ "ife herelnBner caHed uGranCon", ror the consideration ~r the ~m or Twenty Three Thousand and 0/100 . ~""----"~-~-:""~-=~"-""-"'":--"--""=--------~"~--:'DOu;,kIlS ($ 23,000.00 ) r.ceivcC,cIo 'hiieDy' ."!Jry<y un.. l~. 'STA.TE .OF OIlI>GON. by and lhrouih"ta STA.TE IIIGHWA.Y i.cO~MJSSI()N;~e!!in.fter Clllled "Gran.ee". tne followjna deicribed'ptope<'Y. 10 Wilr' A parcel of land lying in the B. J. Pengra D.L.C. No. 38, Towu~b1P 18 South, Range 2 Weet, ~.M., Lane County, Oregon and be1ng that ~roperty delcribed in that deed to Leroy E. Roberta and Charlotte R. Roberts, recorded on Reell 373, IUlltrument No. 7865 of Lace County Official Reeord8. containing 1.9S 3cr~8, more O~ less. ba/I({ And Grantors do Itrreby covenanl to and wIth (;r;mlC'r. ,ts SUL:ces&ors and lhal they an: Ihe owners in fee simple or said property wtuch IS (ree Iroln all encumbrances aSSignl" and wiD wana~l and, defend Ihe same from aJllawful claims whatsoever. In consll\llllJ ~s deed. Where, ,~he conlexl so te'QuUes, the plunl includes the JinBular. , ~"~lIiiS,jOd'YOff~;.;.."7"; ". 19E... ~,_ H,P ff.; j). f' ~ -?~..f~" f)]-:r~-~-" ,.'_ , -/,..... ." ......... '.' (J.;/'ruil;;:th )7?~-h~;/ r" I . s:ri\'I~OFOREGpN.;('ouiiIY'N !;/4if;: STAlE OF OREGON. ('ounly 01 ! "",.,E . ; '~4~_tA:":,'19Jf,P\;~n.aUy:'apP_l:arcd 19_1. PtMnally appeared' ,t~t:':,aboV~ ~~.~-.:... 'T.erov, E.Ro'berte_ -- 'h;, the abOy~' named 1 ~~~; '" ,r.KArlatt@- tl~ ':RO:bert:8",.wIiO~:'a'fknowl; and .1 h k ed"",f Ih" --. '.' ,',"" , - - . w 0 ac nowl- Il'"c.: e "0. .'c.g'=!.ln@:.,~..!"...,.,_t,r\!.T"7n.}:~?__,. :J"-~.' ."t,h. .e,l.,~ I.:dged~ the fa regolnS instrUment to be their ~ulu.n~J')' ,~~,~',.',~~:n1::.:_ Jt-. /.'); n.; ",:~ ';' voluntary aet. Before m~: I :.. ::z:I#l.",-.v.V'IA::...:L1".&:" .~"'- ,I, Nuta~;P~?I!~: r.~_~,'()r;~~~9/ ;,1'''' ,. . ,'~-- _ Notary PUblil: for' OregOn ~y: ,<?oJ:tlmtsSl.on::-~xpjrp.$"--'. "~/F-.jlj'~.,,. /~ lJ My Commission J"pim I :,to f' .3 10_ .:L/._ , :~,;,.'i;'?2""'~ ."'L. _.:I~_"__'. .., .... '. --"'-'-. -i. . ~' """'-/ ..s-70. " 1te:'!1I0,O, _~.':"" /' ......vn _ _r -'lfI': :__._. 7?~..;d".I~;1S'7t '" 'C?f!;i;J; . . '. . ~"''L15:' ". ',-', " . . - 'z ~I~ ~8~..~ Ei >- .;. i!~l IIIC:>-g ~Eh; -"''':!, U5 . Q./'J $-1-"\ ~. ..JIIIIIIIII .r JL-'~~ \ -, . ,. ,. ,. I. ~.' "'~:a'~ 4,!?!2:-"-, _ .-c', ....;..;...,0,:_ ." i -.,-' 7-',,_:, .' ,:- .<<~. ....... ..' i -~~ CD -. a::~ c SC f:lJ!! Co. j , ". ':1. !.( " I',' !,.,. j:, 'I: Co", e1 ".. '. I -er- r '--r-' _. u' '-- To correct Warranty Deed #2374 ~ lane County D~ed Records,dated rl. j;) 7 CORRECTION w AB1~filqy DEED , J1lR VALInE ~ LEROY J. KARSH end HILDRED HARSH, husband and wlfa -,,/-2--) lS-rt-2c..J .-ftreJn referred to .. ,nntora, hereby arant. barpfn. aeIl and convey unto LEROY E. ROBERTS and CHARLOTTE R. ROBERTS, husband and wife, as tenants by the entirety, OJ .. :E " oC i :;; ~. .. ~ E .. ~ :) i &1m ~U Q III E h_ referred to .. """-. tho roIlowlD~ deacrlbed real properly, with -...to, heradllam",ta and __....to wit: BEGINNING at an Iron pIpe sat on tho Northarly lIna of the Southarn aclfle Railroad Company R/W line, saId pipe beIng Welt (1824. 15:'e8t and NOrth ~20.58=feet rom the Northwest corner of the William Veatch Donation -L8nd~Clalm #41. TOwnship 18 South, Age 2 West of the Wt1t.mette MerIdian, thence North 39- 43' SO" East 321+72::'oot to an ron pipe set In a fence Itne, thence North 52- 47' 30" Vest -290.53 feet along a fence line O~.cEeftcet1Otft6r. thence South 45. 29' West 242.44 feet to an Iron pipe set In the Norther y right of tIIl'f Hne of tho Southern Pacific Railroad. thence South )7. soil East_' 131.45, eet along sold right of way line to a point opposite the Railroad Englnee~s statlonl733- 9.5 B. C. - 5-5/6 #124-3; thence Southeasterly continuing elong said Northerly right of ey line on the curve to the lof~. the tong chord of whtch bears South 38!121i. Eest(190.Slf eet and concentric to and'SO- feet from the Railroad" center line transition curve Identlfle y the IS- 5/6 to the point of begInnIng In Lane County Oregon .150 there Is appertlnent . to the above described tract a roadway easement 20 feet wide at centerllnel of whIch Is escr I bed os fo I lows :Jeg Innlng-at-a-po Int:o;Cttie:VesterJy,,:T,I~e_of-fnl!l_ilifVe_(f_escr"lbed fiCt~I~lPOlnt_beerfng North 450 29' Ea~SS;60-fiit-f~~e~mos~ Westerly corner ] thiriOf-.nd, ltPS" be-lng_Wttst_1981.JO_feet_and_North_n4.96-fee!:fr~ thest~ne~lNlr,kln9 (the Northwest corner of-th"O\lJTllam Veatch Donation LanCl Claim '_41, Town$h,lp~IB~ {South Rang~i=vest of_t~!~!IJ~tte Meridian; thence North 32- 06. West 6~2.~~ ~ teet Sautt'- 82. 57' Wost-lliO.30 _fo"eLa'~n9_thl!:_0,ld_County_Road_to_a_P.2!.n~_the. Ncrt1!ar Iy . rf'gtit-of-way I'fne-of-the-5outhern-Pac I f Ic Ra r 1 road and op.P..:Qsl te the un(lerp~fS5-#6l3.3S~ rom~ ~ ro'~ ~ ~ ___ ~ ~_, _, _;. 1_-, And the said Grantors hereby covenant that they are lawfully aeized in lee simple of !ald premises; that they are (ree (rom aU Incumbrances. except c~dltJons, restrfctlons a..d easements .~JJ;;.........""........,.(~) JJ}}t., . h .~.,... (~I I STATIil OF OREGON, eoUDty or Lana, II. P......uyappeared tho above lWIled ..~'{o"~~:':~~i'~oy J. Harsh and Mildred Ite"h, his wife. I' .: 0 ..... ~.... l'l'~~'l. '-::,..' \\QTAiIa ~ir.~ the rorqol~ _",t to be ~~~:; deecI.~. me: *\ PUBtlC i.~ '. 1: . , 01'\ ~UL.L_.___._______._ A.D. 1~1_..___..___ . ._.J!. ""''';.5~~ '.,;1.,"'""!l. __ u_ :'9. /-- Notut I."..,. I ~.7 ....~.... " ~ G>D I, and th.t they wUl wlITOIIt and defead the abo.e """ted premlaee .gaInat all lawful ".hlla what- aoever, except u above atated. Dated "p..~"c.~.~~,,:-_.1_........."....."m" llL~1......"._." ,.(SeaI) leRoy J. Harsh mmmm.(s..I) ...................... t \I~~" ~\'\. ~ ~~~ ii ,~ ~\ ~ 8 ~ 0.- ~ 'iJ j';j-: .:.! : It I) ... . ... lou.cC g..!:oe \,1101"0 ::I ." ,,10 ~I~; " ! S '" ." 5 S; , 'tau 'fi" ~ -~ i~lii fj ~!~i: .I!! o~ sJ" .jS Q 11.: s..". ..: 10 ,..: Cr j i &1'f:" .. IQU &s::: ~ L~~~_ 1I1U COMPllIIY '" .;; ~ "~ j \ ... ~ u t: .. l L S 9 :.:r! .. ....._".>l' "''-''o'''-.."_~~.- '";". ; \ \ ! I