HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/9/2011 fR)AT 11- O~I I~-, 02- /~-~ zro STATEMENT OF CONFORMANCE WITH LOCAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SALE OF STATE-OWNED LAND .r . FilE: 45389 SECTION: Sorinofield-Creswell HIGHWAY: McKenzie DATE: 11/23/10 The State of Oregon, Department of Transportation has declared subject land surplus to their needs. A map and description of the parcel is attached, in accordance with ORS 92.016, ORS 92.018 and applicable City or County regulations, the State is inquiring about land division status from the City of Springfield in preparation for sale of property. o 1. This lot was created by a legally approved partition or subdivision and meets the zoning code requirements. o 2. This lot was legally divided by an acquisition of right of way for a state highway and may be sold as a legal lot (ORS 92.010). . [29 3. Does not meet current zoning code requirements but has "grandfather rights' as an individual piece of property and may be sold as such. o 4. This lot may be lawfully sold only via a lot line adjustment. o 5. Does not meet local requirements and needs: a. 0 Variances (list) b. 0 Partitioning o 6. Does not meet local requirements for the following reason(s): ~ . Existing zoning: 1811 ];)easit) ResiaeRtial uitfi tJYS8Rifl8'Ble. FE'iHge 9.!.Ylay Additional comments: This unit of land was created by deed in 1949 or before. This was prior to any applicable zoning or partitioning ordinances and is therefore considered a legally created unit of land. However, this property appears to have no legal access to the public roadway (Jasper-Lowell Road). The railroad underpass is not part of the 20-foot easement describe, on the deed and is physically inadequate to provide emergency access to the property. To be considered buildable, the property requires legal access to a public road right-of-way and fire protection approved by the Fire Marshall. ~~ Xl~~ l o;lD7/2cit Date Received: ?-.I 0 '7 III Planner. TJ 7304-2074 (:l-9S) PRlY\,T Il- 0000 I I . .~I , I- ~I . I 15 '" "'" 0 '" = <0 I 00 en 0< 1"-"'" N I- 0 I -' I h- Z W :;E I w -00 00 W<t 00 Qw I w .$>- cr:O H-<t ~~ 'ct> ~ i; '0,0 000 ~<!. Ii zOO 0 a . oei 0< ~ -cr: o~ I I-w ...... . ~ (30 '" ~ OZ ...J:J I / I I / f \ .\> - / .~/ I $ 0 7 (")< I a'" o~ ~N ~f '" it? ,9(:l . 3.9~.C ~ I . / / Date leceived: ?-,/ oCr I ( ( ~/ Pi TJ ;I ""-~. ~I . .so. / . . . spr _map . Page 1 of 1 . . :;..,;.-:-..;;.,....- ~'I' ~:.. ...."Ii :.. ~ J<' " ".... !;,I' 1 ! j f 11,1 ~ A Date Received' Planner: T J . // / ()C; II ( I I http://spifs020/mapguide2009/mapviewerphp/printablepage.php?SESSI0N=eacOOlb6-ffif...1/18/20 11 r"'-~:cl I . I I == I I , ['I ( -t- :t:;..l y -- - ., ~ f ~ " I: .. n. .. ",mn - ... ._-_._-~ ..,.. -- ,'_ I . . EXM-~~T , , ,001,13 I I 'I ...- I- I I I I I SECTION 15 T.1BS. R.2W. W.M. Lane County ,. ~1<<1 ---... S-=:,.....-...-.... e~~~:.:-. 000\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :r~u.,. ." -. .. If: -...-.... llIlo.. 001-13 "J. 1':'. -~- Date Received: Planner. TJ '80~'600 . " I. r. ._tl - .~OlC. "" "tIlO" - .- -"".. ;r:'1JO.. I 18021500 ?-lo7 1/1 I I J . . j " m ,. :~ - t' CI.. 1 UoI , (J) ~. EXHIBIT A File R45389 McKenzie Hwy - Jasper Section Springfield - Creswell Highway Lane County Drg. No. 9B-8-16 AFD 9-14-99 D.O.T. Sale A parcel of land lying in the B.J. Pengra D.L.C. No. 38, Township 18 South, Range 2 West, W.M., Lane County, Oregon and being that property described in that deed to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded on Reel 570R, Instrument No. 83102 of Lane County Official Records. The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 1.95 acres, more or less. NOTE: There is a 20 foot wide roadway easement which is described in that deed to Leroy E. Roberts and Charlotte R. Roberts, recorded on Reel 373R. Instrument No. 7865 of Lane County Official Records that is appurtenant to the above description. This parcel lies within Sec. 15, T. 18 S., R. 2 W., WM. Date Received: "2./07 /11 Planner: TJ ' . . SXW~'8 i T' '8 I S 39455 ~~o ~'"' ~..>' '00 tto $a, )y 200 0\)<:;)\ "- ~ 10 9AC FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY This .ketch above i. made solely for the purpo.. oC...i.ting in locatlnll wd premJse. and the company assumes no liability for variatio..., if any. in dim<msiOf1.l and lotntioo ascenained by actual survey. Map # 18 02 15 00 00200 000 Date Received: 2/07 lit Planner: TJ I . . WARRANTY DEED U....iwiIkK:il e" File 4538~ .' ", ~"NOW ALL NEllI BY THESE PRESENl1i. That we ROY E, RllBEIl.TS and QlJ.RLOTn B. hUlband. and \lUe herelnaner talled "Granlon", ror the consideration or the wrn 01 T\lenty Three Thouaand and 0/100 -------------------------=OOUARS IS 23.000.00 ) nceiml. do henby convey unto the STATE OF OREGON. by and throush it. STATE HIGHWAY COMMiSSION. hereinafter ClUed "Grantee", the rollowina dclCribed property. to wit: A par eel of land lying in tbe I. J. 'enat. D,L.C. No. 38, Township 18 South, RaDle 2 Weet, W.M., Lane County, Orelon an~ be1n& that property de.c~1b.d in tbet deed to Leroy E. Roberta and Charlotte a. Robert., recorded on Reel 373, Inltrument No. 1865 of LaDe County Official Reeorda, cant&tutuS l.9S scree, more or 1.... ball(.. And Grantors do hC'reby cove-mml to and with C,r;,"lre. its SUl'CrSioOrS ,nd iSSignS, that they Ire the' owners in ree iimple or said property whil;:h is frtc from all rncumbrancel and will warrant and defend the same from all In COftJtnJinJ this deed, whe~ the contexl Dated lI1is .:?if'day of f.'~.'''''7 ~~~~ A7.k/f: ./ {' J!,,,,,, JA:Ih ,7? Y:ko-I",.da/ llwful claims whalliOtYer. 10 nQuires. Ihe plunJ includes the rinauJar. ,192L, ST"TE OF OREGON, County of ! .tHE ~ut.O. lW Pl"non~lIy app.:lIl\:d thi abowe na 1.erov E. RoberU . . and ~h"r)fttt~ !t. Raben_, who adnowl. .d,cd 'h. fo.cgo;n, ;n",,'m.n. to J th," vulunbry act. ~re M~: R ~ '.. ~''''1I'V. ",-11 ~ .- NutOlry Public for Ort:'~oll My Commissiun upi~s .' t,';rrJii';.e, /~IJ- ST A U OF OReGON, Counly of ! .f ~'E . 19 . Ptnonlllly llP?CamJ th~ abov..: nif.med . lInd . who .cknow'" \:dled the rorcgoinl inSlrument to be their 'voluntary act. Before me: Notary PubliL' fot Oreeon My Commission p:llpirtS , $'.3/0 "--" 'E<.L~.i.:;:.v /f<!1;~{' .[(OQOori!..~._.. ~ .....,_. __P J~ .._n. 1?C~_.J4" J-I$"7Z- c?;;& (/1L/f z l!1; ~B~~ .?(~ ~5. IC=~ ~~h ..1;;"':1 cb .r.,., ~ ..... r ._L_f~ -'- ',- .' . . - ." '- rJ i .re i1 ~.. o:::~ se ".!!! Co. ""J',' ..:. .; H- ,- l' , . " ,,' I' ,',' j'.;, '. ,.... p' 11~' .,." ,.. . r; --e-- ---.---- -- ... e1 ri i' 7 CORRECTION w AI i'~~~ Y DEED ~ To correct W.,renty Deed #2374 lane County Deed Records,deted FOR VALUE RECEIVED LEROY J. IlARSH and HILDRED IlARSH, husband and wire ~-z,..) lS-a-,2\A.l '~D referred to .. ,nnton, hereby annt. barplD. MIl and COftft7 uta LEROY E. ROBERTS and CHARLOTTE R. ROBERTS, husband and wlf.. as tenants by the entirety, \ I honlD "'mod to II ....~ th. followlnc cIMerIbed rea1 propel'tT. with _..... hendlt.am..tt aocl apparleDaD.... to wit: BEGIHNIIIG .t an I.on pIpe s.t on tho No.tho.ly 11"" of tho South.rn aclflc RoII'OId Company R/W Iln., s.ld pipe b.lng v..t 182'.15 f..t .nd No.th 420.58 f..t rom the Northwest corner of the William V.atch Donation Land Clel. 141, TownshIp 18 South, "go 2 West of the VI1I8fflette Keddlen, thence North )9. "I sO''' East 321.72 f.et to en ron pipe set In II fence lIn., thence North 52- '+7' 30" Vest 290'.53 f.et Ilong . fence line o~.cc.no.t~tft6r. thence South ~. 29' West 2"2.~ f.et to ~ Iron pipe set In the Norther y rIght of .., IIn. of tho Southorn Peclfl. Rollrood. thence South 37' sot' Eost 131.45 ..t 110ng ..Id right of ~y line to. poInt opposite the Railroad Engineers stltlon 733- 9.5 B. c. - 5-5/6 6124-3; thenco Southttstorly continuing along sold Northorly right of Itne on the curve to the left, the tong chord of ~Ich beers South 381 2111 East 190.54 Ht and concentric to end SO feet frOll the bl1road center line trens.tlon curve Identlfl. y the IS- 5/6 to the point of begInnIng In lane County Oregon 81so there Is appertln.nt . to the above described trect . roadway ..sement 20 f..t wide It centerline of ~Ieh Is oscrlbed 8. follows: .eglnnln9~.t. polnt_on-the~V'lt.rty='ln.~or~the-aboY.:d.scrlb.d ~.ct~.I.d~po'nt.hiir'ng North 45. 291 E"t.S8~60.f..t.f~.th.-moit Wiitirly-Cornir1t ".reof'-.,d 81so bel!9 Wut...I98I.JO,,'Ht .,.d North"711l.96 f..t fl"Ofll the Ilone .,klng-:- . he Northwe.t corner.of-the-Vn".-Yeii'ih-oOiiiit'lonti'nd CI.hl 141, TCM'Ishlp 18_ _~ .;South RMIge 2 Vest of the Will_tee Kerldlan: thence North .32- 06' West 622.07J .. feet !,ou!."!!~ 57~1f~'"t..!4,.Q.30.f..t...long:::th.. ~~I~.County.:-Aoad:.to I po'nt.on...tl!e-~o.!.therly ~g~of.~~~the.Souther"",pacl{Jc RU]roiCl and 9P~s.lte.the underPlss"1I6'3r3S.~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premiles unto aaJd Grantees, their heirs and .Slim. forever. And the uJd Granton he~by covenant that they are tawfally ae1zed in tee .imple of .ald pnmllu; that they are tree from aD Ineumbrancet. except conditions. restrictions ."1d easements ; \ I I I OJ .. 1I J< w: ~ :; l I .. .. and that the, will warrant aDd deftlld the abon rraated premila apfDlt aU lawful clafma what- 1OeftJ', ezeept II above atated. Dated J?~~'.~~L]_.._................ If..~l.._.._....... ~~'_._'_'._'(SuJ) -mp . h. J:u-L.._ (SuJ) ........._...._......__................._......_.....__....._........... (8MI) leRoy J. Hersh ---.....-....-.----...-.......-......-....... (..... P_T appeancItho .- lWI>od BrATII OF OREGON, Count)' of LoM, .. ..."......... .....~~.~~:..~~~.oy J. Mush ..,d MI1dred Mltrsh, his wlf., i 0..... ....."'.'lo.. .:i/ "OTAiltI ~ir.~ tho forepl,. _ellt to be th'~ 7 dood.~ me: .. -- ." . .\ PUBlIC i.i /. . ; .t'\ hat.ce.P,fs.t!!!.tL1-.____._..__ A.D. 11161_._.._.. . .'....J!. ~..u.~ "...~""'"~""~'~- ~-:"9.,{8"" "..... f "'-' ...........'1......... r \l~~' ~K. ~ ~~~ ~ e ~ \ j! .: 1,;fm 1;1 E " Ji':: J- ~ .;:=! ~8 .. u.c ~ '" . ...- !~~E ~ Ou i :;.~ = .1l1 ".' ~d ~;;;. '<...a:i. .. ~ ,.!I ItI\ ..I ". I\... 'f" i~uf: - ~ ~u iS~ t' i' i~1ii G;'l I: :i~ :5 3! .J: .1!1! ('.. ~ ~~ ~~ ~fiH I "l) J U n ..Hi a -::. ~ IQU &.5:: .1 .3 !io ~ u 1 L S 9 LWJ__- m1B COMPAIlY . ~ ~ ~Date --.. ,-~.._... 2fn .-. ~ ~ ~ "i ~~ .c V> ". 00 o. ~U L" . ~.,' c' ~.9 z o >= u w V> . . o J o ~ f! ~ 81: ~ g N o ., ~ 11 i~ I I 'I I ;"! .. . li~ni: ~.~"il 1:11;; U~~!i ~j!.;1 lilli' WUU ~! ';r-' -. , ... JIl 1"'--:--"""'" ii ~. ~ · *~~" ,i~ ('I) I --' tl Ii ~ I-"-~"''' i ; ~i v . '. .. I~ t. .i i I. ~: ! i , I I I ,I I I " I I : . :I .UhU.-.... . I. oJ l ......~..--.. , aS9 ;! : . i II U~ Ii I:i __. . ! I! I ~ ^ .-., .' r~ . . . ~ ' ~ , . ....A. ~l l / :. ~ -, " . .. ,'" ~ _..~ n. I~ / . , I II i.": . ! . . . I: -~..~ '. . !'" .. ~9 !~ ....._-; ('I) ~ I ~ o o il i 1 i -- ~:.:>e . J /' ~..- !2 . ; lit , 5": f: ~ ~ ...:- . ~.. ____..1. ~ I i! I d, \ : I I ~'';;''-- --- t ~~ " I~ i~ ~ I 'I I -'i(1 l'" .~f l '-,l~ I' N\ .......... I \ j"=~' .>, , -~"--..,~"",,,-"' " .-'~ u I- I I I !~ I --- u-- .: A1i Of I~~ , Date Re . P celVed Ianner; T J . ~/oc; /tf ;;;'16GtJ2 "" 18-02-15 OFFI.[;J.AL RECORD OF DESCRff5fl6-NS..w: REAL PROPERTIES 200 "FFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR. LAN.UNTY. OREGON ~/ -~ TAX LOT YEAR NO. 17 I SECTION BEARlNG CISTANCE 1949 Il~'6C i , , !N 45027' E 290.65 ft. I , N 45040' v. 520.00 ft. S 45029' Ii 248.55 Ft. S 57050~'E 151.45 ft. bt.L.o,::iT€L>ly '" . " 15 I TOWNSHJP ----.llL s. I RANGE E. DEED RECORD ACRES 1 OR W.---.2... w. M. VOL PAGE REM.....INING SEAI\ING REFERENCE OR l..e:G",L. SUBOIVISION ....~' 561 582 e, j CO! tra t R.J I,u 8S9ig 85919 BeginLing &: <t~~h iron pipe set on the nortLerlr ,1in'e of ',.he Soutr,er "',",,:' Pacific Railroad'~o. right of way ~i said pipe being~r,est 1824.15 feet an north 420.58 .feet from the northwest corner of ""h~Viillib.JIl Ve"tcil DLC No. 41 T;OVt'U~:1~~1.8 South, Ran56 2 wrest of t'le \i~ thence to an iren pipe set ~n a fence line; thence? along"waid fence to a point marked b ......p. y an" "uon ;Jipe; thence to an iron pipe set in the northerly right of ~ay line of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence along SOlid right of way line to a po nt opposite the railroad e~neers station 735+39.5 B. C~5/6 No. 244- , thence '\.J\rllf~' continuing along'~aid northerly righ of wayline on ~~urve LO the left, the long cqotdi of which bears South 380 21~' ~1~0.54 feet, and concentr~c to and 5~feet from the railroad cen er A 1"1/ line ~nsiton curve identified by the number 5-5/6 to the point of beginning. Containing more or less 1.99 " Also: it 20-foot 1'0&1 easement, the centerline of whic~is descriLed as follows: /., "\'" / Beginning at a point~n toe westerly line of the aboye_~scribed tract, said ?oint se~}l{g north 45029' east 58.60 feet bOrfi t.'le most wester 'J co 'ner w~eceof and also oeing west 1981.30 It. ~nd no~~714.96 feet from the stone ma.r~~:r:g't:ae nl...-rthvlest cornet,' uf ",ne William Veatch DLC #41 Towns:.ip 18 South Range 'c 1,est of toe Wi.!.; 1;benc/ Nortn 5~0061 west 6~2.07 feet and , I L.ile EOr Cont', I I kOll-CIU'IfAH co . l"C~w. ....~. 9~9.49 " Date R-:r Planner: ...1 7.- / oCr 1(( '"a f r~-- /!16':5l12 (:;n,} , -,- , ~ICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPTIONS OF REAL PROPERTirS _ OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSO~ LANE ce,:" OREGON . '" ,/ OLD NUMBER MAP 18 ro 15 ITAX 200 15 1.'3 2'/,.' NO. .... LOT NO. ACCOUNT NUMBER SECTION TOWNSHIP .. RANGE W. DEED RECORD ACRES I, INDENT EACH NEW.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION O"'TE OF ENTRY DEED NUMBE" FlEMAINING COUFlSE TO THIS POINT ','ofr:i-:h be~ 1_ 9'Cf 3';80211 IE 190.54 ft. anc concentric :'0 and - ~ e('l ft. from the C.D ,::trln. t.r~lnsi tion curve i(~entified .;- ...~: " b~" the if5-C/6 to rOE, Leo., , /, , I Dale Receiv..xt ? / Or /1 ( Planner: T.~ ~ J j ~ J j ". J if ~ c:: -'::..-, .. " ;......;..,.. ". ~. 'l~' . ''; . -:''''' -';'. , I I f i-~ (, U1 ~ .,0 ,;)-Z .' Cl ct, ...J ,;;~ => CD f- => .0 .'-, ;; < 0:::'.' < . I ." ,- . 101_,' :0::-: 'J '" '; .- ~".. .~. \t\./,--l"- . .M.-l \n a- y~' '<t cr; ..; '\ '- ~,}<::E '~':l'~- (, \~ ~, ,~-~, ~ .~-:: "...; o-~: (1" ~ r,,_'. N'N'M- 01'6 i::.;r"!-"",'"j-: r ~.~f'~ -~::.. ,^,,_ . (f-' ~.t9 ~r~:~.~:>< . \ . ":::J ,..:. .., ." ."'.:..:....~~.,.:.:...~:.. . ~ j ~:*,.~.i~~/<r:~ ~;s 'id~~....:...:n"'~ . . '#: .. .~~'~'{>:'~~ .~.n <' -,' . ~~:~f::: .~.:~::.; ~ . ~. ~ ...::.."".....:....~...'."......:::.........:;,.~.~..,'.~.....:'.'.'. /'7, . _." ~ ~ ~:. ,; .. ~;<' ," .;';:~:~~,,~:.. i:; -;, .;: . . --.' """"" ~o ... 'f'. .;;::..:.:1::V".;;':t...._ . ..~.,~ ....., .:), ~.~.- '''';''~~'''''--'''' ~\~.;. C>rJ..-~' - ~.. '~_~.~~,~,,:_.=>.\..:;,;:t,.:.;~.}...',.~~:~'~'.~,:'.:~' ',', ~\}. . .;,'~'.i: . O~ -.-:; " '~.-. . ., .' i':.';~~"':~ .~. \"ii~~,~ ~. ;.; " ('{ .~,; !<-~::~- :\~j:'.~:/:: .-..%t'e. . €) a- ... ~r :. '.~> ~ ~:~~'.: ..-. r. ~...;. ? 0< " I'i: ~. . ~ , () 0 '. i: ~ '" ~'w,,\ ~ ~ ~ N '" .., L!1 '" ,,\ . . o. .-l: '~ 'IJI;1:/ .~ , , -W8 " ~'" ;<L.::l<.:) ~Js . .... .~ ;a;v <\ ~ "x .- 0" .o~ > . ~...~~ uSa.5 :1 ~~~I- . \. J . . ,. .., ,... ,..... q) Z . " C " < > . 0 0 , " 0 , 0 ~ , ~ <:: , t- .. I!{ ~ 0 0 " " 0 Z 0 0 " llQl ,... ~~ 0-,. ~ ~--:\: !.< > " .j; . Date Rec Planner: <;j ~ J ~ <i ~ I)( I-l. .... '\) ~ ..... I I I I ..... I I I I I' ~ I I I I I I I I I I I xl x I x x I x I Ix )( I x I )( x I x ....1 I I I I I I _, I I I I I I I - , ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ " ~ \j ;..? / DC; /11 I 1 I 18-02-15-.C 200 u ~ 568442 '::l ~ " 6 .-I -...!l \.l ..::1" 1 - N. ci '~l"> w v:i~ t"\ " 0 >- >- ('C\ r.::>,,-I<:~ OW 0 ~"'':E ~ " '" -Q '#-"ft.'#- ~I~ B - LLl V> ~ Li 0 '_ I'l\ C{\ "l ~ Ii) ?c ~ " "'0 w 0"- ~ . Q 0 (jwuQ5~uo>~~U'l:zi :Ccuo :; --- "'~o 1>." \J) OJ o..zr-=o:::ozj::o~ -e:::I :> ~:>" ~'V\o .ouwo(uX3:::l5 on '" '" \:; OJ Uc:lc. 0.. WV"ia:l Z R ...- <3 ... w :! " N I , :> :'Z ~ ~~ 0 <( ~ w '" :3 ~'" <( > > wO .;:1 0 > 0 '" " "'u ~ - ,.1 ~ - u ~ ,', . .... :1 ~I V m ~ . Z .. ~ ci -I ~ '" .., :i ;;;:l ~x :< if. u ~ <w ? ... <: . ",0 '" > u 0 > OZ I < 0 '" ~ J !; !:.; '" '" 0 ~ ~ .;; '" 0 ~ '" if ~ ~ " ~ ftCl 0 ;;:3i 0.. .. .. :l ~ .." ~~ ~ .. w .. 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" < u o z ~ " ;; ~ '><- ~ e'-~ ~ z > :l Q ~ '" :>< :;' " ;: '~>5 .t " X Q ""...cD. W " ~Q 0 0 0- < 1; 0 "':::t " 0 . u ~ 0 -i:r g !'} 5'" 2~ . . a . . . Q . Date Received: Planner. T J v \... >- v '" u.. >- \... <l '" <l I \... .... -l e, <>~ " :.: C\ I / <l v. <l '" Cl. Cl. <( ~ t <l >- z u.. C v u.. '" " J~ r-i/th/ Ii I