HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 5/12/2009
'By: ,
McDougall R Repair & Service,'244 39'h Street
'Amy Chinitz, SUB Watel: Quality Prot~cti~n'cooi'di~ator '
, Note'To File:'
May 12, l009
, Site Visit
Randy McDougall: 726-6645,
,I visited Randy McDougall;s repair shop today to determine what kind of conditions wiil
, ,need to be att;tched to his DWP exemption,' "
Myobsei'Vations: ",',
. ,Manyc,h~~lical product containers and boxes in veryold and/o;' pooi' coriditiOll; ,
". Chlorinated Brakleen on shelves;, , , ' ,
. Randy said he uses his chemicals inside only,
. .' . ',,' .;."~."'" . " . . '.- '. ~ " ..
Randy's tiH10 items:' , .
. Remove all chlorinated Braklee'n; ." .. '
. Provide MSDS for j:n'oducts used in shop and for'retail sale so Amy can review and"
determine if other DNAPLs (potentia'! DNAPLs in carburetor c1bner); , , .
. Obtahl boom or other the equivalent to protect outside French:drain in case of spill;
. Obtain mats fOI' covei'ing the two new catch basins he plans to install as part of his
stot'lnwaterupgrade project;
. Place WHP sign at front of building;
. Provide seconda'ry cOIitainment for all items on shelves; and
. Perfol:m general cleanup to consolidate loose products scattered around and
improve storage conditions, : I '
I told Randy J would send him a copy of the City of Springfield fish-friendly BMP list ~ Vone/tot) 'I
(rrcinc1002@qwestoffice.net). 9/7
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S:\Amy Chinitz\I3usinesses_DWP apps\McDougall R Repair and SCfvicc\2009.0S-[2_Site Visit McDougall Repair.doc
McDougall R Repair & Service, 244 39th Street
Amy Chinitz, SUB Water Quality protectn Coordinator
Note To File:
May 12, 2009
Subject: .
Site Visit
Randy McDougall: 726-6645
r visited Randy McDougall's repair shop today to determine what kind of conditions will
need to be attached to his DWP exemption.
My observations:
. Many chemical product containers and boxes in very old andj6r poor condition; .
. Chlorinated Brakleen on shelves;
. Randy said he uses his chemicals inside only.
Randy's to-do items:
. Remove all chlorinated Brakleen;
. Provide MSDS for products used in shop and for retail sale so Amy can review and
determine if other DNAPLs (potential DNAPLs in carburetor clkaner);
. Obtain boom or other the equivalent to protect outside Frenchl drain in case of spill;
. Obtain mats for covering the two new catch basins he plans to install as part of his
stormwater upgrade project;
. Place WHP sign at front of building;
. Provide secondary containment for all items on shelves; and
. Perform general cleanup to consolidate loose products scattered around and
improve storage conditions.
I told Randy I would send him a copy of the City of Springfield fish-friendly BMP list
(rrcinc1 002@qwestoffice.net).
Date Received:
Planner: SH
5 -12- -61
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