HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PWE 10/9/2008
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L1MBIRD Andrew
Sent: Thursday, October 09,20089:44 AM
To: David Nichols
Cc: L1MBIRD Andrew
Subject: RE: EastlWest Auto
I apologize for the time elapsed in responding. I had this email 90% complete last week, and didn't get back to it
until this morning.
Thank you. This will be tight, but workable. Also, as I believe we discussed on the phone, we will need a right
turn only sign (See below) facing the site, and an "Exit Only" sign facing 42nd Street. This should be placed in the
northern half of the eastern piece of the "pork-chop" (See below.)
With the truck proposed (ASHTO 2004, 30 foot SU vehicle or smaller), with the signs, with mountable curbs, and
with a 13' entry width on the 42nd Street entryway, this plan is acceptable to transportation staff. Please modify
the final site plan to reflect these modifications.
Let me know if you need any clarification.
Yours truly,
Jon Driscoll PLS, EfT, WRE
Transportation Engineer in Training
City of Springfield, Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97478
. Phone: (541) 726-3679 Fax: (541) 726-3781
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From: David Nichols [mailto:pwengineering2@qwestoffice.netj
Sent: Monday, September 29,200811:33 AM
DatEl Received: iO/;/;CC!
Planner: AL
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Subject: RE: ~ast/West Auto
Hi Jon, I used an 8-foot wide truck with no offset.
Dave Nichols
From: DRISCClLL Jon [mailto:jdriscoll@ci.springfield.or.us]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 10:33 AM
To: David Nichols
Cc: UMBIRD Andrew
Subject: RE: East/West Auto
This does satisfy all my concerns, save one missed dimension. What was the offset you used, if any, for the
truck's outline. '(i.e. Did you use a 1 foot offset from the exterior of the truck to form the path, or zero or two...?)
Yours truly,
Jon Driscoll PLS, EfT, WRE
Transportation Engineer in Training
City of Springfield, Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97478
Phone: (541) 726-3679 Fax: (541) 726-3781
jd riscoll@ci.sprinqfield.or.us
From: David Nichols [mailto:pwengineering2@qwestoffice.net]
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 4:55 PM
Subject: RE: East/West Auto
Hi Jon, I have attached 4 PDF files with the truck and wheel base shown within the turning radius for this size
truck. The truck size and wheel base is also shown on the PDF files. I also attached the turning template with the
radiuses for the 3D-foot truck. I did the same for a garbage truck even though I believe they are only 26-feet in
length. The shy dimensions are all within the radiuses.
Also, my client says this is how they receive their vehicles other than driving them to the site. There are not any
larger trucks used.
I will take the area for the right-in from the south instead of the pork-chop. I can only take 1-foot from the south
end which will make the opening 13-feet.
Hope this satisfies your concerns.
Dave Nichols
From: DRISCOLL Jon [mailto:jdriscoll@ci.springfield.or.us]
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 9:50 AM
To: David Nichols
Date Received: /~~/2..tJ"
Planner: AL
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Cc: UMBIRD Andrew
Subject: RE: East/West Auto
I did get your email, and I've looked at the tuming template. I still have some questions and missing information.
First of all, can you tell me what size vehicle your client will be using? I had suggested the SU (Single Unit) 30'
truck (see copied below) would be representative of the flat bed, but will there be times you might be towing
someone, or using a truck to bring in two vehicles? If not, please confirm what the largest vehicle your client will
bring on the site and use that in your turning template.
Second, please resend the turning template with lines showing the traced vehicle outline, wheel lines, and a shy
distance (define how wide this is) from the outside of the vehicle.
Third, I spoke with my supervisor about the pork chop. Instead of trimming the pork chop down on its south side,
it would be better to trim down the south side of that entrance path. (I believe you have room to do so and still
keep the 18-foot stalls on the south side of the property.
Finally, it was also pointed out that no turning templates show how the garbage bin will be emptied. Please show
a template for that as well. .
Don't hesitate to call if you have any questions.
Yours truly,
Jon Driscoll PLS, EfT, WRE
Transportation Engineer in Training
City of Springfield, Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97478
Phone: (541) 726-3679 Fax: (541) 726-3781
Date Received: /o/9P()()!'
Planner: Al
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From: David Nichols [mailto:pwengineering2@qwestoffice.net]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 1:38 PM
Subject: East/West Auto
Hi John, I never received the e-mail; however I used the ODOT template for a 3D-foot truck and laid it on the site.
I don't see any problems as long as the truck follows the path I outlined on the attached PDF file. The truck will
back up at the southern portion of the site them head out the same Smith Way access.
Dave Nichols
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