HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments ENG 8/21/2008
p~ 7fJea &~, 'JHe,
August 20, 2008
RE: DRC2008-0025
This letter will address the Tentative Conditions of Approval for DRC2008-00025.
J. The Final Site Plan shall provide for at least 30 inches of cover atop the SUB
water line that runs along the 42nd Street frontage of the site. If the appropriate
cover cannot be achieved, the Final Site Plan shall adjust the bioswale
configuration accordingly.
1 have included a letter from SUB dated March 5, 2007 indicating they are acceptable
with 12"-18" of cover and a follow up e-mail dated June 6, 2008 explaining the situation.
The owner will maintain at least the minimum cover over the water line as requested by
2. The Final Site Plan shall depict the location of underground electrical lines
required to serve the site.
The underground electric utilitY has been shown on the plans in the location indicated by
SUB during the tentative review.
3. The Final Site Plan shall provide for vegetated swale side slopes of 3: I (or less)
and grassy swale side slopes of 4: J (or less) in accordance with the Portland BES
, I
Stormwater Management Manual.
The vegetated and grassy swale designs have been revised to reflect the side slope
4. The Final Site Plan shall provide for removal of the swale flow path and
structural components outside the 7-foot PUE. Alternatively, the applicant shall
provide concurrences from afficted utility providers verifYing that the swale
placement and configuration is acceptable.
The SUB letter dated March 5, 2007 and the follow up e-mail mentioned in Condition #1
indicated that the swales are acceptable over the top of the water line as long as the cover
requirements are met. SUB is the single affected provider with a utility within the
proposed PUE.
5. The Final Site Plan shall provide for relocation of the power line pole anchor to a
point outside the vegetated swale and sideslopes.
The power line anchor is proposed to be relocated outside the vegetated swale to the top
of the bank on the east side of the swale.
Date Received:
P.O. .,., 70026
36/0 '1"""ft44ta<< -t"'ft
&"9""". Oil."? 97<<J/
P'-54/-344-22/5. ,?",54/-344-23/F
AU6 2 I 2008
F, ~al Submittal iJ/
6. The Final Site Plan shall provide for a minimum iO-foot setbackfrom the swale
centerline to the buildingfoundation. or the swale shall be appropriately lined
with impermeable fabric.
The vegetated swale detail has been revised to indicate impermeable fabric adjacent to
the sales office.
7. The public stormwater line extension within 42"d Street right-ol-way shall be
constructed as a Public improvement Project. Alternatively, the applicant can
relocate the proposed stormwater line inside the western boundary of Tax Lot 400
and obtain a private utility easement. The Final Site Plan shall depict the
preferred routing of the stormwater line and connection to the public system south
of the property.
The public storm water extension has been moved outside the public right-of-way within
a proposed private stormwater easement. The owners of tax lot 400 have been contacted
and are amenable to granting the easement.
8. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall provide supporting
information satisfactory to the City Engineer that confirms there is adequate
capacity at the stormwater point of connection south of the property.
Pacific West Engineering inspected the area drain connection to the curb inlet. There is a
12" pipe connecting the components together. This is more than adequate to drain this
site and the adjacent site. The plans have been revised to reflect the pipe size.
9. The water quality swales depicted on Sheet C2 of the applicant's site plan shall be
constructed and operational as part of the Phase i site development approval
process. The on-site stormwater management system, including the vegetated
swales, shall be functioning to the satisfaction of the City's Public Works
Department prior to issuance of occupancy for the building.
The owner is aware of this condition.
i O. To ensure a fUlly functioning water quality system and meet objectives of
Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the
vegetative water quality swales shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species
established prior to approval of building occupancy. Alternatively, if this
condition cannot be met due to physical conditions, the applicant shall provide
and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures
acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the
swale vegetation becomes fully established. The interim erosion control measures
shall be in addition to the required plantings for the site.
The owner is aware of this condition.
Date Received:
'P.O. So< 70026
S6/0 9".,{1"""""' ,4""..
~. O;li! 9740/
AUG 2 1 2008
-F\ nal Submittal /l /'
11. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall add a note to the plan
set indicating that the vegetated/grassy swale areas shall be clearly marked
before site work begins to avoid disturbance of soil during construction.
Vehicular traffic shall be kept at least 10 fiet away from the bottom of the swale
with the exception of equipment specifically required to construct the stormwater
facility. The note also shall be added to plans submittedfor a Land Drainage
Alteration Permit (LDAP).
The note has been added to the plans.
12. The Final Site Plan shall provide for a suitable pedestrian and handicap crossing
of the divider island within the site driveway on 420d Street.
The plans have been revised with a detail that generally shows the details of the divider
island and handicap crossing. This detail was reviewed by the Transportation Division of
the city and approved in concept. One of the concerns was ingress and egress through
this area with trucks loading and unloading cars. The owner has indicated that there will
not be any large trucks delivering or picking up cars at the site. Cars are delivered
individually or on a single trailer or truck bed. There are not any problems associated
with maneuvering these trailers or trucks within the site or this access.
13. The applicant shall provide a suitable Fire Department access key or switch for
the driveway gates. Manually-operated gates shall have a Public Works padlock
installed, and electronic gates shall have a Knox keyed switch installed
The plans have been revised to indicate a Public Works padlock at the driveway gates.
14. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the 7-foot wide PUE along 420d Street
and Smith Way shall be executed and recorded and evidence thereof provided to
the City. The configuration of the PUE shall be adjusted as necessary to
accommodate any public utility infrastructure encroaching within the site,
including but not limited to overhead power lines and power pole anchor wires.
A 7-foot PUE will be recorded and will be expanded to include the overhead power lines
and the water line locations at the NW comer of the site. I would like to request a
standard City of Springfield PUE form for recording. Please have a staff member contact
15. The Building Permit plans submitted for the sales office shall employ non-metallic
materials for the siding and roofing, consistent with the requirements ofSDC 4. 7-
lJ 5.A.1
The building plans have been revised to reflect the use of non-metallic materials for the
siding and roofing.
16. The applicant shall use silent paging and non-amplified telephone systems on the
site such that noise is not projected into the adjacent residential neighborhood.
The owner is aware of this condition.
'P.o. if" 70026
S610 9-ift44"'''' .t"P
~. o;t:! 97401
'Pk""S41-S44-22IS' ,?""S4I-S44-2SII!
Date Received:
AUG 2 1 2008
final submittal /J X
17. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the landscaping plan shall be revised to
provide for at least 5% of the interior parking lot area (not less than 250 square
feet) to be landscaped in accordance with SDC 4. 4105.F2.
The plans have been revised to provide for at least 5% of the interior parking lot area to
be landscaped. A landscape island has been added along the south property line of the
18. All site landscaping areas shall be maintained as such, and shall not be usedfor
parking, storage or display of vehicles.
The owner is aware of this condition.
19. The chain link fence along the south property line shall be black vinyl coated or
an alternate style acceptable to the City.
The plans have been revised to reflect a black coated chain link fence along the south
property line.
20. All site and/or building signage is to be placed such that it faces onto 421Jd Street.
No site or building signage facing Smith Way will be approved for this
The owner is aware of this condition. The sign on the sales office is shown facing 4Znd
Street only.
21. On the Final Site Plan, the driving aisle width between the corner of the carport
and the nearest parking space to the west shall be increased to at least 16 feet.
The 16-foot wide driving aisle shall be appropriately signed and painted for one-
way traffic only.
A parking space has been removed at this location increasing the drive isle to 17.5 feet in
width. The plans have been revised to reflect this and to indicated signage and stripping
for one-way traffic.
22. All loading or unloading of vehicles or equipment shall be conducted on the site,
and not within the public right-of-way.
The owner is aware of this condition.
23. At least 4 vehicle parking spaces shall be kept available for use at all times by
employees and customers.
Four vehicle parking spaces will be reserved for employees and customers. They are
adjacent to the east boundary of the site. The plans have been revised to reflect this
24. The Final Site Plan shall provide for at least three (3) bicycle parking spaces on
the site, including at least one covered long-term bicycle parking space.
The plans have been revised to show the location of the three short term bicycle parking
spaces and the one long term space located under the carport.
P. o. S,x 70026
3610 9..d,k4Jt<<M .If"p
~. OJ< ~7401
P4..e 541.344.2215. fax 541.344.231%
Date Received:
AUG 2 1 2008
Hnal Submittal ()r
, , .
25. The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring appropriate precautions are
observed during site construction to protect groundwater and to prevent spills or
leakage of materials into the storm water system. Wellhead protection signs shall
be posted at conspicuous locations to alert contractors, subcontractors,
employees and others to the importance of reporting and cleaning up any spills.
Additionally, DNAPL materials shall be prohibited on the site during construction
and operation.
The owner is aware of this condition. Construction plans for the site will include placing
wellhead protection signs at the site to notifY contractors of the situation.
26. The Final Site Plan shall include design details for the proposed driveway onto
42'd Street. The driveway design shall be reviewed and approved by the City
Traffic Engineer prior to issuance of a permit for driveway construction.
The plans have been revised with a detail that generally shows the details ofthe divider
island and handicap crossing. This detail was reviewed by the Transportation Division of
the city and approved in concept. One of the concerns was ingress and egress through
this area with trucks loading and unloading cars. The owner has indicated that there will
not be any large trucks delivering or picking up cars at the site. Cars are delivered
individually or on a single trailer or truck bed. There are not any problems associated
with maneuvering these trailers or trucks within the site or this access.
27. The applicant shall provide and maintain lO-foot clear vision triangles at the
corners of the site driveways in accordance with SDC Figure 4.2-A.
A 10-foot clear vision triangle will be maintained at the corners of the driveways. The
Landscape Plan reflects this. In addition, the vision clearance triangle dimensions have
been added to the plans.
28. The property owner shall be responsible for ongoing and perpetual maintenance
of the private stormwater facilities on the site to ensure they function as designed
and intended, and to ensure protection of groundwater resources.
The owner is aware of this condition.
Date Received:
AUG 2 I 2008
I1nal Submittal /J ~
P. O. <$'., 70026
S6/0 9""'''''- L..,.
~. 01< 97'10/
Pi"", 54/-$44-22/5. ?ax S4/-$44-2S/f