HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 03-47 10/06/2003 . . . RESOLUTION NO 03-47 A RESOLUTION TO WITHHOLD INITIATION OF ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORIES TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the City received an application to annex 9.53 acres into the City of Springfield on February . 28,2003, said territory being described as follows: Township 18 South, Range 2 West, Section 02, Map 12, Tax Lot 5201 as more particularly described in Exhibit 1 of this Resolution. WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, and is adjacent to the City Limits; and WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by Springfield Development Code 6.030(2)(a) and ORS 222.111 and other applicable Oregon Revised Statutes to initiate annexation when the territory in the annexation proposal can be provided with the minimum level of key urban facilities and services in an orderly and efficient manner as defined in Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan Policy 8, page 11- B-4; and where there will be a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and facilities; and WHEREAS, minimum level key urban facilities and services are defined in the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan, page V-3 as wastewater service, storm water service, solid waste management, water service, fire and emergency medical services, police protection, city-wide parks and recreation programs, electric service, land use controls, communications facilities and services, and public schools on' a district- wide basis; and WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed cannot be provided with storm water drainage systems as described in Exhibit 2 Staff Report Journal Number LRP2003-00003: Stormwater Drainage Systems; and, WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed does not h;we sufficient property frontage abutting the public street system to allow construction of a street or driveway which meets City Development Code standards and Fire and Life Safety requirements, as described in Exhibit 2 Staff Report Journal Number LRP2003-00003: Transportation Systems; and WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed cannot be provided with a full range of urban services in an orderly and efficient manner as described in Exhibit 2 Staff'Report: Discussion of Key Urban Services. NOW THEREFORE BASED ON THE FOREGOING RECITALS, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The territory in the annexation proposal, more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit 1, cannot be provided with the minimum le:vel of key urban facilities and services as defined in Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan Policy 8, page II-B-4; therefore the proposed annexation is not in conformance with the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan. Section 2: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby withhold recommendation of approval of the annexation of the subject territories more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit 1, to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon. . . . Section 3: This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Common Council of the City of Springfield and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 6th day of October 2003, by a vote of ~ for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this ATTEST: =~ City Record " FORM #1 . PETITION ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION We, the undersi.gned, constitute the owners of at least one-half of the land area of the property described in the attachment marked "Exhibit A" AND We desire to be annexed to the City of Springfield. A map is attached marked "Exhibit B," showing the affected territory and its relationship to the present city limit boundaries. . The annexation constitutes a minor boundary change under the Boundary Commission Act and should therefore be considered by the BoundaryCommission and, after study, a Final Order should be entered by the Boundary Commission. Date 2. - 2-0- ~~ Date 2 ~ '2-6' < 03 Date By Date i It.- 0'2- - 02 -l?.. LOT# -- 5 2. 0 ( MAP# MAP# LOT#-- With the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to, consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm, agency or trust. . Exhibit 1 page 1 3 . Exhibit" A " . B~ at the Southeast Comer of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat Nwnber 91-POl05, as filed ii1 Lane County Oregon Partition Plat Records, May 13, 1991; thence South 890 18' 23" West 388.46 feet; thence North 00 09' 25" West 90.00 feet; thence South 89<> 18' 23" West 175.00 feet; thence North 00 08' 46" West 24.52 feet; thence North 890 18' 23" East 35.00 feet; thence North 170 59' 48" East 325.70 feet; thence South 890 50' 35" West ,136.48 feet; thence North 00 09' 25" West 375.66 feet; thence North 890 18' 23" East 563.46 feet; thence South 00 09' 25" East 800.00 feet to the Point of Beginning in Lane COWlty, Oregon. . . . Exhibit 1, page 2 f .. FORM #1A . CERTIFICATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS " r have caused a search to be made of the assessment and taxation records, Lane County department of Assessment and Taxation, on Those records reflect that . individuals listed on the attached petition are the owners of record of the . property identified by the tax lots described on the attached sheet. Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation Date . . Exhibjt 1, page 3 4 ." . PETITION REQUIRE1v1ENTS FOR VALIDATION OF SIGNATURES FORANNEXATIONS TO DISTRICTS OR FORMATION OF DISTRICT (1-8-2002) " . Petition sheet must include: (see attached example) . Signature . Printed name . Residential address/city .. Associated map & taX lot # . 'Whether land owner (if it will be utilized for Assessment & Taxation also), registered voter, or both . Date of Signature . "Completed petitions must be submitted as a group. . Completed petitions must include a complete list of all affected map & tax lots in number order. .;~ ' . Once petition signatures are submitted, Lane County Elections will: . Determine the total valid registered voters for the affected .area. .. Validate the munber of valid signatures of registered voters. . Certify the percentage of valid signatures to the total valid registered voters for the affected area. . \. I:\CDCC\ELEC\FRM\annex fonnation PETITIONS REQUIREMENTS. doc 5 Exhibit ~, pag~ 4 . . o FORMATION OF DISTRICT . PETITION I.D. 0'\ PETITION FOR ~ ANNEXATION TO DISTRICTS SIGNATURE SHEET THIS IS A CITY I DlSTRICT PETITION. SIGNERS OF Tl-IIS PAGE MUST BE REGISTERED VOTERS IN LANE COUNTY ONLY. TO THE COUNTY ELECTIONS FILING OFFICER, CITY I DISTRICT OF S~lLl f'lC:t''\6-t) 't%j ~ ::r' 1-" 0"' 1-" r1' ~IGNA TYP.E~ I)A TE SIGNED . PRINT NAME RESIDENCE-ADDRESS MAP & TAX LOT PROP REG. MOIDAYNR. STREET, NUMIlER & CITY OWNER OWNER V4:::-- -:.' Ct/ &.!> Y..~ 2..--u>-.Q t1 "5T6l.(;- ~"'A~ '7.'.l.", j-icUJ't -j,\. << . ;:# )( ~\, .", I' a . ot..:.t. f'. E::1...Il) I -DJ.- 6;J.-12- !irZ4! 2. (\J.Q~~D. W~t~~. z.. GO .0;., T \A.\A.~' ~t J. l ';WA ... .12- '\ ., rt,. ~l. "t "0. . 1't?.~'J,.- 02.-12. ~:10\ '>( ';,r"{'-,N:;;,,~V) 3.t) ( . . 4. 5. . , 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. . 13. 14. " : . 15. : . 16. I. 17. 18. . 19. ...... '0 Pl ()Q 0:> \J1 CIRCULATOR'S VERIFICA nON ...~ THIS VERIFICATION MUST BE SIGNED BY THE CIRCULATOR ANNEXATION TO DISTRICTS I FORMATION OF DISTRICT PETITION I, (print circulator's name) , hereby verity every person who signed this sheet did so in my presence and I believe each person is a registered voter in the city I district. SIGNA TURE OF CIRCULATOR SHEET NUMBER CIRCULATOR'S ADDRESS (street, city and zip code) ..... o .~ ... 1;:; is ~ U .S ~ 4) o > "Cl 4) ~ 1;:; 'blJ ~ ..... o 4) '" o -a ~ CI:l I:: :g 4) n. '" :s I:: o e :::l tl I:: bO 'r;; o ~ ~ ~ 3 J:l.l >. U ~ ~ " ~ 0 ~ J:l.l U ..... u.. u.. o o ~ ...:l ..... u.. UJ Z o t=: u J:l.l ...:l t.Ll ~ S o .u u.. o ~ z. o ..... VJ INFORMATION' SHEET . LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION NORTH PLAZA LEVEL, PSB 99 E. Broadway, Suite 400 Eugene, Oregon 97401 PHONE: 681-4425 . . SiE-J<:-- vJiLLIM'(. (Petitioner's Name) 7.2 ~ll H-Du-'{ . 'Sl1?-fS-&\ (Address) S P fL I rJ &11 e-.....o fCity) qI4{~ (Zip) 5 7&:1- ~4 '3'-\ (Phone) . $ffLll\&.f1E-L{J' (City) or (District) PLEASE SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REGARDING THE AREA TO BE ANNEXED OR WITHDRA WN. <"; Estimatedlqpulation (at present):_ Number of Existmg Residential Units: -. Land Area: ql~3 Acres or SqU?Te Miles . Is the area within a Domestic Water Supply District? ~ . 'f) 'J""u., tJ.. . (Name) Is the area with a Rural Fire Protection District? C, t \4 ~ p=7:f1.-i1O -p /rJ ,c.,-tY--:PT'; (Name) ANNEXATION TO CITIES OR WATER DISTRICTS ONLY A. If the property is entirely or substantially undeveloped, what are the plans for future development? (Be specific- if site or development plans have been prepared, please submit a copy) r ~'l.71~p (N Ie ,ft. L-ciS. B. . Can the proposed development be achieved under current county zoning? Yes.x No . Exhibit 1, page 6 ., 7 ALL PROPOSALS A. Does thIs proposal include all contiguous properly under the same ownership? "--- If not, are you in the process of a major--,-- or minor _ partition? --L (No) If you are not in the process of a subdivision, please state your reasons for not inc~uding entire ownership. Cc~n~......)' Fr--\>f'eA:.\''-! t\-frS ft'l-P-.C-kn~ e:,~ .~...kcP-f'c>~ li~ ~. C-i.T'? . c~ <:>~t!-iN~~...n. . .,4 t B. ORS 199.462 of the. Boundary Commission Act states: "When receiving a boundary change, a boundary commis- sion shall consider economic, demographic and sociological projections pertinent to the proposal; and past and pro- spective physical developments of land that would directly or indirectly be affected by the proposed boundary change." Considering these points, please provide the reasons the proposed boundarY chan!?:e should be made. Please be very specific. Attach additional page if necessary. \ . \ ~ . ",,\0 ~c.4..,..~,,,~ a...<:.uSti, CI~ i ,-~.~.J.L;'; . ~ r ;- LLL. ",-t" r ...., F:+1 J '-oJ-... .-6, ~ .-1..1 u--:,~ ~,\ I ""-( J ~.c.,t (;.l--.. f~s, . .L \ ' ~ ~~~~.~ C. Names of Persons to Whom Staff Notes and Notices Shall be Sent @ en I..{~I (Zip) \ Sr~JG- ('-\ :T\A.L.\.~ (Name) 7.?- c>(7 ttD i-L- 'i (Address) C:;;(' It.! i.J f:rfi. e'"\...O (City) (,...::, l. u.. i /Jrl'^ ~ ~t+ PrN D ~~~C-\ k'r~ (Name) ;::.,4 c... .;.Nn:f'JzJ lkL '__Dee (Address) . ~~s- (City) S'i1Le&1 q 741. 'i) (Zip) (Name) (Name) (Address) (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) . Exhibit 1, page 7 ~ 8 S 110.3.S- Y5100 ~ i1' N <l" o . o '0 vi ll' - . .. .., '" o . - r TAX LUTTE:.lJ UN MAl"' ., 'S.S'!' v Co ..:J;J ,~t. ~":. ~~~ ,or " l "'l' >-... \ a L. . A," 'f. .*{\\ . . ~-,."...... ~. 0.37 Ar:.S. 204 O.IIAC~ -,~ ., ?>. { ..... . H~ .' 'T 5201 9.53 AC. TDT. 9.42 AC. ~~1 t. ~. :a I '" , r;.",.1 tlI-'1'{. '\l\.~1 III ..~ ~ , 1~~~ ~ ~\.:! .J'~ rl ... 1/1 '" e ... I \IJ 11\ o . o .i 'SITE . 0 - 0\0 <( ". g\ ' ~o. 5200 0.11 AC. .. . .(. <? . <(. - Y' 9.16 ACS: -", ~ " ~ Q 0 <Il 0 5202 . I ~ . III 0.63 AC. ~ N ..' .. 0 . . . Q . .0 ... PARCEL 2. ,; ''''''':::.'. .. 100 ",.8,!0'a' Z"",,, - 388."-'-' -S.B'! 11- ._~;t::r.:;: - (' . -- Exhibit 1, page' 8 .' ". ~ ; . Request for Annexation Staff Report Date: May 27, 2003 Planning tournai Number: LRP2003-00003 Applicant/Owners Steve and Julie Williams 729.7 Holly Street Springfield, OR 97478 Owner Harvey Williams 7297 Holly Street Springfield, OR 97478 Consultant Marvin Krush 54 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 9740 I Background: An application for Annexation was submitted to the Springfield Planning Division on February 28, 2003, for property located east of Holly Street and southeast of South nnd Street, within Springfield's Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District. The property is more accurately described as Tax Lot 520 I, Assessor's Map 18-02-02-12. The proposed annexation area is 9.53 acres. A northern portion (.26 acre) of the tax lot is currently inside the City limits. A panhandle in the southwest portion of the tax lot connects with Holly Street and the Springfield city limits: The property is cllrrently developed with one single-family residence. The application includes a future development proposal which illustrates an 8 lot subdivision and the repositioning of property lines between Tax Lot 520 I and 5202. Vicinity Map: Main Street Holly Street . South nnd Streeet I I I I i .___L____------:-__.l . Annexation Request Exhibit 2, page 1 . ..Exec:utiveSfimh1ary: ....The '.applicanthas .s~bmittedar~questtotheCityt()ann~xi9~5~~cr:e'iit~'iRt:q".: .theSpringfi~lci,Ci,l:{Lirnits:;.. ..Ipo~d,~~to initiate, and ,supportannexation.{e;ques~,the Cityrpu,g. b~a.bI7to,,;L 'se. rie.thepr<:lpeGY'vVittia ,'IT]iri imurrrlevelpf. keyu rbanservi ces;;i nconforrnance with' the Eugene-Springfiefcf.i" :MetioAred.'Ge'her?rilan/i]ri..their,review ofthe..al1rie)(ati(j~....proposal;.Public VV:o[ks,....plann,ing;al1d'fire and,'L;' Life .S~f~,ty,Stafffoundtha tt~~'pto pc>sal.. isnotincopforrnance~I~hE(Jg~pe-Spri~gfi~/cf Metro.Area C;e,n~ral:~S';f Review Procedure - Annexation Requests Application Review: The Springfield Development Code (SDq Article 6 states: A complete application shall be accepted by the Director prior to the review of the request as specified in Section 3.050, Application Submittal. Development Review staff found the annexation application to be incomplete and requested additional information from the applicant. Springfield Development Code 3.050 (2)states that a complete application shall consist of items required by the Code and that the applicant shall be responsible for providing . information that may have a bearing in determining the action to. be taken, including findings of fact demonstrating compliance with approval criteria. . In the Notice of Incomplete Application, issued March 13, 2003, the applicant was asked to submit information slescribing how key urban services are to be provided to the entire site area to be annexed. The applicant submitted additional information 011 May I, 2003, but the submittal did not include all of th~ required items, and did not demonstrate that all key urban services can be provided to the entire site. The applicant was informed that the request as submitted would likely be recommended for denial by staff. The applicant directed staff to process the request for the entire 9.53 acres without the required items. The application was never accepted as complete. Development Approval - Annexations: SDC 3.100 states that Annexations shall be reviewed under Type IV Procedure to provide for review by City Council at a public hearing. Type IV decisions are usually complex in nature and require the interpretation of Metro Plan policies and the criteria of the SDC. Notice of the public hearing has been provided in accordance with Section 14.030, Notice. Annexations of territory to the City shall be in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Chapters 1999 and 222; Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission (LCLGBC) Administrative Rules, Chapter 191, Division 30; the Metro Plan and this Code. Any territory to be annexed shall be within Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary. Annexation requests shall be reviewed by the City Council. The City Council may recommend: approval with or without a request to delay the effective date of the annexation as permitted in ORS 199 and City Council Resolution 92-35; modification of the annexation request; or denial of the annexation request. The City Council decision shall be adopted at a public hearing by Resolution, which is in compliance with the applicable SDC criteria of approval. . Finding: The subject site is within Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary. Annexation Request Exhibit 2" page 2 - '-I . . ,. .. .;..,.,...,. .:. - . v....H .. ..' ". ............ ..................... ...,..A.. . .....n.. .......n.........e.......x. '.... .a,. ti. 0.. n.... ....c..............r.........i....t......e. ,......r. .i.a.............. ..o.....:.f...... A....... p. ..p.......r.......... ,0.. .....v.... ...a.....I.; .~.....~..: .' ;'. .' <.. ............. .... .......................... :'........:......:.......'...'.. ~":fi...,~::._....:..;.,'....'.~....:..~..c.......:...:.;:c...:...;...:.:.~....,.,..:...:::.::':t,::;~i i~~\:?:i~~;:~~~~:~;~i~i~~~;t~~~;;;f~~i~;:{:>::~~\;!:~~~..; . ~ - __;- _'o-.:~- Site Information: The entire site is located within the City's Hillside Development Overlay District (HD). Elevations of the proposed annexation area range from 850 feet in the northwest corner to 1,040 feet in the southeast corner, and contains slopes in excess of 30%. Any future development of the property shall be in conformance with HD standards (Article 26 of the Springfield Development Code), which regulate hillside development and impose stricter standards on street grades, stormwater conveyance~ lot sizes, erosion control and general infrastructure design and construction requirements. Finding: The steep topography and high elevations of the site places limitations on the provision of key urban services in an orderly and efficient manner. . .' 850 feet contour line PROPOSED ANNEXATION AREA I 040 feet contour line TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Finding: The property proposed for annexation does not have approved access onto a public street. Exhibit 2, page 3 Annexation Request . Finding: The steep topography in the area limits access opportunities. . . Finding: The only location where the subject parcel abuts the public street system is along its frontage with the "eyebrow" cul-de-sac at the corner of Holly Street and South 73rd Street. This frontage is 19.90 feet in length, which is not adequate to allow construction of a street to even the minimum dimensions required for public safety and specified in SDC 32.020 Table 32-1. SDC 16.030 requires that panhandle driveways serving multiple dwelling units be a minimum of 26 feet wide. Finding: The proposed annexation area is a 9.53-acre parcel, which is currently zoned for low denSity residential uses (LDR). LDR zoning allows development at densities up to 10 dwelling units per acre. From information contained in the application it is not clear how much of the subject property is developable. ,In the Hillside Development Overlay District, development densities of 2.5-3 units per acre are assumed, due to the larger lot size and coverage requirements. Assuming development at an average of 2.5-3 dwelling units per acre, the annexed area would be expected to produce approximately 220-264 vehicle trips per day. The location and size of the parcel's access to the public street system are not adequate to accommodate even this minimal amount of vehicular traffic or meet minimum SDC requirements for access. . Finding: The future development plans submitted by the applicant illustrate a proposed access to the site from Holly Street via Tax Lots 4600 and 4500. The applicant does not own Tax Lot 4600. The owners of Tax Lot 4600 are Asa and Melinda DeForest, 837 South 73rd Street. Finding: The future development plans submitted by the applicant illustrate a proposed access to the site from Holly Street via Tax Lots 4600 and 4500. Both Tax Lots occupy hillside land mapped as a Landslide Hazard Area by DOGAMI. Finding: Street connections from the east or south may be available in the future"as shown in the Conceptual Local Street Map, but cannot be constructed to serve the property at this time. Finding: Since the territory to be annexed does not have sufficient property frontage abutting the public street system to allow construction of a street or driveway which meets City Development Code standards and Fire and Life Safety requirements, and since street systems to serve development on the site are not in place, the minimum range of key urban serVices cannot be provided. SANITARY SEWERS 'Finding: Sanitary sewer service is available to serve this site where it abuts existing streets. Finding: The hillside site topography may limit the use of the existing sanitary sewers. The site must be designed for gravity sewer flow. Public sewer pump stations will not be accepted. The applicant has not demonstrated that the site can be served by gravity sewer. . STORMWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEMS Finding: The City does not have adequate capacity in its downstream system to serve the proposed annexatio,n area. Finding: The subject site is part of the Cedar Creek drainage basin. The 1984 study of this basin determined Cedar Creek has exceeded its capacity. No additional flow from this site will be permitted to flow into Cedar Creek without substantial drainage improvements. Some of the improvements recommended in the Cedar Creek Study include channel improvements to Cedar Creek from the existing 720d Street ditch to the creek's confluence with the McKenzie River, channelizing the nod Street drainage Annexation Request Exhibit 2! page ,4 . . . Finding: The applicant has not submitted a proposal for a storm drainage system. The applicant's response to stormwater issues is the statement: "Pervious paving will be used." . Finding: The south. hills of Springfield are known to have many springs and shallow ground water flowing through fractured rock. Essentially, near surface geology in the south hills consists of a relatively shallow soil layer overlying fresh to moderately weathered rock deposits. The rock materials generally consist of a series of basalt flows interlayered with relic topsoil layers which accumulated during the time between flows. Excavations for roads and foundations typically encounter fractured basalt rock at relatively shallow depths. The fractured nature of rock deposits combined with the presence of lower-permeability soil layers results in complex groundwater features. Road and foundation cuts often allow actively flowing groundwater channels to daylight. Groundwater control is a serious problem which must be addressed comprehensively by any development proposal. Finding: Since paved.streets with adequate provisions for storm water runoff are key urban services that cannot be provided to the proposed annexation area, The Publ.ic Works Engineering Division recommends that any request for annexation and/or development of any portion of the site that is outside of the City limits be denied until an adequate storm water conveyance system .has been constructed. Finding: The stormwater drainage requirement for annexation has not been met. FIRE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE Finding: The applicant has not submitted a,proposal for access to the site. Complete topographic information has not been included for the proposed access route to the annexation area. Site topography appears to exceed the maximum grade allowed for fire department access. Finding: The applicant has failed to demonstrate that the following conditions can be met to provide Fire and Life Safety access to the site: I. The applicant's property frontage on Holly Street is 19.90 feet in length. which is not adequate to allow the minimum dimensions required for public safety access. Springfield Uniform Fire Code 902.2.2.1 requires fire apparatus access roads to have an. unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet and unobstructed vehicular clearance of 13 feet 6 inches. 2. Where access roads exceed 150 feet to a dead end, a turnaround must be provided for Fire and Life Safety service. 3. Any development. due to the hillside topography in the proposed annexation area, must meet Springfield Development Code Hillside Development Standards (Article 26). Section 26.090 requires all buildings (including the existing dwelling on Tax Lot 520 I) to be constructed within 50 feet of a public street or an approved fire lane. 4. If Fire Code requirements are not met, installation of residential fire sprinkler systems (including retrofitting of existing structures) will be considered as an alternative. Finding: The applicant has failed to submit information which demonstrates that the above conditions can be met for the entire annexation area. Proposed street rights of way locations which meet the Springfield Engir.eering Design Standards and Procedures Manual for Hillside Development and the requirements of Springfield Uniform Fire Code 902.2.2.1 must be shown in the Future Development proposal, including but not limited to grades/slopes of streets. Annexation Request Exhibit 2, page 5 . Finding: Since the territory to be annexed does not have sufficient property frontage abutting the public street system to allow construction of a street or driveway which meets City Development Code standards and Fire and Life Safety requirements, and since street systems to serve development on the site are not in place, the minimum range of key urban services cannot be provided. WATER SERVICE Springfield Utility Board reviewed the proposal and submitted the following comments: Finding: The proposed development is currently outside of an established water system area. Approval from the Lane County Boundary Commission is needed in order to serve the area with city water. Finding: The developer proposes to draw water from the third service level to supply individual customers in the fourth service level. SUB will not supply water to property above elevation 870 feet. At this elevation there is water pressure of 35 psi with a full third level reservoir. The individual homeowners will have to install an individual pressure pump system to each service with adequate backflow protection. Water will be supplied only on the following conditions: . . The developer and SUB enter into an agreement requiring the property owner to transfer water service from Holly Street to a new water service supplied from the fourth level system at some point in the future when a fourth level system would be available by SUB. The property owner would be responsible for all costs associated with the transfer of water service,. including the abandonment of the old service. SUB would place the new meter in the public right-of-way or in a utility easement. The agreement would be recorded and would transfer with the property. . The developer and SUB enter into an agreement holding SUB harmless from an interruption of water service or the delivery of inadequate fire flows to the proposed properties. The agreement would be recorded ~nd would transfer with the property. . POLICE PROTEalON Finding: The Springfield Police Department will provide police protection to this area upon annexation. No Police issues were identified. ELEaRIC SERVICE Finding: SUB would be the electrical service provider to the site upon annexation. SUB was contacted regarding the proposed annexation and submitted no comments. LAND USE CONTROLS Finding: Springfield Development Services Department will provide planning and land use regulation services to the area upon annexation. COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Finding: U.S. WestfQuest would provide communications service to the area upon annexation. PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES Finding: The subject area is outside the service area of the nearest existing or potential neighborhood or community park. Upon annexation, the area would become part of the Willamalane Parks and Recreation District, which provides park and recreation services to the community. . PUBLIC SCHOOLS Finding: Upon annexation, the area would become part of Springfield School District 19. PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARD Annexation Request Exhibit 2. page 6 . . . A second justification for annexations is the existence of a public health hazard. Having received no comments from concerned departments or agencies, staff finds that the subject property does not meet the criteria for annexation under the health hazard provisions of ORS 199 and 222. Conclusion: To initiate annexation of property into the City, the City must be able to serve the property with a minimum level of key urban services. . Since stormwater drainage systems, public streets, and access for Fire and Life Safety are not available to serve the proposed annexation area, the criteria of approval for annexations are not met. The applicant has failed to demonstrate that these and other key serviees can be provided to the area in an orderly and efficient manner. The owner may wish to consider submitting a modified proposal for a smaller annexation area to be served by existing streets and storm drainage systems, which includes the existing residence permitted on Tax Lot 5202 which is actually on Tax Lot 520 I, the subject property. According to RLlD, this residence is on Tax Lot 5202, which is inside the City Limits. This dwelling was permitted on Adjacent Tax Lot 5202 (previously annexed), but was built on Tax Lot 520 I and. has unauthorized connections to City services. SDC 3.050 (8) states: When an application has been denied, no new application for the same development application shall be filed within one year of the sate of the previous denial, unless the Approval Authority, for good cause, grants permission to file a new application. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact me at 726-4608. Cordially, Linda Pauly Planner II Annexation Request Exhibit 2, page T