HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 03-17 04/07/2003 . . . RESOLUTION NOG..3.:.l7 A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION. WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiying consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed; and, WHEREAS, the property owners of certain territory signed a consent to annex (Exhibit A); and, WHEREAS, no registered voters reside within the territory; and, WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to annex said property to expand an existing use, the first phase being expansion of a parking area, and that the Lane County Sanitarian has found that the parking area expansion can be accommodated by the existing septic system, and any further development intensification which requires the extension of sanitary sewer service can be provided through a local improyement district initiating extension of sewer, and the applicant has signed a waiver of remonstrance; and WHEREAS, the City and the applicant haye reached agreement for the provision of key urban services; and WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, and can be provided immediately with urban services such as fire, water, parks, schools, police. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the annexation of the subject territories to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territory being described as follows: Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 24, Map 33, Tax Lot 200, as more particularly described in Exhibit B of this Resolution. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ~Ih day of April 2003, by a vote of ~ for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 7 Ih day of April 2003. ::s;J~ p: \. A~~ City Recorder REVIEWED & APPRO\f~D AS:Q FORM :-S () '\ <:.J\ H ~ l,~ \-\-~ DATE:~/...1.L\~ (10_> OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY FORM #1 . PETITION ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION We, the undersigned, constitute the owners of at least one-half of the land area of the property described in the attachment marked "Exhibit A" AND We desire to be annexed to the City of Springfield. A map is attached marked "Exhibit B," showing the affected territory and its relationship to the present city limit boundaries, The annexation constitutes a minor boundary change under the Boundary Commission Act and should therefore be considered by the BoundaryCommission and, after study, a Final Order should be entered by the Boundary Commission. By Date Irj _ / / t:7~ , By Date /~ #1/t7?- '/ .~' By . RLd~ Date Ii) -I ;:'-IJ J-- By. Date MAP# l~.o"?~.?~ LOT# __ 'ZoO MAP# LOT#-- v. With the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of illY fIrm, agency or trust. . 3 . . . EXH1JUT A LANDS OF NORTHw6on CHRlSl1AN CHtJRCH Tax Map 17-03-24':33 Tax Lot 200 Situated in the City of Springfield, Lane County,State of Oregon in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 24, Township 17 South, Range3 West orthe Wil1amette Meridian and described as follows: Beinga portion of the lands described in the Special Warranty need to "The NorthwoodChristian Church" dated March 28, 1994 and recorded March; 31, 1994 in Reel 19j7R at Reception No. 9423851 in the Lane County OtTicial Recotds'ofLane County State of Oregon, said portion being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Initial Point of the Plat of "Second Additio~ to Swank Estates", as Platted and Filed July 28,1966 in Book 49, Page 13 in LaneCounty Oregori Plat Records, also being the southwest corner of Lot. 1 0, Block 5 of said plat, also said Poitit liesorlthe easterly margin of County Road No. 698 (Harvest Lane) as described in the Warranty Oeedto "La.re County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon" dated September 12,1963 andrecordedqctober 2,1963 in Reel 2280 at Reception No. 27716 in the Lane County Omci~IRecords(>fLane County Oregon~ thence leaving said easterly margin and running along the southli.ne ofsaid Plat9f"Second Addition to Swank Estates" South 89042' 35;' East 400.80 feet to th. e nort. hwestc6rrer,qfthe Plat of "Church;' as platted and filed December 31, 1971 in Book 61, Page 13 in Lane County Oregon Plat Rec6rds; thence leaving said south line and running along the westerly lirie'Of s1tid Plat ,of "Church" South 000 07' 50;' West 286.49 feet to the northerly margin of CountyRmldNoy,,66? (Hayden Bridge Road) as described in the Dedication of Public RoadEasementto"L~neQounty~ apolitical subdivision of the State of Oregon" dated March 31,1971 and recordedA'prilJ2,J??ljnReel?27R at Reception No. 42661 in the Lane County Oll1cial Records of La tie CourytyOr~g(}f.l; th,ence teaying said westerly Hne of said Plat of "CllUrch" and runningalong said ryort~.erlYM~r~jn}North89035' 30" West 390.80 feet to the most southeasterly corner ofthe OediCa~iol1o(aJ>rblif .R.oad l$asement to "Lane County a political subdivision of the. StateofOreg~n'~<l~te~Jul.y~8,1999at1drecoTded August 10, 1999 in Reel 2578R at Reception No.99069799in theLan.e.(:~uIl~yt>,fficlal Records of Lane County Oregon~ thence leaving said northerly marginan~ running'at?"n~the north~~stline of said dedication, Northwesterly 14.18 feet to the eas.terl.y margin.,.o..f.. Co. . u.:..tl. ..tYR..o...a...,~No.... 69SC,l-I......ar.v.. est Lane) as described in the aforesaid Warranty Deed to "Lane County, a p~titicalsuH~ivtsion oftheStateofOregon" recorded in Reel 2280 at Reception No. 27716~ thence letwingsaid pedication ot'Public Road Easement recorded in Reel 2S78R at Reception No. 99069799 La:n~C~uht;'dffiCial Records and running along said easterly margin of County Road No.698(Harve~t~at1~YN()rthObo07' 50" East 275.66 feet, returning to the Point of Beginning (Initial Point) ~nd,?ontair,ti~~ i 14, 608 square feet ( 2.63 acres) more or less. ,OREGON . JULY 19,1894 GARY L CARTIER 2658