HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6040 02/24/2003 , ORDINANCE NO. 6040 (Regular) . AN ORDINANCE CORRECTING A SCRIVENER'S ERROR IN AND CLARIFYING ORDINANCE NO. 6031 AMENDING THE GATEWAY REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING 22 ACRES OF LAND FROM PARKS AND OPEN SPACE AND COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL TO CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL CONSISTENT WITH THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM DESIGNATIONS FOR THIS PROPERTY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY The City Council of the City of Springfield finds that: A. On December 9, 2002, the Springfield City Council adopted Ordinance No. 6031, an Ordinance amending the Metropolitan Area General Plan Diagram by redesignating 22 acres of land from parks and open space and community commercial to campus industrial. B. Finding B and section 2 of Ordinance No. 6031 contains a reference to Assessor's Map Identification No. 17-03-15- 13 and whereas there is no such Map Identification No., and such Map Identification No. should be 17-03-15-30. . C. section 2 of Ordinance No. 6031 contains a reference to "a portion of Tax Lot 1000, Assessor's Map 17-03-15, more particularly described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference" and although the delineation of Exhibit B was present before the Council it was not attached to the Ordinance. NOW THEREFORE, the City of Springfield does ordain as follows: section 1: The Scrivener's error reference to Assessor's Map Identification No. 17-03-15-13 in Recital B and section 2 of Ordinance No. 6031 is hereby amended, to read Map Identification No. 17-03-15-30. section 2: The reference to Section 2 in Ordinance No. 6031 is hereby clarified to refer to Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. . Section 3: It being determined by the Common Council that the correction of Scrivener's error and clarification of Ordinance No. 6031 is immediately necessary for the public health, safety, and welfarej and, that an emergency ORDINANCE Page -1- . . . . therefore exists and that therefore this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. section 4: Except as adjusted to correct the Scrivener's error and clarification, all other terms and conditions of Ordinance No. 6031 shall remain in full force and effect. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by a vote of ~ for and 0 against this ~ day of Februarv , 2003. Approved by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 24th day of , 2003. A~. City Recorder N:City/Planning/Sale of Gateway/1 Ordinance No. REVIEWED & APPF10VED p~ 'ro FOR~~ '- ~~~ -J ~,~ DATE:~1 2 "U'200~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY ORDINANCE Page -2-