HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreement APPLICANT 9/7/2010
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This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, hereafter "Agreement", is entered into this L
day of ;:)1 k'M.. h.t.v , 2010 (the "Effective. Date") by and between the CITY OF
SPRINGFIEL ,hereinafter "Clty", and Pacific Cascade Federal Credit Union, hereinafter
"Applicant", in accordance with Springfield Development Code (SDC) Sections 5.17-145 (F),
5.17-130,5.17-140, and SDC Section 5.1-130 (D).
WHEREAS, on the 20th day of August, 2010, the City approved the Type II Minor Site
Modification--Final Site Plan, hereafter "Final Site Plan," submitted by the Applicant for the
purpose of the following:
CITY JOURNAL NUMBER DRC2010-00016. The Applicanfrequested approval to construct a
.23 acre parking area to support the existing credit union facility. The property is currently
vacant after demolition of a structure addressed as 1507 Centennial Blvd., Springfield, Oregon.
The property is identified on the Lane County Assessor's Maps as 17-03-25-33 Tax Lot 16200:
The property is zoned Mixed Use Commercial with a Nodal Development Overlay by the City of
WHEREAS, in consideration for a Final Site Plan approval, the issuance of a Building
Permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfield Development
Code Section 5.17-140, Applicant agrees to comply with all of the standards in the Springfield
Development Code, Springfield Public Works Engineering Design Manual and the Springfield
Municipal Code which may be applicable to this development project unless modified or
excepted by the Site Plan Review Development Agreement, Development Services Director,
Planning Commission, Building Official or their agents, or the Fire Marshall, which modifications
or exceptions shall be reduced to writing.
WHEREAS, in consideration for this Final Site Plan approval, the issuance of a Building
Permit, and ttie issuance of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfield Development
Code Section 5.7-140, Applicant agrees to comply with the following specific conditions
imposed by the City as part of the Final Site Plan approval:
A. All improvements must be constructed! installed as shown on the Final Site Plan prior to the
final building inspection.
B. Conditions of Approval were issued with the Tentative Site Plan Approval and were
addresses in the Final Site Plan submittal. These conditions are listed below and shall be
fulfilled prior to final occupancy:
Condition of Approval # 1: The submitted modification shall be revised to include a construction
note or a revised drawing specifying that the base of the bio-swale be constructed to include
medium comprising a mixture of sand, native soil, loam, and compost. The fraction of organic
carbon (foc) in the constructed medium must be a minimum of 0.20, i.e., 40-50% organic
matter. If the growing medium does not conform to this minimum foc requirement, the
File No. DRC2010-00016 Pacific Cascade Federal Credit Union
Development Agreement
August 20, 2010
Page 1 of 4
Date Received: 1-7//0
Planner: MM f~ t - <-I
constructed medium shall be increased from the required 12-inch depth to a depth of 24-inches.
Condition of Approval #2: A wellhead protection area sign shall be purchased from SUB and
installed in the parking lot near the bio-swale.
Condition of Approval #3: The submitted site plan modification shall be redrawn to close the
existing 66-foot curb cut along Market Street and a curb-side sidewalk shall be installed in to
. match the connecting sidewalks.
Condition of Approval #4: The submitted site plan modification shall be redrawn to close the
Centennial Blvd. access. Access shall be restricted to that already provided by Market and
Parker Streets and the exit-only access on Mohawk Blvd.
Condition of Approval #5: Prior to approval of the final site plan, the applicant shall provide an
. operations and maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance
and operation of the proposed rain garden bio-swale. The plan should designate maintenance
responsibility foroperating and maintaining the system, and should be distributed to all property
owners and tenants of the site.
Condition of Approval #6: To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet
objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the
proposed private vegetative water quality swale shall be shall be fully vegetated with all
vegetation species established prior the Final Site Plan inspection, to be conducted at the
conclusion of construction. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall
provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the
Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully
C. By this approval, the original site plan approved for this project (DRC2005-00037) is
amended to include the proposed new parking area and related landscaping and stormwater
management swale described in the Final Site Plan. The original Development Agreement is
still in force. This Agreement amends the original Development Agreement to include those
provisions and conditions required by the approval of this Minor Site Plan Modification request.
1. FINAL SITE PLAN. The Applicant has submitted a Final Site Plan in accordance with
Section 5.7-135 ofthe Springfield Development Code. ..
2. STANDARDS. The applicant agrees to fulfill all applicable standards specified in the
Springfield Development Code and the specific standards listed in the RECITALS prior to the
occupancy, unless certain conditions. have been. deferred to a later date in accordance with
Section 5.17-150 of the Springfield Development Code.
3. CONDITIONS. The applicant agrees to fulfill all specific conditions of approval
required by the City listed in the RECITALS prior to occupancy, unless certain conditions have
File No. DRC2010-00016 Pacific Cascade Federal Credit Union
Development Agreement
August 20, 2010
Page 20f4
been deferred to a later date in accordance with SDC Section 5.17-150 of the Springfield
Development Code.
4. MODIFICATIONS. The Applicant agrees not to modify the approved Final Site Plan
without first notifying the City. Modifications to the Final Site Plan shall be reviewed in
accordance with Section 5.7-145 of the Springfield Development Code.
5. MAINTAINING THE USE. The Applicant agrees to the following:
(a) The building and site shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions
of the Springfield Development Code in order to continue the use.
(b) It shall be the continuing obligation of the property owner to maintain the
planting required by Section 4.4-100 through 4.4-105 of the Springfield Development Code in
an attractive manner free of weeds and other invading vegetation. In addition, plantings in the
vision clearance area shall be trimmed to meet the 2 1/2 foot height standard in accordance
with SDC Section 4.2-130 of the Springfield Development Code.
(c) Parking lots shall be maintained by the property owner or tenant in a
condition free of litter or dust, and deteriorated pavement conditions shall be improved to
maintain conformance with these standards.
(d) Undeveloped land within the development area shall be maintained free of
trash and stored materials in a mowed and attractive manner. Undeveloped land shall not be
used for parking.
6. In addition to all other remedies which may be provided by law or equity (including
but not limited to penalties provided by applicable State Law or City Ordinances), Applicant
agrees the City may enforce Applicant's responsibilities by withholding Applicant's Final
Occupancy Permit, and terminating any Temporary Occupancy Permit which may have been
7. Any Final Site Plan approval becomes null and void if construction does not
commence within one year of the date of the agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Applicant and City have executed this Agreement as of the date
first herein above written.
9/7 /zv/v
Date I
BY: I?iJ II~
STATE OF OREGON, County of L~~
File No. DRC2010-00016 Pacific Cascade Federal Credit Union
Development Agreement
August 20, 2010
Page 3 of 4
d-Ol~" .
"'\ \01 ,~ Personally appeared the above named R.o'oer+ \-\ ~ who
acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me:
i""JilY ~O~M~N EXPIRES MAR. 2, 2012
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( Notary Public for Oregon
My Commission expires O~\ O~ \~\ ~
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'. COMMISSION NO. 420351
STATE OF OREGON; County of ~../
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..5e.pbbbt '6 ,-2$;: Personally appeared the above named ft/W/(. .Mtt-z.d-ev' , who
acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me:
My Commission expires Z I (f;!11
File No. DRC2010..00016 Pacific Cascade Federal Credit Union
Development Agreement
August 20,2010
Page 4 of 4