HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 7/15/2010 .,- .' . . Notice of Decision -Property Line Adjustment Case Number: SUB2010-00007 Tompkins Application Submitted Date: July 1, 2010 Decision Issued Date: July 14, 2010 City of Springfield Staff: Steve Hopkins :S ~f)r/ J ! /15-- 17-02-31-13 200 17-02-31-13 201 Parcell Parcel 2 Owner Theille Owner Tompkins Address 3616 E Address 3630 E Existing size 7438 Existing size 6295 Adjusted size 6795 Adiusted size 6938 Request: Adjustment of a common property line. ~~r;~i:jf~' ~:f~.~t~(} : ~. ~~ ":. I ~;~,:.~.~.~..'7,L.~J: ~-":;';;'~',~t{F)~~~"" . ~~A 1,. ~=,_'.~",~'~_".. . .,...... ~. "r,;',j:' 'It' -= ~'f , ,-....::03..... <,_I;. ';"_-;l~:'~''"''' rt- . _... ;- ~,...~ r-;"~i.' -. ... . ..~. I J}i,-:~ ""rci~ ~ .'.;.. ' ~ ~ ...~. ,.-~~.~ j-~~~ :.~ ~ . . ~.~: ,;i ~~~.~ . ;~~ . ~~.),." ... ' ~......... J' _"' ..]...... '.' 1._ ',' ......,."~, I . /(~;?Yr!';"," ."~.'.,~..~.. ,j. /... J-\I~: : l- ~;:i-:,-',~?~, r:! -,:-:-. I - -', '--1':1' ~;-=E}." 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SDC 5.16-125 Criteria The Director shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Property line Adjuslment application. Approval or approval with conditions shall be based on compliance with the following criteria. The Property line Adjuslment shall not: A. Create a new lot/parcel; B. Create a landlocked lot! parcel; C. Reduce an existing loti parcel below the minimum size standard or reduce setbacks below the minimum established by the applicable zoning districts in this Code; D. Violate any previous conditions the Approval Authority may have imposed on the lots/ parcels involved in the application; E. Detrimentally alter the availability of existing public and/ or private utilities to each lot/parcel in the application or to abutting lots/ parcels; or F. Increase the degree of non-conformity of each lot, parcel or structure that is non- conforming at the time of application. Findings: This an adjuslment of a common property line between two adjacent properties and is reviewed as a Type 1 application. Both properties are zoned LDR (Low Density Residential) and each contains a single family dwelling. Both dwellings will meet setbacks from the new property line. Each lot will meet the minimum frontage and size requirements of the LDR zone. In accordance with SDC 5.16-110(D) a Property line Adjuslment will riot remove, relocate or replace any public easements on the lots. WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBT AlN FINAL APPROVAL Within 90 days of the date of this letter the following conditions and procedures shall be met: 1. Record the survey and the Property Line Adjuslment deeds, as specified in ORS 92.190(4). The Property Line Adjuslment deeds shall contain the names of the parties, the description of the adjusted line, reference to original recorded documents and signatures of all parties with proper acknowledgment. The Property line Adjuslment deeds shall also identify the Planning file number (SOO2010-00007) and shall contain a statement declaring that the purpose of the deeds is for a Property line Adjuslment. Reference to the affected properties by map and tax lot number shall be in addition to reference by legal description. 2. Submit copies of the recorded Final Survey and deeds to the Development Services Deparlment. T ompkins/Theille Cose No. SUB20 I 0-00007 Date Received: Planner: SH 1-15'" )0 2 ..~ . . . . Questions: Please call Steve Hopkins in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department at (541) 726-3649 if you have any questions regarding this process. Prepared by: Steve Hopkins, AICP Planner IT Development Services - Urban Planning Division 7.;5 --I () '. oecei\jeo',~ oa\e". H Planner. 5 T omPkinslTheille Case No. SUB20 I 0-00007 3