HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 1/31/2011 _. . DiY"'" .f ad., A Clrk Lane eo...ty __ _ I_do flWIIBllllll?IJWglulllu 1lI'll-ESllT Cntal Stn:I cJ!x~~III:27:5911l tlO.oo tlO.oo tll.oo tlt.OO Rocordcd II. the request of and Illor rc<:ordiD& ....... to: -~ 310S._ SpriDgfieId OR 974n 2011_ $47.00 , . -- --1'NeCOftSidcntioafoctbirc:om'e)'DCClis-S:2:;.-"- ._~ PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT Know all persons by these presents, that Brian K.. Gcsik, Cheryl Gcsik, Robert D. Ridge, Amy D. Ridge, Bnmdon L. Parks, Jamie K.. Parb, Eldon Shaw and Lawa L Shaw, bcrcinaftcr referred to as the Glanton, do hereby gnmt, bargain, sclI and convey IDlto Brian K.. Gcsik, Cheryl Gcsik, Robert D. Ridge, Amy D. Ridge, Brandon L. Parks, Jamie K.. Parb, Eldon Shaw and Lawa L Shaw, bcrcinaftcr referred to as the Glantccs, a nolHXclusivc, pczpcIual, appurtcnanI casement, togeIbcr with the right to go upon said casement area bcrcinaftcr described for purposes of private access over, 1D1dcr, and upon the following described property: SITUATED in the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 ofScction 27, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamcttc Meridian and described as follows: BEING a variable width strip of land across TI1ICt A of Levi Landing 2"" Addition Rcplat as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records and Lot 63 of Levi Landing 2" Addition as platted and recorded in the Lane ColDlty Oregon Plat Records, the boundaries of said strip being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest comer of Lot 66 of said Levi Landing 2" Addition; THENCE . along the linc.i>>lIllllQ1l..to~ll~ Lots 66 !hrou&!!.~J!x:lusivc, of said Levi Landing . 2" Aadinon South 88053 '01" East, 388.55 feet to a point; TIlENCETcavmg said comDion liiIc South 30000'00. East, 24.56 ICet to a point on' the cast bolDldary of said Lot 63; THENCE along said cast boundary South 24"30'58" West, 128.94 feet to the northern margin of Jacob Lane; THENCE along a 120.00 foot radius curve to the right in said northern margin through a central angle of 07"54'1 7" for an arc length of 16.56 feet with a chord bearing South 69"26'10" East and a chord length of 16.54 feet to a point of tangency; THENCE along a tangent line in said northern margin South 65"29'02" East, 5.50 feet to the most southerly southeast corner of said Tract A; THENCE along the castcm bolDldary of said TI1ICt A North 24030'58" East, 209.26 feet to a point on a line lying parallel to and 45.00 feet northerly, by perpendicular measurement, of the aforesaid common line; THENCE along said parallel line North 88053'01" West, 453.28 feet to a point lying on the northerly extension of the wcstcm boundary of said Lot 66; THENCE along said nortbcrIy extension South 01045'49" West, 45.00 ICet to the point of beginning. The above casement is not in gross, but is appurtenant to and for the benefit ofthosc lands described in ~bit A of that Property Line Adjustment Deed I on recorded on ':>lWlWLIJ .1dL-, 20~1Is Reception Number 20).lt /1- 359& in the Lane ColDlty Oregon Official Records, described in E"hibjl B of lha1 Property Line AdjU5lmcnl Deed 2 oC 3 recordedon '>.AroJ\J"-"1 1..L/ .20}d&ReccptionNumber20~"- 3599 _ in the Lane County Oregon Official Rcoords, described in EXhibit 1) oCthat Property .J.i~Ad.i!!SImentDeed20fl~~on \tU/VAIbf 2" .20)(l'!.!.ReceptionNumber 20% II- 7:h8f? Iii the r:anc (;olDlty Oregon l)fficia! Reeordhilll Lot 66 of . Levi Landing 2 Addition as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records. The owners or occupicn of the pan:cls affected by tbcsc casements shal1 have the right to use their property, including the areas described as the cascmcnts, Cor any pwposc as long as the owners or occupicn do not intcrfcrc with the use oC the casements as gnmtcd by this instnnncnl No vehicle parking or storage ofvchiclcs shal1 be allowed by any party within the casement area, including the agents, employees, tenants, and invitccs oC said own=. The cost oC any maintenance or rcpsir of the driveway improvements within the ~t area and outside the 22.00 foot poblic pedestrian access casement gnmtcd by the Jacob Lane - Ruff Park Public Pedestrian Access Easement and Maintenance AglCClnedt recorded on September 5, 2001 as Reception Number20014l57998 in the Lane County Oregon Official Rcoords shal1 be split equally between the owners oCthe benefitted property. Following any such maintenance or PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMEN"!J,,!o '-'''''''''V, ,d:. I ~//;;,;,II. Page I of2 II. ^. 7' / ._".~ /", """L .. . -r I. I . . repairs, the swrounding area sball be returned to equivalent or better condition than before said maintenance or repairs. To have and hold the above easement by the said Grantees, their SlaMoSS01S and assigns forever. Datcdthis '2Of~ day of Jqf.uttv- .2010. GRANTORS & GRANTEES: '-'\ \ <--- Brian K. Gesik ~ik,t' STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )SS On Stlb.1w ~ 2010 personally appeared the above named Brian K. Gesik and Cheryl Gesik and acknowledged the foregoing to be their un and deed. (JfF1Cloll.SEAL _~CllLIl~'''- NOT"""......,,(JlEGQI Ca,usS1OH NO.umt ltI C(lNlISSIOt _OCT. a. 21112 ~I.~ Brandon L. Parks ~~ ST:ATE-OF6RE60N n ) .-. .-- . -'--- County of Lane )SS On Q.pp.::t I~, '2010 ~ 2010 personally appeared the above named Brandon L. Parks_~.J.~e=p~~med~[;:tow;:anddeed MOrARY PUllJCl. OAEOOH . COl- ":ojNO.40222I No1llryPubhcforOregon Iol'I 00IlIISSI0N ElG'lRfS 0ClllIlaI '3.l!Ol2 ~ l\. ~~ AmyD. dge - Robert D. Ridge STATE OF OREGON Cnunty of Lane ) )SS --JaQ~~~ NolBTy Public r ofCgon MOA S hau r Eldon Shaw ~~~ Lawa L Shaw . STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )SS On SU\<..... ~<...... ~~ 2010 personally appeared the above named Eldon Shaw and ~ I. Shaw and acknowledged the foregoing to be their voluntary act and deed. W1\k~~~ NolBTy PUblic for Oregon PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT ~_ Page2of2 lJ;4T' ~lved. p'.lnr'~ AL OIRCW. lEAl WILLIAM K IOtlNlUE _ MUC .0IlIQ0N w- '" NO; .aa6U _ 2013 I hi iltJ// / /