HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 1/31/2011 .' . .._,. .., ...-...- 01vlalon of Chlaf ~Wlork 2011.'\M~ft8 Lan. Count.y Deeds .nd ~cIa ~ n"lIIl1l11l1l1lllmllllll~IIIII"ImIIl~1 $62.00 01201113201101l03!l9800!l00il9 01/24/2011 11:27:59 Aft RPR-IlEED Cnl=1 S\n=9 CASHIER DB $2!l.00 Sl1.DO $16.00 SI0.DO ReconIcd ..the _ of 8Jld after recording return to: for Lands described in Exhibit B Send Tax Statements to: for Lands described in Exhibh C Send Tax Statements to: Branch Eosin=in& Ill<:. SIO5th Stn:et Springfield, OR 97477 Brian K. Gesik and Cheryl Gesik 67181acob Lan. Springfield OR 97478 Eldon Shaw and Launll. Shaw 66S21acobs Lan. Sprinslield OR 97478 The 1rue consideration for this conveyance is other than monetmy. PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED 1 OF 3 The parties to this transfer are (I) Brian K. Gesik and Cheryl Gesik, hereinafter referred to as Party I and being a Grantor/Grantee herein and (2) Brian K. Gesik, CheIyl Gesik, Robert D. Ridge, Amy D. Ridge, Brandon L. PllIks, Jamie K. Parks, Eldon Shaw and Laura I. Shaw hereinafter referred to as Party 2 and being a Grantor/Grantee herein. This Deed is intended to adjust the boundary line between a parcel of real property owned by Party I and an adjoining parcel of real property owned by party 2. The parties are entering into this Deed to agree on the property line separating their parcels to comply with City of Springfield Land Use Regulations and the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes 92.190(4). The legal description of Party I's property prior to this adjUstment is Lot 63 of Levi Landing Second Addition as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records as conveyed in that Warranty Deed - Statutory Form recorded on December 2, 2009 as Reception Nwnber 2009-066725 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records. The legal description of Party 2's property prior to this adjustment is Tract A of Levi Landing Second Addition, Replat of Lots 59, 60, 61, 62, 67 and Tract D as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records as conveyed in that Warranty Deed - Statutory Form recorded on October 25, 2004 as Reception Nwnber 2004-082498 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records and that Warranty Deed - Statutory Form recorded on June 24\' 2010 as Reception Nwnber 201()..(J29540 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records. The line being alljusted herein is the entire common line between said Lot 63 and said Tract A. WHEREAS the Parties desire to adjust said common line and WHEREAS the Parties are agreeable to execute a transfer of property through means of an approved Property Line Adjustment and this Deed. THEREFOR, for pwposes of accomplishing this Property Line Adjustment Party 2 hereby transfers and conveys all of its right, title and in1eres1 in and to the property described on "Exhibit A" to Party 1 as said exhibit is attacbed hereto and made a part hereof. And party I hereby transfers and conveys all of its right, title and interest in and to the property described on "Exhibit B" to Party 2 as said exhibit is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The description of Party I's property after this adjustment is described on "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The description of Party 2's property after this adjustment is described on "Exhibit B" attached hereto and made a part hereof, Property Line/dj;s:,;nt Deed 1 of3 Dat~, Received:-' flij:J9// age Planner: AL y.::. .' . . .\ BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING lHIS INSlllUMENT, 11ffi PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLIl SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT 11ffi PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195300, 19530.1 AND 195305 TO 195336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO II, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER as5, OREGON LAWS 2009. lHIS lNSlllUMENT OOES NOT AllOW USE OF 11ffi PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN lHIS INSlllUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING lHIS INSlllUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRlAm CITY OR CX>UNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY mAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFUlLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.0.10 OR 215.0.10, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30..930., AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195300, 19530.1 AND 195305 TO 195336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO II, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER as5, OREGON LAWS 2009. Dab:d this ""2.L/f'. day of ytkAiY .2010, Party 1 and 2 L/\I~ Brian Ie. Gesik ~A-/-- Cheryl STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )SS On S(""TIf'~/ "lP f/l. 2010 per.;onally appemed the above named Brian Ie. Gesik and Cheryl Gesik and acknowledged the foregoing to be their volunlmy act and deed. _ OfFlClAlSEAL CHRSSTOPHER COUll CHRSS1EII9I NOTARYPUdUC.OREGON CQMlSIlJN NO. <3S1OIl '" CXMllSSION EXPIRES OCT. a 2012 party 2 v.~ i). ~ Robert D. Ridge j) ~ IJ ,I<.idr- AmyD. . ge STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )SS On ~ a:er""", ~ ,,,,1"': 2010 per.;onally lIJ>.......ed the above named Robert D. Rirl;;;:- and Amy D. Ridge and acknowledged the foregoing to be their volunImy act and deed. ~ OFl'1ClAlSfAl .. SABRINA J VAN 8EENEN . NOTARY PUBUC..QREGON COMMISSION NO. 443993 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOVEMBal3, 2013 ..l~~~Lr-- NoImy Public Oregon W 1 e,;/ Bnmdon L. Parks ~~~ J Ie. Parks STATE OF OREGON ) Conn'Of Lane )SS On ./1-1 P 13-.2010 per.;onallyappemed the above named Brandon L. Parks and Jamie Ie. Parks and acknowledged the foregoing to be their voluuImy act and deed . =-~ _Q1Jhu~ bO~ , . NtlT_ PUBUC. OREGON NoImy Public for Oregon QOWIISSION NO. 432228 MYCO"MlSSION EXPIRES OCTOBEll'3,2D12 Property Line Adjustment Deed 1 of 3 /. J ! Poge20fS .Date, Received:-l..~/lP//- Planner: AL . . 'I (lth' ~), uM/ Eldon haw ,{)1J.;.l4. J. ':4i~ Laura I. Shaw STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )SS On ~\O..".'=/ t\~ . 2010 personally appeared the above named Eldon Shaw and Laura t Shaw and acknowledged the foregoing to be their voluntary act and deed. N~j\'l:-~~k - 0fFICW ...... WlUlAM I: ROIINEne _ NIUe - OREGON -.- ... NO. 4Q653 ;-;".1 Property Line Adjustment Deed 1 of 3 "/ ~ 1/ P II Page 3 of 5 Dat:-! Recelved,-1'-= , Planner: AL .. . . \> EXHIBIT A LANDS OF PARTY 1 AFfER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SITUATED in the City of Eugene, Lane County, State of Oregon in the Northeast 114 of the of Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 2 Wrs. of the WiIlamette Meridian and described as follows: Lot 63 of Levi Landing Second Addition as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records ALSO Beginning at the most southerly southeast oomer of Tract A of Levi Landing Second Addition. Replat ofLolS 59, 60, 61, 62, 67 and Tract D as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Reoords; thence Along the boundaries of said Tract A the following courses: North 24030'58" East, 232.21 feet, North 01"06'59" East, 201.84 feet, and North 88019'11" West, 204.86 feet to a point; thence South 04056'32" West, 270.52 feet to the northwrs. oorner of Lot 63 of Levi Landing Second Addition as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said northwest oorner' also lying on the southerly boundary of said Tract A; thence Along the boundaries of said Tract A the following oourses: South 88053'01" East, 17034 feet, South 24030'58" West, 151.85 feet, Southeasterly along a 120.00 foot radius CUIVe to the right 16.55 feet through a centraI angle of 07054'12", the chord of which bean; South 69~6'08" East, 16.54 feet, and South 65~9'02" East, 5.50 feet, returning to the point of beginning. Property Line Adjustment Deed 1 of3 t~, PlC^Elived: Puge40fS U:l.. ,.J Planner: AL I h;/tb'l I I . . \ EXHIBITB LANDS OF PARTY 2 AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SITUATED in the City of Eugene, Lane County, State of Oregon in the Northeast 1/4 of the of Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: Tract A of Levi Landing Second Addition, Replot of Lots 59, 60, 61, 62, 67 and Tract D as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records EXCEPTING therefrom the following described lands: Beginning at the most southerly southeast comer of Tract A of Levi Landing Second Addition, Repia! of Lots 59, 60, 61, 62, 67 and Tract D as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence Along the boundaries of said Tract A the following co=: North 24"30'58" East, 232.21 fuel, North 01006'59" East, 201.84 feet, and North 88019'11" West, 204.86 feel to a point; thence South 04056'32" Wesl, 270.52 feel to the northwest comer of Lot 63 of Levi Landing Second Addition as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said northwest comer also lying on the southerly boundary of said Tract A; thence Along the boundaries of said Tract A the following co=: South 88053'01" East, 170.34 fuet, South 24030'58" West, 151.85 fuet, Southeasterly along a 120.00 foot radius curve to the right 16.55 feel through a central angle of 07"54 '12", the chord of which hears South 69"26'08" East, 16.54 feet, and South 65"29'02" East, 5.50 feet, retwning to the point ofheginning. Property Line Adjastment Deed I of 3 /, . / PageSofS Date, r.aceived:..-!..Il!f~" Planner: AL