HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 1/31/2011 (2) I . , ~.~ =~ 2011_1 IllmlRllllllR 1111111111111111111111 $52.00 012l111192l11_'_ 01/24/201111:77:59 All _ - COdal Sln=9 CASHJER OS $15.00 $11.00 $16.00 $10.00 .' .' Rocordcd otlhc _ of ODd o&r.......m.g .......10: Gnm1ocs: SeodTax ~to: Bnmch 1!u,oi-.....1Dc. 3105lh_ SpriDgficld, OR 97477 GnmIors: Eldon Sbaw and Laura L Sbaw 66S2 Jaa# Lam: Springfield OR 974711 <JnlIIlln: Eldon Sbaw and Laura L Sbaw 6652 _llmo SpriDgfield OR 974711 <JnlIIlln: Brian K. Gcsit and 0=yI Gcsit 6711_Lam: Springfield OR 974711 Robert D. Ridge and Amy D. Ridge 6694 _llmo Springfield OR 97471l _ L Pmb&Jamie K. Parb 66BO JIlalb llmo SpriDgfield OR 97471 'The \rue consideration fur Ibis conveyance is olhcr than .........""t. QVITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS, 1hat Brian K. Gesik. CberyI Gesik. Robert D. Ridge, Amy D. Ridge, Bnmdon L Parl<s and Jamie K. Parl<s, hen:inafter called GnmIms, fur the consideration he:n:inafla sllIled, do hereby quitclaim all rigbl, title and inlen:st to Eldon Shaw and Lama L Shaw, hereinafter called Gnmlee, and onto Gnmtee's heir.i, SIJI:CeSSOIS and assigns, all nf1hat certain real property situated in the County of Lane, S_ of Oregon, desa:ibcd as follows, to wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT 'A' To have and to hold the same onto the said Gnmtee and Gnmtee's heir.i, ~........... and assigns furever. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING nus INSTRUMENT, TIm PERSON TIlANSFERRING FEE 1TI1Jl SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT nIB PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195300, 195301 AND 195305 TO 195.336 AND SECIlONS 5 TO II, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, AND SECIlONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER as5, OREGON LAWS 2009. nus INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF nIB PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN nus INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR Aa:EP11NG nus INSTRUMENT, nIB PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TIlU! TO nIB PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITII nIB APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARThIENT TO VERIFY -mAT nIB UNIT OF LAND BEING TIlANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABUSHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY nIB APPROVED USES OF nIB LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETEItMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.9311, AND TO INQUIRE ABOlIT nIB RIGIITS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 1953llO, 195.301 AND 195305 TO 195336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO II, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, AND SECIlONS 2 TO . 9 AND 17,CHAPTIlRBSS, OREGON LAWS 2009. ';.'" . - Dated Ibis 'Zx:>~ . dsyof So~~""" .2010. Granton f1-J, 1. W Bnmdon L. Parl<s ~K.~'P~ STATE OF OREGON ) coan~)SS .' On vf2.u,.- ~ 2010 personally appeared the above named Bnmdon L. Parl<s and Jamie-K. Pmks and acknowledged the fon:going to be their volun1my acI and deed. ....... ~p~' , ~u~ 'W-9<-- ~ _PIJIlUC.QllEGON Notary Public fur Oregon .. CCli!t~NO.4S2228 MY COMMIS""'"' _ 0CIllIlEA '3. 231. ,'.'; .' , ,- , Quitdaim Deed Page lof 3 Date, Received: I ~/dPLL- - Planner: AL ;" . . A , ?~- ~ \:).~ Rabat D. Ridge Am~~~e fJ. R"dy-- STATE OF OREGON ) Counly of Lane )SS On ~. r1A .tI.AJ!/J -!i..... 2010 pernonally appeared the above named Rabat D. Ridge and Amy D. Ridge and acknowledged the foregoing to be their volunlmy act and deed. ~ 0l'F1Cl0l SEAl. SABRINA J YAN IIEENEN NOTARYPU8UC~' '. COIMlISSlOll NO. ~ lGf COMM!SSlON EXPIRei NOYEMBBl3.lll13 9m~w&. ~ , Notary Public or Oregon '--/'\ L Brian K. Gesik ~A Chery, / " STATE OF OREGON ) COUDIy of Lane )SS On ~ "]efi. 2010 pernonally appeared the above named Brian K. Gesik and~, ~and acknowledged the furegoing to be~'. ~: -"" ~~ .r~;.:tAL~ ~~ ~~I).~ ~.a;;o. Notary Public for Oregon .. C('I.NSSlOH NO.4mGI r.rrC(Jt JS'l t1NOPIRESOCT.2B.2D12 --:.,. .. QulIdaim Deed Page 2 013 Dat~ Recelved:~!lI~.. . I.. ,": '!'L J . . ) EXHIBIT 'A' SITUATED in the City ofEugeoe, Lane County, S1aIc of Oregon in the Northeast V4 of the of Sedion 34, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WillameUe Meridian and described as fu11ows: BEING all those lands ~"bed in 'Exhibit C, Lands of Party 2 A&r Property Line Ac!i~' in.\h8l Propelly Line Adjuslmenl Deed 3 on recorded on )AAl'lA J2.Lm. ~20U(dhcceplionNumber20,.* 11- 3hco . in the County Oregon official Records, being more particularly descn"bed as follows: . Tt3Cl A of Levi Landing Second Addition, Replat of Lots 59, 60, 61, 62, 67 and Tt3Cl D as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Recmds EXCEPTING therefrom the fullowing descn"bed laods: Rr.ginning al the most southerly soulheast comer of Tt3Cl A of Levi Landing Second Addition, ReplatofLots 59, 60, 61, 62, 67 and Tt3Cl D as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; them:e Along the boundaries of said Tt3Cl A the fullowing COUISeS: North 24030'58" East, 23221 feet, North 01 "06'59" East, 20U4 feet, and North 88"19'11" West, 379.861f:et to 8 point; thence South 01045'49" West, 27\.66 1f:et to the northwest comer of Lot 65 of Levi Landing Second Addition as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said northwest comer also lying on the southerly houndmy of said Tt3Cl A; theoce Along the boundaries of said Tt3Cl A the fullowing COUISeS: South 88"53'01" East, 330.34 feet, South 24"30'58" West, 151.85 feet, Sonth .-.Iy along 8 120.00 foot radius curve to the right 16.551f:et through 8 centra1 angle of07"54'12",the chonI of which hems South 69"26'08" East, 16.54 feet, and South 65"29'02" East, 5.50 feet, returning to the point ofheginning. Qult....... Da:dDate Received:_fIJP11 Poge3of3 Planner: AL