HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 6/22/2010 (2) RIVER H.!GHTS SUBDIVI~N - LOT 4 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED fOR INfORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REfER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY Of SPRINGfIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT fiLES fOR fULL DETAILS. 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and Is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and Is summarized In 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSlcence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive cloy, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. foundations should consist of either post- tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. for the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end-bearing piles extended to hard. over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. 40 ft. R.W.D. EASEMENT p . CONSERVATION AREA ~-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA { I ~ o 40 RIVER HEIGHTS DR. ::Jute i~ece\Ved: Planner: SH ((? -:?'Z--"-j ~ RIVER H!:GHTS SUBDIVlsibN - LOT 6 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL lOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FUll DETAilS. 1. This document Is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A lEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for 011 legal boundary issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSlcence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive clay, conventional shaUow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post- tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end-bearing plies extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. ~ . CONSERVATION AREA 25ftP.U.E. ~-'\J ~~J IMPACT AREA 40 ft. RW.D. EASEM~NI_ --- --- --- --- --- f l~ , 0 40 rovER HEIGHTS DR. - Date Received: Pianner: SH &~?;>IO RIVER H!GHTS SUBDIVIS~N - LOT 7 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document Is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary Issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeaScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSlcence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post- tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end-bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. 40 ft. ,W.D. EASEMENT 2SftP.U.E. --- i\-~ ~~J IMPACf AREA --- --- --- --- ~ . CONSERVATION AREA --- { ~ ~ o 40 --- ~ RIVER HEIGHTS DR. ""'t,, Received: (~ . Z; 2- - If) p~~~er: SH RIVER H!GHTS SUBDIVI~N - LOT 8 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGfIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT filES. FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and. is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall beconsulled for all legal boundary issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendotions by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive clay, conventional shaliow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post- tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end-bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for aliowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. - CONSERVATION AREA --- --- r\-'\J ~~J IMPACT AREA --- --- 27' OPE EASEMENT __~_____L-- --- --- { ~ ~ o 40 RIVER HEIGHTS DR. - - Date Received: Planner: SH (/ , 7Z - J.iJ. RIVER H!GHTS SUBDIVI~N - LOT 9 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shawn are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2 Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil and over-consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post- tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end-bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. 25 ft P.U.E. 40 ft. R. .D. EASEME~!. _ --- --- --- --- --- --- p . CONSERVA.TION AREA K-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA RIVER HEIGHTS DR. i \ ~ o 40 Date Received: Flanner: SH ~-z-z-/6 RIVER HIGHTS SUBDIVIsf:>N - LOT 10 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document Is for graphic representation and owner notification and Is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary Issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site arid Is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate In Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soli and over- consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end bearing plies extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the piers can be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soli without stressing the pier connections. 25 ft P.U.E. 40 ft. R. .D. EASEMENT --- --- --- --- --- --- --- - CONSERVATION AREA ~~ ~~J I>WACTj \ ! -- r---...,-- ___........_ / .. " "', ------"... l " '.. .. , I' " " '''.. : : ".. ''', ''''.. .. I : ''''... " " "..: 27,L '\"" LCR:.#lO""'", "'1 ", " " ',: SLOPE EA$Et>I~NT "'(Q;) "" "" i 1: ".. .. '''.. "i 1'.. " .. '.. I 1'\. .. ,951" ~--~,------~-------_ . fl~, : I... " '.;---_... I I '''... " '''.. ----~'t_~- " '''.. '" I ~---_ ... .. .. I I ----~ '\ '''.. .J' ! t', " r"'-- I ----f---"..----' I /5'" , ", 7FT~'--___~ 0 RIVER FIE [GRTS DR. ~ -, { ~ ~ o I 40 I , --- Date Received: Planner: SH (/D 2- - (a RIVER HIGHTS SUBDIVIS~N LOT 11 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS :AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document is for graphic representallon and owner notiflcallon and Is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and Is summarized In 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locallons shall meet the , recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS, through VFS RU-l0l or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-l0l can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-l01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 :psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. In Design Area 4, due to characteristics consistent with expansive soil. and over- consolidated expansive clay, conventional shallow spread footing systems are not . recommended in this area. Foundations should consist of either post tensioned slabs or of auger-cast piers. For the pier systems, the piers should be designed as end bearing piles extended to hard over-consolidated RU-306. A person familiar with such systems should ascertain that suitable bearing material has been reached. In that case, the' piers con be designed for allowable bearing pressures of at least 6,000 psf, and possibly 9,000 psf. Concrete beams connecting the piers should be designed above-grad by 1 to 2 inches to allow for swelling of the underlying soil without stressing the pier connections. 25ftP.U.E. 40 ft. R. D. EASE~__ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ,------.------Q-------, , " ,,' " I J'....', " ~ ", '.. ... .. I , .. '.. " \, I I "... " " "''''.\ f'.... " T 01"# 11 "'''''', \ I'"~ '1;', "'~' , , " '\, " f.., '''.. """ ',,,- I '\, rt '\ " I .. U.. .. .. : -"', it?bJo 7>< '''.. .. .. ~r-." '.. I ... /', '.. "~'.A', .. I -i--_'... 6A" "',"1. c;'L' " ".. \ , -, ..,. 6" ... \J('A~" .. I , ,-....,. ~ ", ,,,,,,,,"', '. ~---_ ''':-'''' '<".. ...., <,,;11' " .............. --"'-, -....,.. .. ',/ .......,,,.. ..../ ....... ~', I ",\ " n' - CONSERVATION AREA ~I ---~. -I ~ 'I L~___ .J IMPACT AREA { \ ~ o 40 ~12l? 1/1210. 'lfl'S /)1(. Date Received: Co - Zz-(() Planner: SH RIVER HllGHTS SUBDIVISI()N - LOT 12 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED fOR INfORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REfER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS' AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY Of SPRINGfiELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT fiLES ~OR 1. This document is for graphic representation and owner notification and Is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized' in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other , applicable professional. for this lot a conventional spread fooling system and concrete slabs-on-grade Is appropriate In Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS, through VfS RU-10l or compacted select fill placed on Ihis unit. It Is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed In this area withoul difficulty. footings on I STS/VfS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. foollngs on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurel'f'ents. , , , , , , , , I I , , I I , , , I , , , I , , , , , , , , , .\-- 10 IT PRIVATE STORM , DRAIN EASEMENT I SEE CC&Rs 5.2 PRN ATE EASEMENT , , , , I I , , , I , , I , I I ~---"-l I ,. "'J ~n_ J 25ft P. U.E. --- 40 R.W,D. EASEMENT --- --- IMPACf AREA --- --- --- - CONSERVATI,ON AREA ~~ '.f <$;~ 0<$;1'<5' <>~ -----~~:----~~ 1--"', " . , ' . , ' ~, ''''... ''''... '''... \ \''''.. "''''''' "'''''', "... \ ''''... ''''... ''''.. "'''''', \ " '\ '\. "...' , " '\ " ... \ \''''' "''''''''' Ld1: # 1 i'"" "'''''''\ \ ''''... ""\.. "".. '\, \ ", " .... " , \ ''''.. ".. '''.. ''''.. \ \ "'''.. " \.. ''', \ .. .. .. .. .., -.. \ '.... ".. "\, "''''', '\ ,I." ......._'" .. .. ... I " " " "'''.. "".. "'''.. \ '\ '''.. ''', "\. '''.. l\,. \ ,.. .. .. .. --- I ".. ''>-_----~- J9: ~" '\......---- ~ I "I __--- I .. '.. !~ \ 0 40 Date Received: &"'21- - ib Planner: SH RIVER HmGHTS SUBDIVI~N - LOT 16 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document Is for graphic representation and owner nollflcation and Is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All. dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface explorallon has been preformed on this site and Is summarized In 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundallons and locallons shall meet the recommendallons of these reports. Prior to home construcllon the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSicence or other applicable professlonol. For this lot a conventionol spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate In Design Area 1. Ideally, foollngs will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It Is anllcipated that daylight basements can be constructed In this area without difficulty. Foollngs on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Foollngs on PDS/CDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,509 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. r----""~-- ~~-----~------""'- ~ ""... " ".. I" t~, , " ',I ,..---_...-J ".. V"-----:..-------~ 40ft.iR.W.D:I;ASEMEwr ----- t'...- _ - ~ - - ~, '::-----...~-ll _--- -r" " " " ','I -, I','," ';' '~'I , I"" _.....--_ . ".. --,",,-- ~,- '''.. : , f~_--..-...... I' l-----~ .. '\, " " '\" I I -, "', ".. " "J " .. .. " 'I , :', ".. '''.. " : I , ~..," t'7' ".. """,: I \ ! '" ~ A5I;:MEN-T~"t-r I ~ '\. .. ~: \ :-1~' \ f " ~\:\ '- , ' ' ", -' "OT'#.16 7"': 1 :', >J," --<,,, ..,1> '\,. 1 J ... .. ....... I, ',,'~ ',_~ "\, '\., -. l \..l _'1-' (, ~, ',! 10<\ ,.J ~" t:7. ...', .. ,\ ..-'l ~ --___-1.______~_____~~ \ ~ (j'\\ \ CJl\ \ . , \ ~\ \ 27' .\ \ SLOPE EASEMENT --'\ \ ~ Cd\ \ ~;;\ \ '0 \ U). \ 25ftP.U.E. ----4l VI '0 , \:\~, (l .. , ~ 'e , ",' I " ~ , ~ "' '" > I .. '" , ~"' , ~ ~ , "' ~ , "' , ~ , \ \ , , , , , , , , , \(8 , I I , , :\-"\j ~~J IMPACf AREA I ~ 'G' ~ ~ ;..;\ i '~ \ ~ o 40 LOT #15 Date Received: (.p'Z- '7 - to Planner: SH . RIVER HIGHTS SUBDIVI~N- LOT 39 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL lOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS .AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES EaR 1. This document Is for graphic representation and owner notification and is NOT A lEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the Individual lot sheill be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSlcence or other applicable professional. For this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade Is appropriate in Design Area 2. Installation of daylight basements' will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-101, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 pst. On CDS RU-101 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. ' ~I -~-~ ~' I L~___ --' IM~Acr AREA TRACT "B" 7: % <"tt: ,~ [Z:T:'~!'r:J tl~',"'ci~:~:J PRESERVATION AREA ~ ,I ~ o 40 . . ( -';[.:Z - 11') Date Received. 0 ' Planner: SH ; RIVER HIGHTS SUBDIVI~N - LOT 50 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document Is for graphic representation and owner notification and Is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site ond Is summarized in 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSlcence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate In Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It Is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STSjVFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 pst. Footings on PDSjCDS RU-101 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. For this lot shallow spread footing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate In Design Area 2. Installation 01 daylight basements will present difficulties with excavation. Ideally, footings are constructed bearing on PDS or STSVFS RU-101, foundatons can be designed for allowable bearing pressures up to 6,000 psf. On CDS RU-l01 bearing pressures should not exceed 1,500 psf unless additional measurements of soil strength are conducted at the specific site. ~-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA LOT #49 r--~,-----~----~:----' I """"" '\'''' """'" \ ~ , , 'I I"''''''''''''' "'''''''''''' """''''' '1 t", l.~T #5~, "",,1 22' LOT #51 : "" "" SLOP~ EA EMENT I ... " '.. I I " " ,,11 ... " .. .... I " " .... ',I .......,.... ".. '.... "1-;''"-1- -"'~----'l "I ~85 ---I ,,_l'i . \, l i--- .. I --_ -- ["":;:", -. ~;~:':. 'I r.~<>/. .'>.0': t~S'o.'~j;Lj PRESERVATION AREA i \ vrruSL A.NE ~ o 40 Date Received: U -Z-Z' -It) Planner: SH RIVER HmGHTS SUBDIVI~N - LOT 55 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLAT, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR 1. This document Is for graphic representation and owner notification and Is NOT A LEGAL BOUNDARY DOCUMENT. All dimensions and areas shown are approximate and the recorded final plat shall be consulted for all legal boundary issues. 2. Limited subsurface exploration has been preformed on this site and is summarized In 3 reports by GeoScience, Inc. Home foundations and locations shall meet the recommendations of these reports. Prior to home construction the individual lot shall be reviewed for conformance with these recommendations by GeoSlcence or other applicable professional. For this lot a conventional spread footing system and concrete slabs-on-grade is appropriate in Design Area 1. Ideally, footings will bear on CDS through VFS RU-101 or compacted select fill placed on this unit. It Is anticipated that daylight basements can be constructed in this area without difficulty. Footings on STS/VFS RU-101 can be designed for allowable bearing pressures on 6,000 psf. Footings on PDS/CDS RU-l01 should be designed for maximum bearing pressures of 1,500 psf unless site-specific, higher values can be developed from additional field measurements. l?JveJ? /felO '/fl'S DJ? i\-~ ~~J IMPACT AREA [Z:7g"r.~ LL:L2jj PRESERVATION AREA r- i \ ~ o 40 Date Received: 0- -z..z - If) Planner: SH