HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 4/30/2010 -Ii '+1li a -A.. ~()(-(b()I'(,?q;Ci GUAFrD PUBLISHING COMP1IrNY rvt~ P.O. B~X 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 L I !(P;JOfIf1 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 eg.a 4604920 Notice Legal Notice Advertising CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ATTN LESLIE WILSON CC BRENDA JONES 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 '. RECEIVED APR 301010 # . OFFICIAL SEAL " TAMARA ANN CLARK 5. . NOTARYPUBUC-QREGON . ... COMMISSION NO. 435086 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DEC. 15, 2012 !i ",.t1 ;~OTICEOFPUBUC HEARING- -,' ._,..:/_ _~. Sp~ngfl~Jd planning Commission A pUblJc.heanng'ls scheduledfor.May ;_1~ 2~1O:at '[:09pm before,the Springfield .Plal!~mg f~mmlssion to'cons,ider-a zone . change'request. The"subject property Is .J~ted a~ ~ _Main Street in SpnngfieJd. ,Jh~ exlstmg, zoning, is "Low' Density" Resl . ,.dentlal.1:TheTproposal'being:"consldered _",.would.,change'the,zonrng~to,Medium Den "sity< Residential to'~match' the existing . MetroPlin~esfgnationforthesite.;'.,r,i .fl- l"~e heanng will be held in the City ". Council Chamb~rS' at . th'e' Springfield' City lHa.lI,t:22Sl rdthrStreet,.~ :Springfield. 7'In . reac:h!nga ~~isl~n on,this,action,.the Planning Commission shall adopt findings, . which' demonstrate that all.of'the.folloW' .lng,c~iteria have.been addressed;.1) Con. , , slste.ncy with,the Metro,Plan Text and Df agraJ.ll;~2}~Consistency with"applicable ',R~finement,Plans, ,spei;iaJ area studies 'and!;functlonaJ"plans;'~and']) Thil'the : t~rty~'l~~l~e S:E!rved\by the;orderlY , ~nd}ffic!~nt.~~en~ion_k~ uttiarUacJfl. , ties.and.servlcesl aslprescribed in-;:the ~ .',;MetroPlan,prlorto,orin conjunction.with development'. ...."........ ~.-....., ..... ," rJ,The lone':'d1ange aPplication,: all. dOcu ments and~evidence relled upon by the , applicant, the applicable criteria and a ~coPY}lf ,the~ffreport are available for.a free rnSPectlOn"and'copies'wlllbeavai. ableata reasonable cost' \ . ' !.-' Fa!Jureohnissue,tober.ilsedin~tthe ,\h(!anng"ln person or, by letter; or failure ~,i toj provide l.statemerits or evidence suffi cient'l?affl)rd!the,decislon-makeranop,' portunityto,respond to,the"ssue pre-' cludes appeal to the land Use Board of t~ppeals onithat,issue.jFor more informa tlon contacLMar1c,Metzger; Planner at ;.726.3ITS; .r(~'..D!;.ln'.';',).' ~blishDate: Api-il 28, 2010 :'.:J1l f)f'J~.I~H:t.:~II\ .~ 't....i.l i ..:No:4604920,,':Apri!.28,2010.r,j':: t. I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss. I, Wendy Raz , being fii"st duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive Day(s) in the following issues: April 28, 2010 . f:J\~\O ~ ,'r [Il/~ ~ Subscribed and affirmed to b ore me this AJ:lril 28 2010 ..../ .f Account #: INVOICE Case: Amt Due: 1000218 4604920 May 18, 2010 $117.50 Date R.0cei\fed: Planilor: MiVi if/HI/a My commission expires: December 15, 2012