HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 9/23/2010 . . " J Development Issues Meeting Response to Applicant Question #5 5. The City is currently updating the Glenwood Refinement Plan. Are there projected modifications to Franklin Blvd. or other transportation routes that may impact the proposed project and how and when might these modifications occur? Applicable Code The conceptual site layout shows the approximate location of an expanded Franklin Blvd. right-of-way. The Franklin Blvd. expansion project is identified on the TransPlan and the Regional Transportation Plan project lists (Projects 839, 802). Section 3.2-315 (Table Note 4.) of the Springfield Development Code states: ('When additional right-of-way ii"required, whether by City Engineering standards, the Metro Plan (including the TransPlan), or the CitY's Conceptual Street Plan, setbacks are based on future rigciB . ~f-way locations. Right-of-way.shall be.dedicatedprior to the issuance of any building permit that I,'.. '.' '. ",',". :"f'::"""'-""" ~,w"'__~"w . . . .. '- increases reguired ~arkingt SDC Section 4.2-105 (4)(G) states: (Whenever an existing street of inadequate width is abutting~ Within a development area requiring Development A~proval, additional right-of-way is required.": SDC 5.17-130 A. states that during site plan review, dedication of right-of-way and/or utility easements are a required condition when additional right of way is required by a transportation facility shown on TransPlan and related planning documents. :1. Right-of-way, ~'en shown in: TransPlan; transportation elements of refinement 'plans; or on the most recent Conceptual local Street'Plan Map; and as specified in Tabid 'I ;4.2-1. Conceptual Site Layout The layout appears to adequately address the future setback of the building from the future right of way, but the parking shown within the future right-of-way area would be removed with an expansion of Franklin. Maintaining a vegetated area within the future right-of way is preferable to the development of a parking facility within the future right-of-way. The parking area behind and to the east of the clinic structure provides about 70 parking spaces. The required minimum number of parking spaces for a 16,000 square foot building is parking is 54 spaces. 3.2-315 Base Zone Development Standards The followinn base zone commercial develooment standards are established. " Commercial Zoning District Develonment Standard NC CC MRC GO Minimum Area 6,000 square reet 6,000 square 6,000 square 6,000 square reet reet reet Date Received: Planner: MM q/~~)t6,1J , . . { Minimum Street Frontage(1) 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet All Panhandle LotslPatcels Not Permitted 40 feet Not Permitted Not Permitted Minimum Street Frontage Maximum LotIPatcel Coverage Development Areas <1 Acre Lot/patcel coverage limited only by standatds in and 2 Acres- 35 percent other Sections of this Code. Development Areas between 2 and 3 Acres- 35 percent and no single lease space shall exceed 15,000 square feet Minimum Landscaping Perimeter and interior Minimum requirements defined by standatds in landscaping atea combined other Sections of this Code. coverage shall not be less than 20 percent of the total development atea. Maximum Patking, loading and 45 percent Lot/patcel coverage limited only by standatds in vehiculat circulation atea other Sections of this Code. coverage Laridscaped'SetbacKS (2)(3)(4) and (5) . . , . . . ..... Front, Street SideYatd, and Through Lot RearYatd Building Setback 10 Feet to Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet Patking, driveway, and outdoor 7 Feet 5 Feet 5 Feet 5 Feet storage setback Interior Side, Reat Yatd Setbacks when Abutting Residential or C1 Districts Building Setback 10 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet Patking, Driveway, Outdoor 7 Feet 5 Feet 5 Feet 5 Feet Storage Setback Maximum Building Height(61 c. 20 Feet' .No Maximum exeent as sneeified below , When abutting an LDR or 20 Feet Defined by the Maximum Shade Point Height requirement MDR District to the north ofSection3.2-225A I.b., or up to 50 feet south of a northern lot/parcel line a plane extending south with an angle of 23 degrees and originating from the top of a 16 foot hypothetical fence located on the northern lot/parcel line. When abutting an LDR or 20 Feet No greater than that permitted in the LDR or MDR MDR District to the east, west, Districts for a distance of 50 feet. or south (1) The Director may waive the requirement that buildable City lots/parcels have frontage on a public street when all of the following apply: (a) The lots/parcels have been approved as part of a Development Area Plan, Site Plan, Subdivision or Partition application, and (b) Access has been guaranteed via a private street or driveway by an irrevocable joint use/access agreement as specified in Section 4.2-120A. (2) There are no setback requirements for buildings in the Downtown Exception Area. (3) Where an easement is larger than the required setback standard, no building or above grade structure, except a fence, shall be built upon or over that easement. (4)When additional right-of-way is required, whether by City Engineering standards, the Metro Plan (including the - ~ransPlan): or the City's Conceptual Street Plan, setllacks are.based on futureright'of-way locatio.ns. Right-of~ way shall be dedicated Rrior to the issuance of any building.ppmit that increases r~uired Rarking! (S)Architectural extensions may protrude into any 5-foot or larger setback area by not more than 2 feet. (6)Incidental equipment may exceed these height standards. :_)~ '.!F--: '.'\: J' ':'- '. . ~ . ',....1\::':..;' J . 4.2-105 Public Streets ~. G. - Additionalmgb!:pl:wayand Street ImJ:lrovementsl . 1. " When~e'f~i1 existing street of inadequate:width is a6~uttingor'Within a ~e;'elopment a~;a':re(fUiring D'evelol?!!!.ent ~J:lp.~ovai,_ additional' right-of-way is riquired! 5.17-130 Conditions To the extent necessary to satisfy the approval criteria of Section 5,17-125, comply with all applicable provisions ofthis Code and to mitigate identified negative impacts to surrounding properties, the Director may impose approval conditions. Conditions imposed to satisfy the Site Plan application approval criteria shall not be used to exclude "needed housing" as defined in OAR 660-08-015. All conditions shall be satisfied prior to Final Site Plan approval. Approval conditions may include, but are not limited to: ~~fe, I , PedICatio"" or:;:;ght-ofcWay'a'nd/or utiliiVeasements! .~~~~_~. .';~i~~.~"-*_' ..~ ~; ~.'Y~"'..,..;.' .... ....M . "~~-~"'~~'::.;'_":"____,, .... .............. _.~ 1: C,'", ,Right-of~way;when shown in: TransPlan; transportation.elements of refinement L-'.::::;s v:,:, ;': s.;--_ *';-'> ....-...:. 'Y.-!::: _ <.':-";"> ,'F:;; ", -. .:>" ,',_ :'"..',.. ',...". l pla.ns; or.ontlie most re~ent Conc~l?!ual~local Str~Pla!l.~p.; and as sJ],E!c;ified in Table ~.2-1~