HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 7/7/2009 (2) . CITY O'SPRINGFIELD MEMORANDUM DATE OF HEARING: July 7,2009 TO: Springfield Planning Commission PLANNING COMMISSION TRANSMITTAL FROM: Steve Hopkins, Planner II MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: DRC2009-00023, Springfield Fire and Life Safety ISSUE The applicant is proposing a fire station in the LDR zone. In accordance with SDC 3.2-210, this requires a Discretionary Use (DU) application and a Site Plan Review application. DISCUSSION This Discretionary Use, if approved, will assist the Springfield Fire and Life Safety Dept. in obtaining a grant from FEMA to fund the construction of a new fire station in the Jasper/Natron area. The specific design has not been detennined, but will be similar to Station 16, located at Main and 68111, which is a two story building with 3 equipment bays. If the DU is approved but Springfield does not receive the grant, the property may be developed with any use allowed in the LOR zone. If the fire station is not built, approval of the DU will not preclude other uses on the site. The Development Review Committee met on June 30 to review the application. The committee identified the slope of the site and storm water retention as possible design issues. These are not unusual issues and will be resolved during site plan review. Although the portion of Bob Straub Parkway that fronts this parcel was annexed by Springfield, the County retains access control because the road has not been surrendered to the City. Comments by the County indicate direct access to the parkway is not likely to be granted. As of Monday, June 29, no public comments have been received. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Discretionary Use. The attached order reflects that recommendation. If the Commission chooses to deny the application, the findings, conclusions and the order will need to be revised to support that decision. In that case, the Commission should close the hearing and move the item to the next publiC hearing (July 21). The revised findings, conclusions and order will be presented to the Commission on that date. ACTION REQUESTED The Commission should take public testimony and detennine if a fire station is an appropriate use at this site, pursuant to the Discretionary Use criteria contained in SDC 5.9-120. The Commission has three options: 1. approve as recommended, or 2. approve but add conditions based on testimony at the hearing, or 3. deny the application. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Staff report containing findings of fact and conclusions law to support approval of the application. Attachment 2: Conceptual site design, applicant's statement, maps Attachment 3: Order for approval of the application. Attachment 4: Diagram of proposed fire stations and coverage areas. Date Received: 7-1-01 Planner. ;-- '5H I o-f llo~ " . . STAFF REPORT: JasperJNatron Fire Station Hearing Date: July 7, 2009 Project Proposal: Discretionary Use for a Fire Station Case Number: DRC2009-00023 Project Location: 725 57th Street Property size: 1.5 acres Base Zone: LDR (Low Density Residential) Zone Overlay District(s): none Metro Pian Designation: Low Density Residential Application Submitted Date: June 12, 2009 Staff: Steve Hopkins, AICP A licant Gino Grimaldi Oty of Springfield 225 Fifth St Springfield OR 97477 Re resentative Jana Sorenson Fire and Life Safety Dept City of Springfield 225 Fifth St S rin 'eld OR 97477 Land Owner Donald McCabe 57th Street Property LLC 362 42nd Street Springfield, OR 97477 Summary The applicant is proposing a fire station in the LDR zone. In accordance with SDC 3.2-210, this requires a Discretionary Use application and a Site Plan Review application. If the Planning Commission approves the DU, the applicant will submit a Site Pian Review application that will be reviewed by the Director. This DU, if approved, will assist the Springfield Fire and Life Safety Dept. in obtaining stimulus money administered by FEMA, to fund the construction of a new fire station in the Jasper/Natron area. The grant will be awarded in a competitive process among an estimated 5,000 applicants. The deadline for submittal of the grant application is July 10, 2009. The grants will be awarded this fall. According to the grant application guidelines, highest consideration will be given to applicants: 1. Who already own or have otherwise already acquired the land, and 2. Whose land is already zoned for the new or modified structure, and 3. Who have already obtained the permits for the project. If approved, this DU application and the associated Land Drainage and Alteration Permit will represent conformance with #2 and #3. The city has an option to purchase the property, which represents conformance with #1. The fire station will contain 3 equipment bays and a staff of 3 firefighters. Although the specific design has not been finalized, the building will be similar to the new Fire Station 16, located at Maio Street and 68th. The site design submitted with this DU is a conceptual design. It demonstrates how a typical station could fit on the site. The exact building design will be refined during the site review process to comply with the development code and any conditions placed on the DU. DRC2009-OOO23 City of Springfield Fire and Life Safety Page 1 ATTACHMENT 1 - 1 " . . The Springfield Development Code defines a fire station as a High Impact Public Facility. These are allowed in the LDR zone as a Discretionary Use. The applicant will submit the subsequent site plan review application this fall, if the FEMA grant is awarded. If Springfield is not awarded the grant, the Discretionary Use approval will not preclude other uses on this site. If a fire station is not built, the site can be developed with any use allowed in the LDR zone. Based on comments from Lane County Transportation Planning. direct access to the Bob Straub Parkway is not likely to be granted. Although the portion of Bob Straub Parkway that fronts this parcel was annexed by Springfield, the County retains access control because the road has not been surrendered to the City. This is not expected to be an issue since the conceptual site plan does not show direct access to the parkway. Springfield Transportation Planning has indicated the Institute of Transportation Engineers traffic generation manual does not contain an estimated vehicle trip count for fire stations. Because of that, and because there will be a small number of firefighters at this station, impact to the transportation system will be insignificant Based on comments from Public Works Engineering. the storm and sanitary sewers have adequate capacity to serve the proposed development. The comments from the Springfield Fire Marshal's Office state that the purpose of this fire station is to provide key urban services to the Jasper-Natron area. Fire and life safety services are among those listed as key urban services in the Springfield Municipal Code. Per local and national standards, response times for Springfield Fire and Life Safety is 5 minutes to the areas to be served. The location of this station is based on a fire station relocation study by Emergency Services Consulting. Inc. (ESCi) dated April 2007. Without relocation of this high impact public facility, Springfield Fire and Life Safety will be unable to deliver key urban services to future annexations in Jasper-Natron. The Commission should take public testimony and determine if a fire station is an appropriate use at this site. The Commission has three options: 1. approve as recommended, or 2. approve but add conditions based on testimony at the hearing. or 3. deny the application. Staff recommends approval of the Discretionary Use. Procedural Findings: . Notice of the public hearing was sent to adjacent property owners/ occupants within 300 feet of the subject site on Tune 25. 2009. The applicant and parties submitting testimony at the public hearing have appeal rights and are mailed a copy of this decision for consideration. . Notification was published in the Register Guard on Tune 17. 2009. . On June 30. 2009. the City's Development Review Committee reviewed the application. The City staff's comments have been reduced findings in this report. 5.9-120 Discretionary Use Approval Criteria A Discretionary Use may be approved only if the Planning Commission or Hearings Official finds that the proposal conforms with the Site Plan Review approval criteria specified in Section 5.17-125, where applicable, and the following approval criteria: A. The proposed use conforms with applicable: 1. Provisions of the Metro Plan; 2. Refinement plans; 3. Plan District standards; DRC2009-00023 City of Springfield Fire and Life Safety Page 2 ATTACHMENT 1 - 2 .. . 4. Conceptual Development Plans or 5. Specific Development Standards in this Code; SDC 4.7-160 High Impact Public Facilities A. The facility shall be designated on the Metro Plan's Public Facilities and Services Plan f1! be approved in accordance with a Type III review procedure (Discretionary Use). B. The facility shall be screened as specified in Section 4.4-100. C. In residential districts, a minimum of 25 percent of the lot/parcelshall be landscaped. . Finding: The site is zoned LDR (Low Density Residential) Zone and is designated LDR by the Metro Plan. There is no applicable refinement plan. Finding: In accordance with SDC 3.2-210, a fire station in the LDR zone requires a Discretionary Use application and a Site Plan application. If the Planning Commission approves the DU, the applicant will submit a site plan. The site plan must comply with the Springfield Development Code as well as any conditions of the DU. Finding: The Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 6.1-110 defines a fire station as a High Impact Public Facility. SDC 3.2-210 lists High Impact Public Facilities as a discretionary use in the LDR (Low Density Residential) zoning district. Finding: The proposal must comply with the Specific Development Standards contained in SDC 4.7-160. The screening and landscape standards will be implemented during the site plan review. Finding: This application is being processed as a Type ill review. In accordance with SDC 4.7-160, a fire station in the LDR zone requires a Discretionary Use application, unless the site is designated on the Metro Plan's Public Facilities and Services Plan. The current Metro Plan does not include sites for fire stations. Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.9-120(A). B. The site under consideration is suitable for the proposed use, considering: 1. The location, size, design and operating characteristics of the use (operating characteristics include but are not limited to parking, traffic, noise, vibration, emissions, light, glare, odor, dust, visibility, safety, and aesthetic considerations, where applicable); 2. Adequate and safe circulation exists for vehicular access to and from the proposed site, and on-site circulation and emergency response as well as pedestrian, bicycle and transit circulation; 3. The natural and physical features of the site, including but not limited to, riparian areas, regulated wetlands, natural stormwater management/drainage areas and wooded areas shall be adequately considered in the project design; and 4. Adequate public facilities and services are available, including but not limited to, utilities, streets, storm drainage facilities, sanitary sewer and other public infrastructure. Finding: This site is identified in the "Standards of Cover and Deployment Study, April 2007" as a site that can adequately serve the Jasper/Natron area. Finding: The diagram included in this staff report as Attachment 4 is the tool that Fire and Life Safety uses to evaluate whether or not to ask for an actual transportation analysis for annexations. This diagram shows that DRC2009-OOO23 City of Springfield Fire and Life Safety Page 3 ATTACHMENT 1 - 3 . . Fire and life Safety can only serve to within approximately 1/. mile of the southern edge of the UGB in the Jasper-Natron area. Finding: According to the local wetlands inventory, there are no identified wetlands on this site. Finding: The comments from PW Engineering state the existing sanitary sewer is adequate to serve the proposed use. Finding: According to Public Works, the stormwater system is undersized for this area. There is a piped system down slope from this site in the intersection of Straub Pkwy and 57th St. that connects to the Daisy St storm line. The Daisy system is under capacity and has an identified CIP project in the SWFMP. The station design will need some type of flow management and the normal water quality considerations. During site plan review, the applicant will need to address Fire truck washing similar to what has been done at the other fire sties. This includes bioswales and "no net increase" stormwater practices. Condition of Approval: The site plan shall incoroorate bioswales and "no net increase" stormwater practices to the extent practicable. Finding: The PW Engineering comments state the site slopes at 7% to the north which may pose some design challenges but will not prevent development of a fire station. There are no improvement agreements on the property currently. Soil is 73-Iinslaw loam which has somewhat poor drainage with a water table at approximately Z as indicated by the Lane County Soil Survey. Finding: Although the portion of Bob Straub Parkway that fronts this parcel was annexed by Springfield, the County retains access control because the road has not been surrendered to the City. Comments by the County indicate direct access to the parkway is not likely to be granted. As shown by the conceptual site plan, direct access to the parkway is not needed for the fire station. Finding: The comments from the Springfield Fire Marshal's Office state that the purpose of this fire station is to provide key urban services to the Jasper-Natron area. Fire and life safety services are among those listed as key urban services in the Springfield Municipal Code. Per local and national standards, response times for Springfield Fire and life Safety is 5 minutes to the areas to be served. The location of this station is based on a fire station relocation study by Emergency Services Consulting, Inc. (ESCi) dated Apri12007. Without relocation of this high impact public facility, Springfield Fire and life Safety will be unable to deliver key urban services to future annexations in Jasper-Natron. Conclusion: As conditioned, the proposal complies with SDC 5.9-120(B). C. Any adverse effects of the proposed use on adjacent properties and on the public can be mitigated tluough the: 1. Application of other Code standards (including, but not limited to: buffering from less intensive uses and increased setbacks); 2. Site Plan Review approval conditions, where applicable; 3. Other approval conditions that may be required by the Approval Authority; and/or 4. A proposal by the applicant that meets or exceeds the cited Code standards and/or approval conditions. Finding: The site is adjacent to public rights of way on tluee sides. There are tluee homes adjacent to the site on south. Finding: Sound generated from the fire trucks is a typical issue when locating a fire station. Due to the size and location of the site, the building can be designed to mitigate the impact of the sound on the neighbors tluough massing and directional sound mitigation techniques. Other anticipated impacts include lighting and sound from the generator. DRC2009-OOO23 City of Springfield Fire and Life Safety . Page 4 ATTACHMENT 1 - 4 . . Condition of approval: To the extent practicable. the site and the buildine: shall be designed to minimize direct impacts to the neighbors. Conclusion: As conditioned, the proposal complies with SDC 5.9-120(q. D. Applicable Discretionary Use criteria in other Sections of this Code: 1. Wireless telecommunications systems facilities requiring Discretionary Use approval are exempt from Subsections A.-C., above but shall comply with the approval criteria specified in Section 4.3-145. 2. Alternative design standards for multifamily development are exempt from Subsections A.- c., above but shall comply with the approval criteria specified in Section 3.2-245. 3. Fences requiring Discretionary Use approval are exempt from Subsections A.-c., above but shall comply with the approval criteria specified in Section 4.4-115C. 4. 'The siting of public elementary, middle and high schools requiring Discretionary Use approval is exempt from Subsections A. - c., above but shall comply with the approval criteria specified in Section 4.7-195. Finding: The proposal does not include a wireless telecommunication system. a multi-family development, a public school, or a fence requiring Discretionary Use approval. Conclusion: SDC 5.9-120(D) is not applicable to the proposal. Determination: Based on the findings of fact, conclusions of law and the evidence in the record, the Director determines the proposal complies with the Discretionary Use criteria contained in SDC 5.9-120, subject to the conditions of approval attached as Exhibit A. EXHmIT A Conditions of Approval 1. To the extent practicable, the site plan shall incorporate bioswales and "no net increase" stormwater practices. 2. To the extent practicable, the site and the building shall be designed to minimize direct impacts to the neighbors. DRC2009-00023 City of Springfield Fire and Life Safety Page 5 ATTACHMENT 1 - 5 .. ~ :> OJ '1:l .~ b o . Q) ~ (/) c: o ~Q') C1l 0 ......0 (/}N .~ 2- u...; ..... Q) c.. l/l C1l -.. . z+ ~ "-,, co~ ~'" ~ ~8~ "0 ,!!.2.~ ~ ctI nO:: c: ",U, Zl gel); ~~III.I€ ...J Attachment 2-1 . . p.. .. :::E '"Cl o o ..c: .. o .n ~ --~ CJ Z ,-v ,i ( J ., 'ON~>-U '--_________ "':I: ....-: i - <]z '--, ......, I , \ \ ! 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Size of Pro e 1.5 Acres uare Feet , ,I ! ,,_ . ~",.. . ,.- 7...' " .. .",". . ",,',.. ...... ,t.o '-"~ I,. , Description of If you are filling In this 10m by hand, please attach your proposal description to Ihls application. Pro osal: Fire Station Case No.: SI ns: Associated A llcatlons: Date: A IIcatlon Fee: 58~- TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: JASPt:R- Revised 1/1/08 Molly Ma",a,'.n lof4 Attachment 2-4 . . Signatures Applicant: n wledges that the Information In this appllcatton Is correct and accurate. Signature o (I-ft) .Print GA IM~(o(' I' I , , I ! Owner: Ir the appllcant ls not the owner, the ,owner hereby grants pennlsslon for the applicant to Bet In hiS/her behalf. {:---~'f!~__ Signature . --:I)OVlAL.O l. V\'\ c:...( .aG-€- Print Date: Co Revised 1/1/08 Molly Morkarlan Attachment 2-5 oQ, 2of4 I . . June 10, 2009 Narrative for the Jasper/Natron Fire Station Discretionary Use application. The Springfield Fire and LUe Safety Dept. is applying for a $5 million grant to fund construction of a new fire station in the Jasper/Natron area, The grant will be awarded in a competitive process among an estimated 5,000 applicants. . According to the grant application guidelines, highest consideration will be given to applicants: 1. Who already own or have otherwise already acquired the land, and 2. Whose land is already zoned for the new or modified structure, and 3. Who have already obtained the permits for the project. If approved, this DU application and the associated Land Drainage and Alteration Permit will represent conformance with #2 and #3. The city has an option to purchase'the property and that represents conformance with #1. The deadline for submittal of the grant application is July 10,2009. The site is zone LDR (Low Density Residential) Zone. In this zone, a fire station requires a Discretionary Use approved by the Planning Commission and a subsequent Site Plan approved by the Planning Director. The fire station will contain 3 equipment bays and a staff of 3 firefighters. Although the specilic design has not been finalized, the building will be similar to the new Fire Station 16, located near Main Street and 68th. The site design submitted with this DU is a conceptual design. It demonstrates how a ty'pical station couId fit on the site. This design will be revised during the design process and by any conditions placed on the DU. Attachment 2-6 . . I f. ~.[ 10 ~ : ". i II I: ",...-;" 'f"';'.. . . r.' - .. ... ~/ I ,. ," " i'" i- t "/ f , '1 I I 1 I I ./ 1 I off 1 f f f I o' f I 1 ", . . .:. '. . ~ . .' .... : .". .' ';'." .......:..... .': . ) i J I i . ,.: '(. :'07e] '-.:' . \'.. ....,., t-- '1m .~ :1- :;~ '. ",,:..;fb 5 ..,' ....0 ~ II! .I,~' ~ " bLU in ~ _,,0:: z II ~.: u: 51 ::' 0 ~'li O .....J li) '. WOo t 'U: \, '.-' ''''(9 , ~'~ ,~ ,A 0:: , a.' 1 rn . : .': ':'. "", ~:. ." '. . ...,,' 'y. ~ ~ - ---- -------:::....";~~r.~-~~( ---------. ~.--;~ -...._ - - - - .-.-.1>. '__ . . ~-:: ~~ - -- - - .,..... --~ 5~_Oj_.....:= ~ -:::;~-- '-. ( .} I . Attachment 2-7 , ; I / I (r'r,~.t: ";'r 0'V~' , . tri .:' n I " III ITl ~ (' !2 /\fv - ./ -- .} w J:[f\e /;~, 1 ":l~'^)'\'i"~ t i r f 6~} !, : ~ ,>11 ~n: S . ~~ ::; I ~>'1 a: L I ,. ~, n----Ff~ .' _ ] IT: ~ ~i r .-n.-' !~I ,Qi ;, ,,~ u ]I 91" f''''., .. _.. _ ~R'}~,.:: .... ](~ I . ,:~ : . . -". . ~ - ..""- " ~ , . ',J { <:)<1:- ~(r" ~0 -~"" .,~ )'''' " , <:) , ~~~ . .,e;;r. , ~v . ."'~'::I ~~ tl _ ~"l oj // / /' /' / /, /,' .,s/I I ~ / I ,/ / /' // ~/ ,/ / / ,--".r' ;/ I ;.. . \ - ...--' CI) - en \ '- } "?,,, " ~'<,~ e;;'" ,', " . -l~fi1.[-;.,~:---~- _.-....... '1 (-' u. I t, 0 (r w .f u . ... is H19S S - ...... Attachment 2-8 I ./';;- . ~,r !~ i ' . 1 z., .. J ~ lh I un u. i!~ .', ~l5il m 8 .S' - ili :i~l ,10 s Us .:1 iif oils ~ " I ~ ':;: i ~ f3. ,5 - ::J - :n ro c '5> 't: 0 . . BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION , OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD A DISCRETIONARY USE HEARING FOR ( A FIRE SfATION ( ( Case Number: DRC2009-OOO23 ( FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND ORDER ( NATURE OF THE APPLICATION Springfield Fire and Life Safety submitted an application to construct a fire station located at 725 57th Street The Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 6.1-110 defines a fire station as a High Impact Public Facility. SDC 3.2-210 lists High Impact Public Facilities as a discretionary use in the LDR (Low Density Residential) zoning district, requiring action by the Planning Council to approve. 1. The application conforms to the provisions of Section 5.9-115 of the Springfield Development Code. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Section 5.1-135 of the Springfield Development Code was provided. 2. On July 7, 2009, a public hearing on the proposed use was held. The Development Services staff notes, including criteria of approval, findings, and recommendations, together with the testimony and submittals of those persons testifying at the hearing or in writing, have been considered and are part of the record of this proceeding. CONCLUSION The proposed fire station is presented for approval as a discretionary use under SDC Section 3.2-210 "High Impact Public Facility" in the LDR (Low Density Residential) zoning district On the basis of this record, the requested discretionary use is consistent with the criteria of approval of Section 5.9-120 of the Development Code, subject to the conditions of approval. This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact and conclusion in the Staff Report that is attached hereto. DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION It is the DECISION of the Planning Commission of Springfield that Journal Number DRC2009-00023, Discretionary Use, be approved with conditions. This DECISION was presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on July 7, 2009. ATTEST: Planning Commission Chairperson AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTACHMENT 3 - 1 , I ..~ ~ ,G;- .~' ":! _ .... ~~JJiik~ ~ ~ (L" ; --" . / ~ '~!lIu, e" LV." _~- ~lli !~ ' r.: lJ-i L- .L -- ~v~' L-l.ey , T " ~/{ /, ~ ~l1.. "I' I '1\ . /1 'i~ ~ fA At " " ~j,\( ,~~ JDOO~'~\ ~I i .~;,), ..~~ V ~~ ,\. --Y ' ~I'" r:" R- ,.... ,---- ~ ,/( f[ II" ':'fii~J.J 'I~~ '1 /1 ~ . ;,Fl~. J '~ ~rl.I'\ 11 ~,*.(:._. J; _ "l' '.!I~!l.C;r--1 "'-, ~ ~l~ jj. -U=:..U:.. 'P ' t.l '\1-1;' ~ "..;.. j/' ~~; ~~jl~ j: I ~1-__'j.~ ~ i. 'JJJFi to 'nl'f_, _ ,- "'" l,iL;&. ! ~ " __,). _ _ ._ r- ~ I~ ~tm ~ rT _ \~~rlll~ ~ LL:= [fl ...L1 \t'-oJ" r.;.1 31fX 'f I. \ .r- \ ...... u:::::r- '~i 'JL \7 ..~ \ ) ) -I \, ~ \ \. ,~ . " ~: " .. :i . 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