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Notes, Meeting APPLICANT 6/23/2000
-tFLhLf' . GUA~ PUBLISHING COMP.V It?;'?Jo{r(-- reD -u'9'OtfJ P.O. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 Legal Notice Advertising .~ a\\ 2.'~ 2Gn~ ..1.\..\1.< Leg.al 4289781 NotIce v'# t5(155'" ~\F~-~~..,; CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LESLIE WILSON - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 '~.~~>~JUf.-. : " '::)i.~"jf .. .' L.f-- # AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, ) ss. . PUBUC HfARINM.G'NOnCE- " ~\' .. ~ ClnOF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING "'I .d., .'V":;Ji':l, COMMISSIONd: ~f~',JIj'.~ t'"'CASE NUMBER:"DRC20D9-D0023f:"'tu' '''AP~L1CANT:'ICity:of _Springfield:1Fire . ~nd Life Safety, Department ~,:>' ~'f~~i; I' . HAPPlICATION,TYPE: DlsCretlonary,Use. .NATURE:OFrTHE APPLlCATlON::':'A~Fire I StatiM.'''' ~:t...._~"..:. :,.. ~;.~~ ':,'_ ':! "':,.,:;!: ~~'AlITH()RIZED ~USES:' Uses Iii", the'. LDR: (Law Denslty'Res.idential),diStiict are're'g" .-)".' . ulated.by.Spiirigfield:Oevelopment'Code' (SDC) 5~iori;]~~200 and,4.H60!(avail. able In city Hall or online at"r ~~)l'j t;tI:!~. ,r".hl http://WWVI.ci.springfield.orous/;.6.. " dsd/Planning/ii:."~'litl!:,lU~' ;7 APP_UC~,BLE~ c:~ITERIA: _~- (1)' ,The:'pro. POs.e?:use,.confC!rms ~itb;.pplicable::,(a) PrOVISIons of the Metro'Plan;;(b);Refine- me!lt plans; (c)J'lan~Oistricf!staiidai'ds;' (d}ConcepluaJ:O_evelopmentPlw'or'-(e)' Sj)e_~i~r .~~\ ~dards~,irFithis-ICode;' (2) Ttie'site.:un.d~r,~onsideration,js<suitil.bl@ f~,t~@ prop'o~ed"use;~cOitsidering: (a) Th@ locatl.on,'" slz.e, design, and' operating ~ ch~r~ act.el"!S1:i~ of t~~ lI.sei-'~p~~~tirip charac.. J~,n~I~...In~lud"~~ 1i!!1;1are ,.not"Il~lt~:to: paiting, ,traffic.linol_Se,j_vrbratlon"emis. ~~ons.;' Iight,:;'gla,re,':odor.'::auSt;~visibiJity . :~fetyi'_~::~n~i aesthetlcj.iconsideration~ . , :w.h_~re,~pp!~ta;ble); (b)'Adequati(and'sare 'clrclllatlO~e?:~:!orvehicular,a-ccess'to a~d: fro!ll~th~.. P,rop~ei:I; site;.. and ~ on"'~,ite cm:nlation!;'a~~~mergencyJresfumse as .w.ellasp~estiian;:bicyCle,andtraiisitcir- .' . eulation;, (e),-~h~. ~atiiral, ,!nd, pliysiCaJ fea~ ture~.oft.hesite"lneludingbutnotllmited .tD,-npanan.~ .i!"~as.' regulated-wetlands, . I.n~lt!ral~:~!lrm.~ter" maiia!iemeriVdrai~ ,age!lreas!lfld,~o.odM_areas,shaJlbe'--ade- ql!atety:con~!d.ere~~lri'th-e'project'_desi!JO' . .and:(d>.'AdequatepubJic'tacllities"an-d ser~ 'yices'are;a.v.a)Iab,le.,includlng,ibutnot:Jim- _' it~~ r ~(l'l:,~tir!t!es; ,_~reets:: storm ~ drainage ,fii:cllities,~sanltary seWer and:other public. ,lnf!'astructure:',(]);~ny:adverie;effects,of . ~e'pn:lposediU5e'oh.adjacent;properties an.d" :00.1 th.e .,.p,ub1ic~' tari:',~be~.mltigateif thro.ug~,the:(a)_AppUcationofotherCOde stand~ro.~~;f.O~ example, ,bLifferirig~'Jfo-m , : less: mte~lVe. uses., ~ increased ~setbacks; etc.:(b),~itePlan Review conditionS of ap- . ~roval",where ~ applicable;, (e) other' cond!;. ,trons of,approval that may be required'by! ~. t!':'.~pproVal AuthoritY; and/or,(d)b :,m..j '} ~.. A_p_rop~r by t~e applicant that meets ,: . .(lr." e~c.e_e~s ? ~~_~~clted ,IQ::ode II standards-c, ',' and/or con~itlons of aPproval.q.r;;_:-;..L;-u-t:! . \ . SUBJECT~:PROPERrY~LOCAT10Ni1'725,..( I 57th 5t.;'Map ~~D2-04-1l;J1L'_4600''iiIi\:!l' I ',' , .- DATE"TIME"PLACEAND,lOCATJON,gF lHE H~RING: TuesdaY.~JuIY,7.-.20D9: at. . 7:.00 p.m; aL2.25'Flfth street in Springfield . ~CityHaIICounclJChillilberS.:.,r.:.:.iu.r~" , I ADDmON~illi~9RMATION:1The:aPpn."', .i .l~tion, arr:~~ul1]e!J1:SJani:FeVidence.sub"~i" jmitt,ed, ~'or_:'onlbehaff4of.the.ipplicant~ .- ~t~!!.,app!r.t.!tfont~riteria'are;available _.. . tfri! mspeC!:I!I'nat,CitS'IHaI11ii6io'''cOStand ". ": , wllh'b.et)f!lvld~'at:,;lT reasoilable Cost. ; .r' j" Seven day~. p_ri(l[.to, ttle h~ariiig,a " copy of. . ," ,$e staff rept;lrt will b(isimilarty avaiJable. , .f., ;. , 'fJil~~t~~~~~~3~1~~t~~~_~~:! .<t : ,tJ.ie~pla.!i-",ng:',~I?,'!Imission;Clo;D5D.:J22S' i Fitth_Stree.t,~SprmgfieJd:orega,f974n;'or 'attend,th~;~~ting,<li!d-_State:your:views. ' ,The. ~eanng'wilPbe"co'nducted 'lihcciir: -, . dancewithSDC.Aiticle'14.;,.'\C;,n.,....r.lll ~nFAllURE.T'?.'~I~E:ISSUE:,'F;iilunn;i"an : I_SSU~ t~, be raised In..ilt tlie' heaiingnn"per- son.or,.bY,:ilef:te:r.'1t1rJlfailure":,to;,provide statements'I?~,eyiden~e)sufflclenl:,to, af~ ford..;the d~.clSlon. milker;an.oppo. rtunity..IO ....... ondl,tQ.theissue precludes--appeaJto the. Land Use BoanfofAppeals on,that is. 'sue.<lrHf:':/-.t '''''~_.:f''~'W-j): ":!)-'t;):llfi tG ....,.ct;.,. 'H',~_",:l,\t'~~l',4"!it ot~~~,Ji,"~iJ.' No. 4289781'.:'jun'~'j7"'2~ri09~ ~~ .;~)'~P. ' ..,....,,,-- I, Ghio Imburgia , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive Day(s) in the following issues: June 17, 2009 .. OFFICIAL SEAL TAMARA ANN CLARK ~: NOTARY PUBLlG-OREGON - COMMISSION NO. 435086 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DEC. 15, 2012 Subscribed and affirmed to~ore his Jun~ 18, 2009. . L---hr~_<- OCt? ~~ ( Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires: December 15, 2012 < Account #: 1000218 INVOICE 4289781 Case: DRC2009-00023 Amt Due: . $222.50 . ,. :ij... : 'c, .1' I ! ~ 1 -',io ..I \1