HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 6/25/2009 c- . . HOPKINS Steve From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: WALKER George Thursday, June 25,200911:15 AM STOUDER Matt; MCEACHERN Clayton HOPKINS Steve; WALTER Eric; WASHBURN Sunny; WHORRALL Kimberly RE: Fire Station at Jasper DRC2009-00023 In general, the stormwater system in under sized for this area. There is a piped system down slope from this site in the intersection of Straub Pkwy and S7'h St. that connects to the Daisy St storm line. The Daisy system is under capacity and has an identified CIP project in the SWFMP. The station design will need some type of flow management and the normal WQ considerations. We will also need to address Fire truck washing similar to what we've done at the other fire sites. Talk to Sunny or Kim for more detail if needed. I'm out of the office until Tuesday, June 30'h. George From: STOUDER Matt Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:13 AM To: MCEACHERN Clayton Cc: HOPKINS Steve; WALKER George; WALTER Eric Subject: FW: Fire Station at Jasper DRC2009-00023 Clayton, Can you follow up on the Engineering portion of this for Steve since Eric is out until Monday. There should be adequate sanitary sewer capacity, and I think storm would be ok too, but we can check w/George. Check w/Steve to see if he needs written comments or if an email will suffice. Thanks, Matt . From: HOPKINS Steve Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:08 AM To: STOUDER Matt Subject: FW: Fire Station at Jasper DRC2009-00023 FYI From: HOPKINS Steve Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:08 AM To: GORDON Gilbert; PERRY Richard; WALTER Eric Cc: CARPENTER Christopher Subject: Fire Station at Jasper DRC2009-00023 Gilbert, Richard and Eric, The Discretionary Use for the Jasper fire station will go to hearing on July 7. To make that date, I need to give the AIS to 8renda on Monday, June 29. However, the DRC is scheduled for Tuesday, June 30. This situation occurred because the fire dept. needs to submit a grant application on July 10 and we need to get the DU approved by the Planning Commission before then. To meet this deadline, I will need to finish my staff report by tomorrow. Would you be able to give me the following information by tomorrow? Traffic: estimated vehicle trips 1 . . . Engineering: does the existing sanitary and storm sewer that serves this site have a~uate capacity to serve the fire station? We will still have the ORC as the opportunity to provide additional comments. Also, there is another ORC scheduled at 9 on June 30 (ORC2009-00022) for the A3 parking lot. We could combine both these items into a single ORC that starts at 8. Would this work for everyone? Steve Hopkins, AICP Planner /I Urban Planning Division, Development Services Dept. City of Springfield 726-3649 2 . 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 www.Ci.springfieJd.or.us June 26, 2009 Dear land owner, You have received this notice because you own land that is located near the Urban Growth Boundary and east of Interstate 5, In order to comply with HB 3337 and OAR 660-024-0020(2), the City of Springfield is identifying the tax lots that are adjacent to or split by the currently adopted Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), Until OAR 660-024-0020(2) was adopted, the exact location of the UGB was determined on a case-by-case basis through interpretation of the Metro Plan Plan Boundaries Map and a list of criteria contained on Page II-G-14 of the Metro Plan, This project will use the list of criteria to locate the exact location of the UGB on each tax parcel. The purpose oHhis project is to identify the exact location of the currently adopted UGB in relation to the tax lots, using the criteria from page II-G-14 of the Metro Plan, The final product will be a map that land owners can reference to identify which tax lots are inside, outside or split by the UGB. The assistance of the land owners is vital to the success of this project. For more . .information and to find out how you can be involved in this process, contact Steve Hopkins, Planner II at 726-3649, or via email atshopkins@ci.sprindield.or.us.