HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 7/6/2009
Richard & Rebecca Bronson
5752 Ridge Court
Springfield, OR 97478
(541) 747-1051
City Of Springfield,OR
Development Serv. Dept
225 Fith Street
Springfield,OR 97477
Dear City Of Springfield, Oregon
Development Services Department,
Contact Person Steve Hopkins,
To whom it may concern we recently recived a letter from you concerning Case Number: DRC2009-00023
Applicant: City Of Springfield, Fire and Life Safety Department
Aplication Type: Discretionary Use.
Nature of the Aplication: A Fire Station.
Authorized_Uses: Uses in the LDR (Low Density Residential)
I am providing a Written Comment about this matter on 8-11-03 & 8-13 -03 ,We Contacted Bob Barnhart
Building Inspector of the City of Springfield as the owner of adjacent property Mr. Charnlin McCown Did
Property Damage to us on 5752 Ridge Court Springfield, Or 97478 & Our next door neighbor at 5756
Ridge Court Springfield, Or 97478" Denise PClITy ".
I came home and saw them Mr . Camlin Mcown and others using a Backhoe to remove dirt from the
Natural Retaining Wall which was up to City Spefications when we bought our homes!
This made our property 5752 Ridge Court settle A Considerable amount with in a two year period. We
had property damage inside and out so we turned it into our Ins. Co. State Farm Ins. Co. Which we had to
pay a deductible to fix the damage Twice we turned this into our Ins. So now they changed the policy we
have no land movement Ins. Because of the two times we had to have it fixed by them.
I am sure Denise Perry has had the same settlement issues on her property as she has told me this
When this happened on 8-13-03 the 2 nd time Bob Barnhart came to inspect the property he caught them
bringing in Truck Loads offill dirt dirty fill dirt.in without permits on 72557 th St. next door to us so Bob
Barnhart Looked at Both Properties and he went next door and told them to stop as they had no permits at
Bob Barnhart told myself Rebecca Bronson and Denise PlIITy that they the Property Owners Mr . McCown
would have to fix the Retaining Wall up to City'Speficiations If they ever want to Build on that Property .
This is a Major Concern for us as we would like the Retaining Wall fixed and the Fire Station would cause
more traffic by the Retaining Wall also the Wall should be a sound proof wall and we have a private
driveway that we Do Not want others to have access to from that direction it should be block off by a
Retaining WaIL
Our otlier Concerns are many as a Concerned Citizen I am sure you are aware we are in one of the. worst
, Rec"';,~sf';n~ ;;'e have ever been in as a Nation in years and how do we as a City have the money to fund
another Fire Station that's thousands of dollars to build not to mention the Fire men's wages, benefits extra
When we already have ~ Fire Stations in the City of Springfield that I know of and one in Pleasant Hill only
about 15 mins away? This will make our Property Taxes go up a considerable amount and they already
went up $45.00 on our property taxes this year we can't afford this what are you thinking !!!!
And this will make our Property Value go down that's not good either !!!
And I am sure you are aware this is zoned for LDR ( Low density Residential) not Zoned for a Fire Station
Why don't you consider fixing what you have already or putting this Fire Station on the out skirts not in a
residential area that already has Houses and owners that have bought there homes because they want a quiet
place to live not to mention the children in the area that have to wait for School Buses right by 725 57 th
St. this could endanger Children's lives.
And The Barn on the Property was built in the 1900's so it is considered a Land Mark and there is a Barn
Owl living in that Barn that would need to be relocated by the Wild Bird Animal Society this is a concern
. . ,-GrOer
Date Received.
Planner: SH
And what about the mice & rodents they need to be removed to I do not want them on my property when
the Barn is removed?
As A concerned Citizen I do not really want a Fire Station right next door to us it should be on the outskirts
of the City not bothering property owners. But I also think you should reconsider and just fix what we
already have as Fire Stations in Springfield, OR and don't spend hard earned tax money on this it is not
necessary .
We have Thurston High School for instance that has a leaking roof problem's and needs bleachers and
other repairs why don't you help our city fix the Schools instead of spending money on a Fire Station not
needed in this area ii!! We have a Fire Station down the road probably 5 mins away.
We Ask the Land Use Board of appeals to please take these matters into consideration & Please notifY us of
the decisions and Thank You for Your time in this matter.
Richard.& Rebecca Bronson
5752 Ridge Court
Springfield, OR 97478
Dated July 2, 2009
el<::te Received:
Planner: SH
7-u' ()Cj
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Zf- C!JJO'I oF' r:;nStaJionSLoc,a);cml3y ItMre$e5
City of Springfield, Oregon 97477
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,8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m., Monday - Friday
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, 541-726-3636
j 541-726-3734
. Dennis Murphy
: Mark Walker
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. Paul Esselstyn
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'IFred Lundgren
, Bart Noll
-~.. -
I .
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124 hours/day; sevendays/week .
.. - - -"-.. ,- -..
6853 Main St., Springfield, Oregon, 97478
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.,2705 Pheasant Blvd., Springfield, Oregon, 97477 .
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. Springfield Fire & Life Safety Website
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CASE NUMBER: DRC2009-00023
APPLICANT: City of Springfield, Fire and Life Safety Department .
APPLICATION TYPE: Discretionary Use. .
AUTHORIZED USES: Uses in the LOR (Low Density Residential) district are regulated by Springfield
Development Code (SDC) section 3.2-200 and 4.7-160, available in City Hall or online at:
htto:/Iwww.cLsJ:Jrinlrlield.or.usldsdJplannin~. .....
APPLICABLE CRITERIA: (1) The proposed use conforms with applicable: (a) Provisions of the Metro
Plan; (b) Refinement plans; (c) Plan District standards; (d) Conceptual Developmel)t Plans or, (e) Special use
standards in this Code; (2) The site under consideration is suitable forthepr()posed'use, considering: (a) The
location, size, design and operating characteristics of the use (operating characteristics include but are not
limited to parking, traffic, noise, vibration, emissions, light, glare, odor, dust, visibility, safety, and aesthetic
considerations, where applicable); (b) Adequate and safe circulation exists for vehicular access to and from
the proposed site, and on-site circulation and emergency response as well as pedestrian, bicycle and transit
circulation; (c) The natural and physical features of the site, including but not limited to, riparian areas,
regulated wetlands, natural stormwater management/drainage areas and wooded areas shall be adequately
considered in the project design; and (d) Adequate public facilities and services are available, including but
not limited to, utilities, streets, storm drainage facilities, sanitary sewer and other. public infrastnicture. (3)
Any adverse effects of the proposed use on adjacent properties and on the public can be mitigated through
the: (a) Application of other Code standards, for example buffering from less intensive uses, increased
setbacks, etc.;(b) Site Plan Review conditio!ii; of approval, where applicable; (c) Other conditions of
approval that may be required by the ApprovalAuthority; and/or (d) A proposal by the applicant that meets
or exceeds the cited Code standards and/or conditions of approval.
SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: 725 57th S~ Map lli-02~04-11, T L 4600
. --DATE,-TIME,I'LACEAND.LOCA TION-'>F~ HEARING;_Tuesday,July_'Z~2_0_Q9, atJ..;OQp,m. at _.
225 Fifth Street in Springfield City Hall Council Chainbers.
ADDmONAL INFORMATION: The application, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf
of the applicant and the application criteria are available for inspection at City Hall at no cost and will be
provided at a reasonable cost. Seven days prior to the hearing a copy of the staff report will be similarly
CONTACT PERSON: Steve Hopkins at (541) 726-3649. Send written testimony to the Planning
.Commission c/o DSD, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477, or attend the meeting and state your
views. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with SDC Article 14.
F All..URE TO RAISE ISSUE: Failure of an issue to be raised in at the hearing, in person or by letter, or
failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to
the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on that issue.
Discretionary Use
Date Received:
Planner: SH
, ,
Jasper Fire Statiori Site
July 2009
. Site
- Streets
. D Tax Lots
Date Received: 7- U. 0 ~
Planner: SH